The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 03, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    About 'Qotit'
Thirtg» Yow Shculd Know
T>» «naet of inrtuania 1» irrrari-
^bi-r «¡drier, and intensive. There
m ne warnings of its approach.
5 m point, of which we are reason­
ably certain is, that the infection
t e r I t thru
wa*w> breath-
ing pas
rasai douen should
the gar.
be use.: f.
'- r
• » exposure, „ -
Conta £
as a po
tsT* k 1_Co"u
irtth su j'.ctr■» i---«• should be
lerupulo.. ..!> avoided if I*” ”le.
Large or s ■-i public gat I
where a doien or more are cough­
ing. are very arserous, and trav-
t Hng in ov
'ted trains that are
qauslly cr
<d, often scatters
millions of
denial germs.
•W eak n c» is tbs predominant
aym ptom -indew l that may be the
only dia. >stic symtom. ho other
disease prostrates the victim so
thoroughly from its moment of on­
set. Tftiere is nothing like this
weakness. Sometimes there is fe ­
ver— at other times t. ns, or so
little as to escape notice. Active
delirium is common in febrile eas­
es It is in this stage that pneu­
monia usually supervenes, if at.all.
Absolute rest in bed is imperative,
and should be resorted to promptly.
Alcohol in diluted form, has prov­
en of inestimable value in the
treatment of influensa, if its use
is carried on until free sweating
occurs. It appears to be sn ta y >
n lstk to the poison, and is asrful
in combatting the terrible weak­
ness. It should only be used with
the advice and observation of the
phvsician. Many doubt the effica­
cy of vaccines, though I have found
them of great value in my cm «’ .
and am never without them. Strict
ittre is a w ise measure that
not be neglected in locali-
e where influenza is prevalent,
od nursing is an essential upon
uch too much emphasis cannot be
THUR8DAY. DEC. 3. 1925.
K tplanatlon of p g surveys m ade
by Ills U nited S ta irs Dejiartni'Uil of
A griculture through cooperation of
the rural mall c a rrie rs Is m ade In a
statem ent received from th« d ep art­
m ent by l,iu<*ter John Hamlin.
T he surveya are made with the
boli» of the ru m i carrier», who etthor
d »tribute the card s to a certain nmn
her of farm ers along the route with
the request thut tin y he filled odt,
or fill out th e card a fter Interview ing
the farm er Th» need for each farm er
m aking his rep o rt com plete and accu­
rate Is eiu p h aslsid In the report. In
o rd er th at the general figuro» cow-
p'led by the departm ent may be nccu-
rate nnd thu» beneficial Io the farm
era In prom oting more balanced pro­
duction and b etter m ark et d istrib u ­
O fficers were nom inated by m em ­
bers of th e Springfield post of th e
American Legion in m eeting Iasi
Thursday night. N om inations will re­
main open o v .r th e D ecem ber 10
m eeting of the post, and election will
take place at* the m eeting to be held
D ecember 4. In stallatio n will tak a
place Jan u ary 14.
The officers nom inated follow;
C om m ander, 5V. I*. T y so n ; first
vice-commander,« John W ill; second
vice-commander. Marlon R ew ey; a d ­
ju tan t, W alter D ossier; F inance offi­
cer, J. 51. Larson, executive com m it­
tee. C. A. S w arts, W .lliam 5’asby, W al­
te r S co tt; m em ber of finance com­
m ittee. T ru b ert H enderson.
An effort will be made by the le­
gion post to make the leg io n n aires’
m em bership in the Red C ross 100 per
cent. A com m ittee to solicit th e m em ­
bership for the Red Cross was nam ed
as follow s: J H Hill. M B. H untly.
C harles Scott. Car« Senseny, and W 1
liam 5’asby.
B a p tis t C h u rc h ,
* ? - ■
’ H I ■ ■
The city special election held at
V ernonia for the purpose of voting on j
tw o m easures, one fur changing th -
ch a rte r to collect an additional 3 per
cent on personal property, carried 99
to 72. T hat to levy a tax for m o rel
than 8 per cent for th e year 1928 for I
x tax of $14.175. to raise an a d d itio n a l'
$4000 which the budget did not carry
io pay Interest on (he general boiiile-1
indebtedness of the city, carried by !
