The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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"Sv sounds ra th e r Im possible."
"No. no not at all You'll like her
She wins •■»♦ryha’itg, children amt
old turn Included. My fath er though,
she waa a wonder."
"How old 1» she now?"
"Abon, tw enty ,w o or so. I should
Imagine And still flapping." he added.
“ltu, I «till can't understand what
»he had ,0 do with getting this
house for u« “
J S Magheirv. wtlo is a candidate
" t'h ye»." he retu rn ed to my fir«,
for re-election as S enator for 1-ane
o u r» , ’on. "you »<»- »he was In Lou,"
County haa lived in :hls County for
B radley's place and rvi-ogntS", me
th irty year», has been identified with
Im mediately. She waa very cordial.“
B b U b m
he h e s ita t'd as If hS were about to
th e lum ber in lu stry the g r a te r part
tell me sone (h in t and then reponsld-
of that titre and is now o r e r a tin i a ■
I ered, “ Anyway,* he wen, on. “ wh *n
cam p and mill in the southern p art o f|
said, ...
th »fleet of th e discipline was >hf.
R eu n ion .
I «••««.
« h a t I w arted she «aid
th e County X ethithstanding hi» bu d- (
"W ell, I've found a house for you. auto m atic T hey behaved under t h e knPW ex a c t), the place and Insist
Bess Interests he ha» alw ays found
tim e to tak e an active p art In all was C u rtiss" first announcem ent new order like little augwfcs, sleeping pi, „„ taking me ou, to see I,
peacefully until It was ttiue to aw aken
“ W h at w a s »he w o tn g In a real
com m unity developm ent and |s the when he m et tue at the station.
"You m ean you already have I,? Scientifically prepared food had anni e sta te offlcel
hind of a man who make» a »ucces»
I questioned, trying to conceal th e htlated the usual annoying ills th at
"She has gone In for the Interior
of all he undertakes.
In w riting up the record of t h e ‘doubt I fel, over a m a n s ability to old-fashioned babies w ere wont to I aeroi-ufln« huslre«« and ha» a de
various S enators In the las, leglela- «elect the kind of a house a woman indulge in. Indeed. I thought, it uixist1 p itm e n ! of he rown in B rad ley '* “
to re the “Oregon V oter" »aid of him. wanted.
be an easy m a tte r rearin g a child
yi,„ »aid she wen, to O gonta—
“ M agladry Is so alcr, m entally, can
and 1,‘a corker! You'll Jus, under the new rules and regulations! |
..p ,, h er Oad's quite w ealthy—in
»ee openings in argum ent so quickly , love
Sallle. all we reed now for Bewidea. ¡here was tlje w onder th a , . feet h e 's'p ro h a M y th e riche», man
and can counter so effectively as ,c » real lo v e n e st Is some fu rn itu re, filled my h e a rt when I though, « ( [ ,„ the state—ought to be ’—
......... h"
I s til la
which of course I shall leave en tirely b e ln r a m other. My though,» ran on s tm ha« firs,
' to your selection."
and on until finally they were b lo tte d .,-raves luxury- has ,o have It and
•‘L et's go and s»'e it now. right th is ou, by an overw helm ing re a l,tä tie n ,h e h l, on this schem e to play with
m in u te!" I suggested, eager to know » h lch I Im m ediately voiced to Cur and arouse herself and Incidental!»
the w orst and be through with any , , M
to make money. 1 h ear she's done
u n p le a sa ta rt situation, for my h eart
“W e can ', possibly afford a bahv quite well with It. bu, sh-fs that
w as filled with misgiving.
g0 we",I have to use th is room for Ivpfv—sbe W>u,d have succeeded In
The house C urtiss had found far 3 .tu d y ."
a way. In any line of endeavor Rh-
exceeded my expectations. An Inter-
The reaso n advanced was appar- could sell Icicle" ,0 an Fsklm o and
easting cottage of simple English type, entty a new on, to C u rtiss bu, except bavP him pleased with the tranaac-
I, nestled on a hill top. In a little for a look of disap p o in tm en t th at ,,on W alt 'HI you see her. Sallle,“
I grove of slender pine ^aplings. which 9Wepr over his feature«, he might , , w a, r nnstim»*d w ith eurlosltv ,
¡even now. w ere ohlding aloft th eir not even have have h eard my te rse , fblnk there was a tiny bi, of tealnsv
I tiny green candles. Built sturdily of conclusion.
brew ing because In spite of C u r tiss’
soft-grey stucco I, was gaily trim - i Going back ,0 th e hotel 1 asked aroWed disapproval of T,etltla E v a n s
,nted in apple-green su tters. The fea- p Urtfcss m ore of the detail« of havtne sbe now sounded alarm ingly at frac­
ture. how ever, which pleased me secured th e house for a heasonabl-' , , VP
most, was the view of Shades moun- ren tal, a hou«e. which though small.
