The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 03, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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THURSDAY. JUNK a. 19?ii.
I nuira fun
In Confidence
By Flo
The annual hoy«' and girl»' Junior
»»»«loti ____
will In, ng
Do man Ilka fraaklahly mada-up g l r l e f ■uimnrr
__ __ _________
Dear Mita Mo: Why i|n glrla p-r June 14 to 26 Not more than 600 club
alala In being auch fool»— where men member» can be sc com od a tad, and
are concsrnadT Why do they m ukofrom r> porta received pt the club of,
up Ihelr face» Ilka olrcua performer« I (lea that number will aoon b« »applied
and dn-aa llkr freak«, obvloualy Io !,aat year the attendance waa 4*7
allure the inale and then wonder member», and 46 local leader«, nearly
why tbo»e own whom they do anc- triple tha enrollment of 11120. There'
ceed In attracting get the wrong lm- will not ba room for all tfhoas
pretalon of them My »later la alwaya who dealra to attend Ihla year,
complaining that there are no nlca according
to II
boy» left Then aha get» beraelf up In elate club leader. Advance work will
auch a way that really nice fellow» be available for club member» who
■would not ba (he leaat bit Interallied have been here before Claaaaa for lo­
in her At a matter of fact, «he Just ,a l leader» will lie another feat fra of
gave a nice boy who Hltea her th" thia year'» program,
air. and 1» virtually throwing beraelf! The flrat autumer aeaalon for Ore- j
at the head of a poor aap who doean't 1 gon club member» waa In 1914 with |
give a durn for her Olrla don't »how 30 boy» enrolled. Mret prise winner»
any Judgment at all Ruddy.
were offered trip« In 1916 and for th'*
M m m m well. Ruddy, porhapa glrla flrat time the achool waa open to club
don't alwaya »how the heat of Judg glrla The demand waa made In 192,)
ment. but It a e e m a to me that If men that tha achool lie opened to all club
displayed a little more Judgment In member* and »Inca that time »*»
aaleclng sweetheart» and wive«, glrla i club member In good »landing with
wouldn't go to aurh extrem es aa ”m»k- work complete to date may attend,
trig up th«lr fare» like clrcu* perform upon the payment of f 15 for room and
era and dressing like freak» Io allure board for two week».
the m a le” You know thia 1» « noisy I Bov» will be quartered In Cauthorn !
colorful crowded age Competition 1» hall and the glrla in Waldo. M eal»1
keen Mouselike clothe» and quiet twill bo served In the dining room* o f !
way» mean being overlooked entirely the two hall* All club members are!
The girl ng today haa to be aa up- required to get In touch with those In '
tialate aa possible, In coiffure, dreaa. (-barge of club work In their county. ■
and convaraatlon. By thaj I do not according to Mr. Seymour. le a d e r « ,
arranging mean* of — tranaportatlon
glrla ahould copy
th«lr aai are
aa«» o i l
i*a a *
r ,
— — - w
Bly,a after an "advanced” model—but by huaaea, automobile», and train». A
the wlae girl doea keep In mind that ! „perlsl Southern Pacific train la «■> ,
tn »pita '* man'» frequent remark« j jM.cted to run from Aahland to the
to the contrary, he like« the nice old HUmtnpr session. Regular Instructor»
fashioned principle» preaented In a 0 ft h«> college wll conduct the club
»marl modern iway.
clwasea tn all project». Claaaea will be-
Men like »mart looking, attractive <(n
«acb morning add las,
girl*. A girl can be every decent, until noon Sherinan. Klamath. Mult !
wholeanma. friendly thing ah* «heuld nomah, and Tillamook countlea are I
ba—but If »he wear* clolhea Iha, expected _ to ____
have ___
exceptionally large
hang shapelessly upegt her. If there ’ ((„legations this year
1« no »park In her glance, no pro.
