THURSDAY THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS » AC K Tnr.^iTttrs, Wi oi H m G m tfess new un Baseball Costs H 50 you think that ties you. lrrvvocshly tton With these thoughts of Curtiss lug- to a man rvSMrill«»» of hla noal* wore very »avn* can’t." he have been called Into existence. O r.1 Barry. declared with rehement decision. If one w ish es Io visualise lhe Immen»« “It's so cosy here!" I declared, lost in reminiscence, "but that dldn t -w h a tev er you decide to do don't development of the lumber Industry busying m yself with the tea things i keep me from caring 1 tried to erase p,,rtnj, yourself to even think of ro­ within the memory of men now liv­ und remembering to give Barry you from my life God knows I did. conciliation. Can’t you see that If ing. let him stop a minute and look cream instead of lemon. I spoke Sallle, but , couldnt, 1 couldnt! 1 be-g capable of neglecting you once al the model at The t,oop showing admiringly of the potted geraniums, decided 1 could rather be In love with do „ a married to someone who frontier regions. That It was a slow not respond to my enthusiasm. He (before me. and like Beatrice, you understands your artistic nature and and cumbersome method men now ■wore an absorbed expression and his , would be my guiding star—my tn- your sensitive spirit. You cannot living can attest. A sign pasted on the window says. tea remained untasted , spiral Ion!“ ex(at on husks of his desultory af- “I won’t offer you the prorerbii, “O k Barry, you must not say these for a temperament such sa "Whip sawing lumber Miners In the • arly days used this method of whlp­ penny for your thoughts." I continue 1, things, don't you know that ytn yourg demands unstinted devotion.” sawlng lumber for their sluice boxes "because I know how musicians scorn shouldn’t?" I Interrupted for , was 1 sipped1 my tea that he might not In Alaska In 1909 the lumber we used anything so mundane as money, but strangely alarmed at his ardent w o> read my thoughts which flew back tn cost us 1376 per thousand feet In the I will give you a piece of this deli­ ing. the summer which, for me. had pass­ .Island of Sumatraln In 1902 It took S “I know. You still think that you cious French pastry." ed so dully, with Curtiss either oc­ “Listen Sallle." began Barry, still are in lore with Curtiss. You told cupied with his business affairs or Chinamen It days to saw 20 boards jone foot wide and sixteen feet long."; me how you felt toward him. In no nnable to enter Into a gay humor. "I surreptitiously meting Letltla Evans. V. J. Daniels who made the modi I might as w ell tell you what's on my .uncertain words in Paris, and I had iGrevlous thoughts flashed through mind. I know all about your un­ resolved never to speak of my love my mind. Suppose Barry were right on display is an experienced hand S t 1 | whlpsawlng lumber He said that In happy situation. I made Ellie tell me. for you again. Sallle. but after Ellie I In his estim ate of Curtiss. He was Southern Oregon they sawed ISM feet j told me khat she did I couldn't help You don’t mind my knowing, do you?" 'voicing. In different words. E llie’s of lumber for sluice boxes from one ; he asked, anxiously scanning my face but think that he had forfeited your Identical opinion. Could It be psslble, log. admiration. It seem s to me that It Is for an answer. 1 asked myself, that Curtiss meanto to The model now on display Is t h - 1 “I hate for you to bother yourself now a question to be settled between live up to his high Ideals but could latest of a serins The Ixxip has bad , with my troubles,” I fended. That you and — not a » Curtiss Wright s n,’t? That after all he p ossess^ l In Its windows made by V. J. Daniels * Ellie bad confined in him only from 'w|f®— kut as a woman free to choose fraillttea of character like so many A small wlndmltl. a stamp mill, and the kindest motives In my behalf I ker future, unhampered by any bonds other husbands" That he was not a revolving tower with flags on It i was certain and yet 1 disliked him of matrimony." Impeccable? Perhaps m e d i o c r e ? are among some of the others that knowing about the events of the past 1 avoided his Intense gaxe and fastened my attention on my cup and » * i,b ,e ,hBt he n° ‘ hare been put In the window and summer. “But he’s No’ BO- “»• * thousand made to work by water power. "My dear, my dear." he was saying, saucer, 8auap«r In targe AX BILLY DEPARTMENT STORE M e r e h e a t w i t h less l i r e Monlag plant. A ll nickeling through the front window of the alors to the tutte of »I 60 for a new thine. "No more husehall for us, al least within the store," said the partners. "It’s luo painful." J. C. Brill Stores B e t t e r c e e k ln g — a n d c h e a p e r c o o k in g ' M SWl’T. 2. 192« Children's Knit Union suit. $ 1 .1 5 Fleece waist undertogs In two styles, Dutch neck, long sleeves, knee length or elbow sleeves and ankle length. Sizes 2 to 13 years. Misses' Nainsook Combinations 89c Sizes 4 to 14 years.