t THE HPHINQFIELD NEWS TIIUKHBAY. JUNK 10, 1R2« TOWN AND VICINITY Goo* to Bend— Mb a t'la rn was n ilallo r at Heini Hiiliduy, Wya» Here from Jaipe r— Mra, Charle« W allace of JuHpi-r waa bora Tuesday. Zum ali In Town—Clyde Zum ali of Here from Creek— Mra, I.'. W Qian J a ip e r waa n vlaltor |n Hprluafb-IJ pie i f F a ll Crook was a vlaltor In Tueatluy «vm lng. Hprlngfloid T uesday. H era from Eugens Mra N iili An W altervllle Man H era—llu rry Jack tulio of Kiltti no at,otit jiart of Tuoa. son of W alterrllla waa In town on day vW ltlng lu B p riu g fla ld . hualm aa Tueatluy. PAGE FTVI W altervlll« Men Hera — Ivan In from N o ti- M rs. » W. R ichard- m onth and several of these Jobe n r - G 'o rg e ami W alter Easton wm .1 un o f N o ti was In tow n fo r a tim e now getting under way, with a con 11I v iltille Kuturila , . sequ« nt dem and for men. Railroad • I on Friday. are employing about the uaual num ber M areóla V isitor H are— Ivan Kaun Here from W altervilla—Mr. and '>t extra gangs on section and con­ ’ dora wus u vlaltor In Springfield from Mra. I), c T ro tte r of W altervllle wore struction work. M arcóla Saturduy. J Springfield visitors for a abort tim e In general, there Is a t present little Friday. necessary unem ploym ent along the r m a l Clerk ill— I r i NIc* auxiliary I li'i k nt the poat office waa III at Hera from Eugene— Mra K H arter w est coast. his flame on F ourth und I) streets of Eugene waa In town for a abort H as O peration— Mrs. Bud Clark of Saturday. ; time Friday. : O akridge waa here Sunday, and on Notl Man H era—(’ F Bowman of I W altervllle Woman H ere—Mrs. O. Monday was tak en Into th e Pacific Noll spent a few bourn In Springfield J Headman of W altervllle waa u visitor C hristian hospital for an operation Saturday. In Springfield last S aturday. Injures Fingerà—(llt'IID It do rt" o il1 Entene H ospital— Mre. Ilallln of C A L L FOR W O O D BIDS. of ib« Danner M otor i-onipabv Injured W o t fir entered ih-- Pacific C hristian H ere from Craw ford villa — John Here Dorn C resw ell—C. E. C urts oi Nctlce Is hereby given, th a t the hl finger while w iitklna W ednesday. hoapltnl for treatm en t Monday. Newton wus a vlaltor In Springfield C resw ell w as a b u sin e ss vlaltor here School Board of School Diat. No. 19, S aturday. >t I-ane County, Ore., w ll' receive Hare from Thurston— Mra E th e l Hera from C«mp Creek — Fr d ,rom i r,‘* fordsvlll« S aturday sealed bids for 205 cords cf wood to P la tt of T huraton waa here sh< pplng C ru b tri and fam ily of Camp C reek] V isitor from K lam ath Tonsil« Removed— T onsils were re­ be delivered a t the S hoot Buildings F alla—Mrs yesterday. i w ere In tow n on bualtteaa y e a to rd a y E B arnes Of K lam ath Falla was a via. moved from L aw rence Demogloskl of a specified: «0 cords a t the High School on D S tr re t; 5 cord.« at th«- Mr. and V isits G randparents— H arley Craft, b i ■ a t the home of Mrs. M. B H .tntlv the game farm h ere Sunday. W rn d lln g People He High School Gym on E S t r e e t ; -76 Sunday und Monday. cords ut the Lincoln School on 6th Mrs Blakely of W .n d lln g «t re In little sot, of Mrs. May C raft, Is v isit­ Goes to Grove— Dwight K essey a t­ S tre e t; 45 cords a t th e B rattaln ing thia week with his grand par« nts, town on h t i a l m s yesterday Goes to A storia—Mra M II H'intl-- tended th e m otorcycle hill clim