TTlirrtSPAY. FEB. 28. 1 r— v . ul FAOR FOUK A PRICELESS BOOK THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS \bout Ifour" Universal satisfaction will be felt at the a n ­ Published Every T U « » ’.*» a* nouncement that a copy of the Guttenberg Bible gpringOald. Lane C o a a t*. als c f o,,r congressmen bv perm itting Earl Crav­ right Living tlia l m x le him sick I en and Countess C athart to remain in the country Too y t m he pays the penalty w ith his lifts, before the age a t sixty! A shrine temple in Texas has gotten out an in- a a a Theo wa say he died of over­ Junction against a negro fraternity for using the 1 for an appJe but ltB app|e- , work. E X ^ e r W e a t h e r saue^ the present generation falls for. | The fa rts are, that w ork In te lli­ H e a lt th a t they would like to have the "r" elim inated, from the last word. With only 8 per cent’ of the total United States pop; iation. the 1J U w est'rn states have 14.3 per pop, cent of the electric consumers, 14 per cent or th e total wired homes 23.4 per 'tent of the total mers. and 45 per cent of the ener Indusrial consumers, py produced from hydroelectric plants. E d ito r ia l C om m en t same tune Ilia» two Bvavwra are nt MeMlIliivUle. The O. A C rook debaters prob­ ably will not meet lhe Oregon frosh squad this year because Oregon wants a no-declsl.ui debate while the rooks prefer to have the debate Judged and the winner named. Books Ars Bound. One bundnal hooka have been ship­ ped to Spokane. »Wshmgton. lor bind­ ing. according Io Ml»» Mary Roberts, local librarian The books will he hack Mra M. J. Powell. on the shelves III their now covers In Friends of Mrs M J Powell, for I or resident of Eugene and Spring- a short tun«. field. were saddened late last week to learn of her death at Blackfalds, Gnu Makes People Nervous and Rostleuu* Alberta. February 18 The body was brought to Eugene d as pressure In the abdomen caue- for int.vmenl, Mr Powell accompan­ .■a a rnalleaa. nervous h*n Ing and ied the remains Adlortka remove» Three children survive They are prevents sleep C arence and Ruth, of Blackfalds, and gas In TEN minutes and brings out 1 surprising amounts of old wws'e Adelberf. of San Antonio. Texas matter you never thought was In your systesn. This exo-llent Intesti­ Shipping Busy. The Springfield Mill and drain com­ nal evaruant Is wonderful for consti­ pany has a buay waek-end In raeelv. pation or allied stomach trouble. Ing produce shipments A car of salt Don’t waste Ume with pills or tab­ ca œ In from San Francisco, a car lets but get HEAL Adlerlka action! of eastern oyster shell from Amt tie, Flanery'a Drug Store. gently followed oot, is tonic, healthful, and never h arm ful. The pervoraion of night Into day is a vioiadee o f the law o f rig ht B r­ ing, that la sore to draw Its penal­ ty w ith unerring exactneas.__ • a • UNATTRACTIVE AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS In an Aasoclaled Preaa dispatch from Moacow under f Februar?5. Leon Trotsky, in a speech comparing ‘ . Ampr(,.an newspaper» is quoted as sawing to T R E N T STU D EN TS ON - . It “ \ , Rusg1an workers: w « ll , A F -rea. Bozo Butts They Orive. Him Nuts ^ > ¡5 » UJORtCiAXS S IX bANTS A « b WKSHTS I’j e o o t h i < IkJCOCte T A X ALL M e te o , X K M O tU A T A M W K WJeATT T b J A I« . Fosroer-riAJG t q RAfpogrT A Cv/Te Chevrolet Sales and Service 330 Main Street Your Trouble Our Business GANNETT MOTOR CO. 330 MAIN STREET I’hone 89 Springfield O. A. C. DEBATE TEAM ___ to find anything leas attractive Is s c _______ ic a t y po»dbl«- , fc .. . • n l, of the average American newspapers Oregon Agrlcu tural College. Feb But American editors have the faculty of giving thelg rca I- 2F.—Kay Olsen of Trent. Is u prom­ inent member of the rook dehat» et ’hey desire." W hen g o v e rn m e n t o w n e rsh ip di«T»lnces p riv a te business, the loss in taxes ns well as th* exces­ Yes, and they will continue to do so. and also give the equal, anil has been working on ’h' their bi t e-ito r al opinion, on matters debates every Tuesday and Tburs lay sive cost of operation, is levied upon property and which would not please the Bolshevist eader. Naturally n ght. In company with other mem business which survive. • • • .