The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 22, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    Community News
THURSDAY. OCT. 22. 1926.
By S pecial
C orrespo nd ent«
Ey Mrs. B sllr OcGraf
D ireetcr, Hotns Ssrvlce Bureau
Sperry Flour Co,
'.In . M argaret Vuiupbt-11 from Lea-
L. Bri»tow of P leasan t Hill has
b u ig sp en t the week end with tela- been q uite ill ¡he p»-t week with see­
Helpful Hiot« on Oread Making.
t h e s here.
ere bronchitis. It was feared for
Bre.ei is ihe m ust Im portein ¡i.tlcle
Mr.« W alter P latt is aerv ’ng on the aw hile thut he had pneumonia.
e, food in th e d a ily d le t.
A ni iho
Juiy ¡a Eugene now.
tnany processe« e t ph-ye-l
tnaklu :
P erry P rice and Jay G rant, who at-
and hakins gives uit a grea'. varlety
ten d 0 . A. C„ spent the week-end with
. J u ia , are sp ected to arriv e a t Pleas- ef »ppetlslng h r e t 's th a t tu -n ls h the
T J S tM m
and Ray N evers a!-’ * ” *
* *«•«
relatives this ! ^ « e s , am ount of food value for the
__,.i Springfield
f“ 11- Mrs-
so Fred Spencer front
drove to Austa S atu rd ay even ng ano
s p - n t Sunday deer hunting.
Ed and Law rence B axter returned
home last Friday from a trip of sev-
oral days spent in ea ste rn Oregon
Dorsey Dent and Mr. Brown. Loren.
Mamie and N athalie Edm lston attend-
ed th e S « BdW _ * h o o l conference at
IX-una Ins. Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George W Hllam mo-
to rn ! to Donna and atten d ed tne con-
ference Sunday afternoon.
Anda C alvert and Mr. Dyer from
W t Milling visited a t Jo h n Edm lston
last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Sparks m otored down
from M cK-nxie bridge and s p o t S at­
urday ti ght with th eir son. Arch
P ark er House Rolls.
ns buklug eont nuvs It may be lessen In u warm room, in about is hours If
P repare the M aster leelpe. A fter
ed still m ore.
a longer period be given to the rising
When baking Is conipluteil the pi., cess less yeast will In- required doU«h Ila« rises to double in sisu the
leave, will give forth a hollo* sou-d
ree t 1 lin e , roll Into u all et about
One qu arter yeast cake to each cup
when tap p id . and will shrink from lliu
I Inch tlU» I t . t ut with his« «tit cutter,
of liquid will he sufficient If dougt; th »n wilh the hai'dle of a knife dipped
After baking rem ove at once from ts s it over jtlght. In eith er case the in (lour presa lightly through the con
the |o a » mid allow to cool In fresh saute method i f prepar iPon Is used, t r of i u< h roll, bill' ll wllll melted
air. uncovered. Do not put aw ay un i If home U n t i l e y e a s t 1» used II will I shot > nlltg, told over mid plat e cb-sa
lake the place of liquid, bundle the to gather n a w llg re a x-d pan Bet
tl! piitfeclly cold.
in u warm place until Ughi then link»
For all rcdla. plain or fancy, use »ante us for contpr» <tn d yeast,
the M aster recipe If a rich er dough
If milk Is used, scalding, while not ' in a hot Ovett, When baked, brush
Is desired, changes may In made m e - ti nt la I. |s an absolute lest of Its over with tit lied shortening or the
freshness If scul led, cool to luke tinnenti it white of egg, The white of
the following m anner:
Vae milk Instead of w ater for liq­ warm, otherw ise It w II kill the yeast <gg gives U high gloss.
uid; both shortening and sugar tqay plant.
be Increased by one tablespoon or I
If Cott a o- Inti n -led la Ih '-- Manter
Election Cake.
more to each cup of liquid. Also the ]
rei-lpes, Mr*. DcGiuf will In- glad to
white of an egg may he a d d 'd , W ith | When prepar ng the M aster recipe , »t ml you her booklet "SO Food He-
these changes It may he found neces for bread or coffee ra k t
reserve I light i fro n X 't* ter Recipe ’’ A re­
s«ry to use a little more flour
enough t l utgl, to make l loaf of cake. quest to -Mrs lb II» DeQraf, D irector,
M aster Recipe.
To this dough knead In 2 tablespoons liotit» Service Bureau. S perry Flour
1 cup w ater or milk, scalded
sliteued b u tler or su b stitu te,
'« Co,, Run Francisco, t'a llo f, will bring
1 tablespoon m elted shortening
cup sugar. I egg. beaten. t , teaspoon It to you.
