The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 01, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    ‘ v : f
In for Medical T raalm ent—Moy | In Eugene thin W»»k While Iter», they
Love of J a tp e r waa In town Wndnes are g u iel al the W II. Pollard and
day for m edical c a rt. ,
g. ft |>orlar homaa, lb»v V a rffT e l••
In from Ja»p«r— Mr». L. W allace ot
Jaap er waa In town W ednesday.
Recovering f r o m
Pneum onia — mevly held Ihr Melhuillst paeloraiv
T heron C gill le r> ported to be Ini- hor«
proving a fter a serious Illness with
. .
Irving Man Hara—J. C. Salabwry of
Irving vlait«<l Springfield W ednesday
Attend F air—Miss Thelm a Lay sot
and Miss Bather Lynch are attending
te «tala fair a t Salem toda}.
Visit from Scio— Mr and .Mi». T
11. McUuuald and «on uf Kelo vlsilml
uver the week-en I Willi Mr Mellon-
aid's s itte r. Mrs M M. Peery.
Drives to Salem—John A ndersen
drove th Salem W tdnesday to attend
th e sta te fair.
Baby ha» O psratlen — The Ihri’i
v r.iro lI »on of 11. W l i o n -ou of Gils
j city underw ent an ot « ration for tip
{ ix udlcltls al the Pacific C hristian
hoaplial Tue» lay evening
H ere lo r Confarono»—Rev. at d M 'i
T. P V ains and lamfly of K lnniaih
Falls uliveti h ir e T uesday, u> visit
her during iho M t'lhvllst rotiforme«
V isit at Roseburg—Mr. and Mrs
H T urner spent Sunday visiting
a t Rosehure
H as Tonsils Removed R C. K»'l
aey of Landax had his tonsil« re­
moved Tuesday.
H EV M S V E C . HO«N MANN TiN ifeS \
HAVU t T 'U ) SCX) HOT 7 Ö
O U T 510B /
r 6AV BSCTHfeB . WMAT 3 «Oi* •H'fc 6V tR 'tS oO V J
T ess' BE AuL asw-k.WAÛOS - VNUW KVBM TH1
BA TRA .— x JUST eeC A V S S H6 U Skû TH1
IT U P -
Has M a jo r Operation— Mrs. George
G at ley Is at (he Pacific C hristian
hospital recovering fretn a m ajor op­
eratio n perform ed Tuesday.
O u t of T o w n V is ito rs — M . V. C rock­
e r of Mollalla and W B M orían of
Albany were v i'itr s in Springfield
R etu rn s
fro m
C ra te r
A r t Classes
W A Elkina I>r the Elkin»
(llll »hop In Bug« nr. will « o i l -
duel a rt d a s ie s in pastel, oil or
any otlrnv firm of a it watilnd.
at iho Ih ailu in in-hool starting
lu the near future Any on» In
terested may call Mrs, o r a
1t»id flviuenw ay at l)ie Unit
tain, phone MX durfng the day.
Lake— M iss
M arie Lombard retu rn ed W ednesday
evening from C rater I-ike. w here she
spent th? sum m er.
Mission Circle Meets—The Mission
C ircle of the B aptist church m et F ri­
day w ith Mrs. Roy Carlton a t h er
home at 230 E street.
Business Meeting Tonight—The a n ­
H as Skin O peration— W ade Palm er
nual business m eeting of the B aptist
church will be held a t the church 1 underw ent a skin g raftin g operation
‘ a t th e Pacific C hristian hospital this
th is evening.
Junior* Plan Party— A class party
for the Juniors of the high school is
A ttend S tate F air— Mrs. W. F. W al­
k i n g planned, and will probably be her. Miss Isallne K ester, and Mr
held at the gymnasium two weeks
from tomorrow. P resen t plans in d i-1
ca te th at the party will be a hard
tim es affair.
In the service o f ,our fellows w ith n
studious professional knowledge and a
plan c f arrangem ents th a t meets all re­
quirem ents of beauty and dig n ity.
to atten d the sta te fair.
Fords Will Arrive Soon— A new
shipm ent of Fords is expected by t h e :
Anderson Motor company th e la tte r t
part of thia week. Many o rders have
been received for the new models. |
and th is lot will be th e first one sent
h ere for delivery.
a vacation spent at Moscow. Idaho.