------------------- ——
vocation In her »mile— no wave of
attraction will travel b'tween her and
the male sex She will b e r>aa»ed by
She might be far above the averng«
tn auch qualities aa truth, good
sense. unselfishness. sympathy and
understanding; she might make a
man a wife w<wth a half doten of the
meretricious charming girl* they mar-
rv_.but nobody ever marries her—
they never think of her a* marriage
able That Is .where men show ex-
tremely poor Jinlgpien,
They do no, look—they therefore
do not awe the fineness beneath the
skin deep meagerness of her attrac­
Not that I agree with you that
w nri'i, dress solely Io "allure the
m ale" It might Interest you to know
that a groat many women are not the
least bll interested In whether thev
please the maV- eye or not Women
dress to amuse them selves, and re,
more fun out of It than of any other
Elisabeth ("Betty") Clark, IS, ot
pursuit Their decorative, creative Codara, Delaware, la one of that]
creative, and egotistical Instincts And alato'a girl candidate* for tho A mart (
supreme expression In thelr clothes can Youth Award, aaiabllahed by the
—and were they alone on a d*s*r, directors of the 8e*qul-Cantennlal In ,
Island, they would still dress tn plesse ternatlonal Exposition, to be held a t:
theme,V«s with thelr reflection In th» Phlladelpbla from June 1 to Decern 1
ber 1 In observance of 160 year* o l 1
1«ts'd tnke
American Independence. If "Hetty” ,i
wicked lipstick with teal, has a hoy finally chosen to represent Delawari ,
Ish hob. wears the shortest of short she will bo given a week's trip to th'
dresses, the highest of high he« led Exposition aud to Washington and the I
slippers, and rolls her sheer silken White House, where ahe will receive
hose. And despite all tha, you say, a medal from the hands ot President
I'ya an Idea tha, the men like ber— Coolidge.
nice, wholesome boys, too—as proved
by your statement that she Just gave
one the alr.
As for throwing herself a, a man's
bend—you're probably exaggerating
Or If your sister Is going ou, of her
way to win him, you may be sure It's
because she has tried every other
«bod—and failed. She really doesn't
he Idea of running right Into
his arms—she would much prefer
having him masterfully hatter d<rwn
her firm "no" nnd gasp n weak, fright
encd "yea"—because It would create
the Illusion of being captured—and
m« n like ,o capture. However. It takes
a lot to make some men see what's
best for them—nnd the modern girl
enn use cave-woman 'methods If nec­
As Io why she turned down the nice
decent chap who liked her for tho
poor sap who doesn't give a darn ■
well, you're a little too deep for ns.
Obviously, It was because she didn’t
love him. Why she didn't love him—
well, she probably couldn't answer
that herself. You see, lovers do not
pick ench other out as they would
June Wobster, descendant of tha
n coat or dresa— for the quiet pattern
nnd wenrlng quail,tes. Them's no ex­ famous lexicographer, Noah Webster,
presents a copy of her ancestor’s work
citem ent about thni. The nice decent to tho Publicity Department of the'
fellow who likes you Is no temptation, Besqul-Centennlal International Expo­
no challenge, no tPSt of your powers, sition Association to help them In pro-1
no thrill Rut »here Is more to It than nounclng properly the name of the
that. Love. Ruddy, goes where It goes big events which opens June 1 to cele-
—not where It should go. A girl may brjte the 160,h anniversary of the
want to love the nlcp fellow who signing of the Declaration of Independ­
ence. There are many types of pro­
cares, but what shall she do If she. nunciations heard hut there Is Just one
can’t. That’* the way of life!
proper way Noah soya. It Is “Set-
So shed the superior air—nnd come Kwuh-cer.-ten’-nlal" with the accent on
out where the -winds of youth blow the first syllable of the ’’Sesqul" and
merrily and freshly. Re your age. In on the second syllable oj the "centen­
other words, and see If you don I have nial.”
7:30 A. M . UNTIL 9 P M.