I tablespoon sugar
each ntilm i« «ml cloVt s and I («upoon
t teaspoon »alt.
Dr. S Bal; h Dlppel, D entist, Vitus
cinnam on. Dredge 11« (-up« seeded or
tj com pressed venst cake dissolved seedless raisins and 1« cup ahrtdded building, S p rin g t- Id, Oregon.
In ' i cup lukew arm water.
citron with flour. It" may bo necessary
B etw een 3 and t rtips^flour.
to add a little flour to the dough In o r­
W A. Hcttiettway, Tho llaw lelgh
Method of preparation: Pul sugar, der to handle It; however, avoid this M a il. (The Willow I South 2nd.
shortening and salt In sjglded liq u id ;: If possible. Let rise m a warm pluce
let it stand until luk-w arm . then add u n ty very light then bake about an
lutrge window display of new bn«-
dU-soivcd yeast and flour gradually hour in a mod« ra t-ly hot oven. Cut k its for all uses uow at the Novelty
heat ng well until too stiff to stir «ceded rulalus in pieces with scissors. si ore
Turn on moulding board and knead
in f. malniiic flour until m ixture is
smooth, does not stick to the hand* .
or h*'«rd
bubWe’ '"**
under the surf ice It-tu rn to well-
grcuHt'tl howl, bruah douwh ovt r with
niolitd shortening, cover and «How o
"» » >» »
P '» " ’
The stnnnchest friend one can have is u bank
,h ,‘” *'*’’ * ‘1 down In a b‘ wl
book of his own to lean on. The satisfaction of
»ml let rise again. T his «ccon I knead
being comfortably fixed removes all minor worries
In«- af«r »he dough’ hav risen on. e.
and leaves the mind free to think of bigger and
g .te s a much filter grain to bread a rd
more pleasant things, h lengthens the horizon
should a lw a y s he u -e ! W hen d ough
for utnbltlon and allows for bigger and belter work.
ha» agsin rl»-n to double II» als*
H endorson was formerly '* 1 ”>l »*'•'' egpended.
H attie Brown, a popular mem ber of
T h e process of m aking th»se yeast
the younger set a t T rent and P leasan t f i x tu r e s Is most Interesting, and a
little careful study and practice wTl
Mirely rew ard you for your tim e and
x good crowd was presen t at the
tt cubie.
auction «ale held a t the ranch of it
T he firrt essen tial m anipulation for
J. English Monday, O ctober 1» Mr"
alld M ri KnK„ 8h ha¥tf a lr , ady tak#n perfect bread I» s good flour; second
careful m in i pula ¡io ti and third. prop-
»e¥era | leads of fu rn itu re to th eir new
, k
Lebanon an J
m w lv ‘
,„ e
cam p nug until Mr English can dis- L „ k n , . . ll;ns
w,„ r
of „ „ wooJ
Mr. ami Mrs, C arl Dimple and fam
» !‘’KX,n' " '* r *'*dy
Dough Is kneaded to m ix the Ingre-
By of Eugene visited a t th e Dodge
I dlents thoroughly, to m ake th e gluten
hem e Sunday-
1 elastic and to work Is the air. It is
ltfv. W. A. E lkins h as chosen as ruffle etn ly kneaded when It can he
his subject for next Sunday, “The left on tfte board for a m inute or
Inscription on the C resa“ On the fol- tic re w ithout sticking.
lowing Sunday he will preach on ' To keep the dough from cooling.
Shottgh. and fa m ily.
■ u,
ladles’ aid m et at the church
A la r«® congregation wa« mix and knead tl quickly.’ Quick
dough from
la « ? T h u ^ d a 'y and elected o fficer, as preseut last * undttv “ d «“ >" •* the , handling p revents
, the
sum m er and fall rush Is over the becoming cold ami h asten s the pro-
follow s: Mrs. H errington, pres. •
church <^to r will soon begin practic- ce«s of rising 4iw,ay<i make sm all
Mrs. Olive T aylor, vice-president;
ing again.
loaves to tnsur-» bread being baked
Mrs. R ens Edm lston, secretary ; Mrs.
