LOCAL CITIZENS E "Sv sounds ra th e r Im possible." "No. no not at all You'll like her She wins •■»♦ryha’itg, children amt old turn Included. My fath er though, she waa a wonder." "How old 1» she now?" "Abon, tw enty ,w o or so. I should Imagine And still flapping." he added. “ltu, I «till can't understand what TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF »he had ,0 do with getting this SPRINGFIELD AND LANE COUNTY house for u« “ J S Magheirv. wtlo is a candidate " t'h ye»." he retu rn ed to my fir«, for re-election as S enator for 1-ane o u r» , ’on. "you »<»- »he was In Lou," County haa lived in :hls County for B radley's place and rvi-ogntS", me th irty year», has been identified with Im mediately. She waa very cordial.“ B b U b m he h e s ita t'd as If hS were about to th e lum ber in lu stry the g r a te r part tell me sone (h in t and then reponsld- of that titre and is now o r e r a tin i a ■ I ered, “ Anyway,* he wen, on. “ wh *n cam p and mill in the southern p art o f| said, ... th »fleet of th e discipline was >hf. R eu n ion . I «••««. « h a t I w arted she «aid th e County X ethithstanding hi» bu d- ( "W ell, I've found a house for you. auto m atic T hey behaved under t h e knPW ex a c t), the place and Insist Bess Interests he ha» alw ays found tim e to tak e an active p art In all was C u rtiss" first announcem ent new order like little augwfcs, sleeping pi, „„ taking me ou, to see I, peacefully until It was ttiue to aw aken “ W h at w a s »he w o tn g In a real com m unity developm ent and |s the when he m et tue at the station. "You m ean you already have I,? Scientifically prepared food had anni e sta te offlcel hind of a man who make» a »ucces» I questioned, trying to conceal th e htlated the usual annoying ills th at "She has gone In for the Interior of all he undertakes. In w riting up the record of t h e ‘doubt I fel, over a m a n s ability to old-fashioned babies w ere wont to I aeroi-ufln« huslre«« and ha» a de various S enators In the las, leglela- «elect the kind of a house a woman indulge in. Indeed. I thought, it uixist1 p itm e n ! of he rown in B rad ley '* “ to re the “Oregon V oter" »aid of him. wanted. be an easy m a tte r rearin g a child yi,„ »aid she wen, to O gonta— “ M agladry Is so alcr, m entally, can “Yee, and 1,‘a corker! You'll Jus, under the new rules and regulations! | ..p ,, h er Oad's quite w ealthy—in »ee openings in argum ent so quickly , love Sallle. all we reed now for Bewidea. ¡here was tlje w onder th a , . feet h e 's'p ro h a M y th e riche», man and can counter so effectively as ,c » real lo v e n e st Is some fu rn itu re, filled my h e a rt when I though, « ( [ ,„ the state—ought to be ’— ......... h" because I s til la which of course I shall leave en tirely b e ln r a m other. My though,» ran on s tm ha« firs, dollar—bu, ' to your selection." and on until finally they were b lo tte d .,-raves luxury- has ,o have It and •‘L et's go and s»'e it now. right th is ou, by an overw helm ing re a l,tä tie n ,h e h l, on this schem e to play with m in u te!" I suggested, eager to know » h lch I Im m ediately voiced to Cur and arouse herself and Incidental!» the w orst and be through with any , , M to make money. 1 h ear she's done u n p le a sa ta rt situation, for my h eart “W e can ', possibly afford a bahv quite well with It. bu, sh-fs that w as filled with misgiving. g0 we",I have to use th is room for Ivpfv—sbe W>u,d have succeeded In The house C urtiss had found far 3 .tu d y ." a way. In any line of endeavor Rh- exceeded my expectations. An Inter- The reaso n advanced was appar- could sell Icicle" ,0 an Fsklm o and easting cottage of simple English type, entty a new on, to C u rtiss bu, except bavP him pleased with the tranaac- I, nestled on a hill top. In a little for a look of disap p o in tm en t th at ,,on W alt 'HI you see her. Sallle,“ I grove of slender pine ^aplings. which 9Wepr over his feature«, he might , , w a, r nnstim»*d w ith eurlosltv , ¡even now. w ere ohlding aloft th eir not even have have h eard my te rse , fblnk there was a tiny bi, of tealnsv I tiny green candles. Built sturdily of conclusion. brew ing because In spite of C u r tiss’ soft-grey stucco I, was gaily trim - i Going back ,0 th e hotel 1 asked aroWed disapproval of T,etltla E v a n s ,nted in apple-green su tters. The fea- p Urtfcss m ore of the detail« of havtne sbe now sounded alarm ingly at frac­ ture. how ever, which pleased me secured th e house for a heasonabl-' , , VP most, was the view of Shades moun- ren tal, a hou«e. which though small. --\Vh. n will I have th a t pleasure* tain which lifted one's vision ,0 v istas was undeniably a ttra c tiv e , ask'-d. feign, r « In d iffer en ce. "I'm , of vtcle,-blue peaks, the fa r ones m elt-i ,rp nt | n fO t,nols P rad ley ’s re a l in terested In m