The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 24, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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Th# M ountain S tates Pow er com­
pany and th e California-Oregon IMw-
e r company, o p era’ ng tn th e w estern
p a rt of Orvgon. are now a p art of
w hat ia known as the "Byllesby or­
ganization." ThH is one of the g re a t­
e s t holdi’. g ’com panies in the puhlic
u tility field in the I'n ited Staton.
According to the latest estim ates
th e gross earnings of the Byllesby
com panies will be $140.000.000 for the
y e a r 1025. The com pany controls and
operates 131 hydro-»* ectric and steam
pow er plants, with a total installed
g eneratin g capacity in excess of 1,-
400.000 horsepower. In 1910 this
com pany owned 23 plants with a
capacity of C9.000 horsepow er It is
estim ated th at th e ti'tal energy o u t­
put of th ese plants th is y ear will ag
gTegate in excess of It
w h , com pared w ith 210,000.000 ta
Service is supplied to a to tal esti­
m ated population of 5.300.000 in more
th an 1.230 cities and tow ns, while in
1910 only 82 com m unities were
served. T here a re at present approxi­
m ately 1.341.600 custom ers of all
classes divided into 900.300 electric.
525.500 gas. and 15.900 m iscej aneous:
in 1910 th ere w ere $8,500 supplied
w ith electrictv. 106.500 with gas and
5000 w ith m iscellaneous services, a
C oncerning construction activ ities
to tal of approxim ately 200.000 cus­ it was found th at for 1915 ihe total
tom ers of all classes. Prom the above expenditures for new construct lou
figures it will be seen th at th e total am ounted to $3,738.219; In 1920 this
num ber o f com m unities served has figure was $9,927.942; in 1922 It was
B> Mrs. Belle DeGraf. D irector, cups cooked squash and into it g rata
increased m ore than 14 tim es; the $18,307.454; in 1923 It w as $31,398.
total installed g en eratin g capacity 261; for 1924. $30.939.715, and the Home Service Bureau. S perry Flour 1 tablepaoon oolnn. Addi' (he squash
has increase»! upw ards o f 20 tim es; budgets for 1925 to tal $45.233.765. Co.
lo th è hot w hlte sau re, re h e st and
All soups a re of two classes— those serve.
the to tal num ber of electric and gas C onstruction expenditures for the
custom ers served about 61-2 ast four years alone to tal more than which a re m ade w ith m eat as a foun­
D uthezs Soup.
dation. or w hat we call soups with
and energy output m ore th an 14 tim es $125.000.000.
DouWe M aster recipe, uslng fot th r
--------------------- W - .......... .................... >'-----— ............................. - ’ ■ W
stock, and soups w ithout stock. The liquid 31-2 ,-ups milk and 1-3 cup wal
la tte r class Includes the heavier and er from the vegetables,
more nourishing types of soups, cream
- tablespoons oh too
soups, p u rees and chowder«.
1 1-2 cup chopped e a rn t».
Cream sour« a re v ariatio n s of o u r! ’ • ,'u*’ cheese ig r a tid )
W hite Sauce M aster recipe They use
r '" 8 '.g e ta h le e . and ad th nr. to
th e proportions of fat and flour for lh * 1
sauce Add cheese, a t ’r
thin white sause. T hese soups are tb s
m elted. Four gradually up*>r
most nourishing of a I and with bread ) *' r o r ***rc beaten <gg yolks, reh eat
and b u tter m ake a su b stan tial lunch p ” 11
or supper. For a luncheon or In fo rm al1
B erkshire Soup.,
d in n er such a soup may well be aerveil ' '*°uble Mast -r recipe,
ns the first course. T hus the dinner It- ! 3 cup« tom atoes
2 nA spoon onion.
se lf will not req u ire as much of the
m ore expensive foods.
1 cop corn.
12 b .y leaf
AH vegetable erran t soups ure a
3 c T *ves.
com bination of a w hite sauce, vege
1-4 teaspoon soda.
tables ad seasonings. The vegetables
1-2 teasp o o n salt.
may be diced, shredded or sifted. Wa­
1-2 cup cream
te r In which the vegetables a re cook-
2 , gg yolks
e l tray be nseil as a p art of the liquid.
Cook vegetable.«, hay leaf a n !
It Is b e tte r to d rain the liquid from
any e arn ed vagetab les as It Is likely d o v es together, strain nn.l add soda
, to give a "can n ed " ta s 'e to the soup. I Pour Into hot white sauce. Add cream
M aster Reeioe for Thin W hite Sauce. and beaten egg yolks. R eheat and
1 pint mi k.
| serve.
Tom ato soup may he made using
2 table-°poons floor.
th is recipe om itting corn, cream nuil
2 tahles^oi ns butter.
yo ks.
1 7 teaspoon salt.
Spinach Soup
Long before the first holly berry blushes sear’tt, children
1 - teaspoon pepper,
Double M a ste r recip e. Cut n r
are looking forward to Christm as. Soon thpir joyous shouts
BI id flour, and seasonings, cook
u t r t 'l ! - - h i . t h i n add cold m ilk grad- “ ‘ h ’ ,r iB *
l»)illng po in t and » train
and laughing voices wiil echo through the home.
uaUy. «U rrtr.r co n stan t!? a<rl heat C ot >lne w‘tli hot white sauce
But what o ' you? Do von dread the comin*? of Christm as,
! -»heat and serve. All oth,-r gn
to ‘C.i’ul; ? or until cream y
with its burden of exnenses? Are you buying smiles ior
i may be used m th e aatne way
of T o m a to Soup.
little fa:es with persona! sacrifices?
