The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 26, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    TIH ’USnAY, NOV. 2«. 1926.
Chase Garden Florists
... --------- :
Eugene Steam Laundry
W hose m ost m o d em 's u n d ry to Io- com pany to now going Into all parts
Who»* most m odern flower «hop to ender and b right pink, th e l\>iuU rt cat«d lu Eugene at W est 8th and of th« country, as th eir fa rc e l lt»d
h e a te d In Eug«ne a t 9th A ve. and la in a so » bright red Xnuva flower
C harneltou do an feXtrtwlve buslhosa service is a convlev.t (feature for the
They also h a re a choice »election
Oak Si., are retail and w holesale
In all kinds of geueral laundry work, resid en ts In hue surrounding territory,
florists, and a re also w holesale grow ­ of fancy Five Leaf F erns. th at make such as finished and faintly wash.
' They have won a warn» place In the
e rs of greenhouse and garden vege­ exceleut gifts, as would th e ir cut flow
h e arts of the public through the exo. I
tab les and Is fu rn ish ng the people of era such as C hrysanthem um s In th»
work they have executed In every
E u g tn e and su ro undtng territo ry a gold and bronxe, w hite, pink and lav-
p art of the couutry Wtuti a nepulat on branch of th e Inuttlry business. The
choice selection of cu t flowers, floral entier. They a re also featu rin g the
for the kind of laundry service thst ihtnklnc public h a s come to under
designs and potted plants. In Che popular Laddie ta r n a ito u w ith large
Is built to la st and consequently, stand F iat when w ork «oes to this
fresh est of condition.
I long stem s.
They also o ffer m etropolitan serv-
Mr. F. B. Chase Sr., who Is the th e ir aervh*«>s a re in g reat demand, firm It Is executed according •» th e 'r
ice on phone and mall o rd ers a n d ' founder of th is larg e and growing for this is a firm th at know s the bus reliable m ethods and a satisfactory
m ain tain a te egraph service w hereby floral estab lish m en t, has built It up Iness fivni A to Z. and em ploy expert Job Is certe In
It Is a pleasure for us to point to
you can send your floral order by ( uutil they have some of th e largest w orkm en, using soft w ater throughout
th is concern «’ one of the lem .Inc en
w ire if purchased from this e sta b lish -, greenhouses in the state, and Is as- the e n tire process.
T h? nam e stan d s for quality, re lit terprtoos of rhls »action mid tn sm
B » n t.
j sisted by h a sons, Elmo, Mer e and
T his Is one of the m ost popular and Clarence, who take a co m m en d ab le‘ H illy and progress In th e laundry, th a t It bus alw ays b o n ««mlton'lv
efficient estab lish m en ts In th is aec- itte r e s t in this firm s activities.
business o f th is section of th e conn fair and honest as welt ns im g n sstve
tlon. Serving not only the city hut
A d esirable featu re of th is popular I try . and as the advances o ffebe per- and u p to ila te . and that they have
aU of th e a a r b y surrounding terrl-i floral shop is th a t they grow all th e ir jlo d s h av e m ark rd Im provement« this wot» for thetnselvos the reputation of
to ry w ith floral offerings of su p e rio r, own flow ers, thereby th ey are a b le 'f ir m ha« adopted the«»' late scle -tifti having one of the leading concern*j
| io offer th e ir custom ers choice flow- m ethods aa rnp'dly aa they have beeu engaged In tb-dr special field of en
They have a choice selection of! era In th e freshest of condition.
I approved by th«» trad e
deavor. and to point out the ndvan j
holiday potted plants including th e ; We a re plea-sed to com plim ent this
M eeting w ith In stan t ami alm ost tag,» of tran sactin g busined* with
Cyclam en in bright reds and salm on i firm upon Its success and th e leading u niversal approval, th e work of this them.
color. Jew rusielnm ch erries in th e position which it occupies In this sec- _____________________________________ 1_____________________________________ |
S, /b » ¡'” W 3 :w -r- . « p
Walters-Bushong Lumber Co.
