The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 11, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    thuhpdav . marcii
n, m2*.
S oulribern Pacific atatlon for «©me u m b r the direction of Mr. M urphy»
la III—J sin es M itchell la 111 a t hla I P o rter H ate— Dick P o rter of Wal- Ilme.
i friend.
hom e here.
Makes Salem Trip—Mr«. Paul B rat-
Creswell Man Here—George Arne-
Jam es H art Here—Janie» H a rt of
Undergoes O peration— Mr*. U. ll.
h eart. m anager of the C resw ell Feed tain dreve over to Salem late la s t
Stowell» of W end Ing underw ent an
and Heed company w as In B p rltg fl'ld ¡.week, taking with her Mr. and Mrs.
last Friday.
Sutler* Blroke— Mr*. J. L, Midosh opurallon her» T uesday m orning.
E ndicott HI— It. njaiuln Endicott
I on S aturday m orning to Iran tact bu ll- ¡W allace Carney, who put th lr soa
«uffcrul n stroke »f paralysis tutu
sufforlng ridili u i hi « ' lit liiflu.iuii
' the school for the blind a t the c a p t
Blue River Visitor«— Mr. and Mre. ' ness.
Mrs. Saul III— Mr» A nthony Halil
J tai city. Hope Is held out by th - -ye-
luut w irk The stro k e effected her of N ineteenth »treat, la suffering I A. B Aunman of Blue Klver were
W illin'»* In— W illiam W illiam ', left «lit».
R eturn from K lam ath—Mayor a n l clalhita for the boy'- recovery of ala
j here on buslneaa F riday and S atu r­
iiii'ii lidi 1 of K xttf, Oregon, iwea a Vis­
Mrs. G. G. Bushm an returned Monday light. V arious state Inst tu ti as w are
ito r ill Hprlnetleld Friday
Fr«»e Sick—Fred Free«, proprietor
K lam ath Falls, w here they »pert visited by the 8ndr.gfi.-M p ople J u r
Pierce Here— Eugene It Pierce
¡<>f the Kprinxfii'lil bakery, becam e ill
Avltt Move»—J. W. A vltt moved several days while Mr. Bushman ¡ng the tim e sp en t at Salem.
Eugeni , w in a bualne»« visitor
Marci ant I» Vl»ltor— E II H iiiv
nn Monday of this week anil was un-
this week from Fifth and K »treat» 1 tran sacted business for the Hi ring-
Mohawk n "roim in, wne In town on iible to be ul work at the bakery on Springfield late laut week.
tc th* house located at F ourth and C field Mill and Grain company.
binili,. » Friday of lusl week.
Man Sleeps Like Log,
litui day.
Fam ily Move»— The E. < (’/handler »treeta.
Eats A n yth in g
A rtrltag r Recover»— Alva Armltag-1.
Corneliu« Is V isito r— M A Corni'-
of fam ily have moved from F ifth and E
Spi a n* B ark—Frank Kinsley
Oo to North Bend— Mr. and Mrs. D. who has been suffering for over a
lio* J m ,<>r u n I i ì “in, paid Springfield
itreet to u boll»'' on Want I) »lr at.
P terra, cull, d at a local pby »Irian'S
‘ A fter taking A dlerlka I ean e a t
F. T urner h av e 'm o v e d to th e ir new fortnight with a ».-vere case of t h -
a bush i< vio li Friday morning
office Monday for itm n li atlon, fol­
Here from W altervllle—A. 11 Mor- !m;n ut North Bend. W ashington. Influenza, ha» recovered and was ' anything and sleep like a log. 1
1 on th e sto:;:.i' h and couldn’t keep
Oaugbi Here— M »ml Mr« Stanley ioin" hla spraining hl» hack w h le rl« of W altervllle wan a visitor Id They do not plan to retu rn here.
able to make a business trip to Spring-
food down nor sleep.” (signed I R C.
lin o n i'
Tb onion w e r'- In town »imp Iiri eg on heavy lim bers In a sawmill Springfield Tuesday.
p etu rn from C alifornia— M-'- and
»I Pengra
Miller. ONE spoonful A dlerlka r »
plug Saluruay
iwn with the “flu” for a time.