104 to 89
To comply with necessary legal re I
qulrem ents w hereby the city of Med­
ford ran bold Its recently purchased |
and long unused .Medford A Coast ;
railroad, betw een Medford and Jack ,
sonvtlle. until a possible future pur
ch aser appears to o perate and extend
it to the tim ber and m ineral resources
of the Applegate section, the city ail
m inistration has organized among Ils
m em bers a holding company. The
company wlll run the railro ad 's one
engine once every 80 days betw een
5Iedford and Jacksonville io show the
world It Is a going Concern.
Com pilation of data on th e tim ber
lands of Linn county Is under way
with a survey nnd cruise being made
by Dennis Merrill, local tim b er man t
The cruise was sta rte d lest sum mer
as an experim ent with an uppropria
tlon of $3500. T be first work was so !
successful th at the budget this year
allows $8600 for the work next sum
m et. T here rem ains work to lot doi,,<
that wlll cost $54.000, and It Is Du­
plan of the county court to make
such appropriations next year aa to
com plete tbe work In th ree years. This
will raise tha valuation of the county
about $3,000,000, County Judg« Bayne
The broccoli in dustry In the Ump­
qua valley is encroaching upon the
turkey business, so th a t tl)e once
fam ous tu rk ey c en te r of the coast ts
rapidly losing the reputation which It
has held for y ears in producing the
g reatest tonnage ot T hanksgiving
birds. T his year the T hanksgiving
m arket will find only about one-hall
th e usual supply.
T h at b e tte r crops and Improved
FOR FARM HOME COTTAGE prices have combined to put Oregon
C ases of serious th ro at infection
ag ricu ltu re in Its best condition since
an d bad teeth have been found to be
Plans for a series of "vanishing ■
surprisingly num erous am ong S w ing- p arties" to raise money for the W. C. ) tb e world w ar was the belief ot 25
county agents, assem bled for th e an­
fbvd elem entary school ohfldren. d a r­ T. U. farm, home w ere m ade a t a ■
nual extension service conference at
ing the H ealth Crusade cam paign now m eet n t of E ugene and Springfield
A gents from practically
d raw in g to a close, according to Mrs women a t 'h e home of Mrs. M. J. I
every section of the state, in m aking
O ra R e a l H en en w av , elem entary McKlin yesterday. The women desire
rep o rts of th eir d istricts, were optiinis
school principal The largo num ber of to build a Lane count cottage ano tic over general farm ing conditions.
cases, and th e ir seriousness, creates it is believed th is m eans will be ef­
A m eeting of th e state highway com
a situation th a t denm ands th e atte n ­ fective.
m ission a t Elkton on October 211 to
tio n of the p aren ts, Mrs. H em enw ay
T!»o : pres nt a t th e m eeting yes­ hear arg u m en ts for and against the
terd ay v e re Mrs. P. J. P artie, M rs.' proposed Umpqua highway im prove
Few children exam nied during the M. J McKlin, Mre. W. E. K nott. Mrs. j m ent d istrict has been announced. It
cam paign proved to be so fo rtu n ate Al Cook. Mrs. W. F. W alker. Miss is proposed to Join 12 d istricts having
a s to have escaped biiroat trouble, F o r / n c e Cg ien, Mrs. R. G. M asters, a to tal valuation of fS.Obu.OOd for the
s a d the principal She pointed out Mrs. E D. Browning, Mrs. M. A. R e e , I purpose of voting a 3u mill levy to be
th a t tooth and th ro at troubles are Mrs. Ja i.e K etels, Mrs. M argarette used for th e com pletion of the Roose­
o ftin x s th e source of m any o th e r Baugh. Mrs. F. R. H unt, Mrs. hiary I velt btghw ay and the Drain-Reedsport
bodily ills, and th erefo re the cases Abrams, Mrs. C ath erin e Basbford, section of th e Umpqua highway.
dem and especial atten tio n . Cards In­ Mrs. Angie E. B atchelder, Mrs. Rich ! Deer along Halt creek In the vtcin
form ing the p aren ts of the re su lts of ard H art, Mrs. F. E. Pursley, Mrs. J Ity of the Southern Bacilfc com pany's
th e exam ination a re to be Issued at D. Tye. Mrs. W. R. W allace. Mrs. W. rail construction operations are tam e,
th e close of the campaign.
