TIH ’USnAY, NOV. 2«. 1926. TI IK SPRINGFIELD XEiVS PAGE "KN Chase Garden Florists ... --------- : Eugene Steam Laundry W hose m ost m o d em 's u n d ry to Io- com pany to now going Into all parts Who»* most m odern flower «hop to ender and b right pink, th e l\>iuU rt cat«d lu Eugene at W est 8th and of th« country, as th eir fa rc e l lt»d h e a te d In Eug«ne a t 9th A ve. and la in a so » bright red Xnuva flower C harneltou do an feXtrtwlve buslhosa service is a convlev.t (feature for the They also h a re a choice »election Oak Si., are retail and w holesale In all kinds of geueral laundry work, resid en ts In hue surrounding territory, florists, and a re also w holesale grow ­ of fancy Five Leaf F erns. th at make such as finished and faintly wash. ' They have won a warn» place In the e rs of greenhouse and garden vege­ exceleut gifts, as would th e ir cut flow T his is one of the UMtet prom inent h e arts of the public through the exo. I tab les and Is fu rn ish ng the people of era such as C hrysanthem um s In th» anti well known laundry (In n s of tilts i lout work they have executed In every E u g tn e and su ro undtng territo ry a gold and bronxe, w hite, pink and lav- p art of the couutry Wtuti a nepulat on branch of th e Inuttlry business. The choice selection of cu t flowers, floral entier. They a re also featu rin g the for the kind of laundry service thst ihtnklnc public h a s come to under designs and potted plants. In Che popular Laddie ta r n a ito u w ith large Is built to la st and consequently, stand F iat when w ork «oes to this fresh est of condition. I long stem s. They also o ffer m etropolitan serv- Mr. F. B. Chase Sr., who Is the th e ir aervh*«>s a re in g reat demand, firm It Is executed according •» th e 'r ice on phone and mall o rd ers a n d ' founder of th is larg e and growing for this is a firm th at know s the bus reliable m ethods and a satisfactory m ain tain a te egraph service w hereby floral estab lish m en t, has built It up Iness fivni A to Z. and em ploy expert Job Is certe In It Is a pleasure for us to point to you can send your floral order by ( uutil they have some of th e largest w orkm en, using soft w ater throughout th is concern «’ one of the lem .Inc en w ire if purchased from this e sta b lish -, greenhouses in the state, and Is as- the e n tire process. T h? nam e stan d s for quality, re lit terprtoos of rhls »action mid tn sm B » n t. j sisted by h a sons, Elmo, Mer e and T his Is one of the m ost popular and Clarence, who take a co m m en d ab le‘ H illy and progress In th e laundry, th a t It bus alw ays b o n ««mlton'lv efficient estab lish m en ts In th is aec- itte r e s t in this firm s activities. business o f th is section of th e conn fair and honest as welt ns im g n sstve tlon. Serving not only the city hut A d esirable featu re of th is popular I try . and as the advances o ffebe per- and u p to ila te . and that they have aU of th e a a r b y surrounding terrl-i floral shop is th a t they grow all th e ir jlo d s h av e m ark rd Im provement« this wot» for thetnselvos the reputation of to ry w ith floral offerings of su p e rio r, own flow ers, thereby th ey are a b le 'f ir m ha« adopted the«»' late scle -tifti having one of the leading concern*j beauty. | io offer th e ir custom ers choice flow- m ethods aa rnp'dly aa they have beeu engaged In tb-dr special field of en They have a choice selection of! era In th e freshest of condition. I approved by th«» trad e deavor. and to point out the ndvan j holiday potted plants including th e ; We a re plea-sed to com plim ent this M eeting w ith In stan t ami alm ost tag,» of tran sactin g busined* with Cyclam en in bright reds and salm on i firm upon Its success and th e leading u niversal approval, th e work of this them. color. Jew rusielnm ch erries in th e position which it occupies In this sec- _____________________________________ 1_____________________________________ | S, /b » ¡'” W 3 :w -r- . « p Walters-Bushong Lumber Co. FOR BETTER SHOES Located in Eugene a t 783 Wiliam- moat popular store w lthlu many u.il,■••» L ocated in Eugene a t F ourth and reasonable prices and is m ade up In- ettie St.. Is a prom inent sh o e f i r m ''“ arnoug i m i l v of every walk of P earl St„ is one of the most popular ' to all th e stan d ard and special s u p featu rin g nationally ad v ertised lines j life. lum ber concern in th is sect on doing ( plies th a t a re dem anded by