(’ gill hav
retu rn ed
Here from
C re tw ell George
t. Mrs T heron
moves GAS and of’-eu brings surpric-
turn from W ashington— Mr and Brown of C resw ell Paid Spr n g fle d from C alifornia, w here they have
Ouvre, ’i g In—John D we .
V 'sit Hood River—Mr. and Mrs. ing r e lh f to the stom ach. S top/ th a t
<). W, Brabham and Mr and Mr«. a b u sln -ss visit T uesday,
-p en t several m onths.
Wi ■ lime wi m hi town on busini*»«
Dallas M urphy, and I. E. M urphy oi full, bloated feeling. O ften bring»
.'Id are back a fte r an ex-
Eugene motored to Hood R iver lat out old w aste-m atter you n ev er
nt Onuluaku, W u.hlngto i
Iasi week, visiting friends th e “ -. thought w as In your system Excel-
Her« from Noti— M« m!i,l Mrs, C. 1-
away for about two ,.f N orth Fifth street |s reported on
C asper house on O s ir ,-t to thu W i ll.- at Hood River, they attend -.1 I< nt for chronic constipat on Flan»
I,..muu wer« In Kprluxfh'M from Noll month».
I hi, alck H»t.
a mlnstrr-al rhow given by the hand ery's D rug store.
li e u . at Mill and C streets.
F r day
i s » . I .«J---- -— I—--------------- - J
H ere for Inspection—A F Crirw of
Coe* to P ortland— Don GHlespi"
Whole Family III—T he e n tire fam­
Here from Wendllng I'«l 1-ajoto of i he M and M W oolw orking com pany ma ' a busines» trip to Portland this
ily of F orest F ritts living e a st of
W e il l I ll g w . &R u huilin« 0 visitor In I of Albina, Oregon was In town Fri
Springfield, Is reported 111 w ith the
H prlngflel! Saturday.
day inspecting a carload of lum ber
Here Tuesday— Mrs. M orris Vltua influenza.
Co«» to C apital— Miss Hylvlu Veatch I at III. Booth Kelly mil. destined for und little son. of Eugene, were hero
/ pany
Visit from P ortland— Miss Maude
m ade a trip I» Htilriu over the week
as visitors T uesday.
G orrle and G ilbert Young of Portland
Beck at W ork—B (J Sankey. mall
H artley Family H ere— Hal H artley
T hurston Men H .r — H M Moraan , “ r r 'r r . ,o r
T " »• " b- ‘ k « and fam ily w ere visitors here from w ere visitors over the iweek-end at
th e home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Gor­
and C harles Taylor of T hurston wem * " r ‘‘ Bf,er <WO werlw of
W aliervif e Tuesday
rle, Sr.
here on business Saturday morning. I UF
' * “lch Ilm« hl» »on, Elm er,
Kickbush In—John Kickbush of
( supplied for him on the mall route.
Vlalt Van Valzah Hom«— Dr Jerry
It is hopes o f S pring th a t keep our hearts
W altervllle was In town on business Van Valzab of Tacom a, W ashington,
W a lte rv llle Man In— Earl Thlenla o f
w arm during W intertim e. O ur ceremonials
Return» to W endllng— Miss Francia
W altervllle waa here on business Mon­
and Mr. and Mrs R obert Van Valzan
of distinction show a human interest th a t
Donovan. who some tinte ago under-
m ark each as a Service o f S incerity.
went an appendiciti»
sppnnuiciua operation
operatlon ul
Sw art» V isits Albany—C E. Sw art» and daughter, Ann of Portland, left
Saturday for th eir respective homes
Co»» to Portland— K. E Morrison the Pacific C hristian hospital, return- and fam ily m otored to Albany 8un-
a fte r »pending several days with M«s.
day to v isit relative«.
m ade a business trip to Portland Sun. ed to h er W endllng home Friday.
A. B. Van Valzah of Springfield.
Gott Family Move«—Mrs. W illiam
,cl Lea Fix It. G annett Motor Co.,
have moved Into the
Move to Eugene— Mr. and Mr». O
H ers from Leaburg— Mrs John
Hpr ngfli« d.