< t . . r - are unattractive to Mr Trotsky, for ben of the squad Olsen Is a fre h he has no power to muxxle thorn and control their coni- man In vocational education Raliroads moved 13 n?3 «00 tons bituminous The freshman debaters will give '.he • a ‘n Russia. ccal in w-ek c d-d January 16: highest previous America is the nation it Is today because It has 20.00!) delegates to the edurut'onal exiwxi reccrd vt .S 12 863.000 tons or week ended De­ p i.L .-a io u t »or ilM • OO.OOO people and everybody ran tion »his week-end. an opportunity to cem ber I I, 1920. r»pd Eel h»vi-< dlcta’fr? cannnt exlM in »uch a nation see the steps In the pr*iarat-nn of a • • • because there Is ro chance to fool millions of un formed débat» The exhibit by the fr- hmuti debate sqm-I will he a démonstration T he:e were an average of 68 million telephone persons. calls In th s Uni eti States daily last year—n et to .h e q d ick ta way to - bring p r n e o e n t stability to Rua- of bow m aterai la obtain«!, how a m ention the w t- g numbers. sia. would be to ship in a lot of good American printing hr!-f Is mad», and how the spe oh | j | , rre33is and Ac* r can editors a n . let th» to dlstuss condl- finally ass» rr bled and wr ften -XV n n -t ' - 2* lc - h e w n r e t t h e Pont , s" taey found tkam. nnham ^red by the crushing Members cf the rook debate squad, b c /E Cts or static on the radio. Both sound alik-. hand h t , of f po, . pvtk oftklaltini under Earl W Wells, roach, have E ol.tevik officialism a t ni I t. Naturally, these would be “unattractive” apperu to Mr. completed bo’h th>- negative »rd af­ rrtsky beoimsc every one that wns printed would shorten firmative hrlefa for the dekgt»e, with L ers now tiers 's more or 1er'- ” burlesoue show on -v - h the c u - a i- 1« never down.' opines one the rein. of. terror, and hast-n the day of peace, plenty Linfield and W1 hunette colleges .»ml of . old mos-barxB. ">a“ Uon for th” Ru;8la" ' f 0 ’ '6 f „ w, ' are prejstrlng speeches for th»- d’- bates The subject of th«- debut»-» with • • • ■ r m rica b** thankful that it has thousands of n»-ws- both schools will be "Resolved. That egtr<.mely unat'ract ve to Mr. Trotsky and Federal SulM'dlt-n Accompanied by W tll we have kept txjl with Coolidge all rieht his supporters. Federal Supervision Is ObJ’Hdlonoble ------------------ a oail of corn from. H'oux City, Iowa, a id a car of charcoal from the east. The company shipped out a load of feed and flour for Coquille Monday. 1 The rooks will meet Linfield college April 7. The debate will b- under the ("duplex" system, two speakers from Llr.fleld debating at O. A C. at the , Secretarial, StencgrspEic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College Enroll Today u ’8 A Oood School A. IS. Robert«, IT»-«ldeiit 992 Wllliunette St. Phone 6t6 Eugene. Orogon J-penmes r/5 Dimes 1 « -(i ' Sturdy Stock / X ^roolv ilh Old We enjoy quite a large Hhare of the farm er»’ tratio in this territory. For this reawon we have made a Bpt ialty of Stock Foods and Remedies A b a re»ult we h are acco- mulated a valuable fund of Information as to the «pe­ d a l merit« and p m p e rile « of the various makes. Our line« of mich 1» complete and our prices reasonable. Mail Orders Solicited Phone 31 Ov»-rtow ei..jg in tallest building In the world the Wool- worth, Is a m onum ent to nlckk« and dimes, is a phantom structure of 1«-/pieces which shows the might of pennies, If we will all hut pause, think, act. A great International hanker estimate« th at the United .S ta te s carries fortunes around in it« work pockets every day. year in and year out. The average is $3.60 each for every »oul of our 105 million jiopulatlon. That mentis 315 million dollars. Idle dolllars. which should be earning $12,600,000 annually -or 1,260,000,000 pennies, which would pile higher than the Woolworth building. T hat great sum represents only the norm al 3% earnings of money we carry In our pocket« as loose change. Think of the wheels of industry the principal would turn If de­ posited in banka and put to work. You owe It to the nation, to your own prosperity, to put all loose change to work. It will create a reserve fund of surprising strength for you In a very short while. If you make deposits regularly. Then comes Intelligent Investment, and financial Inde­ pendence. START TODAY!! Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon