The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 25, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    thvurdaitfem . 25, i m
Reynold* III— I E
Bmmvrleh H»rs— Frank Em m erich
R„utn I 1» d.»wn Will, tlv lnfltt»BM. <>r W alu-rvlll- w a. I d town Hnlunlay.
Q o iilir H ero—N II O«»ab r »*« a
C arter Here—W alt, r f a r t e r of Ia n
visitor fro... ( am p IT» ek Hatur.lay
l'«r< wa» T. low«. ..a blMlnM» Munday.
Jeooen H s r s - f h a r h •» J««»«» » t Wal
» „ I I I .. was her* rtnlunlay
— a
■ ----- . - - -
1» IB— As« Itadloy or wo«t Hprlng
"'»>> * « Influ. n«.
W earln In—W J W earln of W alter­
H art Here—J imi lln rt of W alter,
wan a visitor here S aturday.
villa w«» III Hprtngflebl yr»t«r<luy
By Flo
A Quiet H usband H er Problem.
D ear Ml«» Flo. WIN you plana« tell
me why It K th at my husband, who la
I'l.nabb r<il a b rilliant uonveraatlona-
Hat by other», 1« positively mute when
I.- la a t hi in«, with |u at the fam ily?
t so
« , .U<nt
onestly. he | 1«
silen t th
a t »omi
tim e. I think PH »cream If he d o * « I
«ay som ething When I try to talk to
him he merely grunts by way of ana-
wer. and »«tile* down deeper In hl«
chair. But b i visitors drop In and
hubby ImmPaloly becomes the lire of
Ihe party.
W hat can I do to m ake him act Ilk
a human being? Ellie.
changed by hearing new things.
T h e n are »oms women, you know,
who never by an chance agree w ith.
Di- r hu ba' d'a oplnon on anything
To them , any subject 1» as good for!
an argum ent a» another. A husband
cannot even discuss the d in n er wl’h .
out getting Into a lantlng argum ent. | If your birthday Is thia week you a re persistent. eelX-wIlled, and pose ay
T h ‘ re ar« men who would not d a r e , rem arkable confidence In your own abilities. You ha'-'e a slrong, clear, logi­
tell th eir wives th a t they stayed cal mind. You plan we I, and a re ra th e r stubborn. You seldom cfcangt your
downtown a fte r office hours to “»It plana.
In" a game of poker for an evening,!
You have a stric t sense of honor and fd e llty You are very true and loyal
an o |„
to one whom you like, but you are capoble of strong enm ity.
y th(>ugS
a, ,, .
,hey had
You rarely ask favor» o r accom modation«, because you do not like to feel
of H(,ro4> M - th at you a re obligated to o th ers fo an y th in g . Your g re a te st pride Is th a t
w(>|IJI.n nl <lllin,.r , ,,r r ,.p,.ai you a re not Indebted to anyone for w hatever you may possess. and th a t you
, h(.lr n , ppt.r Hlwiogr„ ,b . r earn Ml that you may receive.
T ^ y know by M p er,.j
You are very careful, and are alw ays very much concerned about money
ence the squall« ami »torms of Jealous- ■ m atters You w orry a g reat deal about the approach of a rainy day. wonder-
ly and to rren ts of tears they bring inc how you can overcom e obs'aclee and d fftculties—moat of w hich never
down upon tb-m relvea by the m ost In­
nocent rem arks.
And o th er man do not talk to th eir | Men born under these date» can. If they so desire, become great eadera.
wives beaus« she refuses to latrn T hey usually prefer a q u l't existence, how ever, and devote th e ir time and
to what he any», and d oesn't hesitate ; talent to farm ing, w riting, painting, science and mu» c. They also make fine
to in terru p t a long discourse on how i clergym en. Women born durlt.g these d a t 's are very com petent office work­
the foreign d eb t should be handled, er» They make fine executive», teachers, a c tn n te s . designers and decorator».
by saying, "you know, I think I'll g e t (
th a t new hat. a fter all."
• Now. you can’t really blam e the hus­
band for becoming discouraged at
th a t, can you? And If ho crawl» back
a r r ;Te—w ho
courtHcms enough to pretend to
Ill with Flu— Mr». C. F Kgglmann
Mrs. ta e tb u rn III— Mr» I,. C. East-
In.rti of Marcola la confined to her was 111 w Ub the Influenza this week
bid with a eaae of the flu
' Lairds In Town— Mr and Mrs P N
Little Girl HI—The little daughter l,ulrd of Pleaaant Hill shopped In town
of Mr ami Mr» W alter l.lpe» ha« the Monday
Burohum a t Grove—J O llurehum .