Qolt residence on B betw een T hird H. N o rm an have rem oved to Eugen»
C u rrie of I-eaburg waa am ong out-of-1
and F ourth street«, from (he house where they a re living a t 45 E ast
tow n visitors bare Monday,
on Second and Main stre e ts In which T h irteenth street. Mr. Newtman has
O rant In—C F G rant, T hurston
been telegraph operator a t th e local
{¿ r j-v y
y —v
/ » | they have been residing.
fa rm e r. H alted In Springfield late
last week.
'B u r w R k
■ jS B 3 l£ H M 4
S pringfield , ORL ° •
The Call o f
the Camera”
V isits Sister— Miss Lillie S c h le w
o f N o ll, wan a visitor over the week­
end at the home of h er sister. M r« /
Fr.«l Frese.
Undergo«» M ajor O peration— Mr»
E. R Wlleon of Notl underw ent a
m ajor operation a t the Pacific C hris­
tian hospital Motalay m orning.
E ntrance R epaired—The entran ce
to (he W. F. W icker funeral chapel
fwaa ri-p early thl» week, and a
new floor laid.
H ara
Portland— Oeorge
Honey. Portland huslne»« man, was
In Springfield for a vlalt on Friday of
last week.
Own» Nsw Oldtm obils— Miss Clara
Wy»e. nurse In the office of Dr W.
C Rebhan, Is (he proud ow ner of a
new Oldsmoblle coupe.
Carney Recover»— II. B. Carney,
who has been suffering from an In­
fected knee for some tim e, Is now
recovering and I» able to be around.
Move to E verett, W ashington— Mr
and Mrs Robert Market» have moved
from Springfield to m ake Ihelr home
at E verett, W ashington.
Comes With
Spring In the idee) season
for both amateur and ex­
perienced photographers.
Nature 1 b at her best and
will provide ample subjects
for your "snap-shots.”
What’s the use of cheating
yourself out of the Inex­
pensive pleasure of taking
Anyone can get good re­
sults with the perfected
cameras which we sell—
and the cost is too small
for consideration. We ll de­
velop and print your pic­
tures If you want us to.
Go to 8»lsm— Mr. anil Mrs. W t»
A drian motored Io Sul«m Saturday
night, rem aining In the capital city
over the wek-enil visiting friends and
Forget the low price—then judge this
New Star “6” purely on its merits
H A T ’S th e fairest in v ita tio n w e
can m ak e to p ro v e th e in s ta n t
v alu e o f th e N ew S ta r Six.
A lread y th o u sa n d s h av e b o u g h t on
sig h t. F o r th is “ 6 ” is b u ilt to u p h o ld
n o t o n ly th e fin e r e p u ta tio n o f th e
fam ous S ta r “ 4 ,” b u t a c tu a lly pro*
duced to upset all previous price values.
B u ilt on a n e w engineering principle,
v o lu m e p r o d u c tio n , backed b y th e
h u g e D u r a n t in terests, m akes possible
n o t o n ly th e lo w price o f $855 h ere,
b u t gives in e v e ry p o in t, from its fine
d ra w n , n e w , lo w lines and handsom e
H a y e s -H u n t bodies, t h r o u g h e v e r y
f e a tu r e t h a t m ak e s f o r a fine c a r, a
v a lu e th a t com pares w ith cars selling
u p to $1600.
A n d th e n th is n e w S ta r Six is h o n est *
ly priced. N o F.O .B . o r e x tra s to con­
fuse y o u , b u t a m arv elo u s v a lu e priced
to y o u here, o f $855.
Before y o u ev en th in k o f a n y o th e r
car, see th e n e w S ta r “ 6 .” T h e re are
h u n d re d s o f dealers ready to dem on­
stra te .
Watch Mother!
She Knows!
Mothers are the greatest physicians In the world
cause they are prompted by love.
Every day in Springfield Egginiann’s Ice cream is used
as desert on some m other’s table.
It is rich In nutrim ent and low in price compared with
any other desert of equal food value.
There's a Real Steak
And you w ill agree th a t it is
when you taste it. Tender as
'an be, tasty and rich ly flavor-
kJ, it is the kind of Meat you
are more than w illin g to pay
our low prices for.
Phono 63
S pringfield
wyRiniii mi, 'lii'ii
No. i j A'yaó