PAQE FOUR W E kÚ N W S BYLLESBY COMPANY IS A POWERFUL ORGANIZATION Th# M ountain S tates Pow er com­ pany and th e California-Oregon IMw- e r company, o p era’ ng tn th e w estern p a rt of Orvgon. are now a p art of w hat ia known as the "Byllesby or­ ganization." ThH is one of the g re a t­ e s t holdi’. g ’com panies in the puhlic u tility field in the I'n ited Staton. According to the latest estim ates th e gross earnings of the Byllesby com panies will be $140.000.000 for the y e a r 1025. The com pany controls and operates 131 hydro-»* ectric and steam pow er plants, with a total installed g eneratin g capacity in excess of 1,- 400.000 horsepower. In 1910 this com pany owned 23 plants with a capacity of C9.000 horsepow er It is estim ated th at th e ti'tal energy o u t­ put of th ese plants th is y ear will ag gTegate in excess of It w h , com pared w ith 210,000.000 ta 1910, Service is supplied to a to tal esti­ m ated population of 5.300.000 in more th an 1.230 cities and tow ns, while in 1910 only 82 com m unities were served. T here a re at present approxi­ m ately 1.341.600 custom ers of all -üiAÄLIfi CHAPUN in ’THE GOUD R U SH * classes divided into 900.300 electric. 525.500 gas. and 15.900 m iscej aneous: PLAYING AT TH E BELL THEATRE TÜVRS--F1U -SAT in 1910 th ere w ere $8,500 supplied w ith electrictv. 106.500 with gas and 5000 w ith m iscellaneous services, a C oncerning construction activ ities to tal of approxim ately 200.000 cus­ it was found th at for 1915 ihe total tom ers of all classes. Prom the above expenditures for new construct lou figures it will be seen th at th e total am ounted to $3,738.219; In 1920 this num ber o f com m unities served has figure was $9,927.942; in 1922 It was B> Mrs. Belle DeGraf. D irector, cups cooked squash and into it g rata increased m ore than 14 tim es; the $18,307.454; in 1923 It w as $31,398. total installed g en eratin g capacity 261; for 1924. $30.939.715, and the Home Service Bureau. S perry Flour 1 tablepaoon oolnn. Addi' (he squash has increase»! upw ards o f 20 tim es; budgets for 1925 to tal $45.233.765. Co. lo th è hot w hlte sau re, re h e st and All soups a re of two classes— those serve. the to tal num ber of electric and gas C onstruction expenditures for the custom ers served about 61-2 ast four years alone to tal more than which a re m ade w ith m eat as a foun­ D uthezs Soup. dation. or w hat we call soups with and energy output m ore th an 14 tim es $125.000.000. DouWe M aster recipe, uslng fot th r --------------------- W - .......... .................... >'-----— ............................. - ’ ■ W stock, and soups w ithout stock. The liquid 31-2 ,-ups milk and 1-3 cup wal la tte r class Includes the heavier and er from the vegetables, more nourishing types of soups, cream - tablespoons oh too soups, p u rees and chowder«. 1 1-2 cup chopped e a rn t». Cream sour« a re v ariatio n s of o u r! ’ • ,'u*’ cheese ig r a tid ) W hite Sauce M aster recipe They use r '" 8 '.g e ta h le e . and ad th nr. to th e proportions of fat and flour for lh * 1 sauce Add cheese, a t ’r thin white sause. T hese soups are tb s m elted. Four gradually up*>r most nourishing of a I and with bread ) *' r o r ***rc beaten lne w‘tli hot white sauce But what o ' you? Do von dread the comin*? of Christm as, ! -»heat and serve. All oth,-r gn to ‘C.i’ul; ? or until cream y with its burden of exnenses? Are you buying smiles ior i may be used m th e aatne way of T o m a to Soup. little fa:es with persona! sacrifices? P eanut B utter Soup. P ’’ p are Ma f - r recipe H eat the follow ng tiy «raiding a n ! sim m er five -D ouble M a ste r re c ip e M oisten Every m other ai d father ta n enjoy Christmas. It i3 so irJnutsR. then rem ove the bay leaf cup peanut butt, r with n »mall easy to save a lit-it? ea h v.’e ak in ou r Christm as Savings am ount of the white Bailee Add m ix­ an-l onion. f Club, you never l-iiss it that way, and it relieves you of all 2 cuj a stew ed tom atoes. 1 or 2 tu re to the rem ainder of the »mice, w’crrv when buying tid e conies. season. reh eat and aerve. leaves bsv |.« f. and 1 s Ice onion Then too, what of future years? Will your children’s If you a re Interested in the„e Mas­ J i im i b e fo re nerving, add to m ato ea Christm as always be happy and free of financial cares. gradually to w hite sauce. Do not cook te r reeipes, Mr» DeGruf will I»- glad Our bank is ycur bank and vour friend. Let us guard your a f te r c o m b in in g m ix tu re » . Made In to »end you her free booklet "80 Food investments and transactions. this m an n er the soup will no» curdle. I I)*'ll'’ a 8°- ** valued at $23.350, ac- I b u tte r on both sid fs. Cut Into sm all , corach serving. 8quaeb Pie. Double M aster recipe. M easure two Turner’s Novelty Store Springfield 0 Reduced Far« For example: BONO ife u se it when PRINTING GOOD JOBS G iv e Us Yours. Aleo fo t Salem and Return $3.66 Roseburg and Return $3.55 New V ears Ask agent for tale dates, limits. Sale dates December 18-29; lim it Jsntu Proportionate reductione to many other A ik Agent Southern FadficUn CARL OLflON, Agent