Your comtilalnt la the com plaint of
J Frank Root H ere--F ran k Knot .it principal of the Junior h in t school,
Other wive-..* Ellie, and If I could find
ffl.ihnwk wa» a vlaltor In the city »pent the w eekend In Cottage Q rure
a way of making alb nt husbands talk
B u ih m in R eturn»—Art Bushm an I’ I should indeed f*?l th at I had con­
Mr». S kinner H ere— Mr» lb n Skltt- back fm m a bttalneas trip to the trib u ted som ething to the cause if
unhappy wives, and earn th eir etern al
n r r of W est Springfield wa» In town coast.
for medical tre a tm e n t Tuesday.
g ratitude
Brew er In—Hoy B rew er of F ill
Now. fur be It from me to say whose
Baby Born— tlurn, to Mr and Mr» Creek was In town on business Sat
fn,»t It Is th at your huaband d oesn't
W aayl 1‘rnclw. of Ra»t N ineteenth nrday
talk at horn- One reason may be th at
s tre e t, a »on.
he la tire d —he has been talking all
In from W endllnp— F M Taylor of
Down with Flu— Mr» F ran k Tuhy W endllng visited In Springfield S a tu r­ day. and b« I» talked out He has had
Innum erable outlet« during th e day
of »null. Second stre e t 1« confined lo
and feel» no need of more. Selfishly,
her bed with a case of the InQuontu.
Jasp er M ss H e re -M I. W allace of and p< m ap s not understanding you,
M atthew s H ere—B ert M atthew s of
Jasp er tran sacted business In town need. Iv m akes no effort to en tertain
T btirslon was In town on business
his wife, because he Is concerned on­
S aturday.
T u'm tuy afternoon.
ly with his own com fort and pleasure.
In S aturday—Mr. anti Mr». Al W ear. and Is not considering hers. H e’. tired
Mrs T hlenle H ere— Mrs
T blenls was In town for m edical tre a t­ er of T hur»ton were In town on bus'- of bubbling voices, and doesn't w ant
to h ear hla won. or any one's elae'a
ness last Saturday.
m ent lust S aturday afternoon.
The only thing he w ants 1» alienee
Marcóla People Here— Mr and Mrs and plenty of It.
In from W sltervllle— lia r» , y Conley
of W altervllle made a buslaess trip Tipton of M arcóla were visitors In
He 1» Indifferent to th e fact, or p er­
Springfield S aturday
to Kprtogf’eld S aturday.
haps doesn't real a«, th at hla wife may
have spent a du 1 monotonous day.
Qoea to P ortland—S V W ard mad»
Skelly Blok—C linton S k illy was
with no com panionship, doing over
a business trip to Portland, leaving among those who w ere down with the
and over again Ihe dull routine task s
Influenza thia week.
of hnueework, that while they have
occupied h er hands, have not occu­
Vids Peepl« In— Mr an t Mr». F rat k
W alter P 's tt Her«»—W alter I’lntt of
Minnie of Vida » . re v »Itors In Spring T hurston «hopped In Springfield Sat- pied her head, and she need» to be
brightened up and have h er thoughts
field Munday
i nrday afternoon
W eaver H ere— V W W eaver of
Baby Boy Born— Mr. nnd Mrs, W
T hurston wi.» h e re on buslneas Mon­ F G ates of F. stre e t n?e the happy
¡p aren ts of a baby boy, born Saturday
be Interested, w hether they a re not.
wifey can blam e no one but herself.
P erhaps If wives were b e tte r Ilgtta-
era, husband» would be m ore fluent,
you might look Into your own particu-
more o ^ ^ ^ h i y , En ie. and
U jn< a a damI)<;r
see If you a re M
dam per on
each man who Is properly employed is serv­
ing his fellow man. Ours la a service recog­
nized for its fairness and sincerity.
your husband'» conveisatlon.
Mrs. Kessey Is D irector.
Mrs Mary K essey of Springfield
was elected directo r for five years of
the Security Sav ng» and Loan asso­
ciation. a t the annual m eeting of that
organization. W. C. W ashburne, of
Junction City, was reelected director
for a sim ilar period.
CTWi,. naifTWin
In from Blue River— Mrs. Bell H o -
fr h h of Blue River was In tow n shop­
ping yesterday.
Bchrlder In— Paul S ch rld er of Mar-
Cola paid Springfield a business visit
Mrs. Sm ith Under Knife— Mrs. W 11-
11am Sm ith underw ent a m ajor opesa-
tlon at the Mercy hu«pltul T uesday
And your meat order will go out
on the next delivery. You will like
the meat we send you. T ry us.
When the children w ant a Birthday P arty and
a Cake, you fuss with the other fixings, but leave
the Cake to us. We have everthing ready and can
bake it easier and better than you can and the price
is reasonable.
C hristien Church.
tor th « d e sse rt your trouble
will be in the serving, and th a t’s
no trouble a t all. You can be
confident the cream will be de-
ficiou«. You can fee! th a t no
home prepared d essert could be
better. So save bother and have
the best by using our lei cream .
m orning.
