The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 10, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Goo* to Bend— Mb a t'la rn
was n ilallo r at Heini Hiiliduy,
Here from Jaipe r— Mra, Charle«
W allace of JuHpi-r waa bora Tuesday.
Zum ali In Town—Clyde Zum ali of
Here from Creek— Mra, I.'. W Qian
J a ip e r waa n vlaltor |n Hprluafb-IJ pie i f F a ll Crook was a vlaltor In
Tueatluy «vm lng.
Hprlngfloid T uesday.
H era from Eugens
Mra N iili An
W altervllle Man H era—llu rry Jack
tulio of Kiltti no at,otit jiart of Tuoa. son of W alterrllla waa In town on
day vW ltlng lu B p riu g fla ld .
hualm aa Tueatluy.
W altervlll«
Hera — Ivan
In from N o ti- M rs. » W. R ichard- m onth and several of these Jobe n r -
G 'o rg e ami W alter Easton wm .1
un o f N o ti was In tow n fo r a tim e now getting under way, with a con
11I v iltille Kuturila , .
sequ« nt dem and for men. Railroad •
I on Friday.
are employing about the uaual num ber
M areóla V isitor H are— Ivan
Here from W altervilla—Mr. and '>t extra gangs on section and con­
’ dora wus u vlaltor In Springfield from Mra. I), c T ro tte r of W altervllle wore struction work.
M arcóla Saturduy.
J Springfield visitors for a abort tim e
In general, there Is a t present little
necessary unem ploym ent along the
r m a l Clerk ill— I r i NIc* auxiliary
I li'i k nt the poat office waa III at
Hera from Eugene— Mra K H arter w est coast.
his flame on F ourth und I) streets of Eugene waa In town for a abort
H as O peration— Mrs. Bud Clark of
; time Friday.
: O akridge waa here Sunday, and on
Notl Man H era—(’ F Bowman of I W altervllle Woman H ere—Mrs. O. Monday was tak en Into th e Pacific
Noll spent a few bourn In Springfield J Headman of W altervllle waa u visitor C hristian hospital for an operation
In Springfield last S aturday.
Injures Fingerà—(llt'IID
It do rt" o il1 Entene H ospital— Mre. Ilallln of
of ib« Danner M otor i-onipabv Injured W o t fir entered ih-- Pacific C hristian
H ere from Craw ford villa — John
Here Dorn C resw ell—C. E. C urts oi
Is hereby given, th a t the
hl finger while w iitklna W ednesday. hoapltnl for treatm en t Monday.
Newton wus a vlaltor In Springfield C resw ell w as a b u sin e ss vlaltor here School Board of School Diat. No. 19,
>t I-ane County, Ore., w ll' receive
Thurston— Mra E th e l
Hera from C«mp Creek — Fr d ,rom i r,‘* fordsvlll« S aturday
sealed bids for 205 cords cf wood to
P la tt of T huraton waa here sh< pplng C ru b tri
and fam ily of Camp C reek] V isitor from K lam ath
Tonsil« Removed— T onsils were re­ be delivered a t the S hoot Buildings
F alla—Mrs
i w ere In tow n on bualtteaa y e a to rd a y E B arnes
Of K lam ath Falla was a via. moved from L aw rence Demogloskl of a specified: «0 cords a t the High
School on D S tr re t; 5 cord.« at th«-
Mr. and
V isits G randparents— H arley Craft, b i ■ a t the home of Mrs. M. B H .tntlv the game farm h ere Sunday.
W rn d lln g
High School Gym on E S t r e e t ; -76
cords ut the Lincoln School on 6th
Mrs Blakely of W .n d lln g «t re In little sot, of Mrs. May C raft, Is v isit­
Goes to Grove— Dwight K essey a t­
S tre e t; 45 cords a t th e B rattaln
ing thia week with his grand par« nts,
town on h t i a l m s yesterday
Goes to A storia—Mra M II H'intl-- tended th e m otorcycle hill clim b at School on 10th S treet. T he wood at
Yellowstone— It Vasby o f ' ” ' " n'’
W " C r ,f ‘ ot
fl Buaday for A storia for
the B rattaln School to be In two-
an in tb f C ottage G i g . « j Sunday.
