Community News THUkSTON THURSDAY. OCT. 22. 1926. TH E SPRINGFIELD NFW fl PACK SIX NOTES I BREAD By S pecial C orrespo nd ent« UPPER WILLAMETTE BREAO Ey Mrs. B sllr OcGraf D ireetcr, Hotns Ssrvlce Bureau Sperry Flour Co, '.In . M argaret Vuiupbt-11 from Lea- L. Bri»tow of P leasan t Hill has b u ig sp en t the week end with tela- been q uite ill ¡he p»-t week with see­ Helpful Hiot« on Oread Making. t h e s here. ere bronchitis. It was feared for Bre.ei is ihe m ust Im portein ¡i.tlcle Mr.« W alter P latt is aerv ’ng on the aw hile thut he had pneumonia. e, food in th e d a ily d le t. A ni iho Juiy ¡a Eugene now. tnany processe« e t ph-ye-l tnaklu : Mrs, F ran k H enderson of Bend, ore- P erry P rice and Jay G rant, who at- and hakins gives uit a grea'. varlety sou and two-mcnths-old daughter. ten d 0 . A. C„ spent the week-end with . J u ia , are sp ected to arriv e a t Pleas- ef »ppetlslng h r e t 's th a t tu -n ls h the T J S tM m and Ray N evers a!-’ * ” * * *«•« relatives this ! ^ « e s , am ount of food value for the __,.i Springfield f“ 11- Mrs- so Fred Spencer front drove to Austa S atu rd ay even ng ano s p - n t Sunday deer hunting. Ed and Law rence B axter returned home last Friday from a trip of sev- oral days spent in ea ste rn Oregon hunting. Dorsey Dent and Mr. Brown. Loren. Mamie and N athalie Edm lston attend- ed th e S « BdW _ * h o o l conference at IX-una Ins. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George W Hllam mo- to rn ! to Donna and atten d ed tne con- ference Sunday afternoon. Anda C alvert and Mr. Dyer from W t Milling visited a t Jo h n Edm lston last Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Sparks m otored down from M cK-nxie bridge and s p o t S at­ urday ti ght with th eir son. Arch P ark er House Rolls. ns buklug eont nuvs It may be lessen In u warm room, in about is hours If P repare the M aster leelpe. A fter ed still m ore. a longer period be given to the rising When baking Is conipluteil the pi., cess less yeast will In- required doU«h Ila« rises to double in sisu the leave, will give forth a hollo* sou-d ree t 1 lin e , roll Into u all et about One qu arter yeast cake to each cup when tap p id . and will shrink from lliu I Inch tlU» I t . t ut with his« «tit cutter, of liquid will he sufficient If dougt; th »n wilh the hai'dle of a knife dipped pans. After baking rem ove at once from ts s it over jtlght. In eith er case the in (lour presa lightly through the con the |o a » mid allow to cool In fresh saute method i f prepar iPon Is used, t r of i u< h roll, bill' ll wllll melted air. uncovered. Do not put aw ay un i If home U n t i l e y e a s t 1» used II will I shot > nlltg, told over mid plat e cb-sa lake the place of liquid, bundle the to gather n a w llg re a x-d pan Bet tl! piitfeclly cold. in u warm place until Ughi then link» For all rcdla. plain or fancy, use »ante us for contpr» » » P '» " ’ ’ ,,rl’* The stnnnchest friend one can have is u bank lnal ,h ,‘” *'*’’ * ‘1 down In a b‘ wl book of his own to lean on. The satisfaction of »ml let rise again. T his «ccon I knead being comfortably fixed removes all minor worries In«- af«r »he dough’ hav risen on. e. and leaves the mind free to think of bigger and g .te s a much filter grain to bread a rd more pleasant things, h lengthens the horizon should a lw a y s he u -e ! W hen d ough for utnbltlon and allows for bigger and belter work. ha» agsin rl»-n to double II» als* H endorson was formerly '* 1 ”>l »*'•'' egpended. H attie Brown, a popular mem ber of T h e process of m aking th»se yeast the younger set a t T rent and P leasan t f i x tu r e s Is most Interesting, and a Hlii. little careful study and practice wTl Mirely rew ard you for your tim e and x good crowd was presen t at the tt cubie. auction «ale held a t the ranch of it T he firrt essen tial m anipulation for J. English Monday, O ctober 1» Mr" alld M ri KnK„ 8h ha¥tf a lr , ady tak#n perfect bread I» s good flour; second careful m in i pula ¡io ti and third. prop- »e¥era | leads of fu rn itu re to th eir new , k home Lebanon an J m w lv ‘ j ,„ e cam p nug until Mr English can dis- L „ k n , . . ll;ns w,„ r of „ „ wooJ , M , Mr. ami Mrs, C arl Dimple and fam » !‘’KX,n' " '* r *'*dy Dough Is kneaded to m ix the Ingre- By of Eugene visited a t th e Dodge I dlents thoroughly, to m ake th e gluten hem e Sunday- 1 elastic and to work Is the air. It is ltfv. W. A. E lkins h as chosen as ruffle etn ly kneaded when It can he his subject for next Sunday, “The left on tfte board for a m inute or Inscription on the C resa“ On the fol- tic re w ithout sticking. lowing Sunday he will preach on ' To keep the dough from cooling. Shottgh. and fa m ily. ■ u, ladles’ aid m et at the church P* A la r«® congregation wa« mix and knead tl quickly.’ Quick dough from la « ? T h u ^ d a 'y and elected o fficer, as preseut last * undttv “ d «“ >" •* the , handling p revents , , the „ ’ sum m er and fall rush Is over the becoming cold ami h asten s the pro- follow s: Mrs. H errington, pres. • church <^to r will soon begin practic- ce«s of rising 4iw,ay tU Ish brow ning; and in th e fourth they Jo rg e loaf of bread or pan of rolls, y east cake used to each h it» w as formed B asketball p ractice »»«- , ited S atu rd ay a t the Fr«Hl F re .e home. should sh rin k slightly from th e pan- With Run F rlo x - cvinlng. , ____________ A fter the first ten m inutes the oven pint m easuring cup of liquid breatl The L adies’ a'd have planned to CALL AND SEE Dr N. W. Emery h eat can be decreased slightly and c m be m ade and com pleted. If kept give a candy pulling on Hollowe’en for »n or* on plat.- and o th e r work •• th e com m unity at th e church. Mr. and Mr«. Fm is Remmie from j