The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 15, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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TIIV HS I >AY, APRIL ir», 192<L
aamstmucm w s
board will hold Ila UHrrnlh •«•ml «n-
a tul Tacoma. May «
mml meeting In Porti»««. May 17-1»
•ra tio n . In the Inland Empire are the prevention and cure of scurvy,
purpoae ©f thr varlou« «llatrht
rr «dually approaching the »eaaonal A child who get« all the necagaary
etrldc the 4L report »aid. and Job. in vluiulnea in proportion to hta need». | met ting. 1» to conalder organlaa I.
Visits Slater Hsre— Ml»»
all line» are now fairly plentiful.
I. bright, active and happy. HI. e y e . , business ot a local or d l.trlcl nature.
Sciti.,»*, an i Ham Montgomery, of
Zs i f f / i i s M ’evA
n * *
Report« from varlou. cen ter, were sparkel. hla ekln I. rimy and he ha» land to Initiate bu.lnee« for action
Noti, were v l.lto r. In Hprlngfleld
as follow .:
« !•»’'•> expression III. m u .d e. are by the <L board of director., contpo«
April U»h— ,7»h
Portland— All larger lodging camps firm and h l. body I. wellrounded. At e,l
M l'« * lew « vl.lted at the home of
represinttng the
toe 1»
is «IL
— —— -
hi th la v I. th l. week you are very aggreeeive. You are quick ,n Columbia dl.trlct are operating no time d m . he need to be tortured repre.lntlug
llregon. Washington aud Idaho Th» her »Ister. Mr.. Fred Free.
in a " .o 7 a n d in thotwht. courage and .«termination are without equal Ycu g#w wl|ta anB
Highway work with sulfur and m o l ...e .
In action and In th ou gh t, co u ra g e auu
'V egetables are excellent spring
M -r.iirh Ilf overcoming all obstacles, and Invarlbaly reach your goal , lowljr „ g tln g started
n^m xltion Is nothing to von—you feel It your privileged »lu«.v »” command
Rgyciond South Bend. Wn - — « M
o oil
i l tonics and | have taken the place of «
alt those about von no matter whether it be In the business world, politic». ca,npa and all sawmills on Willapa disagreeable home remedies formerly I
thought necessary
necoesary Io
to health Equally I
unentplov- ihougltl
Harbor are operating Few unemplov
Vivo or r e lig io n
... - -
” You 7re’ "n excellent planner, and h a w deep InsIgM Into things „ You t «a , men In this ________
im p o rta n t
Is th e wonderful out-of-
laid rtoor
lota of fresh —
atr There
a r e not afraid to enter into undertaking«, the outcome of
or which
wnten may appear
»pm -«r
r ...« r» and
......... „nor
» ... w!th
to be dark and doubtful However, you calculate clom-ly. and count the coat off at three camps Slight shortage of „„thing Just Ilk- the exhilaration an I
*efore starting M fr that, you are wllltng’to carry the whole raepooslbllty rigging m en
thrill of out of-doors
Aberdeen-Hoquiam— Building con
Walk for health, It Is the best ex-
and see the thing through.
Women bom during these dates become teachers, welfare worker!-, .traction work Increasing A1I camps erckso. Eat your tonic with a fork
writers, modistes and musicians. Men excel at banking, selling, writing busy Sawmills cutting, many with instead of a spoon. T h l. la the new
two or three »hlfta. Few unemployed Idea for a spring tonic—freah vege­
Every «lollar you put Into building n good home
painting, and lecturing.
Clam digging and packing at seasonal tables and fruit Green leafy rage-
come« buck io you with lntt»reet- Kent paid to
all. the youth that Is as fine and peak.
the landlord never returns Why not m ake your
tab)■'« and fruit are available the
clean and sw eet a» the youth of any
T acom a— Employment conditions vear around Plenty of oxygen plus a
money work .for you? See « good home builder
w ork becoming
b e c o m in g
^ K elabl, . , w)U
other generation. If you'll look, you'll Improving
Improving. Building work
today and depend upon llooth-Kelly for good
more active with consequent demand provide the energy and vitality „„
flrd t.
Lumber, l*ath and Shingle«.