Oifsa to
foot lengths, alt the re s t to be 4-
Move t0 Camp—Mrs. It. O. H ayes
’ '" y
f ,u n ,,F'« falb er |a
V asby B ro th e rs lias eft for a th ree-i
Here from Ridge— Mr. and Mrs. R foot length. Old grow th fir preferred,
w eeks trip to Y ellow stone park
and son moved th is week to Camp 34.
It. Mlniek of O akridge sp en t part cf second grow th may be considered.
Bidders to specify w hat kind in th eir
L o ite r Mil *” b‘‘ wl,h Mr
tor ’he sum
V acation In N ew port—Mr and Mrs S aturday tran aactln g
business In bid. Slab or mill wood Included. Bids
Here from W a lte rv lll
O rr" M etcalf are spending th eir va a Springfield.
Ilkan of W altervllle pulii Springfield " H r
¡received up to noon. Ju n e 25. Bids
tlon In N ew port th is year.
' opened on the evening of Ju n e 25
a business visit Monday.
Mr». H untly Norttv— Mrs, M. B.
Here from W estfir—Jam es M itchell at 8 o’clock p. m Send all bids to
H ere from Thurston— (
v is its from Leaburg— Mrs II Stod H untly Is «pending (hla week visiting
W H ansen was down S aturday from W eatflr to It W. Sm ith. Clerk. Springfield. Ore.
dnrd of Leaburg was am ong out of with her parent*. MY and Mrs. Pohl. .a n d fam ily were In town S aturday visit his parents. Mr. und Mrs. H. J. The board reserv es the rig h t to re ­
j from T hurston.
je c t all bids.
of Astoria.
town visitor« her« on Monday.
Mitchell, ills b rother, D elbert, was
R. W. SMITH, Clerk.
Pick B lackberries— E. N. Dll'nrd
J 10 17
Goes to P o rtla n d — Rev. C. E Blom
On Buslnew* T rip — Jim C a rh a n of
H e n d ric k s brid g e w as h e re on a b usi­ made a Irin lo Portland Monday lo nnd fam ily went to Lowell Sunday
visit hl* wife, who recently under­ w here they spent th e day picking wild LITTLE UNEMPLOYMENT
n e ss tr ip M onday.
w ent an operation at th a t city.
Here from C reek—Ml»« ItubV C rab
Picnic— Drs.
Dlppel and
tree of Cutup Cri« k waa u vlaltor In
Here on B usiness—T ran sactio n of
B îrr y Pickers In Demand— Building.
Springfield Monday.
business was th e purpose of a visit E m ery of BprtngfioM atten d ed the
Construction Active— More H igh­
Annual tuine C ounty D ental society
way W o rk Started — Logging
Noti Woman H ers— Mr«.
Mark paid Porlngfleld Monday by Georg« picnic S aturday.
T hurm an of Noll was In town for a R oberta of W« lulling
M -d to rd Man Pay«—City Record
, ,
i ,
Yockey of IL W Sm ith y< sterd ay received 45
Vaughn was In town Monday for from K enneth Gyle, form er Spring
treatm en t of a sprained ankle.
fb hl man living ut Medford, who was
arre ste d h ere la st week on a charge
8 ,,n '»y nt the McKenile
P ortland, Ju n e 10.— (Special. I B erry
pickers a re In heavy dem and througn-
out the fru it d istric ts of w estern Ore-
Guv u / .i .t .»
gon and W ashington, and la s t week
Guy W rig h t lm prOv .« _ G u y W right _______
, nF ,Br„
grow ers w ere ad v ertisin g for large
Mias Henem way Improve
M argar n? speeding
who was confined to his bed for
u-. ek with
in .i .
num bers of w orkers, according to th e
et llem enw ay, who has been III for
w e ll with tonnllllls, Is again up and
<L em ploym ent le tte r published here
some time following an op« ratio n on
Flnoer I* Injured—Gustl W
e lg c t around
today. P rices for picking a re slightly
her ton»lla Is Im proving mid Is a b le 1 sustained an Injured finger when hta
Spend Summ er at Myers P ark__ Mr higher than those of last year, the
to be around.
hand wus caught betw een tw o pole»
as they rolled together, while w ork­ W P. Tyson and fam ily moved this le tte r said.
