The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 25, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    TTlirrtSPAY. FEB. 28. 1
r— v . ul
\bout Ifour"
Universal satisfaction will be felt at the a n ­
Published Every T U « » ’.*» a*
nouncement that a copy of the Guttenberg Bible
gpringOald. Lane C o a a t*. <W*«on. by
brought #100,000 at public amnion in the cosmo­
politan city of New York. So fur as known this
Thing» You Should Know
is the highest price ever paid for a single book
H. B. M A X B Y , Editor
in the history of the world. Seemingly we may
have our battles over evolution and fundam ental­
Batarwd aa seeotM <*aaa
ism. we may. spilt theological hairs and follow
poltatti ca
sectarianism down a thousand different by-paths,
but when the smoke of religious differences has
Oa« Tear in Advance.—..-•IT S
Three Moo'ha ___Tfce
clean'd away, the Rook of Books still stands as
M l M o n t h ! ______________ t t - »
Single OOWT ---------- »
a rock Imperishable in the hearts of the people.
The G uttenberg bible now In possession of Or,
\ S W. Rosenbach. was printed before America
was discovered- when Christopher Columbus
Editorial Program
_ know that reixstr
was romping as a boy in the streets of Genoa.
slaep, that la,
uaa on
uu only
,uuy <
It was the first book printed from movable tyue. the
Lrwuat.urviMti.uj of Inert matter
at Waa-
Make SpHngfleld t * a In d a a M M
but It set down immovable ethics. Peculiarly how­ (food) uito Uviug, active tuau*.
tern Oregon.
ever, while forming the basis of civilization iho {Tivahaiuu know that If steep is ln-
book of books seems to be set aside in the func­ trrfOTw.1 w ith in an Intonipem to
a» Contented Havnea.
tioning of governm ent. Those opposed to capi­ nuuuutr, the human machine w ill
III. Improve Living Condition! oa tke
run down In aaact proportion to tha
tal puishm entf or example point to the fact that , violatitaui
mote the Ra aing at ParaSrod
in inflicting the death penalty civilization flies in | B ui. man Indulged
la by natura, haa ever
the Growing » / P rin t; W ork tor
the teeth of biblical teaching, arrogating to man I
w ill o w r h a _ a rebel. H e
IV Tall the W orld Above Oregan'a
the power of inflicting eternal dam nation. In that ikww im A Hko to bow tha knee, even
no sinner can repent to order, and ensure his though Vvufor and healthier life
la the nwrajsl fo r so .Intng H e rata
safetv in the other world by sincere contrition hla
W U n t f tnsal a t tha .maet at
Defected a t the final tick of the clock. Another
when .UgawtLm 1» »»tiring
hour of life and all might be well, these good fo r the J m - Be wort® hi» brain.
The Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a folks contend in striving to bring to »n
r until
There are
campaign to paint up business and residence official killing of mankind. W hatever of biblical
of the
places in the city. There are several store fronts faith and admonition may be Ignored by govern­
on Main steet that need paint badly and there ment however, the Great Book still »tandB as
to the w o rl.l*
are others that could "stand a coat of paint." the rule and guide of m an’s practice. It has th u n ­
to ruah Into hie
The coming spring m onths should see a general dered down the ages without change, resisting
and h u rry , t rwakfaatleaa,
After a aaaaun.
cleanup and paint up of buildings and premises all onslaught. It Is the book most widely read and
ha m i n i Leaa readily—
in the city. Springfield is a well laid out town most often used in reference even In this age of
qjartxHaloch. Thia rau-
with improvd streets and sidewalks everywhere. jazz and jamboree. It is altogether fitting It »hould
tUarally lark» him out
Residents should take more pride in keeping up command the highest price of any work In the
tired than when he
their property.
He beeomaa atuphl In
world’s history.
tha ORc< seta “d ia iy speQa and
With the McKenzie highway leading through (
! tlruUty amusulta the doctor. Yaa, he
the town Main street is the city’s show window.
Thp maxim -Look Before You Leap." undodbt-1 has Mob hkxxV preaaura, fa r above
It’s appearance m eans w hether visitors and tour- rA,v ,s now imoresse don the mind of th a t N ew , m u s u jy Tha .ilagnoaia, overwork I
ists going through will receive a good or poor ini- y o rk er who tried to commit suicide by jumping The warning that an out-door va-
la Imperative, elae the crash
pression o ' the place. Let everyone do a little this ffom &n .-L - train but who fell in a snow bank caUoa
will oome. Reluctantly the ten-day
spring—paint up the fronts and fix up the win-
a broken nose
country Ufa la undertaken the
dows—and we will all profit thereby. Oregon c li-!