Curiously enough—and t* rhap* It 1« for help
easarv to Insure health and happlnena
because they are so wise for their
Seattle — Four logging
concerns —Stale Board o t Health
years, you will always find them have laid off fallers and bucker»
The New-Fashioned Girl.
open to reason And because being Index-Galena sawmill now cutting
Dear Miss Flo: What's the matter a good sport Is virtually their rell .ft* r four months close Number or
Organize« Salesmen
___ ___
_ „ generation
________ ____.
Hon__their code—’b-y respond quick- uremnloyed gradually decreaalng
with this
I ran do positively nothing with ray |y
fa|r pi„v So while It Is fa ta l, Spokane— Two summer logging OP-
y o -m g daughter who is only nineteen for parents to be tc-o strict with their «ration» start’ d work last
peers old
She never consults me children. th- children win meet them Night shifts put on at two Inrge saw
American Forest Week
about anything she wishes to do. and morp than half way If they see the mills Surplus of labor smaller than
April 18th to 24th.
eh-’ defies me in everything.
Sh* parents are willing to come the other It has been at any time since Novem
bps been away from home, attending half o{ the way.
a -rivate school, for the last eight * Remember that she has spent her
years, and I found upon her return tno-.i Imcressk-nable years of her life SPRING TONICS DISCUSSED
th»» we were utter strangers. I tried awar from you. and her taste«, her j
to become acquainted with her. hut habks. her points of view b- e under- ] BY STATE HEALTH BOARD
ah« was always so frightfully pollt- rtand(ne of life such as »he has. have
and formal, and self confident that beP,. formed bv her teachers and her
. . .
« . ■ „ . n r t n > tank-
I could find nothing to say to her. ^ o o l- m a tM
No doubt she Is find-
” 1
' ^ ‘J fra, lra ,,r pr,..
You are always favoring the young tn< „ ,ust
difficult , 0 know. you.
, , llfur and m„ |.,-
Springfield. Oregon
W ill ycu please tell me whether hr nroh, h.T rP„ r d her as yet a child-
youngster, were forced
not I am old fashioned and unreason-
must obey you Implicitly and
* d(ja<i whether they liked It
Eugene 452
Perhaps you be-
, “ t' T‘0(, " we believe that acarlty
Telephone«: Springfield 55.
•We In maintaining that my dagffh without a u c tio n
ter should obey her parents?
l-eve. that you must still keen the
Tefetabl„ has something to
A Mother
rldlculcua nose of
dn w)th
Iow«red vttalKy at aprlng-
that vnn • Kou M n e v e r ad m it to n a v in r
I favor neither age nor youth. But been guilty of any of the follies ot 1
»print tonic 1» good-ta.t-
n tf B ir th d a it >
Your Money
Comes Back
By Flo
Our Forests A re Our
G reatest A sse t”
Don’t Burn Them
The Booth-Kelly Lbr.
I'd tike to Induce a better understand voufh
refreshing and health-giving veg.
lng between parent, and chlkb-en I'd
Show her by word and by deed ,h “t | e U 'M w an,| fruits are Important parts
like parents to know their children, you are trvlng to know her—and re
(h< d(eL
supply iron, lime
and I want them to realixe that the nsemher. this is 19?«—the em ancln.
^ er m| neral element» that en-
old method of dealing with them will tion that began with the war la going
(h<> b)ood nourish the tissue»
not work In this day of the so-called onward and onward. For the past
provide bone-building material,
flapper. 1 want them to know that »even years your daughter ha» been
tab,e(1 and fruits, are especially
they i cannot adoot the hlghrbwrded accustomed to muhh freed o m She can Ta,u4b|e ^ » u s e of their rich vitamin
xrethbds of the stern parents of older not be expected to —lip bacx Into
leading string» again, »et you rule
Vllam lnes are life-giving substance.
Children today simply snap their her existence, with a struggle
In the food, without which, no matter
fin cer. n their parents' faces when
food onv
one eats, disorder, - w-
o w much
m ucn itMKi
tJuv are threatened with the punish- NORTHWEST EMPLOYMENT nutrition occur and protection against
■»«-t of past generations—the rod.
GRADUALLY INCREASING diaease Is lowered or lost Vitam in«.
the locked door, even when face-1
are a ra^an* of keeping up the heaitn
yrtth being turned out of their home.