Baby Boy Born— A baby son was
F ir logging, how ever, ts not so ac
ing nt th e C arbollneum Wood IT-»- week to Myers park where they will
born T uesday night to Mr. and Mr«
live th is sum m er. Mr Tyson h as an five as It was two m onths ago. Du-
serving com pany’s plant Tuesday.
E arl W alker at th e Mercy hospital.
i In terest in the park.
Ing the past ten days a few large
Th«' W alkers live at O akridge
T e n n e sse e — Magnus
P rem ier
cam ps have been closed down and
B arber R etu rn s—Clavton B ar­
Memphis. T ennessee, ber Mrs.
and Carl N eilsen m ade a trip to
» ^ 7 . Lum ­
Morgan Is Agent— A J. Morgan P rem ier Is In
principal of th e high school will work »«cording to word received from, th e
ber m anufacturing fn th e fir d istrict«
Bend Sunday, re tu rn in g w ith Mrs.
th is sum m er for th e Union C entral 8prln|rfl«M
by W J Scott Mr.
ts also at a low er level than It was
B arber, who has been th ere for some
Insurance company.
‘rttTP,Hn« o’ “r ,h e COUB’
In April, night sh ifts having been
tim e v isiting Mr. B arb er's p arents,
try by rati.
laid off at many operations. Announce-
Farmers In Town— Among farmer» ,
m ents m ade last week by some con­
doing business In Springfield th is
To Lsavs for South—Mrs. Ella Ban
V isit In Bend— Mr C. F B arber, ac- cern s point to a possible rep air shut-
w i- k w ere P N. L aird of I’le a s /n t cock, m o th er of Mrs. M, W. O derklrk.
com panled by his bro th er. Mr. T. A. down e a rlie r than usual.
lllll. Ira Gray of T hurston, Alvy Armi will leav« today for C alifornia She
B arher and Mr. C. A. Nielson of W est-j T here ap p ears to be no let-uo of
tage of T hurston. G lenn Bcott of Na plans to spend the sum m er visiting
wpnt . ,o
Bp”d Sunday to v isit Mr hllii,iinir
Bna construction
construction activity,
ttvm. W. T D F ran k lin of th e Seavey with h e r d au g h ters at . San
PrBnc' . 1"’0 ; flr
B arher,
building and
. All tow ns and
Hop ranch, and (d iaries Hayden anil and Los Angele« .retu rn in g next fall
am ount of thl«
to spend th e w inter again In Spring-
C. M eier of Camp Creek.
B w arts was called to Los Angeles work being done, and m °n In the
S atu rd ay on Recount of the llln » s’ of building trad es a re well emnlcved
Installing Pum p—L. D Allen, spe­
B ert Snook Im proving— llcrt Snook, m other. Mrs. Sw art* does no’ The strik e in some of the trad es at
cial wlrcinuu for the M ountain Statua
Pow er company, Is In Springfield who has be. n In the V eteran s’ h ospi­ know how long It will be n ecessary A berdeen and Hoquiam . W’a chin«tton
w as brought to a close late la st weeh
tht* week In stalling th e centrlfngnl tal nt P ortland for some tim e, c riti­ for h er to stuy there.
and a fte r nenrly four w eeks of Ina«--
pump which Is to be a p art of the cally III, Is reported to be slightly
Eugene People Here— Among E l- tlvltv, work has been resum ed
m unicipal w ater system T h e pum p ts Improved. T his week physicians at
to be used |n m aintaining p ressu re In tending the local man held o u t first gene people who visited In Spring-
M any contract« fo r highw ay pav­
field Sundav w ere Mr. and Mrs. C arl
hopes for his recovery.
A c »vslcrn pipes.
ing have been let during the past
W ebber. Ralph Weeifl Mrs. A rthur
M cCracken, -and Stg Skoolani
h -iu -,, , , , ..
nridge. Mr. V eager reported an en
Jiiyable tim e was had fishing.
H u rt— J
F orm er M inister Comlng— ReT. E.
B L uther, form er p asto r of th e Spring
field B aptist church. Is expected to
be here next Sunday an* to be pres­
ent a t th e services of th e local con­
Friday and
Special !