Shopping' News
Everything in Men’s, Women s and
Children’s Wear, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Millinery and Notions.
- k
This four-lettered word
p’ays an Important role
lr modern business. We
buy for cash; sell for
cash, and the customer
sa v es.
Ask anyone who trades
Pilcher’s Grand Reopening
One of Eugene’s Unset Department store. »Ill Re-open Saturday. June 5th.
Many new depart­
ments have been added-and all of the other ones enlarged to about twice thelr former elie. Ypu
will find real « lu e s here every day In the week. Keep thle ad for future reference a . oor pr'.cea
are a lw .y , the » m e . Many .pedal purchases have been received for this great event. It will U
well worth your while to visit this store Saturday, June 5th.
Rayon Dresses
Karleen Hose
For Women who want style and
service combined.
Fashioned pure silk hose, all want shades,
Full fashioned Service and Chiffon 911k hose,
all new colors,
Exira heavy Silk Service hose, full faihfoneJ
with re inforced soles and toea with high
.spliced heels,
Women'» Plain and Fancy Hose In Fibre Silk,
Lisle und Cotton, fine quality Fibre Knit Hose
,n plain and figured patterns. The plain ones
are hand drawn and absolutely fast colors in
all the new shades.
$4.98 to 5.90
Voile Dresses
Lace and Embroidery trimmed In a fine selec­
tion of patterns and colors for this season.
$4.98 to S12-75
For Men and Boys
.Ginghams, fine qualty, 32-inch width.* good selection of
Good grade Cambrics, 36-lnch width. You will like these,
patterns yard.
A very large assortment lo «elec, from
In both small Hnd large head sixes, all
beuallfully trimmed,
Fast Color Prints ,n a wide range of new patterns, yd. 29c
Figured Curtaiu Nets, 36-ln.. Pilcher's Low Prices, yd. 23c
Fast Color Voiles. 40-inch width, most nil colors, yd. 39c
Colored Indian Head, 36-tn., seven colors to choose from,
Rayons In grey, blue, rose and lavender, 36-in., yard 79c
English Prints guaranteed fast colors, very nice patterns,
$2.98 and $4.98
Men's Heavy Blue Denim Overalls, hlgn
or suspender back,
Quality Shoes
For the Entire Family
Women's Patent. Satin, Tan and Black
Leather Ihimps, strap slippers, and ox­
fords, Spanish, Cuban and Itfw heels.
Extra fine selection of patterns and
sixes. You will be surprised at these re­
markable Values at
Children's Flexible Sole Skuffers, smok­
ed and tan Elk. sixes 2% to 6,
Children's «hoes in Black and Brown Kid
and Cabretta, sixes In black %V4 to 8, and
brown 2 to 6,
Men's All Leather Dress Shoes, In black
and brown, welt sole
Men’s Solid Leather Work »hoes, will
give lots of wear,
$2.98 ,
Boys' Bib Overalls In heavy weight Blue
Denim, sizes 10 to 17,
Pre Shrunk Washable Flannel, 27-ln, fine quality, yd.
Youth’s, same as above, sixes 3 to 9
Satin Back Crepe in all the wanted colors, 40-in. yd.
Carpenter Overalls heavy, white Duck,
Union Made,
Men and B oys’
Novelty and conservative patterns for men who would
be well dressed, ,n single and double breasted models.
These suits are Worsted, Unflnihed Worsted, Serge and
Cassimere’s all-wool suits.
Painter's Overalls, made good and full,
Mens Furnishing
Seal Pack Underwear, athletic style, 98c
Balhrlggan Union Suit*, short sleeves,
ankle length,
Boys 4 -Piece Suits
Heavy Work Suspenders, with Cowhide
Coat. Vest, one pair Knickers and one pair Long Pants—
Boy 4-plece suits with 2 pair long pants
^Department Stores
Aerons from Rex Theater
. . . Setti
. l m Larawajt
m w m