--\Vh. n will I have th a t pleasure*
tain which lifted one's vision ,0 v istas was undeniably a ttra c tiv e
, ask'-d. feign, r « In d iffer en ce. "I'm
, of vtcle,-blue peaks, the fa r ones m elt-i
,rp nt | n fO t,nols P rad ley ’s re a l in terested In m eeting nil your old
Ing harm onoiously into the Intense e sta fe office to see w ha, he could I pr _friends you know C u rtl« « '
I blue of Southern skies In the d istan ce <pt jp r „ g an(, r a , n | n , o , -Ptl, 1» Ev-
“She «»vs she's having 11« o v e r ,0-
“Oh. I Jus, adore it. d e a re s t!” I an s •
nigh, for dinner I accepted becaue
exclaimed, as we stood on th e un
, couldn’t plead ano*h- r engagem ent
"hW o is she?" I In terrupted
when vou Weren't even here you se.-.
dearest “
m ake him an extrem ely difficult man
A shadow rrossed mv face, which
to bamboogle H e is one of th e m ost ;
t hoped was unobserved h r Curtl«»
effective S enators Lane County has i
Ail the wav home on t h e t r a i n
cent to Salem fcr a good many years.' 1
A man who can earn such a record I
during his firs, term is certain ly en- ’
title d to he re tu rre d . He is a m an who
is safe and sane, and has no o th er
in t‘re s t bu, the developm ent of Ore­
gon and Lane County and with the
"W ell. I've found a house I
name thought and no other, w» take
for you. Sallle. all we need I
g re a t pleasure In recom m ending Mr.
now for a real love-nest is |
M agladry to the Republican men and
some fu rn itu re, which of
women voters of Springfield and Lane
course I shall leave en tirely
to your selection.”
Mayor of Snringf’eld
H. J. COX.
Member of C'*v Council.
(Paid A dr.l
to c to s ,
being the Confessions
of a new urtfe —
Rbwtr aUd by KU
(jîadys Baker^
Get your Flags
for M em orial
Day now, while
our assortment
is complete.
10c, 15c, 25c
and $1.75
Some Principals a r d Teachers
Organized In Campaign To
Control E ducation Thru
S tate Superintendent's
“Oh, d id n 't I ever tell you about
L etltla? She and my sister w ere at
rcofed. sunshiny veranda with Its Ogoniz toge’her. Sh« «p. nt one sum
rose-colored tiles and bright flower m er with os ou, on th e Pacific. Th«,
' was th eir first year a t s c h 'o t and
Portland New . May 11. 1926.
"How on earth did you get it? It i she was nothing but an infant I
A ttem pt to con 'ro l education
seem s to be absolutely n<-x and un- h av en ’t seen h er since. She was an
Or gon by a loosely organized, bu, ](VeG in “
incorrigible flapper a t th at time bu,
a r - r e a h in g rolitical m achine was r- -
“T he ow ner built it for a hnnv
th e fam ily fell for w hat thev called
rcc! ’. Monday by an Investigation to ijv«e in bu, later four.d th at h" had
. h er ‘original en th u siasm .' She *was
»«ducted by a N ew . re p o r te r The pBt too mnch ,n lhe ,nTestn
,n d orf
h ,. wm|tod
m c h ln e . which h a s Intrudaced poU- M h„ haa consented to le, m s 1»»« ,ntocence,
r. m lnded h er the o th er
fical propaganda th " city « publin it w(th an option to buy later. Watt
schools, has for it« prim ary object *tju you see the in sid e honey”
th» defeat of W. C Alderson as sta te
c urtlaa was like a child proudly,
school supertnt r. ’ sr, end control of displaying a n«w possession. As he]
th a t office thru a man of the ma- conducted me from, one room to an-
c b 'n e ’s own choosing.
o th er of the thoroughly compact lit-
P rincipals and teachers have been t je cotfaga he eagerly watched for
orgar.'zed. to an unknown extent, pol- an exrreag(on of approval.