Fam ily to Come— Mr R andlett of
th e P asead M anufacturing company
left for th e east y esterd ay to bring
his family- hack to Springfield. Mr.
R an d lett form erly lived at Ashlan'l,
W isconsin.
We are having installed in our vaults, the
a modern electric burglar alarm, guarding against
burglary or robbery.
Keep your valuables in a strong vault, pro­
tected to the utmost of human ingenuity.
Commercial State Bank
Springfield, Oi
SMMUM I ......
t i t .i»
Cod Liver
It will nourish the blood,
nerv« -
supply new tissue who •
it is needed.
Take it now’ and gain <
new store of vitality befor
the winter season arrives.
In this new location your electrical needs can
be served even better than in the past. We carry
a full line of electrical equipment and appliances.
Also everything the fisherman needs to catch the
Redsides and Salmon.
Housewiring A Specialty
■ ♦
Henderer’s Electric
" hdBS»MÍBI«KUEAi¿-'
The McMorrrn and Washburne
basement store announces a sale of
500 pairs
89c pair
—A big special purchase just received from our New York
Buyer. Semi-fashioned of pure silk and fibre siik thrend«
in a perfect blend producing a hose of rich ius re r scrub
ling a heavy weight ail silk hose. The combination of the
two threads produces a hose of utmost durability.
Six Ice Tea Glasses
Six Water Tumblers
Six Small 5 oz. Taper
H as Hand D ressed—George C. Red
mond, employe of th e F ish er Lum ber
com pany of M arcóla, w as In Spring
field late last w eek to have his hand
dressed. The hand was cut when Red- '
mond w as attem p tin g to push open i
a window.
A total of eighteen glasses
that w ill serve many pur­
Effective In b, th shape and
pattern. There's always
need and a demand for
such tumblers as these.
Hold Free Clinic— A free clinic was
held a t the rh n m h er of comm erce
room s S atu rd ay for pre-school chil­
dren. The clinic was held under the
d lrecttcn of the L ane County H ealth
association with D rs. W. C. Rebhan
and R. P. M ortensen In charge.
you need a good bracer.
For building new tissue
there is nothing better
Box of three pairs for $2.59
Make Au»o T rip — Mr. an 1 M i’.
T r ln k d t left last Sunday for an ex­
ten d ed vacation trip . T raveling hv
th e auto, they will go Into Cnnada and
trav el east In th e dominion before
re tu rn in g to Springfield a fte r several
w eeks’ vacation.
Issues W arning— Dr. W. H. Pollard,
h ealth offlc- r. Issued n w arning Sat­
urday In view of the d lp th crla enseB
h«r - In In town. "The publie should
nt delay In looking a fte r sore throats,,
he said. '‘Many -Im ple eases of ton­
silitis are apt lo run Into d lptherla
! and they should be looked a fte r by a
J ■ 1« «leían before 'h e y ie c r n ic dna-
If Warm Weath­
er Has W eak­
ened Your
Henderer’s Electric Supply is now moved from
the I. O. O. F. building to Ketel's Drug store in
the Sutton building, Fifth and Main Street,
Tumbler Set
Leave for B esttl«—Mrs. Dallas Mur­
phy, Miss Haiti« M itchall. nnd Mrs
11. T. Mitchel! left early on Sunday
ih o rn ln g on n m otor trip with S eattle
th - 1« «I- st'iiiill«” T h -v plan to rem ain
In the north for 12 'ay s before re­
tu rn in g to th e |r hom es here.
Moved To New
Up the M cK en ile — L F. Yeager and
short tim e on Monday.
All Fashioned with Stylish
Slipper Heel
Finely ribbed lisle garter tops and reinforced feet with nar­
rowed ankle insuring prefect fit after many launderings.
You may choose from these fashionable shades for sum­
French Nude,
Dark Grey,
Light Grey
Champagne and Woodland Rose
On sale in the basement store only
“ The Home of Good
1 th nt
tfiLML- J e w - '
id 1
r • ? F ü FL !
Y l t - - Q U A L IT Y
t ,
G T H O T W J W n B B B » '
-»'"'«n -M t