T tH ’ItSUAY. JUNK I". ,92« TH E SPKINUFIKLP SEWS PAGE TW O Lane C ounty Farmers Union N ew s O F F IC IA L HAY GRADES EXPLAINED AT O. A. C. N EXT WEEK O. A. C.. Jun* 1*.—The first hav rk to thè followlng: (1-r FOR HALI# —P ayroll ahestg. prtnta-4 an,' In sto rk a t th# New» nfftoa. were Sunday g uests of George Max don Atchlvy aliti Wilma Ilari, bnth Form suitable for road, construction <»f Eugeni-; A rthur Coiuha. dar,lin er well. Wltinlfred Granii'«. C Bug ■ work, saw m ills, etc., with table to Mr. and Mr» Il E Bailey and and com pute workm an s eom pensatlog fiirnih of W endllnx: Mrs \ S Wtl Greve; Frank (’haniherltnn atei Mah and de-luctlntis No em ployer should el D-uti li la-ih o( Noti; George WU-k be without these f -m s when they son. and d au g h ter of E ugene; Mr en-'all ami I ou -- Manli v r . boti, nf can be purchased for a few cents an-! Mr« E arl Halley pml fit-nil« a n ! Collage G reve; E reilirlck Davi and each. tN C E Bailey, all of t'h e s lre w re Sun day g u ests a t the J It El«'i home Mrs lletiry Cook of O akridge 1- s p i t , ling the week with h - r parents, Mr and M i«. 0 , It Elsh On her r< turn home Mr« Fl«h will nccotnpanv h e r for an Indefinite visit Mr and Mr« G It Etah. accom panted hy Mrs H enry Cook st - lit Sunday with the Ere,I Cook family i t department stores Ira Nice from S; ringfieltt was in T hurston sev eral days last week looking a fte r his property here. Mrs. M o rg a n ! Campbell, » h o has »pent th e w inter in L eaburg h as r- turned to her hom e h ere The high school com m encem ent exercise was held at the hall last Friday evening. Dr.* Philip A P arsons was the speaker of the evening, and Miss Vivian W octlslde sang several solos. The plav "Th Poor M arried Man" was given hv the high school last D ex ter. T hursday evening. It w as well a tte n d ­ Club Meets. ee! and enjoyed by all The S unshine club met with Mr John W illiam from C ottage Grove W It H urdle last F riday afternoon caU •r« from bulging out and sunh u rn ln c sn -’in« enioyed the n l.o lc lunche« > T hey are cultivate,] only when th e s t noon. The C hristian E ndeavor - v ire s are dry W eeds a re mo t easily cletv m anaged the cafeteria booth killed while thev ar» sm all. E n lt’vate w here het dog«, h am b u rg er «ar when th«* ground Is dry and free from wiohes. -.lads, cakes an ce-tfr w euds is unnecessary. te m rte d tho«e who ’ •’ ’ 'o brln* ________________ th e ir lunch V « » « E ugene neerd« Go to N ewport— Mrs. Ella L am bert w -re presen t. T ' re e-- -.- and fam ily left fo«- V e-m o rt S atu rd ay Court T a ttln s mill cam e from c m w m orning. T hey will spend a few » e k s .t h inl’,1 being »hut down F all C—ek . th ere on th eir vacation Txtwell D evterj T ren t. Coast F ork 912 W illam ette St.. Eugen,-. Oregon. Swimming Season’s Here B uy Your S u it N o w ! _ All ruu!)* for S um m er grnatnst p a s tim e , Swi '•» n g I W e re s tiiio iia to •hex*- • •««• t jm all w o o i B o lh in g Suit». ni*'< in la*., v J a c q u a H ax tarna. well at pLit.e« p a l- AH Wool Suita For Wi m ie n , M^aea, Children They are kn it to St the bod» p-r- fectly I C om fort is asiurcd! In b (;nt color« at well a» conservative »hade». A ll wind suits, priced— $2.98 to$4.9 8 MCMW J. C. BRILL stores Ax-Billy Dept, Store Successors to SCHAEFERS BROS. THE RUUD 95 The World’s Super-Value Automatic Water Heater for the small home Automatic hot w ater—inatanteounly ready when you are alwayfi steam ing hot. —a l­ ways enough a t small expense—can now be had In your small home. « W anted ! 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon , . Ask us about the Ruud 96 and Its ever- ready, inexhaustible service. Now you can have plenty of hot w ater, for everything and everybody, every m inute of every day. Let us show you the new special size Ruud 95, b u ilt to give yo u r sm all home a perfect H o t W ater Service. Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan . Buy O nce—Buy Wisely —Buy Ruud Mountain States P? wer Co. SPRINGFIELD ■MF - "t ■R nm niaaw -v" » ' t 'a H Special Purchase and Sale of 480 Men’s Brand New Rayon Novelty Broadcloth Dress Shirts 2.75 To 3.50 Values Pippins! Never Before Shown A shirt attraction that stands head and shoulder above any held In recent m onths (with special emphasis to the better kinds), and occuring at the sum m er season when men feel the need of donning fresh new shirts to go hand in hand with eoatless days. — You’ll not only w ant to stop nt one when you see this most Interesting collection as each one Is seemingly p ret­ tier than the other and a host of fascinating patterns to select from. — Expertly tailored of excellent quality and soft finish, genuine broadcloths, revealing lustrous silk checks or silk Jacquard. Cool negligee (soft «killar attached) style. I 50 Women’» Summer Hats Worth To $8.50 Now $2.98 The fair sex will welcome this millinery attraction The low. st price recorded thus far this season on trimm ed hats. Becomingly fashioned of nilllinerv straw s, silks of various kinds and combination of si raw and silks In a great array of colors. (2nd floor i -------—-----------------— ------- -------- --------------------- ■M