‘ v : f TIU RriDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1925 ÎH K SPRINGFIELD NEWS F" In for Medical T raalm ent—Moy | In Eugene thin W»»k While Iter», they Love of J a tp e r waa In town Wndnes are g u iel al the W II. Pollard and day for m edical c a rt. , g. ft |>orlar homaa, lb»v V a rffT e l•• TOW N AN D V IC IN IT Y In from Ja»p«r— Mr». L. W allace ot Jaap er waa In town W ednesday. Recovering f r o m Pneum onia — mevly held Ihr Melhuillst paeloraiv T heron C gill le r> ported to be Ini- hor« proving a fter a serious Illness with . . pH«urnonia Irving Man Hara—J. C. Salabwry of Irving vlait« visit her during iho M t'lhvllst rotiforme« V isit at Roseburg—Mr. and Mrs H T urner spent Sunday visiting a t Rosehure r the Elkin» (llll »hop In Bug« nr. will « o i l - duel a rt d a s ie s in pastel, oil or any otlrnv firm of a it watilnd. at iho Ih ailu in in-hool starting lu the near future Any on» In terested may call Mrs, o r a 1t»id flviuenw ay at l)ie Unit tain, phone MX durfng the day. w Lake— M iss M arie Lombard retu rn ed W ednesday evening from C rater I-ike. w here she spent th? sum m er. Mission Circle Meets—The Mission C ircle of the B aptist church m et F ri­ day w ith Mrs. Roy Carlton a t h er home at 230 E street. Business Meeting Tonight—The a n ­ H as Skin O peration— W ade Palm er nual business m eeting of the B aptist church will be held a t the church 1 underw ent a skin g raftin g operation ‘ a t th e Pacific C hristian hospital this th is evening. morning. Junior* Plan Party— A class party • for the Juniors of the high school is A ttend S tate F air— Mrs. W. F. W al­ k i n g planned, and will probably be her. Miss Isallne K ester, and Mr held at the gymnasium two weeks " from tomorrow. P resen t plans in d i-1 ca te th at the party will be a hard tim es affair. In the service o f ,our fellows w ith n studious professional knowledge and a plan c f arrangem ents th a t meets all re­ quirem ents of beauty and dig n ity. to atten d the sta te fair. t Fords Will Arrive Soon— A new shipm ent of Fords is expected by t h e : Anderson Motor company th e la tte r t part of thia week. Many o rders have been received for the new models. | and th is lot will be th e first one sent h ere for delivery. atycur. I a vacation spent at Moscow. Idaho. Coes to Junction—tfteve Bowles 1« Buys Coliver R esidence—J . H. Will has purchased the Itov Coliver house a business visitor at Junction City on 8th and F stre e ts. Mr. Will has today. rcu ted th e house since June. Goes to F air— Mr. and Mrs Fran'* Home from Idaho—Mr. and Mrs. Sharm an attende«! the sta te fair yes­ Glen Ri«!> 11 retu rn ed y esterd ay from terday. •with ' PHONE. W .FW ALKER &62-J ftJNERAL SERVICE "A’N SPR.I NGFI ELD. ORE ° . Overtsuffed Suites for the Living Room DRUGSTORE O verxtuffed suites in Velours, Jac­ quards and M ohair. Priced to meet bverydnes pocketbook. : • -------- r — jça » - » - a .' ' , 1 5 B iltw e ll O verstuffed D avenport bods. H ere from Idaho—L. G. P erkins of F ayette, Idaho arrived h ere Monday to make his ham». Mr. Perkins has not yet found any d efinite location. • ■ but says he p lan s to live n ear here.. J P ric e d fr o m $118.00 to $180.00 Attend Salem F air— Mrs. T ru b ert H enderson a n i Mrs. Jack. L arson left Monday fcr Salem to atten d the state fair. They wiil retu rn to Springfield Saturday. * LEMON COCOA BUTTER SKIN CREAM V isits Fair—Floyd Flannery, local druggist, spent W ednesday in Salem a t the S tate fair. H e was accom panied by h s sister frem Corvallis. Mr. F lan ­ nery rep o rts large crowds a t th e fair A “ Super Cream.'* It is rich in both, coooa butter— a tissue I builder, and In lemon juice. A real skin food. Visit R elatives Here— Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gossler of M arcóla spent Tues­ day visiting Mr. and Mrs. W alter Gossler. Lemon Cocoa B utter Cream restores vigor to the muscles vitality to the tissues and elec­ tricity to the skin. R eturns from Roseburg—H. H H an­ son returned W ednesday from a sh o rt visit a t Roseburg. He reT>orted seeing four cars in one wr ;k near Creswell. I 228 ■H»SB Visit in P ortland—Mr. and Mrs R olard M oshier left W ednesday for P '-rila n i, w here they will be guests of Mr. M oshler’s brother. Guy Mosh- i ler. They will retu rn Sunday- R eturns from T rip—George P erk ­ ins returned W ednesday evening from tw o days spent fn P ortland and at the S tate fair at Salem. v Use it freely. Your skin will reflect your careful treatm ent. . . 4 One uf these Davenports w ill be very met» fo r the coining w in te r. I Rugs and Draperies for Every Room You w ill w ant a nice so ft w arm Rug th is F a ll; our stock is com plete in Bedroom, L iv in g room and D ining room sizes and colors. See us fir s t before buying. FLANERY’S Drug Store 73k# You w ill find a com­ plete ' line o f Home Furnishings and a varied stock to pick from in our store. Drug •Stvra P x -, ¡