th e trad e T lus sto re features high grade la an extensive business in lu m b e r.' Shingles, doors, casings, lath, roof of m en's, w om en's aud ch ildren« dies" aud men s shoes, nationally ad- shingle*. Roofing, cem ent and build- j ing. but w hat Is th e use of try in g to -shoes, verU rcd k»«•« &Ö MB 676 DEPARTMENT STORES l* 12 W illamette St,. Eugen?. Ore our Tiiaiib^viig Linens for the Table BeJtvear for Guest Room. rpcuvdable Qualities nt L o w I icen. svings A re Crwatfefet the Y ear Round. tis Inches bleached, all-Un* en damuHk. the >ard $ 1 .9 3 b rig h t red. the Scotch H eather in lav-1 lion c f the state. Price Shoe Company .W $ 2 .9 8 tis ini'll unbleached ull-Un- en damask, die yard $ 1 .4 9 to $ 1 .7 9 68 Inch fast color damask, (he yard — 79c 21x21 all linen Napkins to mat ,h. hulf dot. Crinkle $2.98 Itedspreads, fast S 1 .S 8 to $ 4 .9 8 Towel Sets (or Xmas, one bath towel and two wash clot lia 7 9 c «» $ 1 .6 9 21x21 all linen Napkins to m atch, half dozen. Xmas Handkerchiefs good assortm ent 5 2 .7 9 5 c to 4 9 c TOYLAND We have here a magic bind of toys! Our prices are much lower because our New York buyers pur- chaseit toy» for all our stores lu Immense quautltleM. Buy here and save. t!7»« ■U BM M aaM uA«B dKl Christmas Special $36.75 E-Z TERMS T he stock which arriv e s in carload anything In th e ir line and give them Sweet-Drain Auto Co. Manville Bros. STUDEBAKER MOTOR W hose m ost m odern showroom i a re located in E ugene a t 80 E ast 10th COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS St., and 1030-1042 (Oak s t . Is offering C entrally located in Eugene a t 67 th e county a t large, and th e patro n ­ th e people of Eugene nAd surround­ ing territo ry a com plete m otor serv­ 9;h E ast, do an ext nsive business in age c f thousands. T h eir prosperity m eans added prosperity for th-' com ice, being the s a k e and service fc* new and m odern used fu rniture and m unity in which th e ir m odern estab ­ th e fam ous S tu d eb ak er m otor ears c a rry at all t m es a well-selected lishm ent is located. They also featu re tl C letrac Trnc sto ck of high-grade furniture, stoves, W ith d ecid .d bu«!ne*’« acum en and tors. Exide B atterie« and carry a se­ ranges, carp ets, in fact everything fore ght, v.Ciith bos won for them lected stock of au to suppile- and th a applies to tli hom furnishing line, such wide popularity in th e p a s t th e I tiros. th e j T he trem endous progress th'« p o p and o p erate a m etropolitan fu rn itu re m anagem ent has an ticipated sto re th a t has won wide popularity needs o f the people of this section , ’’I»r car" Is m aking In th e public favor and patronage for th eir company a t fcr the futurte T his business house j *• due ,o th eir su p erio r pat and feel fine.’’ (signed) Mrs. A. i Howard. ONE spoonful A dlerlka I rem oves GAS and often brings stir- I I-r sing re lie f to the stom ach. .»Hops CO-OPERATIVE PLUMBING SHOP ¡th a t full, bloated feeling Removes ¡old w aste m a tte r from ln tertln and W hose m odern 'S tabll.'hm er.t is lo- They have com plete equipm ent to do m akes you f»-el happy and hungry. cat»-d in Eugene a t 1129 W illam ette th *s work as it should be done and E xcellent for o b stin ate constipation. 9 t„ across from the City Hall enjoy o w rn th ln K c a r>T ln F lan ery 's Drug »tote. , . „ , I stock all fixtures and appliances a large patronage from C :g ne and , j, . ... . needed to g ve th eir ex p ert service surrounding t e r n a r y , an 1 special- un,i you ca n g O th ere and make your izes in Plum bing and H eating and selection before you buy. Steam and Hot W ater H eating insta,- The tim e is p ast when th o se living latioBS. j !n t^ e country and ru ral com m unities In re c e n t y ears m ore thought h a s ! cannnot have the adv an tag es th a t are been given to san itatio n th an ever | to city dw ellers. Modern and before. It. has been learned th a t san itary hom es a re becom ing very m o d ern plum bing, co rrectly Install«d common. It Is possible to have a will W s e n th e ch an ces for sickness country hom e as m odern as any city and th is compels th e san itary engi­ dw elling and th is firm specialize* on 1 neer to be a man of advanced ideas th is work. H ave an early co n su lta­ and a thorough know ledge of the law tion w ith them and le t them explain th eir system s to you and g et t h e i r ' of sanitation. T h is concern h a s given th is b usi­ prices. Th