T H U R SDAY. FEB- < \ n- ir P A G I FOUR THF NEWS 1 nc. o SPRINGFIELD r I C A - u r Published Every Thurmlajr a* SpriugCeM . Lane County. Ore«oii. by THE WILLAM ETTE PRESS H E MAXKY. M it« _________________ . ________ a o il no i m i ; t k l» tuin« tn*. «natter w » h u n tla lttk « ' W hat Editorial Prt^ram L o* w»» Make SpHnqfiatd tha Ind aetn al Ct tern Oregon. IL Develop a Strew, g Tradin g Po*«t; Bo«d a Ctty at Contented Hornet. III. Improve Living CondHtona on *«• F i mote the Ra<*ng <* Pttretoe the Growing •* F ru it: W o rk for I IV . T e ll the W orld About Ore«on' land. , E HSMMSngMHgH»«*>S«| February 24. UW3 at <*>• " ^ • l »taM at Iho vouvvttUo»» of C ounty Uh rruM *n nova Scotia man hunting for his missing Jud*«* unit C onim U alunen w m * . Chat wile -with a habv face, ami 22’ has sent 25 cents if then» wn* in Itien a*«» In Iti« M#» to the polite thief of Lynn. Mass., to cover the ta i. H ahouM •» l«»’k "f fund». c a i lx /t ent and which will bounce when throw n w . paid -be « 2 4 . ... Jr T ill a s i 1 PEBRCARY «. i»-‘S Tereu a» sacosd cl«« One Blx I urn Inclined to be leva th at the »tala would not he crippled If U»a counllea received one half luatead of one- fourth of the llem ae llcenae fee. Your« very truly, C. I’ BAMNARI», . B n u rw l.nne Countv Judge lm rva m » >u neonit* froln InU »oureo, torv to the very word prohibition. Self govern- WOULD NOT INCREASE CAS »«* fit. At our convent but I naked lh.it a TAX m eat m akes n 's tro n g e r national appeal The ro o ln tlo u Incrennlm the U t on gaa Mneriean nation grows restive under the dletor- . _ one cent, be laid On the table, aa „ .„ „ p , lal lash, though It la always ready to govern It­ The O regonian quoted me 1» tav- , »ring a o n e ..... . lucre«»* In the g»»- , , „ w„ v,.r . m view of the large self Into reasonable restraint. . OUR STORE IS A “Community Store” An Ideal meeting place, a hospitable »lore HU«' ours Is a real Institution. . . ___ . It Is our aim n»d endeavor to combine service ami tonven- lence for shoppers. , . . Drop In tiny time. Yon are welcome, whether you Intend to purchase anything or are merely “looking ' or waiting for some one. „> »hare of the M tom oblle ¡belt««1 } l.a , on the tloor. » . » , 919.70. our »hat* being B6S.SUI»»«». 1 rehlrh 1» put In the retirin g bond I«- As soons as a Morrish hoy his A l i head Is tere»t . and »inking fund Adding the .VS» DUVUP q»< r* M # Is » born \ - 1 1_____ A a .V tO il te k u fll i » ' H i ' A 11 « . • - - th ia n r tlllllV shaved and kept shaved until death. American estim ated ga» u « from thl» county, baaed on th e a v m g e ratio of tb« airls have not gone to quite th at extrem e yet. • • • ga» tax to th e return» from autom o­ bile llcen»e». and I find we paid I he Men arc children at heart; particularly when »tale In 19J4. »om ethlng over ISIS . the bottle Is concerned. 000 00 a* th eir »hare of the autom o­ bile license and the ga» tax collected C o m m e n f tn thl» county In 1935 the »tatc'» E d ito r ia l »hare of the autom obile llcenae from • • thl» county wa« $133.882 0«. Lane ! county’» »hare wa» 177.794 02 It 1» fair to preniitne th at the ga« tax col­ lected In L ane county during 1925. a EGGIMANN’S CANDIES TH E BEST FOUNTAIN SERVICE • e • TAX s tlO l'L t, LESSEN llt'liP E N S EGGIMANN’S lng it are “counting their chickens before they , the co|um n |n th e edltota com m enting of B«- , >uJ of HM.oocooe »„„.mobile II hatch.” Certainly there will be no income tax _lu , he tenninal away from Junction ;ind |M aboTfi amcun, Oregon If it is to be an additional tax. l& atb * retu rn ed to th e county. th are afraid * m e part p a n that i»»' Oregon people ---------- -- of m o st-- . Conxldertng the lncr auto license which must go Into the some to pay taxes »hen one’s income is low. a(v#y- r)(tM but dejr „ .