thuhpdav . marcii PAGE FIVW THE SPRINGRKLD NEWH n, m2*. S oulribern Pacific atatlon for «©me u m b r the direction of Mr. M urphy» la III—J sin es M itchell la 111 a t hla I P o rter H ate— Dick P o rter of Wal- Ilme. i friend. tervllle waa In town Tuesday. hom e here. Makes Salem Trip—Mr«. Paul B rat- Creswell Man Here—George Arne- Jam es H art Here—Janie» H a rt of Undergoes O peration— Mr*. U. ll. h eart. m anager of the C resw ell Feed tain dreve over to Salem late la s t Cellar Flat waa In town on buslneaa Stowell» of W end Ing underw ent an and Heed company w as In B p rltg fl'ld ¡.week, taking with her Mr. and Mrs. last Friday. Sutler* Blroke— Mr*. J. L, Midosh opurallon her» T uesday m orning. E ndicott HI— It. njaiuln Endicott I on S aturday m orning to Iran tact bu ll- ¡W allace Carney, who put th lr soa «uffcrul n stroke »f paralysis tutu sufforlng ridili u i hi « ' lit liiflu.iuii ' the school for the blind a t the c a p t Blue River Visitor«— Mr. and Mre. ' ness. Mrs. Saul III— Mr» A nthony Halil J tai city. Hope Is held out by th - -ye- luut w irk The stro k e effected her of N ineteenth »treat, la suffering I A. B Aunman of Blue Klver were W illin'»* In— W illiam W illiam ', left «lit». R eturn from K lam ath—Mayor a n l clalhita for the boy'- recovery of ala j here on buslneaa F riday and S atu r­ from an attack of thw Influenaa. iiii'ii lidi 1 of K xttf, Oregon, iwea a Vis­ Mrs. G. G. Bushm an returned Monday light. V arious state Inst tu ti as w are day. ito r ill Hprlnetleld Friday Fr«»e Sick—Fred Free«, proprietor from K lam ath Falls, w here they »pert visited by the 8ndr.gfi.-M p ople J u r Pierce Here— Eugene It Pierce ¡<>f the Kprinxfii'lil bakery, becam e ill Avltt Move»—J. W. A vltt moved several days while Mr. Bushman ¡ng the tim e sp en t at Salem. Eugeni , w in a bualne»« visitor Marci ant I» Vl»ltor— E II H iiiv nn Monday of this week anil was un- this week from Fifth and K »treat» 1 tran sacted business for the Hi ring- Mohawk n "roim in, wne In town on iible to be ul work at the bakery on Springfield late laut week. tc th* house located at F ourth and C field Mill and Grain company. binili,. » Friday of lusl week. Man Sleeps Like Log, litui day. Fam ily Move»— The E. < (’/handler »treeta. Eats A n yth in g A rtrltag r Recover»— Alva Armltag-1. Corneliu« Is V isito r— M A Corni'- of fam ily have moved from F ifth and E Spi a n* B ark—Frank Kinsley Oo to North Bend— Mr. and Mrs. D. who has been suffering for over a lio* J m ,<>r u n I i ì “in, paid Springfield itreet to u boll»'' on Want I) »lr at. P terra, cull, d at a local pby »Irian'S ‘ A fter taking A dlerlka I ean e a t F. T urner h av e 'm o v e d to th e ir new fortnight with a ».-vere case of t h - a bush i< vio li Friday morning office Monday for itm n li atlon, fol­ Here from W altervllle—A. 11 Mor- !m;n ut North Bend. W ashington. Influenza, ha» recovered and was ' anything and sleep like a log. 1 1 on th e sto:;:.i' h and couldn’t keep Oaugbi Here— M »ml Mr« Stanley ioin" hla spraining hl» hack w h le rl« of W altervllle wan a visitor Id They do not plan to retu rn here. able to make a business trip to Spring- food down nor sleep.” (signed I R C. lin o n i' Tb onion w e r'- In town »imp Iiri eg on heavy lim bers In a sawmill Springfield Tuesday. field S aturday His *nt‘re fam ily was p etu rn from C alifornia— M-'- and »I Pengra Miller. ONE spoonful A dlerlka r » plug Saluruay iwn with the “flu” for a time. (’ gill hav retu rn ed Here from C re tw ell George t. Mrs T heron moves GAS and of’-eu brings surpric- turn from W ashington— Mr and Brown of C resw ell Paid Spr n g fle d from C alifornia, w here they have Ouvre, ’i g In—John D we . of V 'sit Hood River—Mr. and Mrs. ing r e lh f to the stom ach. S top/ th a t <). W, Brabham and Mr and Mr«. a b u sln -ss visit T uesday, -p en t several m onths. Wi ■ lime wi m hi town on busini*»« Dallas M urphy, and I. E. M urphy oi full, bloated feeling. O ften bring» .'Id are back a fte r an ex- Friday. Eugene motored to Hood R iver lat out old w aste-m atter you n ev er Move to Mill S treet—The Beeson Mr». C owart III— Mr. A. J Cowart nt Onuluaku, W u.hlngto i Iasi week, visiting friends th e “ -. thought w as In your system Excel- fam ily this week raovtjd from the Her« from Noti— M« m!i,l Mrs, C. 1- away for about two ,.f N orth Fifth street |s reported on C asper house on O s ir ,-t to thu W i ll.- at Hood River, they attend -.1 I< nt for chronic constipat on Flan» I,..muu wer« In Kprluxfh'M from Noll month». I hi, alck H»t. a mlnstrr-al rhow given by the hand ery's D rug store. li e u . at Mill and C streets. F r day — i s » . I .