The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 10, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    T tH ’ItSUAY. JUNK I". ,92«
Lane C ounty Farmers Union N ew s
O. A. C.. Jun* 1*.—The first hav
<ra*ling sehool and ilenionstratU '
w est of the Rockies will be conducted
h ere Ju n e 14-19 Inclusive under the
•n sp ict's of the farm crops d. part-
m e a t of the school of acricu ltu re.
Desi, rs and producers In this an t
neiithborlnc states and rep resen ta
tire s of Inspect’cn d ep artm en ts of
O reron. W ashington, Idaho, and 1’tah
h a re w rit:, n that they will atten d
‘T h e tacrecsin g Influence of fed­
eral grade» in the m arket has brought
about a dem and for b e tte r under,
Standing of them .“ said A. R C ordier
dean of agriculture. As O. A. C. Is
th e only college in th e w est possess,
leg the n ecessary equipm ent to con­
d uct such a school, th e week of dem ­
o n stratio n s h ere will array a large
te rrito ry ."
C. F. W elsh. Junior m ark etin g sp
Ctallst from th e federal bureau of
Community News
Or U oeotal
C o r r » sp o n d e -ta
E n terp rise all sent
picnickers to th- grounds A s | 1 it
did program with an ad d ress by It ,
\ Elkins e n t- r u in e d th e cr-w -•
in the m orning and ;he afternoon Oak
i . 'c
d e t-a te d
th e W codt, *tn at
On Sunday. Ju n e SO the C hristum
church of rie a a h n t llll! will ce’e h .a te
it s 7K h lrth ' iv S -rvices with su i»t
m usic will he held at t l in th e m orn­
ing Rev W. A. E lkins giving th -
serm on At noon a b asket lun.-h wi'.l
he held u n d er the tre e s on the school
grounds across from the church. The
afternoon will be given over to sine
Ing, reading a hlstoy of the church
and talk s of old tim es by the nlom ers
Many pioneers of Lane county a*.
Intending to he p resen t and eve , .-
p a r t|r „ Inr,r p | On e rr s and w new c m
ers are urged to atten d An In d ia - i
Is sent to all to com«, h rlng hasket
and help celeb rate ’he day
About forty ladlt « atten d ed
•ow ing bee and stork sh o w -r giv n
for Mrs M irt n B r is 'o w at th e h —
of Mrs W T. Bristow of fle a
Hill T he aftern o o n was «nent V
needlew ork Mrs. P !. L o ir! go •
sev eral splendid read in g s Mr« C.
F. Hyde helped th- h o stess serve Ice
cream and cake
L ognnberrv and ch erry picking has
begun at P leasan t H ill and gr-en
apples a re beginning to he harvested
for pie
M -rl Curts, «on of Mr and Mr
C E C nrlts Is sick w l’h th e m ens)-
C O U N T * U N IT « O . 1«
H athuru llo»lh. bulb oi E ugene, J im
diet, i..»a nlreud)
taken tw o loads
M am ao s Lies
«♦ M a ilin and Isasta (lofi, both of
consisting of straw b erries, ch eirii »
During thè past w«-ek inarrlng- Eugen»
h .s i ;. onions and lettuc from this
com m unity.
llcellsc« bave been l«nued hy thè
Ph lip Wald and Ralph H augen eouitty cl> rk to thè followlng: (1-r FOR HALI# —P ayroll ahestg. prtnta-4
an,' In sto rk a t th# New» nfftoa.
were Sunday g uests of George Max don Atchlvy aliti Wilma Ilari, bnth
Form suitable for road, construction
<»f Eugeni-; A rthur Coiuha. dar,lin er
C Bug ■ work, saw m ills, etc., with table to
Mr. and Mr» Il E Bailey and and
com pute workm an s eom pensatlog
fiirnih of W endllnx: Mrs \ S Wtl Greve; Frank (’haniherltnn atei Mah
and de-luctlntis No em ployer should
be without these f -m s when they
son. and d au g h ter of E ugene; Mr
en-'all ami I ou -- Manli v r . boti, nf
can be purchased for a few cents
an-! Mr« E arl Halley pml fit-nil« a n !
Collage G reve; E reilirlck Davi and
C E Bailey, all of t'h e s lre w re Sun
day g u ests a t the J It El«'i home
Mrs lletiry Cook of O akridge 1-
s p i t , ling the week
with h - r parents,
Mr and M i«. 0 , It Elsh On her r<
turn home Mr« Fl«h will nccotnpanv
h e r for an Indefinite visit
Mr and Mr« G It Etah. accom
panted hy Mrs H enry Cook st - lit
Sunday with the Ere,I Cook family i t
department stores
Ira Nice from S; ringfieltt was in
T hurston sev eral days last week
looking a fte r his property here.
Mrs. M o rg a n ! Campbell, » h o has
»pent th e w inter in L eaburg h as r-
turned to her hom e h ere
The high school com m encem ent
exercise was held at the hall last
Friday evening. Dr.* Philip A P arsons
was the speaker of the evening, and
Miss Vivian W octlslde sang several
The plav "Th Poor M arried Man"
was given hv the high school last
D ex ter.
