PAOE THREE THE SPRINOREbn NEWS THURSDAY. JUNK a. 19?ii. I nuira fun In Confidence By Flo BOYS' AND GIRLS' SCHOOL TO BE JUNE 14 TO 26 The annual hoy«' and girl»' Junior »»»«loti ____ will In, ng tba oagnpu» Do man Ilka fraaklahly mada-up g l r l e f ■uimnrr __ __ _________ ....... ........... , Dear Mita Mo: Why i|n glrla p-r June 14 to 26 Not more than 600 club alala In being auch fool»— where men member» can be sc com od a tad, and are concsrnadT Why do they m ukofrom r> porta received pt the club of, up Ihelr face» Ilka olrcua performer« I (lea that number will aoon b« »applied and dn-aa llkr freak«, obvloualy Io !,aat year the attendance waa 4*7 allure the inale and then wonder member», and 46 local leader«, nearly why tbo»e own whom they do anc- triple tha enrollment of 11120. There' ceed In attracting get the wrong lm- will not ba room for all tfhoas pretalon of them My »later la alwaya who dealra to attend Ihla year, complaining that there are no nlca according to II .C. Seymour, boy» left Then aha get» beraelf up In elate club leader. Advance work will auch a way that really nice fellow» be available for club member» who ■would not ba (he leaat bit Interallied have been here before Claaaaa for lo­ in her At a matter of fact, «he Just ,a l leader» will lie another feat fra of gave a nice boy who Hltea her th" thia year'» program, air. and 1» virtually throwing beraelf! The flrat autumer aeaalon for Ore- j at the head of a poor aap who doean't 1 gon club member» waa In 1914 with | give a durn for her Olrla don't »how 30 boy» enrolled. Mret prise winner» any Judgment at all Ruddy. were offered trip« In 1916 and for th'* M m m m well. Ruddy, porhapa glrla flrat time the achool waa open to club don't alwaya »how the heat of Judg glrla The demand waa made In 192,) ment. but It a e e m a to me that If men that tha achool lie opened to all club displayed a little more Judgment In member* and »Inca that time »*» aaleclng sweetheart» and wive«, glrla i club member In good »landing with wouldn't go to aurh extrem es aa ”m»k- work complete to date may attend, trig up th«lr fare» like clrcu* perform upon the payment of f 15 for room and era and dressing like freak» Io allure board for two week». the m a le” You know thia 1» « noisy I Bov» will be quartered In Cauthorn ! colorful crowded age Competition 1» hall and the glrla in Waldo. M eal»1 keen Mouselike clothe» and quiet twill bo served In the dining room* o f ! way» mean being overlooked entirely the two hall* All club members are! The girl ng today haa to be aa up- required to get In touch with those In ' tialate aa possible, In coiffure, dreaa. (-barge of club work In their county. ■ and convaraatlon. By thaj I do not according to Mr. Seymour. le a d e r « , arranging mean* of — tranaportatlon mean that glrla ahould copy th«lr aai are aa«» o i l a i*a a * r , ■ — — - w Bly,a after an "advanced” model—but by huaaea, automobile», and train». A the wlae girl doea keep In mind that ! „perlsl Southern Pacific train la «■> , tn »pita '* man'» frequent remark« j jM.cted to run from Aahland to the to the contrary, he like« the nice old HUmtnpr session. Regular Instructor» fashioned principle» preaented In a 0 ft h«> college wll conduct the club »marl modern iway. clwasea tn all project». Claaaea will be- Men like »mart looking, attractive <(n «acb morning add las, girl*. A girl can be every decent, until noon Sherinan. Klamath. Mult ! wholeanma. friendly thing ah* «heuld nomah, and Tillamook countlea are I ba—but If »he wear* clolhea Iha, expected _ to ____ have ___ exceptionally large hang shapelessly upegt her. If there ’ ((„legations this year 1« no »park In her glance, no pro. ------------------- —— vocation In her »mile— no wave of attraction will travel b'tween her and the male sex She will b e r>aa»ed by She might be far above the averng« tn auch qualities aa truth, good sense. unselfishness. sympathy and understanding; she might make a man a wife w