P eanut B utter Soup.
P ’’ p are Ma f - r recipe
H eat the
follow ng tiy «raiding a n ! sim m er five -D ouble M a ste r re c ip e M oisten
Every m other ai d father ta n enjoy Christmas. It i3 so
irJnutsR. then rem ove the bay leaf cup peanut butt, r with n »mall
easy to save a lit-it? ea h v.’e ak in ou r Christm as Savings
am ount of the white Bailee Add m ix­
an-l onion.
Club, you never l-iiss it that way, and it relieves you of all
2 cuj a stew ed tom atoes. 1 or 2 tu re to the rem ainder of the »mice,
w’crrv when buying tid e conies.
season. reh eat and aerve.
leaves bsv |.« f. and 1 s Ice onion
Then too, what of future years? Will your children’s
If you a re Interested in the„e Mas­
J i im i b e fo re nerving, add to m ato ea
Christm as always be happy and free of financial cares.
gradually to w hite sauce. Do not cook te r reeipes, Mr» DeGruf will I»- glad
Our bank is ycur bank and vour friend. Let us guard your
a f te r c o m b in in g m ix tu re » . Made In to »end you her free booklet "80 Food
investments and transactions.
this m an n er the soup will no» curdle. I I)*'ll<h '« ,rom 8 M aster R ecip es’ A
request to Mrs. Belle DeGraf. D irer
Pea Soup.
Double the M aster recipe Cook the ter. Home Service B ureau. Sperry
follrw ng to g eth er and put »¡trough a F lour Co . Pan F rancisco, will hr ng
It to you.
» tr a 'n ir o r chopper.
2 cups peas.
Springfield, Oregon
1 teaspoon onion.
Add th e hot w hite sauce. r»-heat and
serve. S erve with crou nns.
The e sta te In F.ane county of John
I Cut stale bread in 14 inch slleca I
L eaburg farm er who died a
and rem ove cru sts. S pread thinly with ,ew '**>'’ a 8°- ** valued at $23.350, ac-
I b u tte r on both sid fs. Cut Into sm all , cor<lln* to a petition filed In prebate
' cubes, place In a pan and bake until j court ,n Eugene, Tuesday, December
|«*~y and a d el'cate brown, having a ‘ "S’ ^'he petition was for the appoint-
in, nt of an adm inistrator. He had an
i slow oven.
o th er farm in Polk county, the value
Cream of Corn Soup.
Double M aster recipe. Sca d two of which Is not known here.
Of th e estate here, $10,800 Is per­
cups canned corn, or use tw o cups
cooked corn, rem oved from cob, put sonal property, m oat of It cash In lh i
through s tra in e r and add to h o t white bsnk. H is widow, .Mrs. M artha C urrie
was appointed ad m in istrato r, and
sauce. R eheat, season and serve.
H erb ert F. Clarke, Dwight Kessey,
Bean Soup.
Double M aster recipe. To the hot Elsie P ollard w ere named nppra'sers.
Fred W allace was appointed admin
w hite sauce add two onps cooked
beans, whole, sp lit or m ashed. Re­ Istratn r of th e 's t a te of John T. Wal­
lace, who died N ovem ber 8, 1925.
heat, season and serve.
We Wish Our Many Patrons A Very
leaving property of the estim ated val-
C re am of C e le ry Soup.
ue of $3000 a I* n i l s . h. A W alker medi, Ines " (»Igne,li W W C arter,
and Burn Vinson w<re nam ed us ap­ Aillerlka Is a slmpfe m istu re of liiuk,
tliorn bark, glycertne, «de., wbloli
rvtuovee UAH In l»n m inute* alili
Old Mr. Carter Helped
often brlngs stirprlslng rellef to thè
by Simple Mixture si,m ia,h Stop» that full, binale^
Urlila« oul old w asle mai,
"A fter taking A dlerlka I fw l bet te r you never thought was In you|
ter than for years At tuy age t«0i System Kn-elletit (or , brunii) consti
It is ideal—so different from other pulluli F lan ery » Drug sture
W is h e j Y ou a V e ry M e rry
Christmas and a T ru ly
H a p p y N ew Y e a r
At the Holiday Seanon We Wish
lo Ex proas to You Our Apprecia­
tion of Past Favor» and Sin­
cerely Wish You and Yours u
Joyful Christ intis and a Pros­
perous New Year.
Flanery’s Drug Store
Is Your Smile a Mask?
Commercial State Bank
Merry Christm as and Thank
Them for T heir Patronage
During the Past Year
White Front Grocery
Double M aster recipe. Cook c d ev y
which 1» cut In 1-2 Inch plecrs and
add two cups of the co o k 'd celery to
hot wihlte sauce. If celery Is cooked
«arly, p a rt of the celery w ater can
be used In w hite sauce.
Add celery and seasoning to hot
sauce, re h eat and' serve.
Potato Soup.
Double M aster recipe. Cook 3 cups
diced potatoes, 1 tablespoon onion to­
g ether, Mash and combine with sauce.
Reason, r e h 'a t and serve. S prinkle
1 teaspoon chopped parsley on ,>ach
8quaeb Pie.
Double M aster recipe. M easure two
Turner’s Novelty Store
Reduced Far«
For example:
ife u se it when
G iv e Us
Aleo fo t
Salem and Return $3.66
Roseburg and Return $3.55
New V ears
Ask agent for tale
dates, limits.
Sale dates December 18-29; lim it Jsntu
Proportionate reductione to many other
A ik Agent
Southern FadficUn
CARL OLflON, Agent