T hursday evening. It w as well a tte n d ­
Club Meets.
ee! and enjoyed by all
The S unshine club met with Mr
John W illiam from C ottage Grove
W It H urdle last F riday afternoon
caU<d on frlends in T h u rsto n Friday
The h o stes served refreshm ent# an 1
_____ a _ —
the following m -in hern w ere present-
ag ricu ltu ral economics, is h ere now evening.
The H arblt fam ily held a reunion
M, dam es L ester Cvr. W J »’« ngr.i
a ss istin g G R H rslop. head of the
W T Pnttl«on. Hom er Chase. Ctar
d epartm en t of farm crops, and C. C In Cottage Grove last Sunday a t the
R nth, associate professor, lu p rep ar­ home of Dick H arblt.
e n c Cha« . and the hostes«
Mrs. C harles
H astin g s
went t '
ing m aterials .'or the school. Edward
A W Eerrs-e. a local dairy man ha
C. P ark rr, a ssista n t chief of federal Salem last Friday to v isit h er son
th ree team s employe*! hauling hav
m arketin g specialists, will arriv e in who is in th e hosp ital there.
front the Cal Y -ting plan- this w -ek
tim e to tak e charge of the school.
Ross Mathews front O akridge a n '
Mr F e rre s purchase# enough hav In
I*r L A Strong, federal alfrlfa w ere. his d au g h ter. Mrs. C o rah -11 W eiss
- -ason to last throughout the y
Il specialist, will a lso be here.
and d au g h ter, Bonnie Jean, from Ett
T his y ear he bought about a hundred
gene atten d ed com m encem ent ex e r­
cise here Friday evening.
Mr and Mrs W II. A nderson an !
son. F o rest, spent the week end at
Mr and Mrs. ».-«ter Milligan and
fam ily from W alterville atten d ed the
Bend. Or egon.
high school g rad u atin g exercise h re
“ S ir “ ami Mrs Geo Cannot • of 1
Many undesirable flavors and od­
Friday night.
Angeles have arrived at the home
ors develop over night when th e sep­
Mike T ennis from C resw ell spent
of Mrs. C annons' p ar-nt». Mr. and
a ra to r h as been thoroughly rinsed
Sunday in T hurston
Mrs. W A Morse.
w ith supposedly clean w ater, or with
Mrs. John P rice and d an g h ter. Mil­
The C annons w ere h ere last sum
gkim milk, sava th e 0 . A. C. expen
dred , Mrs. Arch Shoneh and Mr an ’
nter and retu rn ed to C alifornia, how
m ent station. Analysis of th e sub­
Mrs. John Edm lston and son. Jam s
Mrs R W. C ralgm llos nnd little ever, Monday they returned, und d e ­
stan ce of which the se p arato r slim e
atten d ed th e dedication of the chim es
son w ere remove,) from th e Pacific clare they like th e clim ate of Oregon
Is found in th e m orning a fte r stand-
a t the F irst C hristian rh ttreh In Eu­
C hristian hoapital, F rid av to th - so well they will make th eir hom e
tag all night, show s w hat is taking
gene last Sunday
home of Mrs
C ralgm iles' parent« here, a t present they a re living at
place when this d irty se p a ra to r is
Mr and Mrs. C urtis P rice from
the M orse home.
Mr and Mrs W A. Morse
■sed to sep arate th e fresh m orning
Xoti sp en t S atu rd ay night a t John
The M ons» moved to this vicinity
Kale, one of the m ost Im portant
um m er and built a fine m odern
Mrs. O. A. McMahon received a ning Ju n e 1. has put on tw o trucks, last
fall and w inter forage crops for w est­
home They are also from C alifornia '
telegram M«t T hursday announcing
ern Oregon, is usually tran sp lan ted
th e d e a th of h er b ro th er in law. In th e Coos Bay and Bend He plans to haul A nother duughter und son In law. Mr .
In June. Deep p lanting has given
He and his wife w ere here flsh ,o Eugene. reloading with fru its I and Mrs R. W C ralgm iles and little
good resu lts at the ex perim ent s ta ­
and vegetables, for Bend. Mr Bur- «on resid e at the Morse home
on a v isit tw o or th ree y ears ago.
tion By planting the roots In mol«t
Miss F lossie H errin g to n , who is
•oil the tendency is to grow closer to
atten d in g norm al at Monmouth, spent
th e ground. Low blocky plants are
several days h er la st week to at
m ore re sista n t to cold th an rangy
tend com m encem ent she was a grad-
Tw elve-spotted cucum ber b eetles ' u‘ “ ' “ «•*
• ‘« W
M isse, Maude and Hazel Edm lston
a re abundant in tru ck fields and gar-
, in Oregon, says the entom ologist • left la s t W ednesday for G lendale (or
of the experim ent station. The b eet­ an extended visit
Mrs. Carl P h ettep lace and son fr-m
les a re a greenish yellow color with
ers visited relativ es here last
12 black «pots T hey are feed ers on
general follag“ but p refer cucum bers, week.