Located in Eugene a t 783 Wiliam- moat popular store w lthlu many,■••»
L ocated in Eugene a t F ourth and reasonable prices and is m ade up In- ettie St.. Is a prom inent sh o e f i r m ''“ arnoug i m i l v of every walk of
P earl St„ is one of the most popular ' to all th e stan d ard and special s u p
featu rin g nationally ad v ertised lines j life.
lum ber concern in th is sect on doing ( plies th a t a re dem anded by th e trad e
T lus sto re features high grade la
an extensive business in lu m b e r.' Shingles, doors, casings, lath, roof of m en's, w om en's aud ch ildren« dies" aud men s shoes, nationally ad-
shingle*. Roofing, cem ent and build- j ing. but w hat Is th e use of try in g to -shoes,
verU rcd
k»<piug the foot in
tng m aterial. They also feature the ’ give even a brief review of th e stock ' I)o you w ant I ho best! T hen we giMxl walking condiUun and p reserv­
fam ous •■Sheelrock.” the fireproof of the concern? Suffice to say th at urge you to re mom ber th is w»U- ing th e arch, giving twice the satis­
wait board.
¡th ey have absolutely ev ery th in g In
, ,
, .
.k n o w n shoe firm located In th e heart faction and w earing qualities as the
To go into the larg est m ark ets and the lum ber business and building wa-
E ugene . busUM* s
They cheup unknown brand of shoes.
secure large quantlttefe, which are of- tertals lin.-s and th a t them work is
n of by
T he managetin't t and th eir assist-
fered a t reasonable prices, having of a class«, unsurpassed by none in the
o( the firs t in th e line of »hues in a n ts a r sklU»«l in th eir line and have
built up th e ir trad e In years of service country.
a k n o n le lg e of fitting «hoes that
th is county.
T h ere are few. if any. cities, the sixe
T hroughout this co u n try It ha*
iW th oue of the larg est and most m eans servloe and a a tislk rtio n to the
of th is th a t have th e advantage of the come to be known as head q u arters
cotnplet» lines in this p a rt Of Oregon, purchaser. W illing a t all Uni«« to
location in th eir m idst of such an ee- for al of these m any things and by
they have th a t enviable reputation of nveeg your every need in »hoea. you
tablishm ent as th is well-known firm fa ir and ho n est dealings with the
being the first for service and style will find them most courteous and
m aintains.
I co n tracto rs and public, th is company
H andling th e best of nationally ad willing to show you al) th e styles and
By reason of th eir m odern facilities has not only increased its patronage
ertlsed bran d s and featu rin g foot­ modes of th eir stock, wh« titer you In­
they a re able to execute all classes but has held its old custom ers for
w ear of th e la te st design and serv- tend to purchase Just a t the tim e or
of work and to fu rn ish excellent s e n - years.
The m anagem ent ha» alw ays
T he m an ag er is one of th e prom- iceability. they a re ready a t al times not
ice w ith prom ptness and dispatch.
taken active In te re st tr an y th in g t h a t !
By reason of th eir buying power, th is ¡cent in th is line and deserves the to m«et th e public's dem ands.
As reg ard s price you will find that go«« tow ard m aking acTivity for civic ;
loyal concern en ters the largest m ar- succeos th a t he h a s achieve«! and
k ets and secures large q u antities so com m endation th a t is being given th e ir shoes a re offered a t m ost rea­ and com m ercial bett«rnv»nt #» well
loy th a t they offer th eir custom ers . him by th e public. W e wish to rec- sonable figures, for while th e store as th e ir own »hoe buidnes. »nd we
a9tonishing v i n e s in lum ber and ; cmroend th is f rni to all o ur re a d e r s ( enjoys the p atronage of the leading urge our read ers to look them up
building supplies of every description. • and to suggest th a t when in need of ( citizens of tfce com m unity, it is the when n Eugene and In need of »''<>«•«
l* 12 W illamette St,. Eugen?. Ore
our Tiiaiib^viig
Linens for
the Table
BeJtvear for
Guest Room.
rpcuvdable Qualities nt L o w I icen.
svings A re Crwatfefet the Y ear Round.
tis Inches bleached, all-Un*
en damuHk. the >ard
$ 1 .9 3
b rig h t red. the Scotch H eather in lav-1 lion c f the state.
Price Shoe Company
$ 2 .9 8
tis ini'll unbleached ull-Un-
en damask, die yard
$ 1 .4 9 to $ 1 .7 9
68 Inch fast color damask,
(he yard —
21x21 all linen Napkins to
mat ,h. hulf dot.
