The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 04, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    T H U R SDAY. FEB- < \ n- ir
Published Every Thurmlajr a*
SpriugCeM . Lane County. Ore«oii. by
M it«
________ a
o il no i m i ; t k l»
tuin« tn*.
w » h u n tla lttk « '
W hat
Editorial Prt^ram
o* w»»
Make SpHnqfiatd tha Ind aetn al Ct
tern Oregon.
Develop a Strew, g Tradin g Po*«t; Bo«d a Ctty
at Contented Hornet.
III. Improve Living CondHtona on *«•
F i
mote the Ra<*ng <* Pttretoe
the Growing •* F ru it: W o rk for I
IV . T e ll the W orld About Ore«on'
, E
February 24. UW3 at <*>•
l »taM at Iho vouvvttUo»» of C ounty Uh rruM *n
nova Scotia man hunting for his missing
Jud*«* unit C onim U alunen w m * . Chat
wile -with a habv face, ami 22’ has sent 25 cents if then» wn* in Itien a*«» In Iti« M#»
to the polite thief of Lynn. Mass., to cover the ta i. H ahouM <o to the count le* .uvl
------------------------- - expense! of a search. Wive» surely are expensive not to the atate. n* th e count ie* at
the present tim e wore unable to n o e t
76f luxuries
Year in Ad» an»'«
¿i 75 T hree Month»
* *
| th e ileiiinutla ot lb •Intv <»n account
_ *c
M o n th » _______
S tasi*
An Austrian chemist has perfected a glass that >•» l«»’k "f fund».
c a i lx /t ent and which will bounce when throw n
w . paid -be
« 2 4 . ...
T ill a s i 1
Tereu a» sacosd cl««
I urn Inclined to be leva th at the »tala
would not he crippled If U»a counllea
received one half luatead of one-
fourth of the llem ae llcenae fee.
Your« very truly,
B n u rw
l.nne Countv Judge
lm rva m » >u neonit* froln InU
torv to the very word prohibition. Self govern- WOULD NOT INCREASE CAS »«*
fit. At our convent but I naked a
m eat m akes n 's tro n g e r national appeal The
ro o ln tlo u Incrennlm the U t on gaa
Mneriean nation grows restive under the dletor-
. _ one cent, be laid On the table, aa
„ .„ „ p ,
lal lash, though It la always ready to govern It­ The O regonian quoted me 1» tav- ,
»ring a o n e ..... . lucre«»* In the g»»-
, , „ w„ v,.r . m view of the large
self Into reasonable restraint.
“Community Store”
An Ideal meeting place, a hospitable »lore HU«' ours Is a real
. ___ .
It Is our aim n»d endeavor to combine service ami tonven-
lence for shoppers.
, . .
Drop In tiny time. Yon are welcome, whether you Intend to
purchase anything or are merely “looking ' or waiting for
some one.
»hare of the M tom oblle ¡belt««1 } l.a ,
on the tloor.
» . » ,
919.70. our »hat* being B6S.SUI»»«».
1 rehlrh 1» put In the retirin g bond I«-
a Morrish hoy
his A l i head
Is tere»t . and
»inking fund Adding the
r* M
# Is » born
- 1
1_____ A
a .V tO il
te k u fll
i » ' H i ' A 11
• - -
th ia
n r tlllllV
shaved and kept shaved until death. American estim ated ga» u « from thl» county,
baaed on th e a v m g e ratio of tb«
airls have not gone to quite th at extrem e yet.
• • •
ga» tax to th e return» from autom o­
bile llcen»e». and I find we paid I he
Men arc children at heart; particularly when »tale In 19J4. »om ethlng over ISIS .
the bottle Is concerned.
000 00 a* th eir »hare of the autom o­
bile license and the ga» tax collected
C o m m e n f
tn thl» county In 1935 the »tatc'»
E d ito r ia l
»hare of the autom obile llcenae from
• •
thl» county wa« $133.882 0«. Lane
county’» »hare wa» 177.794 02 It 1»
fair to preniitne th at the ga« tax col­
lected In L ane county during 1925.