! thoroughly; In largo loaves the heat
lnu t Shough on the flow er cow/n ttee
Miss Mary H arden, who Is atten d in g may fall to p en etrate to the cwnter
Miss Flora Campbell, one of the E, B. V., spent th e week-end a t her of the loaf. In cool w eather the howl
high school teachers, sp en t th e we, k- home at P leasan t Hill
containing the dough may be set In a
ttiil h er relativ es at Sherwood
T le se a re busy days for th e stud­ pan of warm w ater
T h e s-n io rs of T hurston high school
en ts and teach ers a t
Cnion high I If b re ad rise s m uch a f te r bein g put
fcgve dccided to get d a s s rings ano
3 ^ , ^ » pr» c, |t.e. d e -' in th e oven. the heat I« not great
have placed th eir order for them .
bate tryouts, six weeks te s ts and ten enough, but If It b»-g us to brown In It will b<- ready to shape Into jo s v » »
The student body elected th e ir cf- nis are each filling up th e all too lews than 15 m inutes, the heat 1» to nr rolls I'tace loaves In w e'l er»n»eil
flet ra for this yea» as follows: Presi­ short hours of school.
1 g reat During the first ten minute« 1 sn«. Ijavlng them about half full.
d en t F lc-ste H errin g to n ; secretary,
____________________ .
! th . ioa »cs are in th e oven they should B t q v h lo th bread and rolls with tnelt-
dect. Flossie H erington; secretary ,
Packing Company R ep re se n ta tiv e ' m erely rise and perhaps beglq to t.l : !,.:rt<«n'ng. let th -ni rise again to
K ate B ax ter; treasu rer. Emma Pav- H ere—J E. Cross, rep resen tin g t h e ’ show a little brown In sp o ts; In the doable th eir s lic and bake In n hot
ts: sargeant at arm s. H arry E ndico tt; Val,ey PacktnK com pany of galera, vis second period of ten m inutes th.
oven about 45 m inutes for medium
Vbrarlan, Mrs. Doris G reen; ath letic ,ted SprlngfleM W ednesday,
should become a delicate brown all sired loaves and from 20 to 30 min-
m anager. W inifred E n d ic o tt
over th e surface and cease to rise; utes for rolls, according to » go.
Tuesday evening th ere was a meet-
v (ait fpom Monroe_ Mr and M„ In th e third period they should fin
T his quantity of dough Is for one
ing n the hall and an ath letic club |{ay & nigh , n(1 fa[ui,T of Monw> tU Ish brow ning; and in th e fourth they Jo rg e loaf of bread or pan of rolls,
y east cake used to each h it»
w as formed B asketball p ractice »»«- , ited S atu rd ay a t the Fr«Hl F re .e home. should sh rin k slightly from th e pan- With
Run F rlo x - cvinlng.
A fter the first ten m inutes the oven pint m easuring cup of liquid breatl
The L adies’ a'd have planned to
CALL AND SEE Dr N. W. Emery h eat can be decreased slightly and c m be m ade and com pleted. If kept
give a candy pulling on Hollowe’en for »n or*
on plat.- and o th e r work ••
th e com m unity at th e church.
Mr. and Mr«. Fm is Remmie from
j<ew shipm ent of dishes ar.d novelty
C akridge visited the first c-f the week sj |Ve r plated w are a t the N ovelty store
with Mr and Mrs W illiam Remm ie.
On retu rn in g from Hood R iver and [
c«!ter points S rtp rd ay night Clifford
Hyacinths, Tulips. Daffodils, Spanish Iris, Crocus and Dutch
G ossler drop to sleep while driving
end his conpe rap over the g rade n ear
Bulbs that should be planted In the fall can be had front u.».
H arrisburg, w recking the top and
h u rt’ng h ’s shoulder. Jack H arbit.
who was riding « th him, got his arm p u r c h a s e d the All Package gro
Sweet Pea Seed for fall planting.
caught n ’-der th - door bruising It , c e r y a n d w in corK | u c t ¡t as a
quiet severely; a’.se he received quite
a blow on his head and h u rt his k n e e ., s e l f sendee store in future.
Died—At th- Fac’fir hospital in Eu- respectfully solicit your busi-
g -n e T ues^av. C c-oher 20 at 4 30 • _
m. George Thompson. He h as been ill
Corner 9th and Oak. Eugene
for sevc-al m - c ’h n He leaves to .JOUr grocery bill,
Phone 1950
m ourn his toss his wife, Mrs. Minnie
Tompson, also on» son, George. Fun-
-vice- were held at Mt. Ver- ■
T i.u r-i.iy ; f '- r r ion at -------
/■ ■ n a a U jg B R U E a B B H B
Chase Gardens Florists
T he fam ily sewing is alw ays one of
the m v it d.-ff cu lt ta s a s for the tarm
w o i an ‘o fit into her busy life, not
o. ty been us • she has a g reat variety
of , : . . i r demands on her tim e but al
so ’ ' •ause she h a t not alw ays hat
con ,-u rlon. and in cons« tl
suf.: m t train in g in sim ple garnim '.