eeting nil your old Ing harm onoiously into the Intense e sta fe office to see w ha, he could I pr _friends you know C u rtl« « ' I blue of Southern skies In the d istan ce p ta)ng whlch could he seen clear,v school m e’.In candidate. throngh the ca< '-men, windows. It B n g r.v sr'x Agent i . Machine W orker b„ p„r fa r f, f wa« thinking, to fine of the most active cupnorter . b.ave a son for C urtiss All the uh- F or all w alls and ceilings there is a special Acme Qunl- r f 'h e -school m achine candidate is ()( m y«t'-rious y earn in g for Mother- ity product. Come ,0 this Acme Quality ra in , and trav elin g ag en t for a P ortland en- (hf)t b idden aw ay In t h e ’ Varnish Service Station and discuss with us any indoor graving eem panv w h’eh m an u factu res h e a rt of even the m ost frivolous w o-, or outdoor painting problem. cuts to he used In illu stratlo g h it'- mat)j cam e ’ r-g in g B esides. tnV| school annuals 1 thought continued, babies w eren’t so i F ran tic le tte rs have been sen t on, ; ^.„,5, , rnuble In th is new g eneration., bv the m achine com m ittee »ollcltina f rpm ,e n h 're d conservations of mv In a ; th e endorsem ents of business m en , r)pn,ja who discussed children for tb r ir candidate , . . » m odern iangungc. T here wa« no more A,demon h as co n sisten tly defeated unsclenllflc Joggling and hum oring of f ih-‘ Fvan'» Interference profi lidi Ion law. becauae I b e ­ (To ho continued hud tough, a lam our first ev rctn tg together—had looked forw ard to a coay chat a, d in n e r th e thousand and one II,tie incidents of the irlo to be related, m esasuges from h's friend» to be delivered and also many arrangem ent» to 11»- dt»rtl»»«d about the future Chas. M. Emery Loc.l Man G et! Mention \ C P , tlcord, new president of the »Ixival Legion of lo g g e r s »nd Lum berm en. lo<-»I unit. Is the subject of an article ,0 appear shortly In the 4 L Lum ber New« The article was w rltl-n » v P W MeKInnon. secretary of the nr ganlxatlon FOR BALE- -Carbon caper In lavr* sheets. 2«x?9 Inches «nttahl« fo» m aking tracing« T he New» Office lieve In prohlblllon Will aHMiHt In getting an eq u ita­ ble Ineotne fax. Economy through dem anding offlelaln. g r e a t e r e ffle le tte v fro m and elimination of (¡»•■le»1’’ com ­ minatone. (’h a tig e |M ,rote In "' 10 c o r r e c t p re n a n t •'•tr*'« n ‘’f “ h " « e N o n ri'm l- e» •<’ t” anv or- 'vaolvnf |on l'xeepl f’* UHB ,,,V tient Judgment 'n handling legis­ lative orohietns. (Paid Adv.) G ro w in g Food . If mother« *iR reallxed the care, thought and knowledge pur Into the baking of PEILEEt T1ON HUEAH they would refiiHe to buy any other and never «pend another hour In a hot kitchen m alting bread. Perfection bread look« good, Il faate« good ami ba« nourishing qualities with balance that make« it truly the staff of life. Bread and milk 1« a mighty good year 'round food for growing boys and girl». THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY FRED FRESE, Prop. Perkins Ijixton Building Firth St. Springfield Phone R6 J. C. BRILL STORES A x ’R'Ly D ept. S to re Successori to SCHAEl'ERS BROS. 75c SILK CHECK ANU STRIPE VOILES. THE YARD ......................................................... New! Have Ju«t made appearance into the fabric section. The modish sum m er frock Is made of these splendid quality ind beautiful Voiles. You'll be captivated by tile luxuriously r ter-woven «liken thn-ails which form dainty cheeks or triiws. Green, maize, blue, rose, orange. U n, grey, also white fortn the Interest ing color range, 40 Inches wide. 59c NEW PRINTED VOILES ARE OFFERED AT A SPECIAL PRICE There nre new designs anti color combinations that em ­ phasize the desire for brightness and color in sum m er faahlona. Fine «beer quality. 40 IncheB wide. Just arrived! 49c “CANTERBURY” PRINTS RIVAL IN BEAUTY WITH OTHER FAST COLOR PRINTS. YARD 39c One of the newer weaves that lias already earned a big following of busy m others. Repeated washings leave freshness undlmuied. Because of their splendid weight ami cheery, colorful pal terns they sell readily. FAST COLOR SCITINOS TAKE A LOW PRICE O F, YARD 29c Commercially fast color suiting« th a t witliBland the rub of flit- tul> and wear so satisfactory because of their splen­ did weight. Especially «ultatble for boy« wash suit« and of course wom an's and children’s frock«. Yard wide, choice of 2(1 colors. SI ('ll ENGAGING STYLES IN WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ Rayon and Wool Slipon Sweaters - Indeed, the price i« low for the«e new sw eaters—the m ost noticeable style feature about them I« the petal effect, col­ lar. Collar« and wide band at bottom distinguish them selves In contrasting shades, and just a suggestion of a Bleeve— decidedly «hört they are—'Goya red, Champagne, Opal or Narva Blue colors. (2nd floor.)