Mr and Mr«. P erry R am an from
cantaloupe, squash, and beans. Lead
g rse n a te with a tra p crop has given W inona arrived hur«-lay to visit rela-i
th e b est control. W hen the b eetles ’lves hr‘rP
a p p e a r th e crop Is dusted w ith lead
a rse n a te one p art, and sifted wood-
ash es o r air slacked lim e six ports,
The annua! P ’easan t H ill picnic
leaving a few plants of th e ir p refer
red food for them to collect on w here sponsored th is year by the Woodman
«hev a re killed bv hand
* » * • « to its rep u tatio n and
P otato es are usually harrow ed be- French the earth with rain ln«tead
for« and a fter coming up and un til a very hot day bought crow ds to the
th e v are th ree o r four Inches high. *ool grove
heh'nd W oodman hall
•av s the farm crops d ep artm en t at » h e re all day P n g friends and old
th e Oregon
A gricultural
college acquaintances en'oved Ice cold soda ;
Shallow thorough cultivation Is then Pop. Ice cream . P m -n a d e . etc. while
needed often enongh to control weeds, they strolled tb-ou»h the ground*.
L evel culture Is best except w here listen in g to the p -rn -am In th e m o rn -,
th e «oil Is cold and moist o r w here Ine or w atching »hs races and 'he
It Is Irrigated. Slight rtdsdng may basehal! game
th e
affem o c-
•om etim e . he n ecessary «o keep tub- T.arge fam ily d o ners and r>
•r« from bulging out and sunh u rn ln c sn -’in« enioyed the n l.o lc lunche« >
T hey are cultivate,] only when th e s t noon. The C hristian E ndeavor -
v ire s are dry W eeds a re mo t easily cletv m anaged the cafeteria booth
killed while thev ar» sm all. E n lt’vate w here het dog«, h am b u rg er «ar
when th«* ground Is dry and free from wiohes.
-.lads, cakes an
w euds is unnecessary.
te m rte d tho«e who
’ •’ ’ 'o brln*
________________ th e ir lunch V « » « E ugene neerd«
Go to N ewport— Mrs. Ella L am bert w -re presen t. T
' re
e-- -.-
and fam ily left fo«- V e-m o rt S atu rd ay Court T a ttln s mill cam e from c m w
m orning. T hey will spend a few » e k s .t h inl’,1 being »hut down F all C—ek .
th ere on th eir vacation
Txtwell D evterj T ren t. Coast F ork
912 W illam ette St.. Eugen,-. Oregon.
Swimming Season’s Here
B uy Your S u it N o w !
All ruu!)* for S um m er
p a s tim e ,
'•» n g I
W e re s tiiio iia to •hex*- • •««• t jm all
w o o i B o lh in g Suit». ni*'<
in la*., v
J a c q u a H ax
well at pLit.e« p a l-
AH Wool Suita
For Wi m ie n ,
M^aea, Children
They are kn it to St the bod» p-r-
fectly I C om fort is asiurcd! In b (;nt
color« at well a» conservative »hade».
A ll wind suits, priced—
$2.98 to$4.9 8
J. C. BRILL stores
Ax-Billy Dept, Store
Successors to SCHAEFERS BROS.
The World’s Super-Value Automatic
Water Heater for the small home
Automatic hot w ater—inatanteounly ready
when you are alwayfi steam ing hot. —a l­
ways enough a t small expense—can now
be had In your small home.
W anted
662 Oak Street
Eugene, Oregon
Ask us about the Ruud 96 and Its ever-
ready, inexhaustible service.
Now you can have plenty of hot w ater, for
everything and everybody, every m inute of
every day.
Let us show you the new special size
Ruud 95, b u ilt to give yo u r sm all
home a perfect H o t W ater Service.
Eggs and Poultry
Sher Khan
Buy O nce—Buy Wisely —Buy Ruud
Mountain States P? wer Co.
■MF - "t
■R nm niaaw -v" » '
t 'a
Special Purchase and Sale of
480 Men’s Brand New Rayon
Novelty Broadcloth Dress
2.75 To
3.50 Values
Pippins! Never
Before Shown
A shirt attraction that stands head and shoulder above
any held In recent m onths (with special emphasis to the
better kinds), and occuring at the sum m er season when
men feel the need of donning fresh new shirts to go hand
in hand with eoatless days.
— You’ll not only w ant to stop nt one when you see this
most Interesting collection as each one Is seemingly p ret­
tier than the other and a host of fascinating patterns to
select from.
— Expertly tailored of excellent quality and soft finish,
genuine broadcloths, revealing lustrous silk checks or silk
Jacquard. Cool negligee (soft «killar attached) style.
50 Women’»
Summer Hats Worth
To $8.50 Now $2.98
The fair sex will welcome this millinery attraction
The low. st price recorded thus far this season on
trimm ed hats. Becomingly fashioned of nilllinerv
straw s, silks of various kinds and combination of
si raw and silks In a great array of colors. (2nd floor i
-------—-----------------— ------- -------- ---------------------