S 1 .S 8 to $ 4 .9 8
Towel Sets (or Xmas, one
bath towel and two wash
clot lia
7 9 c «» $ 1 .6 9
21x21 all linen Napkins to
m atch, half dozen.
Xmas Handkerchiefs good
assortm ent
5 2 .7 9
5 c to 4 9 c
We have here a magic
bind of toys! Our prices
are much lower because
our New York buyers pur-
chaseit toy» for all our
stores lu Immense
quautltleM. Buy here and
■U BM M aaM uA«B dKl
Christmas Special $36.75
T he stock which arriv e s in carload anything In th e ir line and give them
Sweet-Drain Auto Co.
Manville Bros.
W hose m ost m odern showroom i
a re located in E ugene a t 80 E ast 10th
St., and 1030-1042 (Oak s t . Is offering
C entrally located in Eugene a t 67 th e county a t large, and th e patro n ­ th e people of Eugene nAd surround­
ing territo ry a com plete m otor serv­
9;h E ast, do an ext nsive business in age c f thousands. T h eir prosperity
m eans added prosperity for th-' com ice, being the s a k e and service fc*
new and m odern used fu rniture and
m unity in which th e ir m odern estab ­ th e fam ous S tu d eb ak er m otor ears
c a rry at all t m es a well-selected lishm ent is located.
They also featu re tl
C letrac Trnc
sto ck of high-grade furniture, stoves,
W ith d ecid .d bu«!ne*’« acum en and tors. Exide B atterie« and carry a se­
ranges, carp ets, in fact everything fore ght, v.Ciith bos won for them lected stock of au to suppile- and
th a applies to tli hom furnishing line, such wide popularity in th e p a s t th e I tiros.
th e j T he trem endous progress th'« p o p
and o p erate a m etropolitan fu rn itu re m anagem ent has an ticipated
sto re th a t has won wide popularity needs o f the people of this section , ’’I»r car" Is m aking In th e public favor
and patronage for th eir company a t fcr the futurte T his business house j *• due ,o th eir su p erio r p<rform aucc
all tim es. I t is a well-known fact th at is one of th e busiest spots in the city j and this is truly a S tu d eb ak er year,
The S tu d eb ak er is a c a r th a t In-
th is in stitu tio n has m et with popular and though th eir volume of business
approval. One reason for this Is th a t has grow n to large proportions, sur-j eludes all decided and baois changes
the m anagem ent h as had a wi le ex­ passing th e ir g re a te st expectations, th a t have been m ade in th e m otor car
perience in every field of the furni­ th is firm still specialises in render-1 Industry and is famous for Its won
tu re business, and because of th s ing individual service to every p a tro n .) derful m otor. It is a c a r w here the
knowledge, th e slablin’J cnent has wit- C ourteous and efficient to a m arked whole design has been sim plified and
cessed a continued increase of p at­ degree, th e m anager h as surrounded - all th e non-eswentiais elim inated. The
him self w ith every fe atu re of the bus-1 re su lt h a s been In accordance with
T h is company is advertised thru- iness, and as a re s u lt the business is J the gen eral t«ndency of m odern mot-
out this aection as one of the lead­ grow ing in a rapid and m ost satis or c a r builders, th a t of producing as
factory m anner.
sim ple a c a r as was practical The
er« in the fu rn itu re b’j sin ess. The
We a re pleased to commend them d ifferen t designs offered give ample
tu-nal prestige w hich they have g am ­
and give them in th is review th e -' ~
ed, th e greet volume of th eir business p rom inent porftion th a t rthefr pro- j ’ OUng W if e A fr a id
to Eat Anything
gr««s and reliable policies have m er­
ited We assu re o ur read ers th a t at
“I w as afrlad to e a t because J al-
th is e sta b ishm ent they will receive
• ways had stom ach trouble after-
the best tr e a tm e n t
i wards. Since tak in g A dlerlka I can
1 >at and feel fine.’’ (signed) Mrs. A.
i Howard. ONE
A dlerlka
I rem oves GAS and often brings stir-
I I-r sing re lie f to the stom ach. .»Hops
¡th a t full, bloated feeling Removes
¡old w aste m a tte r from ln tertln
W hose m odern 'S tabll.'hm er.t is lo- They have com plete equipm ent to do
m akes you f»-el happy and hungry.
cat»-d in Eugene a t 1129 W illam ette th *s work as it should be done and E xcellent for o b stin ate constipation.
