mi it m a r t AV |)KC. 17, type!" the little man replied. "Kxaot. slant that matrimony is going to make you over temperamentally, my dear. In your case tt will Just add piquancy ami charm." I hated him. Oh. If It were all over and Curtiss aud I were quietly alone. I was so utterly »vary of It all. As usually the case, there had also been how we had all walk«»l back from the ««ndleas parties up to the very «ve «f my wedding day. A ditoni I am altar wreathed In smiles This was a so, I remembered, an established etis iju te sure |s a relic of barbarous days Just then Ted Hillings came reeling tom of the bride. But somehow i couldn’t smile There are some happ' by. Teo much champagne. Only that f««e lug of charity which forgives all nesses too big for emotional expre grb van n e when happiness fill« sion. Too envelopin'* to permit any the heart, prompted uie to Invite T e l outward sign Sqdh was ndne. The reception nt home. Moro flow M ow I w as s o r r y fh n t 1 hud He p o ll i ! - music, more chatter, and od to the ereh «Is Ihat formed my ex­ uigrat ulations coutdted In quisite bouquet. cot •What h««’ A touch of Vivenri» r .rhlal terms. That the • P ap' Salli«'.' he thought he mm » funny expressed t essces* i»i youthrul cause ‘he hiughetl uproariously nu4 the wedding of Cana eyes sa-’ » s »inch daily bes« i iggered o ut of a lg h t haven’t a doubt. How much more te r ffrviip ling young friends— interesting h*cause among '• Ilo