w o rt often so»s slo » ly . T he fact
th a; -he is .00 closely tied a t home
t -rs he ru ral housekeeper
Ir ;i-
l-tr v 'r y oft«n to shopping
tvher- nhe can acquaint her-
eelf ; ith ti e new est fabrics or styles,
am’ a- the 'u rrb i’lty of w h it h er
fam ily w ears
an i.mpnr .n t con id-
eratlou sli nee-lt h lp along this
T here ■- alw ays a g rea' dem and for
r »is’an tc In clothing selection and
construt ticn Exter.:«’on w orkers are
< -ir.stiint'.y asked to organize gr oups
w 'le re such instruction can be pas-t-d
cn from th e special sts in the exten-
t on s-rv 'ce, through bx-al leaders, to
ns n ttn t individuals as posdble. Dur­
ing 1524 the proper selection of cloth­
ing m aterial- was tau g h t in 8583 dem ­
o n stra tio n s w’th adults arid 10,967
• tnonstrat'on« with Juniors. As a re-
« ¡It the Improved practices tau g h t
w er adopted In m ore th an 46,000
Sewing, gatm en t making,
th e m aking and ui-«- of the dres« form
and rem odeling old g arm ents were
(aught by n: -a a of t iousands of dem-
< -rtratlo n s, a n ' rep o rts indicate th at
t . e Ins tra c t tl n h as been of g reat
practical valne,
H at mak ng has continued to have
a strong appeal with rural women
n u i g irls, boih from the standpoint
i f economy and satisfaction with the
f t's h e d product. More than 2S.fiO0
d- uonstratinr.a w ete given with worn-
» ’ and girl:» In club work.
Eugene, Oregon
Our customers have found th a t keeping quality up and keeping prices down are every
day rules at this store. The prices prevailing here day in and day out are of the lowest
levels th a t such good quality w ill permit.
‘Comfortably Fixed’
A bank book of your own is awuiting von at this
institution. Acquire It this week and you'll be stir-»
prised at the thrills of satlsfateion If will give you
as you w atih savings grow, helped by ihe 3 'i In­
terest we ¡»ay.
It is a Thriller,—is the bank book.
First National Bank
Springfield. Oregon
The Next Time
You Are
In Eugene
Plan to visit our shop and H«e the lovely new
things In Ail Needlework.
Luncheon Hets, Bmlspreails, Pillow Slips, lloudolr
Pillows, Table R unners, Towels, Aprons. I'ajiiiu i c -
anil many oilier things th at will m ake you wat t to
s ta rt right In getting ready for Christm as.
N'«jw Baby T hings Too.
632 Willamette Street
3 Minute Walk from Bank of Commerce
Fall Overcoats
Brices much lower than what
you’d expect to pay. Make your
selection now—get the full sea­
son’s wear. These new coats
are stylish a 11 d comfortable,
roomy box back and felted mod­
Every coat is an All-Wool gar­
m ent and of the finest work­
$15.00 to $28 50
Women’s Dresses
$5.95 to $16.50
Choose your new dress from our
selection of New York's leading
styles. Bought direct from the
factories, very neatly designed,
m any different styles, some
have all flares, straight lines e f­
fect, long, flowing sJeevps or
short. Truly rem arkable values
a t these prices—
Men’s Suit»
Men’s and young m en’s suits in
latest styles. A good variety of
colon, in light to blue serge. Ex­
tra line workmanship. Going at
these rem arkable low prices—
$19.50 »0 $28.50
W omen's fur trimmed coats.
A selection of models that have
beer, chosen by fashion as the
season’s most po[,ular numbers
$16.50 to $49.50
It A lw a ys P ays to Trade at G ray’s
Catsup, Large Bottle .....
Steel Wool, Box ..............
Chit ken Clayenne, 1 lb. Pkg.
Chocolate, 1 lb. Cans ...................................
Campbell’s Beans, 3 Cans
TomatoM, 2 c.-ms ..............
Red Salmon, 1 lb. C a n ....
I'uiry Soap. 7 Bars
Pink Sainton, 1 lb. Can
1 Cans Sunbrlt ' Cleanser
N o. L'l.j T a b le I ’e a e b e s , I'.-f C ;in
No. 2 »/ij Table Apricots, Per Can
China Noodles and Noodle Sauce
Fresh Apple Cider
Hold Medal Mayonnaise in Bulk
We Carry a Complete Line of Flour and Feed
Bring Ur. Your Eggs