C. R ebhan. Mrs. G uskle, Mrs. Law-, due to th e fact th a t th ere has been
Individual atten tio n is being gives rence May, Mrs. M. E. Gulley, Mrs i no bunting allowed on th a t w atershed
th e school children in connection with R. D. Oldham, Mrs. Roy Loomis.
for several seasons. Nelson F. Mac
W a lt e r v llls —- H . K . Jen­
the health crusade work. The exam i­
duff, su p erv iso r of the Cascade forest, nings of W altervllle waa In town on
nations ape given in compl lance with
D ecorates Offic«— D ecoration of th» has a num ber of photographs lak sn by buslneaa to day.
a law passed by th e la st legislature offices of 5V. H W alker, local under- • a tim ber inspector on the railw ay tun
req u 'rin g them .
nel construction, show ing the anim als
taker. Is being com pleted today.
In groups, evidently only 40 or 50 feet
Hold Food Sale.
away from the cam era.
Red Cross D riv e Ends.
T he Ladle«' aid of the Mvthodivt
Oregon pensions have been granted
Lions club Red Cross d riv e ends
Episcopal church will give a cooked
a t the club luncheon tom orrow noon. as follows; A lbert J. Rice. Portland.
food -ale a t th e Long and Cross store
M em bers a re expiected to tu rn in >15 a m onth; 5Villlam Fiedler, P o rt­
building S aturday.
th eir card s a t th a t tim e. More than land, $12; O lava P. 5Yelch, Portland,
Accepts Bank Position— Iral Nelson,
half the c u h quota was made up la st $30; R obert Campbell, Portland, >11;
who arrived th is week from Red Bluff
Mary E. Conn, P ortland, $30; Floyd
week w h ir rep o rts wen- made.
has accepted his form a- position as
\V. Holmes, Albany, $15; Anna Belle
bookkeeper a t th e F irst N ational bank
Hall. Milwaukie, $20; George F. Fus­
of S; r ngfield.
ion, Bend, $18; Annie H art, Toledo,
OF SOFT-W'-IEAT FLOURS $20; Edw ard Pierce, G rand Bonds,
$13; M artin L. Kays, Braym lll, $16;
S tu d e n ts V is it School.
It behooves th e housew ife to learn John 51. Bledsoe, M yrtle Point, $18.
M em bers of the class in school ad- ■
to tell th e difference betw een hard-
m in is’ratio n of the education d epart- !
E fforts of the K lam ath county court
w heat and soft-w heat flours, and to
m ent of the U niversity o t Oregon v is-1
to Increase th e assessed valuation ot
know th e p articu lar use for which
K lam ath tim ber, following a recent
ited the Springfield High school yes- j
each is best adapted. She can then se­ cruise of 100.000 acres, were lost when
terday. The class was accom panied
lect a flour well suited to h er needs, the board of equalization refused to
by Prof. S tetson. Principal V. D. i
often a t a d istin c t saving In price put th e proposed valuation on the tax
Porfectlon Bread' snientl-
Bain conducted the visitors through
and to th e benefit of local industry.
rolls, which would have made an In­
the high school building.
fically com pounded fmm
T h e increase in the production of crease of 3,58 per cent In the county's
the purest m aterials, linked
b ak er's bread and in the use of m a­ taxable property.
Tbe equalization
S tu d en ts a t Conference.
in a sanitary Bakery in a n .
chine m ixers In th e bakeshops has board held th a t it would not be fair
Springfield High school wi 1 be
oven Just the right, tem per­
greatly increased th e dem and for the to tax some tim ber land under th e new
rep resen ted a t the H igh School con-
atu re is m ore -wholesome
h ard-w heat flours. T h eir h ig h er glut­ cruise until all tim ber of tbe county
and nourishing th an hom e­
ference« to be conducted a t th e U ni­
en con ten t gives them g reater ability had been recruised.
made bread. Now is a good
v e rsity of O regon tom orrow and S at­
to absorb w ater and to stand th e se­
One of th e larg est tran sfers o f Polk
urday. S tu d en t body officers, editors
time to try it.
vere “punishm ent” given th e dough county tim ber In recent years was re
and m an ag ers of th e school papers,
Perfection Bread is Made
by pow er m achinery. T he re s u lt Is vealed with the recording of a deed
a n d girls league rep resen tativ es will I
Springfield by Spring-
th a t In many sectio n s hard-w heat a t Dallas from the W eyerhaeuser T im ­
m eet
flours command a higher price than b er company to the C harles K. Hpaulil
field People.
