wak PAQH S ix TIIV HS I >AY, APRIL ir», 192 expression III. m u .d e. are by the tank- I could find nothing to say to her. ^ o o l- m a tM No doubt she Is find- ” 1 ' ^ ‘J fra, lra ,,r pr,.. You are always favoring the young tn< „ ,ust difficult , 0 know. you. , , llfur and m„ |.,- Springfield. Oregon W ill ycu please tell me whether hr nroh, h.T rP„ r d her as yet a child- youngster, were forced not I am old fashioned and unreason- must obey you Implicitly and * d(ja -J I Your Money Comes Back Confidence By Flo Our Forests A re Our G reatest A sse t” Don’t Burn Them The Booth-Kelly Lbr. COMPANY I'd tike to Induce a better understand voufh refreshing and health-giving veg. lng between parent, and chlkb-en I'd Show her by word and by deed ,h “t | e U 'M w an,| fruits are Important parts like parents to know their children, you are trvlng to know her—and re (h< d(eL supply iron, lime and I want them to realixe that the nsemher. this is 19?«—the em ancln. ^ er m| neral element» that en- old method of dealing with them will tion that began with the war la going (h<> b)ood nourish the tissue» not work In this day of the so-called onward and onward. For the past provide bone-building material, flapper. 1 want them to know that »even years your daughter ha» been tab,e(1 and fruits, are especially they i cannot adoot the hlghrbwrded accustomed to muhh freed o m She can Ta,u4b|e ^ » u s e of their rich vitamin xrethbds of the stern parents of older not be expected to —lip bacx Into content. generations leading string» again, »et you rule Vllam lnes are life-giving substance. Children today simply snap their her existence, with a struggle In the food, without which, no matter fin cer. n their parents' faces when bow food onv one eats, disorder, - w- of h o w much m ucn itMKi tJuv are threatened with the punish- NORTHWEST EMPLOYMENT nutrition occur and protection against ■»«-t of past generations—the rod. GRADUALLY INCREASING diaease Is lowered or lost Vitam in«. the locked door, even when face-1 - are a ra^an* of keeping up the heaitn yrtth being turned out of their home. Portland. April 1 5 — (8p eclal)—Em- of the individual They are known as These youngsters of today are not ployment In the Pacific Northwest vitamin«« “A." and "U.' and lackng in courage-regard courage— regardless of