Portland. April 1 5 — (8p eclal)—Em- of the individual They are known as
These youngsters of today are not ployment In the Pacific Northwest vitamin«« “A."
and "U.' and
lackng in courage-regard
courage— regardless
of <ODtinueg , o
9, eady, gradual eech ha» a nutritional value,
what o’her short comings they might
an district« ac-l Spinach contains a lot of vitamin
have » ’me .r e unutterably soohlatl- (,ordlnK t0 repOTtg from Tar|Ou . north-
“ and thia vitamin aid . In prevent
ca»ed. and when mother and father w<^ tertl cttleg received at 4L head- lng and curing rickets, malnutrition
,nt at home quarters her« today. The laying off c ' nod te-th. Cabbage, tomatoes,
n-f-he things too unpleasant
tb 'v simplv go nome , where else.
of fallera and buckera at several log- spinach and bean« contain a wealth
k . pride and glng campa in some co a .t d istrict., of vitamin "R.''; th l. vitamin pro-
Pi»» can't vou sense t the
c o r r s r e in that veung defiant
voice? dld not perceptibly affect the general ¡ motes growth and Improves the appe-
Ce.u't you understand that the voice trend of employment.
I tlte
Lettuce and tomato«» are rich
1» —v'ng out the love, of life tn
eocl of the reckless sulky, courageous.
Independent child .of yours? Ypu ar*
»»e*ne cnlv the '•ard young eyes, the
hendoKned sleek bobbed hair, the
carmined lira of the modern girl. You
The 5*l«wmen
Amer^a will
soon be well organised If the
plant of Hal P Denton of Chicago
mature. Mr. Denton, pioneer of
the Kiwanit International Club, is
an .xperi.nced organiser and bo-
lievee that his new movement to
bring salesmen together Into one
large family will better thie great
A x-B illy Dept. Store
Successors to Schaefers Bros.
Portland. April 7 —The flrat district
board meeting of the tl. organisation
this year will be held at Wendllng.
April 13, at the 4L hall there, accord
lug to Information given out at 4L
headquarters here today. Other dis­
trict m eeting, will be held during the
next thirty d ay. aa follows: Baker.
April 15; Silverton. April 17; Ray
mond. W n , April 20: Hoquam. W n,
April 21; Seattle. April 23; Belling
ham, Wn, April 23; Spokane. April
c a n n o t «ee. behind th a t r e b e llio u s ex*
ter’ov. R~al Youth—twentieth cen­
tury model, yes—but underneath it
For Discriminating Fair Sex
— A T , P A IR -----
•$ 5 ^
The Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Company will
occupy new quarter» in the Steven» Building
on Main Street Saturday. In our new place
of business we will be able to serve the pub-
lie still better.
the Fish
They’re biting and all
the lovers of the piscator­
ial pastime are flocking In
for rods, hooks and lines.
Rods, R e e l» .
Landing Nets, and Linen
and Taper Lines.
A Complete Stock of Im­
A General Service Garage
will be conducted in the new place the sam e
in our old location on
Second Street.
In addition Special Chevrolet Service will be handled in conjunction
A full and up-to-date Btock of tires, tubes, accessories, gas and oil will
* be on hand.
We are Expert Mechanics and Personally
see that every job is done right
ported Halford Dry Flies.
4th and Main St.
Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor Co.
—Women are keen observers of w hat la being worn
in a X c e you may lake In every detail of dress fro n
the crown of a chic chapeau to the tip of a painty
«hoe W hat you see. other women can see, too. And
how often do you see a women’s eyes linger for a sec­
ond on another’s well-shod feet; that glance m easures
the suprem e Importance of footwear. You know and
they know th at th e right footwear often make the
Buccess of a wom an's mode of dresB.
—The m ost satisfying Pumps, yet priced so that you
can afford them! Here Is where these Pumps for
women and young women achieve distinction. We .
are ready to serve you. Will you let uh have the op­
portunity of showing these to you -now?
For a Trim Looking Ankle
“Bobolink” Guaranteed Silk Hose
__If you would have your Sum m er Pumps fit com­
fortably and your ankle neat and trim looking, you
m ust wear a pair of silk stockings such as Bobllnk’s.
The silk Is of high quality, fits the foot sm ooth and
has the richest appearance.
i—A new pair without conservation if they do not
give you satisfaction ln every way. A real guarantee
with "Our S tore” to make the replacem ent. No wait­
M ail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled