The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 17, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    mi it m a r t AV |)KC. 17,
type!" the little man replied. "Kxaot.
slant that matrimony is going to make
you over temperamentally, my dear.
In your case tt will Just add piquancy
ami charm."
I hated him. Oh. If It were all over
and Curtiss aud I were quietly alone.
I was so utterly »vary of It all. As
usually the case, there had also been
how we had all walk«»l back from the ««ndleas parties up to the very «ve
«f my wedding day. A ditoni I am
altar wreathed In smiles This was a
so, I remembered, an established etis iju te sure |s a relic of barbarous days
Just then Ted Hillings came reeling
tom of the bride. But somehow i
couldn’t smile There are some happ' by. Teo much champagne. Only that
f««e lug of charity which forgives all
nesses too big for emotional expre
grb van n e when happiness fill«
sion. Too envelopin'* to permit any
the heart, prompted uie to Invite T e l
outward sign Sqdh was ndne.
The reception nt home. Moro flow M ow I w as s o r r y fh n t 1 hud He p o ll i ! -
music, more chatter, and od to the ereh «Is Ihat formed my ex­
uigrat ulations coutdted In quisite bouquet.
•What h««’ A touch of Vivenri» r
.rhlal terms. That the
• P
ap' Salli«'.' he thought he mm » funny
expressed t
essces* i»i youthrul
cause ‘he hiughetl uproariously nu4
the wedding of Cana
eyes sa-’ »
s »inch daily bes« i
iggered o ut of a lg h t
haven’t a doubt. How much more
te r ffrviip
ling young friends— interesting h*cause among
'• Ilo <hw»T it in« .n any harm.* Marj
sacred. 1 thought, la the »m ill w e l­
htr laujchter-lov-ng comrades you’ll trvet persanaltties with wnom
ding where one Is surrounded only bv w h itp e rtd , aw ing lh<* blush M<btch
you are familiar in everyday 1 fe. In S.iiilv « coterie of frSntis you
friends. Here also **»«’ acquaintan­ Inni äuftusci 1 my chw k* at hie refer*
will recognise the characteristics and mental equipment of your own
« lice to Ih h Mt ll Known Joke. "No-
ces.. who came merely to appraise
daughter perhaps, or again you will see the moral battles which at
the decorations, the bridal equipment body's serious about anything, any
one time ecSbarrassed some very dear friend, or, who knows but wflat
more." she declared.
and even the groom!
as you follow S a llies confession of events, you w g cotuc face to
"Sallle. I’ve never seen you so re­
Just the sam e I was praying fo r ,
face with some inherent rem issness o f your very own
served. Why you ook perfectly Vke the free and easy comuraslerte which ,
•’S a llle !"
<td St. Johns. The rich notes of the a saint," giggled one ’’friend of the had existed among my frit tnls.
family," as she passed gushingly by.
The hours, with leaded wings, pass i
No answer.
organ were filling the flushed immsen-
but never mind." she threw back at ed by and when, nt last, I w as ;
"Better put a little pep to it or stty of the church with the ever-thrtl-
Curtiss by my side, ‘'that holler-than
(Continued on thige 9)
you'll have a forlorn bridegroom ling tones of Lohengrin’s immortal
thou attitude with Sallle won't last."
waiting at the church.“
march. The wedding procession had
“Don't worry about 'her.” Curtiss
I gave one last look into the long wended its way before me up the un-
whispered as he squeezed my h.inf.
Cheval mirror and caught my breath, usually long alalo. The bridesmaids
"the exhuberance on my face will
I had not had a chance to see the were lovely (n their period gowns of
make up for any bit of w lstfullness In |
w hole effect of my wedding gown
yours, little Saint."
on account of the many girls who had en with summer blossoms of every
W e exchanged a glance of magic
crowded mv room In their friendly hue I placed my hand on my father’s
meaning before the next guest came
I ltte efforts to assist the bride. Now
had asked them to leave. Only Mar- fast to the huge bouquet of orchids down the line
"You'll return from your European
e Chenworth, who was to be my whose dainty lavender petals fell in
graceful cascades to the hem of my
troevof-honor, remained.
eigners at your slender waist*lne."
I couldn't for the life of me. believe gown.
predicted a little man who had lost j
the tall, slender figure reflected In
I had often wondered what were
his first youth but was determined
th e glass. The slim. Ivory-tinted the thoughts of a bride as she ws ks
to play the part of the gay gallant
gowr, with its myriad rhinestones down the aisle. M'ne were disconnect­
As If I would flirt on my honeymoon!
twinkling under lengths of misty tulle, ed. Strange. Impressionistic. There
I. who loved Curtlee so. What did
gave me an almost courtly air. I. who came to me a thousand perfumes
had been many things, but never court from followers which banked the altar they mean?
"Just* because I’ve been more or
ly. In al'. my life. The veil, with its and transformed the entire church
RECORD 55c or 2 for $1
coronet of Toft
orange-blossoms into a bower of unbroken white. In­ less frivolous all my life am I never
framed my face and helped m e hair. numerable candles, in tail candelabra, to leave the butterflys?" I returned |
"Ah that's Juet It, the butterfly i
And then I noticed my eyes. There sent their flickering glow over well-
those who an» th o u g h tfu l realise Hint all
they citn cstuhlisli Hint la perm uni'iit In the
m em ory o f th e ir w illin g service, of I heir de­
votional sincerity.
¿ 6 2 -j
funeral service
S p r in g f ie l d , ore
Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!
Music For
C hristm as
t *
wc r
was a new graveness about them—a fllled pews and on all sire« were mur­
•ort of hushed reverence that I now murs of approval which herald the
recalled in the eyes of every bride. bride The heavy odor of valley-liilles
"Well, don't you think you’ve ad­ broke in upon my thoughts.
mired yourself enough, old thing-T”
persisted Marj coming up to me and
Would I ever see Curtiss In all that
looking me over from the top of my crow d’’ Why hadn't I chosen th°
Late 1923 Model, oversized
film y veil to the white satin slip­ Church of the Good Shepherd which
pers with their buckles of rosepoint was friendly and «mall? At la st I saw tires, cab body, just the thing
him...... ...... His eyes met mine. My for hauling wood.
“No. Marj. honestly I'm not doing'.heart leaped and I looked quickly
1 9 2 3 Chevrolet Touring.
that. I was just thinking, that’s al
down. Now the minister. In the sump-1 „ « ¿ ¿ Y u t t l e work but is a snap
"What about?" gently.
j tuous robes of the Episcopal church, i
“Oh, Just wishing I were exactly i repeating the same questions we hail j
w ta t I seem to be In the glass. I j discussed among ourselves each time 1 1922 Ford Coupe, good shape
don't know how to express It— It's ; there was a possibility of any of u* $225.
eomevhing you feel when you're a becoming a bride, "—obey." I had al­
1920 Buick Touring. $125.
bride. 1 s'pose. There's a sort of white­ ways maintained that I would leave
n ess and cteaness and purity that that out. Now It would have been a
If you arc looking for a used
makes you ‘wigh you'd lived in a sacrilege to cut any word from that car you should see these bar­
convent all your life."
sacred rite.
gains before buying.
"Rats. Sallie,'* eomfor’ed Marj, "to j
hear you talk one would think you'd ’ "I w'fl,” I replied so softly that only
been a wild woman with a lurid past my lips moved. I had always pictured
and you've never done anything real myself speaking out bravely when It
bad at all.”
it came my turn. I had Intended that
Ninth and Olive Sts.
“ I know, but that isn't the point. 1 my voice should carry to the farthest
Eugene, Oregon
Just wish now 'with a 1 my might that end of tihe church. It khould he un-
I'd never taken a cocktail or smoked ;
a cigarette or let anybody kiss me gaBnKBBMHRBlEYilHnEHMMratKKI
but Curtiss. Oh, Marj* if you Just;
knew how mudh I'd give to come
to him fresh ad unspotted, even the
least little bit, by the world.” My
voice quavered.
"Bless Its (heart Curtiss doesn't
want a saint. Some of the lost per­
fect Idols have feet of clay. Besides
he wants you Just as you are, silly .'
Bo come on now your father has sent
up a dozen times for you to come
These prices are cash
down. He's dying to see his Sallie. ,
We are now able to furnish you with a nationally adver­
And I can't blame him. for honestly, (
tised, full capacity Columbia Batteries,6VII Plate, Rubber
I’ve never seen a brldler bride.”
My wedddlng night. Before me
Stretched the crimson aisle of historic j
Be sure to se« our wonderful line of dolls,
will surprise T°u‘
A splendid large, unbreakable Mama D oU for $2.5°
Other» at $2.48— $1-75 and $1-18.
66 9th AVE. WEST
Used Chevrolet
Only 6 More Shopping Days
Before Christmas
Gannett Motor Co.
B a tte ry Prices
The low prie
No gift no m atter how exquisite can quite equal
th e gift of
dependable tim ekeep­
er in an Elgin Jeweled
W atch Is one of the
presents th a t "H e” will
appreciate. You b u y
from us with an abso­
lute guarantee.
It enhances the beauty of all wom anhood—Its
subtile charm has won the adoration of the
world for countless ages.
Those who love to give beautiful thlngH will
find a wonderful array to select from io our store.
at $14.75 and Guaranteed
How is Your Battery?
L .
Perhaps your B attery groans when It has to turn over
these snappy mornings. ..We are now equipped to take
care of your Electrical troubles.
W hat a great deal more Christm as m eans when gifts are of the sort
that are constant rem inders for years to come. You ta n never go wrong
buving Diamonds for a Christm as present. We have diamond values
w orth looking at. T he very latest m ountings and a wide assorm ent.
Every ring Is selected for quality—big white flawless gem s—values you
won’t see elsewhere a t money saving prlcfes.
Savage Tires
Y oungsters love to run, climb,
and jump. Naturally, they stub
th eir toes and w ear out their,
shoes generally. But the wise
M other is happy to know that
h er son loves the great out of I
doors. She lets us solve her
shoe problems a t a reasonbale
John II. Will, Prop.
Main 3t. Between 3rd & 4bh
These are the low down on tire price carrying a full
A Beautiful Wrist Watch
Guarantee and Warrantee
will be a happy Gift thought for "H er”
stocking—We have them in every shape
and priced right too. Also we can interest
you with a string of Ia tu s c a Pearls. We have
a wide solectlon of elegant strands.
30x3i/2 Cord Reg $12.80
30x3'/2 Oversize Cord $15.80.
Jolliff -Scaiefe Motor
790 Willamette S treet
Eugene, Oregon