• a a
simpler life.
Relief Is prompt as
m ate m akes it necessary to scrape off the moss _ _
bPen * pj(y to endanger the mor- a rote—he gats better, and gore
dirrctly back to the violations of
now and then.
. . .
>als c f o,,r congressmen bv perm itting Earl Crav­ right Living tlia l m x le him sick I
en and Countess C athart to remain in the country Too y t m he pays the penalty w ith
his lifts, before the age a t sixty!
A shrine temple in Texas has gotten out an in-
a a a
Theo wa say he died of over­
Junction against a negro fraternity for using the 1
for an appJe but ltB app|e- , work.
E X ^ e r
W e a t h e r saue^ the present generation falls for.
| The fa rts are, that w ork In te lli­
H e a lt
th a t they would like to have the "r" elim inated,
from the last word.
With only 8 per cent’ of the total United States
pop; iation. the 1J
U w est'rn states have 14.3 per
cent of the electric consumers, 14 per cent or
th e total wired homes 23.4 per 'tent of the total
mers. and 45 per cent of the ener
Indusrial consumers,
py produced from hydroelectric plants.
E d ito r ia l
C om m en t
same tune Ilia» two Bvavwra are nt
The O. A C rook debaters prob­
ably will not meet lhe Oregon frosh
squad this year because Oregon wants
a no-declsl.ui debate while the rooks
prefer to have the debate Judged and
the winner named.
Books Ars Bound.
One bundnal hooka have been ship­
ped to Spokane. »Wshmgton. lor bind­
ing. according Io Ml»» Mary Roberts,
local librarian The books will he hack
Mra M. J. Powell.
on the shelves III their now covers In
Friends of Mrs M J Powell, for
or resident of Eugene and Spring- a short tun«.
field. were saddened late last week
to learn of her death at Blackfalds, Gnu Makes People
Nervous and Rostleuu*
Alberta. February 18
The body was brought to Eugene
d as pressure In the abdomen caue-
for int.vmenl, Mr Powell accompan­
.■a a rnalleaa. nervous h*n Ing and
ied the remains
Adlortka remove»
Three children survive They are prevents sleep
C arence and Ruth, of Blackfalds, and gas In TEN minutes and brings out
1 surprising amounts of old wws'e
Adelberf. of San Antonio. Texas
matter you never thought was In
your systesn. This exo-llent Intesti­
Shipping Busy.
The Springfield Mill and drain com­ nal evaruant Is wonderful for consti­
pany has a buay waek-end In raeelv. pation or allied stomach trouble.
Ing produce shipments A car of salt Don’t waste Ume with pills or tab­
ca œ In from San Francisco, a car lets but get HEAL Adlerlka action!
of eastern oyster shell from Amt tie, Flanery'a Drug Store.
oot, is tonic,
healthful, and never h arm ful. The
pervoraion of night Into day is a
vioiadee o f the law o f rig ht B r­
ing, that la sore to draw Its penal­
ty w ith unerring exactneas.__
a •
In an Aasoclaled Preaa dispatch from Moacow under
f Februar?5. Leon Trotsky, in a speech comparing
. Ampr(,.an newspaper» is quoted as sawing to T R E N T STU D EN TS ON
. It
“ \
, Rusg1an workers:
w « ll , A F -rea.
Bozo Butts
They Orive.
Him Nuts
^ > ¡5 »
I’j e o o t h i <
M e te o ,
K M O tU A T A M
J A I« .
Fosroer-riAJG t q
RAfpogrT A Cv/Te
Sales and Service
330 Main Street
Your Trouble Our Business
I’hone 89
___ to find anything leas attractive
Is s c _______
ic a t y po»dbl«-
, fc ..
. • n l, of the average American newspapers
Oregon Agrlcu tural College. Feb
But American editors have the faculty of giving thelg rca I- 2F.—Kay Olsen of Trent. Is u prom­
inent member of the rook dehat»
et ’hey desire."
W hen g o v e rn m e n t o w n e rsh ip di«T»lnces p riv a te
business, the loss in taxes ns well as th* exces­ Yes, and they will continue to do so. and also give the equal, anil has been working on ’h'
their bi t e-ito r al opinion, on matters debates every Tuesday and Tburs lay
sive cost of operation, is levied upon property and
which would not please the Bolshevist eader. Naturally n ght. In company with other mem
business which survive.
