About 'Qotit' Health Thirtg» Yow Shculd Know IXFt VENIA. T>» «naet of inrtuania 1» irrrari- ^bi-r «¡drier, and intensive. There m ne warnings of its approach. 5 m point, of which we are reason­ ably certain is, that the infection t e r I t thru the U U W wa*w> breath- ----- th. During epidemics, ing pas - rasai douen should the gar. nasal be use.: f. '- r • » exposure, „ - Conta £ as a po ' tsT* k 1_Co"u irtth su j'.ctr■» i---«• should be lerupulo.. ..!> avoided if I*” ”le. Large or s ■-i public gat I .*» where a doien or more are cough­ ing. are very arserous, and trav- t Hng in ov 'ted trains that are qauslly cr stic symtom. ho other disease prostrates the victim so thoroughly from its moment of on­ set. Tftiere is nothing like this weakness. Sometimes there is fe ­ ver— at other times t. ns, or so little as to escape notice. Active delirium is common in febrile eas­ es It is in this stage that pneu­ monia usually supervenes, if at.all. Absolute rest in bed is imperative, and should be resorted to promptly. Alcohol in diluted form, has prov­ en of inestimable value in the treatment of influensa, if its use is carried on until free sweating occurs. It appears to be sn ta y > n lstk to the poison, and is asrful in combatting the terrible weak­ ness. It should only be used with the advice and observation of the phvsician. Many doubt the effica­ cy of vaccines, though I have found them of great value in my cm «’ . and am never without them. Strict ittre is a w ise measure that not be neglected in locali- e where influenza is prevalent, od nursing is an essential upon uch too much emphasis cannot be THUR8DAY. DEC. 3. 1925. THE »VHINGFUXD NEWS PAGR_E1Ç£3_ DEPARTMENT STATEMENT EXPLAIN PIG SURVEY OFFICERS NOMINATED BY AMERICAN LEGION POST K tplanatlon of p g surveys m ade by Ills U nited S ta irs Dejiartni'Uil of A griculture through cooperation of the rural mall c a rrie rs Is m ade In a statem ent received from th« d ep art­ m ent by l,iu15 a m onth; 5Villlam Fiedler, P o rt­ building S aturday. th eir card s a t th a t tim e. More than land, $12; O lava P. 5Yelch, Portland, Accepts Bank Position— Iral Nelson, half the c u h quota was made up la st $30; R obert Campbell, Portland, >11; who arrived th is week from Red Bluff Mary E. Conn, P ortland, $30; Floyd week w h ir rep o rts wen- made. has accepted his form a- position as \V. Holmes, Albany, $15; Anna Belle bookkeeper a t th e F irst N ational bank Hall. Milwaukie, $20; George F. Fus­ INCREASING HOME USE of S; r ngfield. ion, Bend, $18; Annie H art, Toledo, OF SOFT-W'-IEAT FLOURS $20; Edw ard Pierce, G rand Bonds, $13; M artin L. Kays, Braym lll, $16; S tu d e n ts V is it School. It behooves th e housew ife to learn John 51. Bledsoe, M yrtle Point, $18. M em bers of the class in school ad- ■ to tell th e difference betw een hard- m in is’ratio n of the education d epart- ! E fforts of the K lam ath county court w heat and soft-w heat flours, and to m ent of the U niversity o t Oregon v is-1 to Increase th e assessed valuation ot know th e p articu lar use for which K lam ath tim ber, following a recent ited the Springfield High school yes- j each is best adapted. She can then se­ cruise of 100.000 acres, were lost when terday. The class was accom panied lect a flour well suited to h er needs, the board of equalization refused to by Prof. S tetson. Principal V. D. i often a t a d istin c t saving In price put th e proposed valuation on the tax Porfectlon Bread' snientl- Bain conducted the visitors through and to th e benefit of local industry. rolls, which would have made an In­ the high school building. fically com pounded fmm T h e increase in the production of crease of 3,58 per cent In the county's the purest m aterials, linked b ak er's bread and in the use of m a­ taxable property. Tbe equalization S tu d en ts a t Conference. in a sanitary Bakery in a n . chine m ixers In th e bakeshops has board held th a t it would not be fair Springfield High school wi 1 be oven Just the right, tem per­ greatly increased th e dem and for the to tax some tim ber land under th e new rep resen ted a t the H igh School con- atu re is m ore -wholesome h ard-w heat flours. T h eir h ig h er glut­ cruise until all tim ber of tbe county and