• e •
TAX s tlO l'L t, LESSEN llt'liP E N S
lng it are “counting their chickens before they ,
the co|um n |n th e edltota com m enting of B«- , >uJ of HM.oocooe
»„„.mobile II
hatch.” Certainly there will be no income tax _lu
, he tenninal away from Junction
|M aboTfi
Oregon If it is to be an additional tax. l& atb *
retu rn ed to th e county.
are afraid
m e part
p a n that
i»»' Oregon people ----------
-- of m o st-- .
Conxldertng the lncr<a»e from year
th a t an income tax will be merely an additional
to year. It la evident that we «hould
(JUNCTION c i t y t i m e s .
tax instead of relieving the burdens of taxation
be in a po»lt‘on to cooperate wltb
W ritten by Han» H 'inavlf
on real property. If they felt certain that an
the »late to n larg er degree than at
Income tax law would be passed by the voters.
Regret» T hat We Are Going to Loae the r»og Hou«.- present, or w
«hould receive a larger
A pure income tax is the easiest tax to pay
Hans do
haf , g e.uply turn»«» h ere tom orrow
of ,h,. teen»» fund or »
there is. If one m akes sufficient e pays a
i*»rtinn of the rn* tax. but the conn
If his income is not sufficient he does not J a. .
non»enae into your headiT”
ty ’» poottlon aeetaa to be }u»t the op­
Am ericans are willing to pay taxes when they
E u„h,.n,. Guard say» »o. und d er G uard »a» al- posite of th e state'», except a» to the
have something to pay with hbut it becomes irk-
^ ht don_t )tr>
auto license which must go Into the
some to pay taxes »hen one’s income is low.
a(v#y- r)(tM but dejr „ .„metitn*» mi» fund to re tire bond» and pay inter*»!
Money raised from an income tax should be
n MilvPe day gets «8 new tamili*« from »om ew h«.
on them
used for the sam e specific purposes as the general
. doB>t wme frcffi ahance,on c u , About h at u r
Since 1931 we have been budgeting
property tax and the am ounts raised lor these
tra c m e n « »a» -ingle and de udder haf don’t lit a certain am ount to the cltle» and
specific purposes (as they are now.) should be ,;
Eu»h-n* va» gone hog vll.l mit th e tem ilnut id a
have also. »Ince 19:8. been compel» f
subject to the six per cent limitation. Hence » i n i T u< a)) ioae <g fambly* vot Shanctton c ity had und ed to an ticip ate our In n 'm e and de- ■
less money is needed .rom the property tax. taxes d ,n., kn(,w lt Vy «ltd we atvay» been »hp»t a little town «'uct thl« from our budget before «he 9
will autom aicahy be reduced on property, lt is
fam b y » ov railroad m -n t> n d era va» »one fcoatler levy 1« m ade Then, due to our la rg - I
only by tills method taxes on farm property and
h lpir< To, vm go t„ Euahene. Dot m akes 61
i (neneage In population und the Jow 9
other real estate will be reduced ins. sad of added
! levy, we w re compelled tn ba«e our
to by a income tax. It au income tax will lessen ~Yah. but dey 1» going to s.ill Ilf h ere und drive down 1 increase on. we a re unable to raise
the burden on real property than there should !»■ - s o vii h r tra i men vo' f *n I «inland »nil llf
for roRrt p n n miiea anyw here n ear a«
no income tax . O th e rw ise w aile it n n g h t c a tc h but llo, don’t count on paver Maype dey m o re d r
fo rm w Ir d „,
a few tax dodgers it woutd merely m ean an adth- h •,»«-- too. dot »11 n a k e von* more new building in ».«
In 197'. a fte r tak in g adv an ’ag« of
tional tax on the great m ass of taxpayers.
,h ne V ender bow Eushene grew go big and Shun, tio.i the fi per c« nt lim itation, w- w.