9 t„ across from the City Hall enjoy
o w rn th ln K
c a r>T ln F lan ery 's Drug »tote.
, I stock all fixtures and appliances
a large patronage from C :g ne and
, j, .
. needed to g ve th eir ex p ert service
surrounding t e r n a r y , an 1 special- un,i you ca n g O th ere and make your
izes in Plum bing and H eating and selection before you buy.
Steam and Hot W ater H eating insta,-
The tim e is p ast when th o se living
j !n t^ e country and ru ral com m unities
In re c e n t y ears m ore thought h a s ! cannnot have the adv an tag es th a t are
been given to san itatio n th an ever |
to city dw ellers. Modern and
before. It. has been learned th a t san itary hom es a re becom ing very
m o d ern plum bing, co rrectly Install«d common. It Is possible to have a
will W s e n th e ch an ces for sickness country hom e as m odern as any city
and th is compels th e san itary engi­ dw elling and th is firm specialize* on 1
neer to be a man of advanced ideas th is work. H ave an early co n su lta­
and a thorough know ledge of the law tion w ith them and le t them explain
th eir system s to you and g et t h e i r '
of sanitation.
T h is concern h a s given th is b usi­ prices. Th<y can give as references
n ess th e m ost careful study and by many places w here this work has
co n sta n t application and y ears of ex­ been done satisfactorily.
perience h as become known as m ost
We wish to com plim ent them
p ratical and com petent in every and to assu re our rea d e rs that. If they
a re in need of service of th e highest
D uring th e ir period of business c h aracter th a t this flnro does work
they have been called to do m a ry dif- th a t is reliab le and th a t th eir prfc««»
flcg t Jobs acd have Installed h o t are rig h t and th» y need have no h e st-'
6€2 Oak S8re«;t
w ater, steam and o th er h eatin g sys­ tancy In calling on them for any­
tem s ln many buildings and homes. th in g in th e ir line.
th e experience of years sp en t in bnsi-
ne-ss, w hich has given them practical
k n o t! edge, have ail contributed in
gain ng for them th e recognition of
choice for selection and the car who i
once put to th te r t will prone It I
practical in every detaiL A gool car
at a fair price I- b e lli« r t h i n a f a ir
c ar a t a liargaln p r l » . You kn<
th at th e good car is go ng to Ink" you
when» you w ant to go. Y ou c a n 't .
ways tel! about the other
This popular fhrtn a!«o s a t i t a h t
us»*d car d epartm ent and nil io--d car I
th a t a re offered to the pub l<- are
honesUy represented.
T h ere Is In connection with this ra I
r a r e s mod»»rn and com plete rep air |
departm ent. H ere it is possible to ol
ta in service and g-1 repairs for th
c a rs they handle. T his fact m ake-
th is agency one of th e most popular
with the m otorist In th is section.
The m'anager is courteous and ac
com m odatlng and will be pleased to
nhow you th e advantages
thto wonderful car. We a re pleased
to com plim ent th e firm on the effici­
ency of th eir service and the w onder­
ful value of the car they have chosen
to offer the public of th is section
120 West 8th.
Telephone 1519-11
Eugene, Oregon
i ¿ j
X. .»
The simplicity of this Ilad-
lo will appeal to you as it
has to uh . Anyone cap op­
erate it—JiiHt one dial.
Come in and arrange for
66 9th Ave. W.
Stanley iildg.
Eggs and Poultry
Sher Khan
A d v e r t is e m e n t )
Magnavox Radio
J. Finnie
(P a id
Great WeHiern made, m otor bike model, heavy truss
forks, heaviest steel rim made' extra heavy tires, rubber
pedals, heavy drop sld.', mud guards, roller chain, Uuco
finish, written guarantee. Bee it in ou r window.
Eugene, Oregon
O N E push on the s ta r te r —and
WHKKI — the new w in te r “ Red
Crow n” is of}' like u ihutl
“ Wifd to do” -— crowded w ith
mileage!—the achievement of o t »
<7-yoBrs of gasoline-makinB
p e ric n „ e e ! F ill at tho
R «d
Ci rown pump and sec!
(C sltfb nto )