„metitn*» mi» fund to re tire bond» and pay inter*»! Money raised from an income tax should be n MilvPe day gets «8 new tamili*« from »om ew h«. on them used for the sam e specific purposes as the general . doB>t wme frcffi ahance,on c u , About h at u r Since 1931 we have been budgeting property tax and the am ounts raised lor these tra c m e n « »a» -ingle and de udder haf don’t lit a certain am ount to the cltle» and specific purposes (as they are now.) should be ,; Eu»h-n* va» gone hog vll.l mit th e tem ilnut id a have also. »Ince 19:8. been compel» f subject to the six per cent limitation. Hence » i n i T u< a)) ioae n d era va» »one fcoatler levy 1« m ade Then, due to our la rg - I only by tills method taxes on farm property and h lpir< To, vm go t„ Euahene. Dot m akes 61 i (neneage In population und the Jow 9 other real estate will be reduced ins. sad of added ! levy, we w re compelled tn ba«e our to by a income tax. It au income tax will lessen ~Yah. but dey 1» going to s.ill Ilf h ere und drive down 1 increase on. we a re unable to raise the burden on real property than there should !»■ - s o vii h r tra i men vo' f *n I «inland »nil llf for roRrt p n n miiea anyw here n ear a« no income tax . O th e rw ise w aile it n n g h t c a tc h but llo, don’t count on paver Maype dey m o re d r g fo rm w Ir d „, a few tax dodgers it woutd merely m ean an adth- h •,»«-- too. dot »11 n a k e von* more new building in ».« In 197'. a fte r tak in g adv an ’ag« of tional tax on the great m ass of taxpayers. ,h ne V ender bow Eushene grew go big and Shun, tio.i the fi per c« nt lim itation, w- w. « • • c ity «avod so ftttla m lt «11 lo»e 48 fambly« and »one compelled to d»»diict from our road O L D J O H N ’S S P I R I T S T I L L H A U N T S U S h, ’ here S h u .t d n k ’ Day a fte r tom orrow yen ' „ . ' ¿ h « » f«.n,l fund w •,«»..> , , «4.1 h e li n e d .... o n t h e raPf‘ d er ’*ra:t,,a ’ hU’ t y° U mB «12 »13 none« 000 0 0 IP order order m til ,neet meet «he the In How far the aongress will be lined up on tne ch! f p ollcetm n I« ?• In to « n und ven ve r a n t to rem em ber creased dem ands of the arhno « and sid-i of m odif.cation of the Volstead ai t may be a r o t Shunctlon City to *•• vas ve go down to der round the nntural Increase In countv ex debatable question, but ;t :s certain the country houae und count all d o re 48 r- w fambly» und v o n t “dog pen«es due to the large Increase tn i. .1, is destined to iace another battle over the dem ­ house" un I »ay t vn« '♦ r «urflfal in re fit-lit. It mu»t D ba C , population In !9:fi . we are rnm r*»le ... nny fit ( fl<)0 (rom , h. , >m fi:ty-eight or the iious» H ou* on rum. The fi ty-eight members of fit-i»t vot »urfifsj. bacauae »* '» not having ur of Representatives who have been conducting abi.,lt ,„. ug d. r 48 (ambi>» v o t ' • a ain got But in ’t 't sol ISUl »* ve _ . vll YH mlM . sam e reason, _ the .K- con * . fund for the their into the operation of the old “ ,.dog varg r r old dog gpme-’' house " because h. cause d- re 1» is ra r e S horty Tb„ T hornton ne Shorty T out haf pro«ent tim e '■ *«o ooo Is «bom nbou’ ISO 009 on 09 questionabb n rese rt to the national legisla­ nc u ’d a to put his fre t on »11» he trie s to flger out how short of w hat It form erly w ss This ture a bill of al«. m ti ns. much o I vas in d er big oil tank. compela us to go before the neonlc T h e re ie «. o ’ a tio n if.a t th e c o u n try g e t'- • tnvw av -ley I « w in g to letf der fire y l.tle, und dot »11 ‘ and get th e ir sanction of special 1er eiaiiy is taking a vt:y practical v.cw of the liq­ i lea to meet th«* «tate op st*«te h *»■ uor ¿itv.atio1‘ .Many o those who reniaii svron - t>-jp some e , , way», such as th e Eugcn~-Flnr«'nc»‘ ly i.i .avoi oi pn ii b.tion see that their goal wouiti and the McKenxIe In order that w« have ' .e a --------- th e d more quickly had it been * ■ c e • n at - 1 I” spite of population Increase, the num ber of m arriages m a r com plete the«e h'gbw avs and proa h U m ot gn t a t ucor Oi tern e ,a - , fc- rep resen tativ e citlea fell off 2433 last year com par 'd , nrn , h „ m OTfr , hp Ma, P f„ r m„ln n.cot t -em are ompeHed to adm it th a t the ■ » ram pant lawlessness exhibited n> ootn city a . v . ;e .s e^t.ng .nto the very vita.8 oi respect ci yble w,(h (hf crowd? „ - (.op(d no long,.r „hie to wound them with b » , , am P n r|0H(ng a resolution which arT0Wa« probably th- fundam ental tronble 1« th at , rrpapn, P4 t o the convention in 1925. g or la m e n t. , !h, atan aard s of the presen t day are grow ing higher. T he and , , h)nk t hP sentim ent of county ,’u -e the existing s ta .’lte wouia tax , m t|) know th a , . he g(r!a expect com fortable homes jUdc(.„ and com m issioners Is the sntn. final' .a- reso trrr-s the nat»°n M d t u r a e w J b w J chance te r eBjoylIieDt and w a n y of them do n o t Bt , he p resen t tim e hlle It may seem other man and woman into a national pc.ic “ ‘a -i h )w tf)e a>me (.an provided out of th eir present nnJuM charge the sam e license fee to a tth his neighbor. It « b-di; n.ralay true tnat l wagHg Th , prudence is all right If not carried too for an oM (.a r , on the other hand thl ' i n m h.- < ;onouii< ai £-• the etiev t Of voistea - couple ought to have a m * money ahead monPy u aaed to Improve and main is- . has beer to trar..dfe vt. t g o y e T itn e ii- -ev.-ll_ m arrl„d B„t some who are spend frig dol- taln the roads which are uaod as i n t o the pockets of thousands o f b o o t l e g g e r s no ^ er the(r , athPrg UM.<| to spend dimes, would bett« r mo(.h by the old ears aa th e n - w e have cave b en mad« millionaires over nignt. w h k h fam(ly needa wt]1 make on nniW1 and „ wl1) hp h a r to enact a it is unquestionably true too that there is an future law covering such « n complex question r . .a . “sife aie e. born perhaps of our h is - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th at w*ll be sstlsfnctorv to everyone For this reason we doubt «he wisdom o f m aking any ebang«* In the gaa tax l ’ n oy--T F A - H I L I A P . « d lT H or auto I’o e-ae as It nppll'.s to pleas­ T H e S T A T t Cfsi S 0 .- 0 T H I S S-cAfc, - »’ve g o t t o r - e r r ure vehicles. A H A M AT «ECM^iFöktX I might say In’ conclusion that, p e r­ , A„XSUT A tis