« • •
c ity «avod so ftttla m lt «11 lo»e 48 fambly« and »one compelled to d»»diict from our road
O L D J O H N ’S S P I R I T S T I L L H A U N T S U S
’ here S h u .t d n k ’ Day a fte r tom orrow yen
' „ . ' ¿ h « » f«.n,l
fund w •,«»..>
«4.1 h e li n e d .... o n t h e raPf‘ d er ’*ra:t,,a
’ hU’ t y° U
»13 none«
000 0 0 IP order
order m
til ,neet
meet «he
the In
How far the aongress will be lined up on tne ch! f p ollcetm n I« ?• In to « n und ven ve r a n t to rem em ber creased dem ands of the arhno « and
sid-i of m odif.cation of the Volstead ai t may be a r o t Shunctlon City to *•• vas ve go down to der round the nntural Increase In countv ex
debatable question, but ;t :s certain the country houae und count all d o re 48 r- w fambly» und v o n t “dog pen«es due to the large Increase tn
i. .1,
is destined to iace another battle over the dem ­ house" un I »ay t vn« '♦ r «urflfal in re fit-lit. It mu»t D
ba C , population In !9:fi . we are rnm r*»le
nny fit (
(rom , h. , >m
or the iious»
H ou*
on rum. The fi
ty-eight members of
fit-i»t vot »urfifsj. bacauae »* '» not having ur
of Representatives who have been conducting abi.,lt ,„. ug d. r 48 (ambi>» v o t ' • a ain
got But
in ’t
't sol
ISUl »*
ve _ . vll
YH mlM
. sam e reason,
_ the
.K- con
fund for the
into the operation of the
old “ ,.dog
r r old
dog gpme-’'
house " because
h. cause d- re 1»
is ra
r e S horty Tb„
T hornton <iqut.n(.f.
, h!1, our ron() flin 1 at
LilVH own investigation
prohibition law are now well orgamzetl ami ut stay», und ven d er dog bouse Is g«>ne Shorty T out haf
pro«ent tim e '■
*«o ooo
Is «bom
nbou’ ISO
009 on
n rese rt to the national legisla­ nc u ’d a to put his fre t on »11» he trie s to flger out how short of w hat It form erly w ss This
ture a bill of al«. m ti ns.
much o I vas in d er big oil tank.
compela us to go before the neonlc
T h e re ie «.
o ’ a tio n if.a t th e c o u n try g e t'-
• tnvw av -ley I « w in g to letf der fire y l.tle, und dot »11 ‘ and get th e ir sanction of special 1er
eiaiiy is taking a vt:y practical of the liq­
i lea to meet th«* «tate op st*«te h *»■
uor ¿itv.atio1‘ .Many o those who reniaii svron - t>-jp some
way», such as th e Eugcn~-Flnr«'nc»‘
ly i.i .avoi oi pn ii b.tion see that their goal wouiti
and the McKenxIe In order that w«
have '
.e a ---------
th e d more
had it been
c e • n at - 1
I” spite of population Increase, the num ber of m arriages m a r com plete the«e h'gbw avs and
proa h U m ot gn t a t ucor Oi tern e ,a - , fc-
rep resen tativ e citlea fell off 2433 last year com par 'd , nrn , h „ m OTfr
, hp Ma, P f„ r m„ln
t -em are ompeHed to adm it th a t the ■ »
ram pant lawlessness exhibited n> ootn city a .
v . ;e .s e^ .nto the very vita.8 oi respect ci
yble w,(h (hf
crowd? „
(.op(d no long,.r „hie to wound them with b » ,
, am P n r|0H(ng a resolution which
arT0Wa« probably th- fundam ental tronble 1« th at , rrpapn, P4 t o the convention in 1925.
g or la m e n t.