«J---- -— I—--------------- - J H ere for Inspection—A F Crirw of Coe* to P ortland— Don GHlespi" Whole Family III—T he e n tire fam­ Here from Wendllng I'«l 1-ajoto of i he M and M W oolw orking com pany ma ' a busines» trip to Portland this ily of F orest F ritts living e a st of W e il l I ll g w . &R u huilin« 0 visitor In I of Albina, Oregon was In town Fri k. Springfield, Is reported 111 w ith the H prlngflel! Saturday. day inspecting a carload of lum ber Here Tuesday— Mrs. M orris Vltua influenza. TI Co«» to C apital— Miss Hylvlu Veatch I at III. Booth Kelly mil. destined for und little son. of Eugene, were hero / pany Visit from P ortland— Miss Maude m ade a trip I» Htilriu over the week as visitors T uesday. G orrle and G ilbert Young of Portland end. Beck at W ork—B (J Sankey. mall H artley Family H ere— Hal H artley T hurston Men H .r — H M Moraan , “ r r 'r r . ,o r T " »• " b- ‘ k « and fam ily w ere visitors here from w ere visitors over the iweek-end at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Gor­ and C harles Taylor of T hurston wem * " r ‘‘ Bf,er n(, have moved Into the Move to Eugene— Mr. and Mr». O H ers from Leaburg— Mrs John Hpr ngfli« d. Qolt residence on B betw een T hird H. N o rm an have rem oved to Eugen» C u rrie of I-eaburg waa am ong out-of-1 and F ourth street«, from (he house where they a re living a t 45 E ast tow n visitors bare Monday, on Second and Main stre e ts In which T h irteenth street. Mr. Newtman has O rant In—C F G rant, T hurston been telegraph operator a t th e local {¿ r j-v y y —v ff / » | they have been residing. fa rm e r. H alted In Springfield late last week. TOWN AND VICINITY 'B u r w R k ■ jS B 3 l£ H M 4 rHOMC VTFWALKER «28 62-J HJKERAL SERVICE "s4Hi ’ S pringfield , ORL ° • The Call o f the Camera” V isits Sister— Miss Lillie S c h le w o f N o ll, wan a visitor over the week­ end at the home of h er sister. M r« / Fr.«l Frese. Undergo«» M ajor O peration— Mr» E. R Wlleon of Notl underw ent a m ajor operation a t the Pacific C hris­ tian hospital Motalay m orning. E ntrance R epaired—The entran ce to (he W. F. W icker funeral chapel fwaa ri-p early thl» week, and a new floor laid. H ara from Portland— Oeorge P. Honey. Portland huslne»« man, was In Springfield for a vlalt on Friday of last week. Own» Nsw Oldtm obils— Miss Clara Wy»e. nurse In the office of Dr W. C Rebhan, Is (he proud ow ner of a new Oldsmoblle coupe. Carney Recover»— II. B. Carney, who has been suffering from an In­ fected knee for some tim e, Is now recovering and I» able to be around. Move to E verett, W ashington— Mr and Mrs Robert Market» have moved from Springfield to m ake Ihelr home at E verett, W ashington. COVERUPTHE NAMEP1ATE Comes With Springtime Spring In the idee) season for both amateur and ex­ perienced photographers. Nature 1 b at her best and will provide ample subjects for your "snap-shots.” What’s the use of cheating yourself out of the Inex­ pensive pleasure of taking pictures? Anyone can get good re­ sults with the perfected cameras which we sell— and the cost is too small for consideration. We ll de­ velop and print your pic­ tures If you want us to. A G E N T S FOR EAST­ MAN KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES Go to 8»lsm— Mr. anil Mrs. W t» A drian motored Io Sul«m Saturday night, rem aining In the capital city over the wek-enil visiting friends and relatives. Forget the low price—then judge this New Star “6” purely on its merits T H A T ’S th e fairest in v ita tio n w e can m ak e to p ro v e th e in s ta n t v alu e o f th e N ew S ta r Six. A lread y th o u sa n d s h av e b o u g h t on sig h t. F o r th is “ 6 ” is b u ilt to u p h o ld n o t o n ly th e fin e r e p u ta tio n o f th e fam ous S ta r “ 4 ,” b u t a c tu a lly pro* duced to upset all previous price values. B u ilt on a n e w engineering principle, v o lu m e p r o d u c tio n , backed b y th e h u g e D u r a n t in terests, m akes possible n o t o n ly th e lo w price o f $855 h ere, b u t gives in e v e ry p o in t, from its fine ■BaaBmBnaaaaBMmMBBiaMemiwiiaMBmMBtnmimaiKamMHiKRmaHH d ra w n , n e w , lo w lines and handsom e H a y e s -H u n t bodies, t h r o u g h e v e r y f e a tu r e t h a t m ak e s f o r a fine c a r, a v a lu e th a t com pares w ith cars selling u p to $1600. A n d th e n th is n e w S ta r Six is h o n est * ly priced. N o F.O .B . o r e x tra s to con­ fuse y o u , b u t a m arv elo u s v a lu e priced to y o u here, o f $855. Before y o u ev en th in k o f a n y o th e r car, see th e n e w S ta r “ 6 .” T h e re are h u n d re d s o f dealers ready to dem on­ stra te . Watch Mother! She Knows! Mothers are the greatest physicians In the world cause they are prompted by love. be­ Every day in Springfield Egginiann’s Ice cream is used as desert on some m other’s table. It is rich In nutrim ent and low in price compared with any other desert of equal food value. EGGIMANN’S There's a Real Steak And you w ill agree th a t it is when you taste it. Tender as 'an be, tasty and rich ly flavor- kJ, it is the kind of Meat you are more than w illin g to pay our low prices for. Phono 63 INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. SPRINGFIELD GARAGE S pringfield wyRiniii mi, 'lii'ii I No. i j A'yaó t