The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 01, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    F A (ìr -
'« T
R e g is tra tio n
Rotondine of outM andloe bond« of
R egistration hook» aro now nt ih»
Ort kon irt wuUok uiatrk-t* through the c| ty h -,| an j „p w(,„ have not pre-
Issuance of state bonds as a solution viously reg istered e r have changed
to th e present financial dlteuim a now precincts since
reg isterin g
faced by Irrigation projects In this should do so b ifo re April 20. Record
state, was suggested by S tate T reas­ er R W. Sm ith anneunced today The
Brief Resume of Reopenings o< u rer Kay. a mem ber of the state irriga­ Springfield to tal reg istrai on Is about
tion securities commission, at a con­ 1500.
the Week Collected tor
ference at Salem
Our Readers
T here are 3251 radio sets on the
Thumb Cut Off.
farm s of Oregon. It has been disclosed
Ray G rothe. who lives n ear Goshen.
S teelh ead s have bogus th eir run up by a recen t survey by the del artiu en t U In th e Pacific C hristian hospital
of commerce. That the ra I:
nearly , today as a result of an accident yes-
th « V m atilla riv er from th e Columbia.
as popular as tracto rs ts shown in the , eriU). ln wh)ch m ,
wall caught
Spinal m eningitis claimed two more report th at there are 5771 tracto rs on (n a hu„ Mw ani, (hl, , hunlb gever„d
Victims In K lam ath Falls with the
5»e5 Oregon farm s The total num ber Tb|( h>#d waa operated on by a local
tfeath of tw o boys, aged 7 and 10.
of farm« in the state is 55.908. an In- , u(<ron
n „ h , n . ta Rg of the ac-
C itizens of Sum pter turn ed out en crease of 5 102 since 1920
I cldent were not available today.
B a sse and donated th e ir services In
Unless tax receipts increase m ater- <
repairin g the highw ay leading Into the tally the state tre a su re r on April H r
Inspsctors Here— R. L yberg and E.
will be compelled to draw from the g McLendln. Inspectors tor various
Logs will be rafted from the Slus- various state depositories a large f)rnl, buvtn< lum ber, a re a t the Frederick Stelwer. O. O. P. Can
law river to Coos bay to save railroad amount of money to defray cu rren t ; Boo, h Kel' ly piBnt today.
diciate for Senator.
freight chargee by the Stout Lum ber expenses of the state governm ent :
The shortage of funds la due. the sta te
Qo To s . aM, . _ n r and Mrs w H .
,Q s ,,a („ e o r r r |h ,
Io w a M a n Seeks Location—Allen C.
Salem ’s annual blossom day festival treasu rer said, because of Interest d u e , , ^ 1Urd
was observed Sunday. The fete was
week-end. On Monday they retu rn ed 'C lln g n n p eel of Mapleton. Iowa, la In
Minor alteratio n s in th e hospital at to Portland, w here Dr. Pollard atteod. Springfield thia week, seeking a new
tw o w eeks ahead of any previous ob­
servance of the occasion.
--- - Oregon Soldiers’ Home are con ru
I uvw. o home n «•««»
a a ■ w Cllngan
ed th e UiV-gtlU*
m eeting Ut
of city uvaaiu
h ealth v officers
thia vswve.w»
d istrict ee Mr
The state highway commission m eet­ tem plated by the S tate Board of I on of (be atate Mr». P ollard retu rn ed I peel has relativ es here and at Mar-
ing has fixed April 10 a t New Grand trot. as a result of an Inspection e a r,y , htJ WM)fc
Bond* to r th e hearing on th e Salmon I
The large num ber of aged men ,
suffering from Infirm ities requiring
river im provem ent district.
hospital attention has made a re a r­
The annual conference of th e South­
rangem ent necessary in order th at
ern Oregon S eventh Day A dventist
more beds may be provided.
church was held for th ree days in the
The state public srevlce commission
new church edifice of th at denom ina­
held a hearing ln Eugene on th e ap­
tion at Medford
plication of a large num ber of persons
Sheep »hearing started Monday in
living in the w estern end of Eugene
th e central Oregon country. The first
and oiftside the city lim its for exten­
shearing was in Crook county and It is
sion of street railw ay service on the
expected th a t shearing will continue
Southern Pacific tracks which extend
until at least June 20.
