thvurdaitfem . 25, i m . Confidence TOWN AND VICINITY Reynold* III— I E ttnynoldn Bmmvrleh H»rs— Frank Em m erich R„utn I 1» d.»wn Will, tlv lnfltt»BM. <>r W alu-rvlll- w a. I d town Hnlunlay. Q o iilir H ero—N II O«»ab r »*« a C arter Here—W alt, r f a r t e r of Ia n visitor fro... ( am p IT» ek Hatur.lay l'«r< wa» T. low«. ..a blMlnM» Munday. Jeooen H s r s - f h a r h •» J««»«» » t Wal » „ I I I .. was her* rtnlunlay PAGE FTVB — a TUE SPRINGFIELD NEW« ' ■ ----- . - - - 1» IB— As« Itadloy or wo«t Hprlng U "'»>> * « Influ. n«. W earln In—W J W earln of W alter­ H art Here—J imi lln rt of W alter, vllle wan a visitor here S aturday. villa w«» III Hprtngflebl yr»t«rugS a, ,, . # or ,hey had You rarely ask favor» o r accom modation«, because you do not like to feel , (.(>nv, of H(,ro4> M - th at you a re obligated to o th ers fo an y th in g . Your g re a te st pride Is th a t w(>|IJI.n nl convalescing from a ru se of the In­ niir ix—nanp— — PERFECTION BREAD AND PASTRIES. 9:45—Sunday school. R. E. M oshler. superintendent. 11:00 Service. S. E arl Childers preaching. S pecie’ tnnslc by qu artet, accom panied by orch estra, song serv­ ice will he held. 11:00—Ju nio r church B:30—Senior Endeavor. 7: SO—E vening service, pastor preaching. Here from Camp C reek— Mr. nnd Mrs C harlas Jack of Camp Creek were am ong out-of-town visitors In town Tuesday. • Mothers-- Don’t Bother to Bake It Go to P ortland—H erb ert J. O a rk a Here from T hurston—Mr «nil Mrs. and Mr». C larke spent th e w eekend Chnrle* T aylor of T h u rsto n w ere In visiting In Portland. town on business S aturday. M itt M orrison on T rip —Mis» \ e m ­ ita Morrison w as a week-end vlaltor a t Portland. ° I Phone 63 Conley H ere— H urvty Conley of night. W altervllle was In town on business R ents H o u s s -C E. K"nynn cash ­ Tuesday ier of the Com m ercial S tate bank, h i ’ R eturns to M arshfield Mrs. A J r e n t'd the house nt F ifth and E P erkins retu rn ed to M arshfield Mon­ street» day a fte r spending a few day» here IV»lt Here— Mr and Mrs. J E. Scott M rs Anthony Slek—Mrs. H arry of Salem were visitors last week at Anthony and little d aughter are both th e home of th e’r daughter. Mrs. W down with the la grippe. H Adrian, and family. 1 ““ fo jiu c ¿ T o p e 5 When you bring your prescrip­ tions to us, you are protected iu every way. It Is compounded exactly as til» doctor ordered and with pure, fresh potent ingredients. It is checked anti re-checkcd by a system th a t positively pre­ vents errors. And tint price is as low as pos- Biblc. consistent with the best prescription service it is possi­ ble to give. Flanen7’» Drug Store 3^22££^‘fitol* i ________________ ___ End of the Month SPECIALS SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS Simmons’ 2-in. Post Bed, in brown ivory $5.95 Link Fabric Springs ................................ $4.90 All-Cotton Mattress, 40 lb. $8.65 6x9 Gras« Rug« • $2-9-’ 8x10 Grass Rugs .......................................................... S3-95 9x12 Grass Rugs .......................................................... $4.95 Hardwood Rockers ...................... $3.35, $3.95, $4.95 Felt Base P oo r Covering, sq. yd. ......................... 'Wc Felt Base Rugs, 9x10'/a ............................................... « ’ Vo- Felt Base Rugs 9x12 ..................................... _ M arket Baskets T e s te d ! When you buy our seeds you are assured of the best feeds money can buy. Tested for quality, and high yie d. Buy our seeds and don’t experi­ ment— we have done th a t,fo r you! Complete line of package and bulk seeds. All fresh stock. THE SEEDS FROM WHICH PRODUCTS ARE GROWN. BLUE RIBBON 24 and 49° 1 Tapestry Davenport .................................. 1 Jacquard Velour ..................................................... * Wright & Son SPRINGTIME IS PLANTING TIME M I K tn ’IÍU m w iiiM l