„ l e a l propaganda spread among th«m
..jt ¡sn-t any bigger than a m inute”
Nun: irons com plaint, from teach ers hp M ,a laughingly, /'but. tts large
and parents sen, the News rep o rter enr,ugh for us—a, p resen t.“ We
out on the m achine's trail.
stood in Che doorw ay of a cozy little
P ro p a g a n d a L -ft on T e a c h e r ’s Desk ' rrK)Tr. th a t
flooded with the sun-
It is a scientific fact lha, predomint-.fing
T eachers upon en terin g th eir xchool sh ,n(. of a brllllan spring m orning
well colors react on the nervous system.
room s have found opposition propa-
„An(1 , h a , w,„ w„ „„„ th is for?"
Some distract and irritate. O thers aro
gnnda. ro«ition and ( • r such poll- I enquired. "It's -scarcely large epeuxh
Wf- qt-ieling and r .tful. With Acme Quality
’ 1 ^ No-L.jstre Finish you flet the desired ef­
tfcal m atp r’.al on kalr desk« Many ^o r a ,,o4r oom. Is I t’”
fect. On wall and ceiling» its soft, non-
of these brocher« xned the petitior«
j not;
was slightly em! irra«-
glaring tone» are always nothing and restful. And it
a rd distrib u ted the p rrag an d a he-
I ’
p ro v id 't a h 'iiitiful neutral background, always more
cause tf r y were advised th a , th eir
ow ner told me he planned
favorable to ilie room and its settings.
positions w ere “ p o liticar nr.d nr!"«.» ,f fnr a__,or a nu rsery ." he said off.
th e y " p ia r ball' trouble would ensue
an (nten-e -Hence
S ' ‘ • n o , supply houses have been ap-
mv ? a ge w a rd e r' d out
proacT d h" m achine solicitor« -'< k
fhp „„b o u n d 'd blue of th " moun
In s c m palgn funds In behalf of ,t>p ta)ng whlch could he seen clear,v
school m e’.In candidate.
throngh the ca< '-men, windows. It
B n g r.v sr'x Agent i . Machine W orker
b„ p„r fa r f, f wa« thinking, to
fine of the most active cupnorter . b.ave a son for C urtiss All the uh-
F or all w alls and ceilings there is a special Acme Qunl-
r f 'h e -school m achine candidate is ()( m y«t'-rious y earn in g for Mother-
ity product. Come ,0 this Acme Quality ra in , and
trav elin g ag en t for a P ortland en-
b idden aw ay In t h e ’
Varnish Service Station and discuss with us any indoor
graving eem panv w h’eh m an u factu res h e a rt of even the m ost frivolous w o-,
or outdoor painting problem.
cuts to he used In illu stratlo g h it'- mat)j cam e ’ r-g in g
B esides. tnV|
school annuals
1 thought continued, babies w eren’t so i
F ran tic le tte rs have been sen t on, ; ^.„,5, , rnuble In th is new g eneration.,
bv the m achine com m ittee »ollcltina f rpm ,e n h 're d conservations of mv
In a ;
th e endorsem ents of business m en , r)pn,ja who discussed children
for tb r ir candidate
, . . » m odern iangungc. T here wa« no more
A,demon h as co n sisten tly defeated unsclenllflc Joggling and hum oring of
<be school m achine candidates and , Infanta. T hey w ere put to bed at a
,S partly due to his success in th e certain tim e and if they showed th eir
pant to do «o ‘’‘"
tT e ffc rt Turtn’g ’ th e l resen tm en t o r displeasure for the
Drug Store
TAe 3^222^ Se°**
Sometimes you wonder
why iVotnen are Nervous!
fam ish
Wright & Son
making such an
mt campaign to defeat him
(Paid Adv.)
T IIU H O P A Y , MAY 20, IftgO
first few times they were allowed to
do so unmolested and later, it waa
I! »,« of It dami Fax. P e re a s d
Notice la hereby given that Hasel
Try»«. A dm inistratrix of the estât"
OI Roland Fox. deceased, ha» filed
in the County Court of the «tat» of
i gon. In and for la»ne C ount' her
final r - | r, aa such adm lnlalr.itrlx
and that ten o'clock In the forenoon
,.f M inlay th " Slat da» of ho e,
Its* at th< Court Itooin llo re f a v o
I almost liat-sl t.etltla Fvan»!