on Eleventh avenue w est and on a
Investigation of an alleged defective county road for a number of miles.
sew er at Salem showed th at It was
Revival of the shale oil Industry ts
blocked with moonshine mash. The
prom ised for Ashland early this sum ­
officers were notified and an effort is
m er A new 250-ton reto rt for m elting
being made to determ ine the source of
the shale has been in experim ental
th e trouble.
operation for the past seven m onths
Co<3« county will have a baseball and it has proven capable of doing the
league th is year, which will open May work. W hen the plant gets in full
2 and close the season a fter playing I operation it will have a capacity of
the tw elfth game July IS Members 1000 tons daily, according to present
a re North Bend, Coquille. M arshfield plans.
and Bandon.
A stream of smoke bearing a pun
The south Jetty being constructed gent o<jor 0( sulphur Is coming from
on Coos bay has been damaged to a
fissure ln the hillside near McLen
considerable ex ten t by rough w ater, non's station on the O.-W. R. A N .
which has broken down rocking and Bend branch, railroad men report. The
w ashed out piling. 200 yards going cut smoke is pouring from a crack vary­
in one section.
ing in width from 4 to 20 feet. The
B usiness and professional men of edges of th e fissure a re caked with
E ugene have announced a state-wide sulphur. The earth crack is less than
celebration to be held a t Eugene Aug 100 feet from th e railroad tracks.
nst 19 and 20 in honor of the comple­
Sales of lum ber reported by 104
tion of the Eugene-K lam ath Falls line mills to the W est Coast L um berm en's
of th e Southern Pacific.
association for the week ending March
Sale of logs on th e Columbia river 20 am ounted to 115,342.905 feet. This
fo u le d 30.000.000 board feet la st week was 14,000.000 feet below th e abnor­
according to John T. Dougall. m anager mal bookings of the previous week,
of th e Columbia R iver L oggers’ Infor­ but was well above the norm al av er­
m ation bureau, settin g the highest age. Production came up during the
sales record of two years.
week also, rising from 107,947,524 feet
Ci s tru c t for grading of eight miles th e previous week to 110,346.826 feet.
The sem i-annual distribution of au­
of highway betw een Corvallis and Phil
om nth on the Corvallis-Newport road tom obile registration fees to the 36 -
was let by the state highway commis­ counties of the state, represen tin g one-
sion to the Slate C onstruction com­ fourth of the net receipts for th e six-
pany of Albany for $36.439.
m onth period ending March 15. has
United S tates S enator McNary pre­ Just been completed by S ecretary of
sented to P resid en t Coolidge the name S tate Koxer. The am ount distributed
of Justice John L. Rand of the Oregon among the counties totaled $1.120.000
suprem e court as a candidate for a p and distribution was made upon the
pointm ent to the ! ¡era! circuit court h as. j of the contribution made by ea< h
county to the autom obile reg istratio n
of appeals at San Francisco.
Two hundred physicians of the state fund
The senate public lands com m ittee
gatb red In Portland W ednesday.
You'll find all the now spring sty les in all th e
T hursday and Friday to atten d the* an ­ has reported favorably on a bill for
sp rin g colors w aiting for you here. T h ey 're
nual confer rt - c i the city and county reconveyance of Sand island, a t the
m en. but It w on’t co st an y th in g to look
. •••• '-'ll m eet­
governm ent to th e sta te of Oregon.
at them . Of course we also ca rry o u r reg u lar
ing of th«- sta te medical society.
conservative line of h a ts an d caps.
lnf.uer.ta cases declined throughou' The island originally was ceded by the
the state the last week, only 172 be state to the g ivernm ent In lh64 with
the understandinc th at it would be
ing reported as against more than 2
the week before, according to the bul
letin of Dr Fr- > ri k D. Stricker, sec­ - .-intends th at th»- .»land was not so
used but was leased for fishing pur­
reta ry of the state board of health.