b at School on 10th S treet. T he wood at Yellowstone— It Vasby o f ' ” ' " n'’ W " C r ,f ‘ ot fl Buaday for A storia for the B rattaln School to be In two- an in tb f C ottage G i g . « j Sunday. Oifsa to foot lengths, alt the re s t to be 4- Move t0 Camp—Mrs. It. O. H ayes ’ '" y f ,u n ,,F'« falb er |a V asby B ro th e rs lias eft for a th ree-i Here from Ridge— Mr. and Mrs. R foot length. Old grow th fir preferred, w eeks trip to Y ellow stone park and son moved th is week to Camp 34. It. Mlniek of O akridge sp en t part cf second grow th may be considered. Bidders to specify w hat kind in th eir L o ite r Mil *” b‘‘ wl,h Mr tor ’he sum V acation In N ew port—Mr and Mrs S aturday tran aactln g business In bid. Slab or mill wood Included. Bids Here from W a lte rv lll O rr" M etcalf are spending th eir va a Springfield. Ilkan of W altervllle pulii Springfield " H r ¡received up to noon. Ju n e 25. Bids tlon In N ew port th is year. ' opened on the evening of Ju n e 25 a business visit Monday. Mr». H untly Norttv— Mrs, M. B. Here from W estfir—Jam es M itchell at 8 o’clock p. m Send all bids to H ere from Thurston— ( v is its from Leaburg— Mrs II Stod H untly Is «pending (hla week visiting W H ansen was down S aturday from W eatflr to It W. Sm ith. Clerk. Springfield. Ore. dnrd of Leaburg was am ong out of with her parent*. MY and Mrs. Pohl. .a n d fam ily were In town S aturday visit his parents. Mr. und Mrs. H. J. The board reserv es the rig h t to re ­ j from T hurston. je c t all bids. of Astoria. town visitor« her« on Monday. Mitchell, ills b rother, D elbert, was R. W. SMITH, Clerk. down Friday. Pick B lackberries— E. N. Dll'nrd J 10 17 Goes to P o rtla n d — Rev. C. E Blom On Buslnew* T rip — Jim C a rh a n of H e n d ric k s brid g e w as h e re on a b usi­ made a Irin lo Portland Monday lo nnd fam ily went to Lowell Sunday visit hl* wife, who recently under­ w here they spent th e day picking wild LITTLE UNEMPLOYMENT n e ss tr ip M onday. «■aganraggnam blackberries. w ent an operation at th a t city. FOUND ON WEST COAST Here from C reek—Ml»« ItubV C rab e Attend Picnic— Drs. Dlppel and tree of Cutup Cri« k waa u vlaltor In Here on B usiness—T ran sactio n of B îrr y Pickers In Demand— Building. Springfield Monday. business was th e purpose of a visit E m ery of BprtngfioM atten d ed the Construction Active— More H igh­ Annual tuine C ounty D ental society way W o rk Started — Logging Noti Woman H ers— Mr«. Mark paid Porlngfleld Monday by Georg« picnic S aturday. Slower T hurm an of Noll was In town for a R oberta of W« lulling M -d to rd Man Pay«—City Record , , i , Yockey of IL W Sm ith y< sterd ay received 45 Vaughn was In town Monday for from K enneth Gyle, form er Spring treatm en t of a sprained ankle. fb hl man living ut Medford, who was arre ste d h ere la st week on a charge wlf'' 8 ,,n '»y nt the McKenile P ortland, Ju n e 10.— (Special. I B erry pickers a re In heavy dem and througn- out the fru it d istric ts of w estern Ore- Guv u / .i .t .» „ gon and W ashington, and la s t week Guy W rig h t lm prOv .« _ G u y W right _______ , nF ,Br„ grow ers w ere ad v ertisin g for large Mias Henem way Improve M argar n? speeding who was confined to his bed for u-. ek with in .i . , num bers of w orkers, according to th e et llem enw ay, who has been III for w e ll with tonnllllls, Is again up and . . Weight around