Ing Logging company tran sferrin g
soft-w reat flours.
Woopimen O ffer Prizes.
F o r m any home use« soft-w heat 1855.45 acres of Polk county tim ber to
In connection with a vigorous cam-
flours a re Just as good or b e tte r than the Spaulding in terests. The conslil
i-gn for new m em bers, the Spring-
the h ard-w heat product. It 1« easier «ration was approxim ately $112,000.
dd Cam p No. 247, W oodmen of the
to m ake ten d er cak e and flaky pic The land tran sferred lies In the Buhl
orld, ia o ffering special prizes to
cru st with soft-w heat flour. For th ic k ­ m ountain country, trib u tary to the
m em bers who b ring in tw o o r m ore
ening sau ces, g ravies, and the hun­ Valley & Siletz line over which
F. 0 . Frese, Prop.
w can d id ates betw een now and
dred and one o th er sm all household Spaulding has been logging, it con­
nuary 6. T h e in itiatio n will be held
needs one kind is as good as another.
i th a t date.
Mrs. Ella A. Boole of Brooklyn,
... Y., for ten years Vice-President
of W. C. T. U., has been elected Its
new President. She recently ran
for Senator but was defeated al­
though she polled a b ij vote.
Th» next regulnr m eeting wlll he
held Deci niber 18. T here wlll ho a
social evvtilng al the high School for
p arsitta som e tinte d u rin e the rom lng
The «teat edition e f Aldelth » E n ­
Bible school, 10 o'clock, services, 11
cyclopedia w as pre*eu'ed to the Jon-
I lot High school at » P aren t T eacher o'clock.
Subject, "The Usable “
) new tlng Friday night by M rs. Paul
Young Peoples and Men’s m eetings
I llra ila ln T he set of books wa» re-
) I rived by P rincipal B urcham of the a t 8;30 p to E vening ervtce at 7:30
o’clock, subject. "T he Two R esu rrec­
' Junior High scheul.
tions. "
A ro th er feature of he m eeting *»S8
M d ire rk service of prayer and
! t*)e n n n o u n n e w n t th at th ere a re now
, V- mot h e n enrol 11 in 'h e P.-T 5 5 llihle study, T hursday, 7 30 p. nt.
G tl iotnghleln. s ta le evangelist,
f candy «ale. held nt th« Lincoln
s 1 school b u ild in g , n e tte d $8 for the or- will hold a m eeting at the church be­
ginning Jan u a ry 31. 1828
J i ganlzatlon it was reported.
L »- -
The P T A Is ch o o sln i the ways
ai d meati» cotnntlttee nlphaheglcally
for euch inontli, »o tha followtng wlll
serve d u riti! Ik-coinlxr
Mrs. Paul
B rattnln. chairm nn; Mr and Mrs. V.
D Balli. Mi» BrowmfW'ld, Mr ilurcb-
atii, Miss Ikiesen, Mrs Chase, Mr»
Nellle t'a r r, Mr» W ayne Piover, Mrs.
D. J D anieli. Mrs Georg« DRIo and
Mrs K Duncan.
Books Pr«v»nted School.
N ew Temperance Head
g ff
T he asaoclatlon votod to pay for
haulin* g ra ie l to the hlgh school
grouml» Miss Van V a ls a li gav» su
Intereatlng repori of 4he recami P.-T.-
A convsnt »n. slntlng (liat the co n ­
vention « e tu on record slronglv ett-
dorslng bel te r A m erican home» and
luw »n forre m d it. es (» d a ily unioni
Progress is the
Thoughtful Ser­
vant of Mankind ’
To perfect the arrangem ents th n t modern
sensibilities demand the latest knowledge
and im proved fa cilitie s aid us in arranging
the Service of S incerity.
! P H O N E-
Down to the
Values to
Better Than
Values to $35.00
Value» to $45.00
Values to $89.50
$10.00 Lusterlite Rain Coats
Eugene, Oregon