The state highw ay dep artm en t has
P ortland was announced as winner
announced th at special 1 ad restric
first prize for 1925 among th e coun
tious in effect on <■ rtaln state road?
try 's big cities in th “ national fire
for s tre n d months would i - r •• vt
w aste contest conducted jointly by
April l. Aft<-r that data the n u •
ratio n al fire w aste council and the
load lim it prescribed by law again
cham ber of comm erce of the United
will be effective.
States. Prizes were aw arded to cities
. T h .- Home T ele hone & Telegraph of each class on the basis of th e re­
company of m utie rn Oregon in its duction in fire los.ies shown during th “
annual report fil -1 with the public year. Portland made the best showing
service comm, - on shows profit» o* among cities having populations of
more than 100.000.
year 181». The company operate? in
Seven hundred barnyard h n» wili
Me<;f rd aDd vicinity.
soon he sittin g on thousands .1 Chi- ,
Ju-llee of the Peace Miller Hayden nese pheasant eggs at the two stati
of Bandon ».-n n cd Dr. J: -a s W heel­ plants at Eugene and Corvallis, ac­
e r of Geld Beach to W days in Jail, a cording to Gene Simpson, seperintend-
fine of $150 ta d revocation of hl-- au ent of th e plant». P rospects are good
S carfs h a w n ev e r been sm ajrter o r m ore b eau ­
tom< de 1, erjse for one y r, on Dr.
butch y ar.
Wo are show ing all the, new est ones, fash ­
Who '• r’-t pho. of guilty to driving au being laid by the ph easan ts earlier
au- mobile while Intoxicated.
of fine qu ality silk. E ach one a triu m p h an t
tb. season than usual. The wild tar- i
The state sui-r-m e court has af key hens recently brought here from i
color schem e so Ingeniously h arm onious us to
firmed th e (onviit.i' 'S of C H. Ow.-ns the south are also laying, ano quite a ;
m atch any gown. In all th e m ost brilliant m od­
and C hest' r C. Kubll, who are under latch of these birds Is expected.
ernistic colors.
s in’ence of not to exceed t i-ee years
Bids will be opened by th e s t a t e '
In th " sta te penitentiary for aiding ilghway commission April 29 on the 1
and abetting W. II. Johnson, cashier of following Jobs: K lam ath Falls Lake-i
the Rank of Jacksonville. In th e inis- view highway, Bly m ountain section, 1
application of funds of th e Institution. 12 5 miles of surfacing; Alsea valley
Several hundred Finnish resid en ts
ection. 10.5 miles of grading; Roose-
ot A storia gathered at th e Captain
• it highway in Lincoln county, two
R obert Gray Ju n io r high school and
ridges with reinforced concrete arch
Bnanlm ously adopted a resolution ex
ver Ih-poe bay and Rocky creek ; 1.5 -
pressin g th eir approval of the action miles of grading through the city of
of Hchool au th o rities In compelling the W heeler; a section of the same high j
resignation of Paul Siro, 14. as presi­ - ay between Hobsonvllle and Miami.
dent of the school stu d en t body after : wo miles of grading, and on th e sam e
Slro had openly declared him self as Highway a bridge over the south fo rk ,
few oriny com m unistic principles.
of the Nehalem a t Mohler.
Tire Sale
Special Prices on
All Sizes
We are reducing our stock.
Also a few specials in tubes and
Eastern Oil.
Also a few specials in the Radio
Springfield Garage
Exquisite Malcriáis
(Reflect the
*» v . i i*
Can’t Beat ’em Men!
New Easter Felts
as Low as
An Im portant dlsplny of new fashions in ma*
terial. .Materials never before associated with this
popular price. Of b eaullful quality In glorious
colorings and designs expressing all tin* (lush and
sp ark le th a t vivify the S pring season.
50c per yard
Silk Stockings
Radiant S ca rfs
Silk sto ck in g s o f exquisite colorings. Sheer,
m edium and heavy silk, with lisle loot and top
fo r long wearing. Reliable, full fa hloned hose. At
Ibis extrem ely low price it is well to buy a se a ­
son’s supply. All sizefi.