nourishing th an hom e­ ference« to be conducted a t th e U ni­ en con ten t gives them g reater ability had been recruised. made bread. Now is a good v e rsity of O regon tom orrow and S at­ to absorb w ater and to stand th e se­ One of th e larg est tran sfers o f Polk urday. S tu d en t body officers, editors time to try it. vere “punishm ent” given th e dough county tim ber In recent years was re and m an ag ers of th e school papers, Perfection Bread is Made by pow er m achinery. T he re s u lt Is vealed with the recording of a deed a n d girls league rep resen tativ es will I in Springfield by Spring- th a t In many sectio n s hard-w heat a t Dallas from the W eyerhaeuser T im ­ m eet flours command a higher price than b er company to the C harles K. Hpaulil field People. Ing Logging company tran sferrin g soft-w reat flours. Woopimen O ffer Prizes. F o r m any home use« soft-w heat 1855.45 acres of Polk county tim ber to In connection with a vigorous cam- flours a re Just as good or b e tte r than the Spaulding in terests. The conslil i-gn for new m em bers, the Spring- the h ard-w heat product. It 1« easier «ration was approxim ately $112,000. dd Cam p No. 247, W oodmen of the to m ake ten d er cak e and flaky pic The land tran sferred lies In the Buhl orld, ia o ffering special prizes to cru st with soft-w heat flour. For th ic k ­ m ountain country, trib u tary to the m em bers who b ring in tw o o r m ore ening sau ces, g ravies, and the hun­ Valley & Siletz line over which F. 0 . Frese, Prop. w can d id ates betw een now and dred and one o th er sm all household Spaulding has been logging, it con­ nuary 6. T h e in itiatio n will be held tains 88,115,000 feet of tim ber. needs one kind is as good as another. i th a t date. Mrs. Ella A. Boole of Brooklyn, ... Y., for ten years Vice-President N of W. C. T. U., has been elected Its new President. She recently ran for Senator but was defeated al­ though she polled a b ij vote. Th» next regulnr m eeting wlll he held Deci niber 18. T here wlll ho a social evvtilng al the high School for p arsitta som e tinte d u rin e the rom lng moniti The «teat edition e f Aldelth » E n ­ Bible school, 10 o'clock, services, 11 cyclopedia w as pre*eu'ed to the Jon- I lot High school at » P aren t T eacher o'clock. Subject, "The Usable “ ) new tlng Friday night by M rs. Paul Young Peoples and Men’s m eetings I llra ila ln T he set of books wa» re- ) I rived by P rincipal B urcham of the a t 8;30 p to E vening ervtce at 7:30 o’clock, subject. "T he Two R esu rrec­ ' Junior High scheul. tions. " A ro th er feature of he m eeting *»S8 M d ire rk service of prayer and ! t*)e n n n o u n n e w n t th at th ere a re now , V- mot h e n enrol 11 in 'h e P.-T 5 5 llihle study, T hursday, 7 30 p. nt. G tl iotnghleln. s ta le evangelist, f candy «ale. held nt th« Lincoln s 1 school b u ild in g , n e tte d $8 for the or- will hold a m eeting at the church be­ ginning Jan u a ry 31. 1828 J i ganlzatlon it was reported. H***' L »- - The P T A Is ch o o sln i the ways ai d meati» cotnntlttee nlphaheglcally for euch inontli, »o tha followtng wlll serve d u riti! Ik-coinlxr Mrs. Paul B rattnln. chairm nn; Mr and Mrs. V. D Balli. Mi» BrowmfW'ld, Mr ilurcb- atii, Miss Ikiesen, Mrs Chase, Mr» Nellle t'a r r, Mr» W ayne Piover, Mrs. D. J D anieli. Mrs Georg« DRIo and Mrs K Duncan. Books Pr«v»nted School. N ew Temperance Head g ff T he asaoclatlon votod to pay for haulin* g ra ie l to the hlgh school grouml» Miss Van V a ls a li gav» su Intereatlng repori of 4he recami P.-T.- A convsnt »n. slntlng (liat the co n ­ vention « e tu on record slronglv ett- dorslng bel te r A m erican home» and luw »n forre m d it. es (» d a ily unioni luveltlles. Progress is the Thoughtful Ser­ vant of Mankind ’ 7 To perfect the arrangem ents th n t modern sensibilities demand the latest knowledge and im proved fa cilitie s aid us in arranging the Service of S incerity. ! P H O N E- W. F WALKER 228 & 6 2 -J FUNERAL SERVICE SPR.INGFII 75 DRESSES 75 NEW Down to the Minute Values to $25-00 $9. 85 C O ATS Better Than Home-made Bread Springfield Bakery A^-sse'Sf $19.85 $24.85 Values to $35.00 Value» to $45.00 $49.85 I Values to $89.50 $10.00 Lusterlite Rain Coats $5.95 BEARD’S Eugene, Oregon