H ere 1 ad been away a long tim e he, .i. by a l Court f X" ’ and ap­
pointed as th tim e end plan- for
from ('urti«» and on accouni of h er hearing o h j 'r ’lons in sahl report and
arran g em en ts w were not Io he al (or the i
lowed the pleasure of our flr«t a re a of said (Ircea-i-d
Ing logeiher
A Im ln lslra trlx
C urtiss had to r< turn to hl» office
«nd w a s le a d in g m e a! the entrance
A ttorney.
of the hotel T utw iler a, which w e
M ?« 2? .1 d in IT
were »laying Th! meat*, that , would
no, «ee hl m agata until Juat before
tim e to dress for dinner
I b itterly resented the L odative .
this new girl had tak* n fin». In se ,
tec,Ing a hou»e for ua to live In and
now for planning onr firs, evening s
en tertain m en t Then a though,. Ihst
was almo», prophetical came to m -
ad 1 knew. Jimt as positive,v, a» if Nine,ceil yearn a renlth’,,, ati’l
1 could see Into th •• future th a t th'» taxpayer x»f I j »,,«’ co,inly n a ­
was Ju«, thn heglnnlng of I.etltla tive Oregonian.
Want rigid vnf»»r<vnient <>f ih-‘
Fvan'» Interference
profi lidi Ion law. becauae I b e ­
(To ho continued
hud tough, a lam our first ev rctn tg
together—had looked forw ard to a
coay chat a, d in n e r th e thousand
and one II,tie incidents of the irlo
to be related, m esasuges from h's
friend» to be delivered and also
many arrangem ent» to 11»- dt»rtl»»«d
about the future
Chas. M. Emery
Loc.l Man G et! Mention \ C P ,
tlcord, new president of the »Ixival
Legion of lo g g e r s »nd Lum berm en.
lo<-»I unit. Is the subject of an article
,0 appear shortly In the 4 L Lum ber
New« The article was w rltl-n » v P
W MeKInnon. secretary of the nr
FOR BALE- -Carbon caper In lavr*
sheets. 2«x?9 Inches «nttahl« fo»
m aking tracing« T he New» Office
lieve In prohlblllon
Will aHMiHt In getting an eq u ita­
ble Ineotne fax.
Economy through dem anding
g r e a t e r e ffle le tte v fro m
and elimination of (¡»•■le»1’’ com ­
(’h a tig e |M ,rote In "' 10 c o r r e c t
p re n a n t •'•tr*'« n ‘’f “ h " « e
N o n ri'm l- e» •<’
t” anv or-
'vaolvnf |on l'xeepl f’* UHB ,,,V
tient Judgment 'n handling legis­
lative orohietns.
(Paid Adv.)
G ro w in g Food .
If mother« *iR reallxed the care, thought and knowledge
pur Into the baking of PEILEEt T1ON HUEAH they would
refiiHe to buy any other and never «pend another hour In
a hot kitchen m alting bread.
Perfection bread look« good, Il faate« good ami ba«
nourishing qualities with balance that make« it truly the
staff of life.
Bread and milk 1« a mighty good year 'round food for
growing boys and girl».
Firth St.
Phone R6
A x ’R'Ly D ept. S to re
Successori to SCHAEl'ERS BROS.
New! Have Ju«t made appearance into the fabric section.
The modish sum m er frock Is made of these splendid quality
ind beautiful Voiles. You'll be captivated by tile luxuriously
r ter-woven «liken thn-ails which form dainty cheeks or
triiws. Green, maize, blue, rose, orange. U n, grey, also
white fortn the Interest ing color range, 40 Inches wide.
There nre new designs anti color combinations that em ­
phasize the desire for brightness and color in sum m er
faahlona. Fine «beer quality. 40 IncheB wide. Just arrived!
One of the newer weaves that lias already earned a big
following of busy m others. Repeated washings leave
freshness undlmuied. Because of their splendid weight
ami cheery, colorful pal terns they sell readily.
Commercially fast color suiting« th a t witliBland the rub
of flit- tul> and wear so satisfactory because of their splen­
did weight. Especially «ultatble for boy« wash suit« and
of course wom an's and children’s frock«. Yard wide, choice
of 2(1 colors.
Rayon and Wool
Slipon Sweaters
- Indeed, the price i« low for the«e new sw eaters—the m ost
noticeable style feature about them I« the petal effect, col­
lar. Collar« and wide band at bottom distinguish them selves
In contrasting shades, and just a suggestion of a Bleeve—
decidedly «hört they are—'Goya red, Champagne, Opal or
Narva Blue colors.
(2nd floor.)