Coes to Junction—tfteve Bowles 1«
Buys Coliver R esidence—J . H. Will
has purchased the Itov Coliver house a business visitor at Junction City
on 8th and F stre e ts. Mr. Will has today.
rcu ted th e house since June.
Goes to F air— Mr. and Mrs Fran'*
Home from Idaho—Mr. and Mrs. Sharm an attende«! the sta te fair yes­
Glen Ri«!> 11 retu rn ed y esterd ay from terday.
Overtsuffed Suites for the Living Room
O verxtuffed suites in Velours, Jac­
quards and M ohair. Priced to meet
bverydnes pocketbook.
-------- r — jça » - » - a .'
' , 1 5
B iltw e ll O verstuffed D avenport bods.
H ere from Idaho—L. G. P erkins of
F ayette, Idaho arrived h ere Monday
to make his ham». Mr. Perkins has
not yet found any d efinite location. •
■ but says he p lan s to live n ear here.. J
P ric e d fr o m
$118.00 to $180.00
Attend Salem F air— Mrs. T ru b ert
H enderson a n i Mrs. Jack. L arson left
Monday fcr Salem to atten d the state
fair. They wiil retu rn to Springfield
Saturday. *
V isits Fair—Floyd Flannery, local
druggist, spent W ednesday in Salem
a t the S tate fair. H e was accom panied
by h s sister frem Corvallis. Mr. F lan ­
nery rep o rts large crowds a t th e fair
A “ Super Cream.'* It is rich
in both, coooa butter— a tissue I
builder, and In lemon juice. A
real skin food.
Visit R elatives Here— Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Gossler of M arcóla spent Tues­
day visiting Mr. and Mrs. W alter
Lemon Cocoa B utter Cream
restores vigor to the muscles
vitality to the tissues and elec­
tricity to the skin.
R eturns from Roseburg—H. H H an­
son returned W ednesday from a
sh o rt visit a t Roseburg. He reT>orted
seeing four cars in one wr ;k near
Visit in P ortland—Mr. and Mrs
R olard M oshier left W ednesday for
P '-rila n i, w here they will be guests
of Mr. M oshler’s brother. Guy Mosh- i
ler. They will retu rn Sunday-
R eturns from T rip—George P erk ­
ins returned W ednesday evening from
tw o days spent fn P ortland and at the
S tate fair at Salem.
Use it freely. Your skin will
reflect your careful treatm ent.
. .
One uf these Davenports w ill be very
met» fo r the coining w in te r.
Rugs and Draperies for Every Room
You w ill w ant a nice so ft w arm Rug th is F a ll; our stock is
com plete in Bedroom, L iv in g room and D ining room sizes and
See us fir s t before buying.
Drug Store
You w ill find a com­
plete ' line o f Home
Furnishings and a
varied stock to pick
from in our store.
Drug •Stvra
P x -,
,2 2
Linoleums in All Weights
Inlaldn from $1.35 to $1.75 sq. yard.
Printed Linoleum, $1.00 to $1.35 sq. yard.
Lamps! Lamps!
Clamoring, hungry youngsters, rushing home from
S' hool, demanding th a t m other give them som ething to
eat at on e. That demand can be quickly and entirely s a t­
isfactorily met with Perfection bread. It is full of body­
giving energy and health, and the youngsters love it. It
is full of that rich taste otbained only by the use of fine
It is a Springfield product. One th a t you will be pleased
to try first, last and all the time. We Invite inspection
of our bakery at all times.
Springfield Bakery
Felt Base Floor Covering, bOc to 90c sq. yard
Lamps! Lamps! Lamps! Of all sizes
and descjdptioris are Included in our
Stock. Table lamps, floor lamps,
bridge lamps and each distinct in
pattern and design. You m ust see
these and note the price reductions
m arked in plain figures on each
lamp to know real values offered.
Rugs in print Llneoleum and Felt Base.
$4.75 to $25.00
Ju st received a new shipm ent of
Floor and Bridge Lamps. Newest
shapes and colors. Priced—
$9.75 to $24.00
Wright & Son
We Want Your Business on a Quality and Price Basis