• • •
.< t . . r - are unattractive to Mr Trotsky, for ben of the squad Olsen Is a fre h
he has no power to muxxle thorn and control their coni- man In vocational education
Raliroads moved 13 n?3 «00 tons bituminous
The freshman debaters will give '.he
a ‘n Russia.
ccal in w-ek c d-d January 16: highest previous
America is the nation it Is today because It has 20.00!) delegates to the edurut'onal exiwxi
reccrd vt .S 12 863.000 tons or week ended De­
p i.L .-a io u t »or ilM • OO.OOO people and everybody ran tion »his week-end. an opportunity to
cem ber I I, 1920.
r»pd Eel h»vi-< dlcta’fr? cannnt exlM in »uch a nation see the steps In the pr*iarat-nn of a
• • •
because there Is ro chance to fool millions of un formed débat» The exhibit by the fr- hmuti
debate sqm-I will he a démonstration
T he:e were an average of 68 million telephone persons.
calls In th s Uni eti States daily last year—n et to
.h e q d ick ta way to - bring p r n e o e n t stability to Rua- of bow m aterai la obtain«!, how a
m ention the w t- g numbers.
sia. would be to ship in a lot of good American printing hr!-f Is mad», and how the spe oh | j | ,
rre33is and Ac* r can editors a n . let th» to dlstuss condl- finally ass» rr bled and wr ften
-XV n n -t '
2* lc - h e w n r e t t h e
Pont , s" taey found tkam. nnham ^red by the crushing
Members cf the rook debate squad,
b c /E Cts or static on the radio. Both sound alik-. hand
h t , of f po,
. pvtk oftklaltini
under Earl W Wells, roach, have
E ol.tevik
a t ni I t.
Naturally, these would be “unattractive” apperu to Mr. completed bo’h th>- negative »rd af­
rrtsky beoimsc every one that wns printed would shorten firmative hrlefa for the dekgt»e, with
L ers now tiers 's more or 1er'- ” burlesoue show
on -v - h the c u - a i- 1« never down.' opines one the rein. of. terror, and hast-n the day of peace, plenty Linfield and W1 hunette colleges .»ml
. old mos-barxB.
">a“ Uon for th” Ru;8la" ' f 0 ’ '6
f „ w, ' are prejstrlng speeches for th»- d’-
bates The subject of th«- debut»-» with
• •
■ r m rica b** thankful that it has thousands of n»-ws-
both schools will be "Resolved. That
egtr<.mely unat'ract ve to Mr. Trotsky and
Federal SulM'dlt-n Accompanied by
W tll we have kept txjl with Coolidge all rieht his supporters.
Federal Supervision Is ObJ’Hdlonoble
a oail of corn from. H'oux City, Iowa,
a id a car of charcoal from the east.
The company shipped out a load of
feed and flour for Coquille Monday.
1 The rooks will meet Linfield college
April 7. The debate will b- under the
("duplex" system, two speakers from
Llr.fleld debating at O. A C. at the ,
Secretarial, StencgrspEic or Book­
keeping Course
Eugene Business College
Enroll Today
u ’8 A Oood School
A. IS. Robert«, IT»-«ldeiit
992 Wllliunette St.
Phone 6t6
Eugene. Orogon
1 «
-(i '
Sturdy Stock
X ^roolv ilh Old
We enjoy quite a large
the farm er»’ tratio
in this territory. For this
reawon we have made a
Bpt ialty of
Stock Foods and
A b a re»ult we h are acco-
mulated a valuable fund of
Information as to the «pe­
d a l merit« and p m p e rile «
of the various makes. Our
line« of mich 1» complete
and our prices reasonable.
Mail Orders Solicited
Phone 31
Ov»-rtow ei..jg in tallest building In the world the Wool-
worth, Is a m onum ent to nlckk« and dimes, is a phantom
structure of 1«-/pieces which shows the might of pennies,
If we will all hut pause, think, act.
A great International hanker estimate« th at the United
.S ta te s carries fortunes around in it« work pockets every
day. year in and year out. The average is $3.60 each for
every »oul of our 105 million jiopulatlon.
That mentis 315 million dollars. Idle dolllars. which should
be earning $12,600,000 annually -or 1,260,000,000 pennies,
which would pile higher than the Woolworth building.
T hat great sum represents only the norm al 3% earnings
of money we carry In our pocket« as loose change. Think
of the wheels of industry the principal would turn If de­
posited in banka and put to work.
You owe It to the nation, to your own prosperity, to put
all loose change to work.
It will create a reserve fund of surprising strength for
you In a very short while. If you make deposits regularly.
Then comes Intelligent Investment, and financial Inde­
Commercial State Bank
Springfield, Oregon