Oswald Olaon III—O sw ald Olson,
w arehouse man a t Hi*' S outhern Pa­
cific station here, cam e down with
th e Influenza Tuesday.
H as Minor O peration— Mr*. H arry
H erb ert of T hurston u nderw ent n m in­
or operation a t th e Pacific C hristian
hospital Monday.
Simmons In Town— A lbert Simmons
of Camp C reek was am ong the out-of-
town shoppers In Springfield S a tu r­
Taken to Eugene— Paul Scalefe who
has been seriously 111 w ith the Influ­
enza. wa» taken to th e home of Ills
fath e r In Rugene Inte last week.
In from Camp C reek—Aiming ( amp
Creek rslilenlH In Springfield y ester­
day to tra n n act busltieas were I), rt.
Davis, John Rossman. A lbert S im ­
mons and Je ss GatSB.
V isit Rowe Home .l,,i-n Lam berty
nnd fam ily <’f Alh'" ,} w (re 1,1 " ’wn
oven I lie week-end' visitin g »1 the
home of tila m other. Mrs. N. A Rowe
They return, ,1 to Ihe Huh ( Ity M o n ­
day. During the visit. Mr. I.nm berty
who Is one of llm nm nagers of the
H am ilton sto re la Albany, visited
business house» In Eugene anil renew ­
ed acquaintance« w llh friends In «ho
county eeat.
Fifth and Main St.
Phone 86
U ndergoes O peration Mrs. H B
H orger of M arcóla u nderw ent a m ajor
operation at the Pacific C hristian
h o sp ital Monday.
Here During Illness—J A. R oberts
of Route No. 1, Is In town a t the home
of his sister, Mary R oberts. whll->
convalescing from a ru se of the In­
niir ix—nanp— —
9:45—Sunday school. R. E. M oshler.
11:00 Service. S. E arl Childers
preaching. S pecie’ tnnslc by qu artet,
accom panied by orch estra, song serv­
ice will he held.
11:00—Ju nio r church
B:30—Senior Endeavor.
7: SO—E vening
Here from Camp C reek— Mr. nnd
Mrs C harlas Jack of Camp Creek
were am ong out-of-town visitors In
town Tuesday.
Don’t Bother to Bake It
Go to P ortland—H erb ert J. O a rk a
Here from T hurston—Mr «nil Mrs.
and Mr». C larke spent th e w eekend Chnrle* T aylor of T h u rsto n w ere In
visiting In Portland.
town on business S aturday.
M itt M orrison on T rip —Mis» \ e m ­
ita Morrison w as a week-end vlaltor
a t Portland.
Phone 63
Conley H ere— H urvty Conley of night.
W altervllle was In town on business
R ents H o u s s -C E. K"nynn cash ­
ier of the Com m ercial S tate bank, h i ’
R eturns to M arshfield Mrs. A J r e n t'd the house nt F ifth and E
P erkins retu rn ed to M arshfield Mon­ street»
day a fte r spending a few day» here
IV»lt Here— Mr and Mrs. J E. Scott
M rs Anthony Slek—Mrs. H arry of Salem were visitors last week at
Anthony and little d aughter are both th e home of th e’r daughter. Mrs. W
down with the la grippe.
H Adrian, and family.
1 ““
fo jiu c ¿ T o p e 5
When you bring your prescrip­
tions to us, you are protected
iu every way.
It Is compounded exactly as til»
doctor ordered and with pure,
fresh potent ingredients.
It is checked anti re-checkcd by
a system th a t positively pre­
vents errors.
And tint price is as low as pos-
Biblc. consistent with the best
prescription service it is possi­
ble to give.
Flanen7’» Drug
________________ ___
End of the Month
Simmons’ 2-in. Post Bed, in brown ivory
Link Fabric Springs
All-Cotton Mattress, 40 lb.
6x9 Gras« Rug«
• $2-9-’
8x10 Grass Rugs
.......................................................... S3-95
9x12 Grass Rugs .......................................................... $4.95
Hardwood Rockers
...................... $3.35, $3.95, $4.95
Felt Base P oo r Covering, sq. yd. .........................
Felt Base Rugs, 9x10'/a ............................................... « ’ Vo-
Felt Base Rugs 9x12
..................................... _
M arket Baskets
T e s te d !
When you buy our seeds you are assured of the
best feeds money can buy. Tested for quality,
and high yie d. Buy our seeds and don’t experi­
ment— we have done th a t,fo r you!
Complete line of package and bulk seeds. All
fresh stock.
24 and 49°
1 Tapestry Davenport
1 Jacquard Velour ..................................................... *
Wright & Son
M I K tn
’IÍU m w iiiM l