!h, atan aard s of the presen t day are grow ing higher. T he and , , h)nk t hP sentim ent of county
-e the existing s ta .’lte wouia tax
m t|) know th a , . he g(r!a expect com fortable homes jUdc(.„ and com m issioners Is the sntn.
final' .a- reso trrr-s
the nat»°n M d t u r a e w J b w J
chance te r eBjoylIieDt and w a n y of them do n o t Bt , he p resen t tim e hlle It may seem
other man and woman into a national pc.ic “ ‘a -i
h )w tf)e a>me (.an
provided out of th eir present nnJuM
charge the sam e license fee
to a tth his neighbor. It « b-di; n.ralay true tnat
l wagHg Th , prudence is all right If not carried too for an oM (.a r , on the other hand thl '
i n m h.- < ;onouii< ai £-• the etiev t Of voistea -
couple ought to have a m * money ahead monPy u aaed to Improve and main
is- . has beer to trar..dfe vt. t g o y e T itn e ii- -ev.-ll_
m arrl„d B„t some who are spend frig dol- taln the roads which are uaod as
i n t o the pockets of thousands o f b o o t l e g g e r s
^ er the(r , athPrg UM.<| to spend dimes, would bett« r mo(.h by the old ears aa th e n - w e
have cave b en mad« millionaires over nignt.
w h k h fam(ly needa wt]1 make on nniW1 and „ wl1) hp h a r to enact a
it is unquestionably true too that there is an
law covering such « n complex question
r .
.a . “sife aie e. born perhaps of our h is - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
th at w*ll be sstlsfnctorv to everyone
For this reason we doubt «he wisdom
o f m aking any ebang«* In the gaa tax
l ’ n oy--T F A - H I L I A P . « d lT H
or auto I’o e-ae as It nppll'.s to pleas­
T H e S T A T t Cfsi S 0 .- 0 T H I S
S-cAfc, - »’ve g o t t o r - e r r
ure vehicles.
A H A M AT «ECM^iFöktX
I might say In’ conclusion that, p e r­
, A„XSUT A tis<S R u c t w e s s
sonally. I think the gns mx I’ the
p L e a l A K lts t - A e J 'T
Bozo Butts
I Arrossfc» t o i -c - t p . a t
fairest tax we hnve. ns n persot» does
They Drive
/T f ÎW fB *-
' 676
942 Willamette St.. Kiixene. Ore.
Dre'-ses-New and Modish
« h o r e m o a t S t y l e s f o r S p r in g
. '? ’* k
Y ° u jukt can’t help being
extravagant in praise of 'the
new Silk Frocks for Spring!
Each is a masterpiece in style I
Novel Colors
New, stunning colors I Elab­
orate sleeve»! Flaring skirt»I
F o r th e w o m a n a n d
R e a s o n a b ly p ric e d .
Z' A
m iss.
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
Eugene Business College
Hnroll Today
'M2 Willamette St.
It’s A Gtxxl School
Phone 6<fi
Eugene. Oregon
U Roberta,
- t-l¿Te?4
■xlC R T" C A S - t F J L L Y
-TO T i e
C C M tsL C T O R
If It’s Worthy
We Have It
Him Nut3
I'rogrer.slve pharm acy M
practiced ¡it o er -toi'1 . "■ hi’» *
applies not only to the pro-
fossionnl side of our busi­
ness, but to the conitner-
< ini as well.
We stock all worthy Retn-
edlbs and Toilet P repara­
tions as soon as they ap­
pear on the m arket. We
make a specialty of
Trade-M arked and Adver­
tised Goods
_ because we believe in sell-
ing m erchandise for which
there is a demand. We nev­
er substitute— so when you
ask for any favorite brand,
we ll not offer you
“Som ething Just as Good.”
This Hoard Would
Have Doubled in Value--
Deposited in thin bank nt 3% interest hoarded money
which has been lying Idle for years would have doubled in
value instead of merely accum ulating dust and cobwebs.
Happily not many persons today actually hoard money
with the belief th at it. is safe from theft or accident.
Money need not be buried in old walls or cellars to be
hoarded. It is hoarded money if it is Idle money, useless
The safest way to make your money work for you and
the community is to deposit It In the bank, where It is safe,
draw s interest, and helps build up the local community,
thus enhancing the value of your property.
Our officials are business executives and can help to
m ake your money work more profitably for you. Consult
them without obligation.
Phone 31
Commercial State Bank t
Springfield, Oregon