F A (ìr - E’ '« T C7ECCN NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST THURSDAY. APRIL I. 11»2»? TUE SPIUNUFIELD NEWS R e g is tra tio n Open. Rotondine of outM andloe bond« of R egistration hook» aro now nt ih» Ort kon irt wuUok uiatrk-t* through the c| ty h -,| an j „p w(,„ have not pre- Issuance of state bonds as a solution viously reg istered e r have changed to th e present financial dlteuim a now precincts since last reg isterin g faced by Irrigation projects In this should do so b ifo re April 20. Record state, was suggested by S tate T reas­ er R W. Sm ith anneunced today The Brief Resume of Reopenings o< u rer Kay. a mem ber of the state irriga­ Springfield to tal reg istrai on Is about tion securities commission, at a con­ 1500. the Week Collected tor ference at Salem Our Readers T here are 3251 radio sets on the Thumb Cut Off. farm s of Oregon. It has been disclosed Ray G rothe. who lives n ear Goshen. S teelh ead s have bogus th eir run up by a recen t survey by the del artiu en t U In th e Pacific C hristian hospital of commerce. That the ra I: nearly , today as a result of an accident yes- th « V m atilla riv er from th e Columbia. as popular as tracto rs ts shown in the , eriU). ln wh)ch m , wall caught Spinal m eningitis claimed two more report th at there are 5771 tracto rs on (n a hu„ Mw ani, (hl, , hunlb gever„d Victims In K lam ath Falls with the 5»e5 Oregon farm s The total num ber Tb|( h>#d waa operated on by a local tfeath of tw o boys, aged 7 and 10. of farm« in the state is 55.908. an In- , u( ri k D. Stricker, sec­ - .-intends th at th»- .»land was not so used but was leased for fishing pur­ reta ry of the state board of health. poses. The state highw ay dep artm en t has P ortland was announced as winner announced th at special 1 ad restric f first prize for 1925 among th e coun tious in effect on <■ rtaln state road? try 's big cities in th “ national fire for s tre n d months would i - r •• vt w aste contest conducted jointly by April l. Aft<-r that data the n u • ’he ratio n al fire w aste council and the load lim it prescribed by law again cham ber of comm erce of the United will be effective. States. Prizes were aw arded to cities . T h .- Home T ele hone & Telegraph of each class on the basis of th e re­ company of m utie rn Oregon in its duction in fire los.ies shown during th “ annual report fil -1 with the public year. Portland made the best showing service comm, - on shows profit» o* among cities having populations of 5 more than 100.000. year 181». The company operate? in Seven hundred barnyard h n» wili Me<;f rd aDd vicinity. soon he sittin g on thousands .1 Chi- , Ju-llee of the Peace Miller Hayden nese pheasant eggs at the two stati of Bandon ».-n n cd Dr. J: -a s W heel­ plants at Eugene and Corvallis, ac­ e r of Geld Beach to W days in Jail, a cording to Gene Simpson, seperintend- fine of $150 ta d revocation of hl-- au ent of th e plant». P rospects are good S carfs h a w n ev e r been sm ajrter o r m ore b eau ­ tom< de 1, erjse for one y r, on Dr. butch ...is y ar. i.. tiful! Wo are show ing all the, new est ones, fash ­ Who '• r’-t pho. of guilty to driving au being laid by the ph easan ts earlier au- mobile while Intoxicated. ioned of fine qu ality silk. E ach one a triu m p h an t tb. season than usual. The wild tar- i The state sui-r-m e court has af key hens recently brought here from i color schem e so Ingeniously h arm onious us to firmed th e (onviit.i' 'S of C H. Ow.-ns the south are also laying, ano quite a ; m atch any gown. In all th e m ost brilliant m od­ and C hest' r C. Kubll, who are under latch of these birds Is expected. | ernistic colors. s in’ence of not to exceed t i-ee years Bids will be opened by th e s t a t e ' In th " sta te penitentiary for aiding ilghway commission April 29 on the 1 and abetting W. II. Johnson, cashier of following Jobs: K lam ath Falls Lake-i the Rank of Jacksonville. In th e inis- view highway, Bly m ountain section, 1 application of funds of th e Institution. 12 5 miles of surfacing; Alsea valley Several hundred Finnish resid en ts ection. 10.5 miles of grading; Roose- ot A storia gathered at th e Captain • it highway in Lincoln county, two R obert Gray Ju n io r high school and ridges with reinforced concrete arch Bnanlm ously adopted a resolution ex ver Ih-poe bay and Rocky creek ; 1.5 - pressin g th eir approval of the action miles of grading through the city of of Hchool au th o rities In compelling the W heeler; a section of the same high j resignation of Paul Siro, 14. as presi­ - ay between Hobsonvllle and Miami. dent of the school stu d en t body after : wo miles of grading, and on th e sam e Slro had openly declared him self as Highway a bridge over the south fo rk , few oriny com m unistic principles. of the Nehalem a t Mohler. Tire Sale Special Prices on All Sizes OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT We are reducing our stock. Also a few specials in tubes and Eastern Oil. Also a few specials in the Radio Department. Springfield Garage Exquisite Malcriáis (Reflect the Ne