The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 17, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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THURSDAY, HEI*?. 17. 1926
By Flo
■ tear Ml»» Flo:— Probably I'll »arm
olil faahlunril to you whan you know
what 1« on my uiliiil. but I »houbl
||r»atly apprrelats your ailvlvt In I he
mattwr. I bavn barn rngiigul to n
man -fur »lx yaar»- Mint I hav« not
aaa* hUn for four year» out of th<*
alx, lie la coming bark to my botnc
town to marry mr, anil I am afra’il
that whin ba anra ma attain looking
older he will not lovo m a.
I halo tha thought of u«ln< any
artificial tncara Io docalva him My
hair ha» |iri*maturely atartril to turn
- and It 1» a little gray In plara«.
I hav Beer t i n t powdura or rouge»,
anti ten years a tin I ahvul I have
«aid that any woman who ''modo up”
waa far beyond the pale of propriety.
Hut now, faced with Qin conaoqornut a
of looking too old, I foci altnout that
I am Juatiflod In do'ng ao.
I know he uae lo detent m akeup,
lie u»ed to comment u lv iv «*ly uh'11'
the look» of glrta who were made
Ho you ate. Ml»» Flo, 1 am be­
tween tha devil and the deep blue
aaa. If I don't do wim<dhing h»* may
look upon me aa an old maid, and
perhapa leave me one And If I do
make up and he Hilda It out, I may
loae hla love and reaped anyway.
Plcaae ndvl«e m«. Edith
Of one thing you mint be »urn,
Edith*-— If you try to make up to fit
in the flapper data, and try lo com
pete with girl» young euough to be
your daughter«, you will only auc-
reetl In making youraelf rldlculou»
You can't do It. and you will make
youraelf cheap and rldlculou« whea
you attempt It. Stay In your own
ela»a and keep the dignity and dla-
Unctlon that go with It.
Your chance 1« In making the op.
poalte play. Kmphaa^xe your ripe,
rich, mellow maturity, aa agalnat the
flapper» callow, crude Immaturity,
(live to tha man a real companlon-
, »hip, a real underatandlng, and a real
aympathp that no flapper can poaal-
bly g've I ’ll your experience of men,
your tact and »ubiety against their
egollatlc »»If ab»orptlon, and If the
man la worthy of you, you will w*u
On the other hand—be fair to your-
»elf Your attitude of mind la a verv
rare thing today, and your Ideal» of
fa:rnea» and conalancy are greatly
to be admlrid. Hut do not carry them
to extreme.
Ask their advice In regard to safely
Several Couples Wad.
Earl Blackburn and Georgia M. bay, cause Adlerlka la such an eacelleat
and naturally restoring your hair to
Marriage licenses have been grant-' both of Eugene and Marry b. Myers. Intestinal evacuant It is wonderful for
Its natural beauiy.
Junction City, and Ruth Alice H ill­ constipation—it often worka in one
ed during the last week to the follow-
Thia, I advise you to do, In Justice
man, Eugene,
hour and never gripes. Flanery's drug
lug: Ralph N. Hurch-walttr and Sybil
to yourself, and (be man you are to
M'-Knlght, both of Bond; William H.
Oswald and Juliette Butler, both i f Banker's Wife Advisee
tM Ina B irths and Six Deaths.
Ki.gen* ; Robert Ixte Myer« ano
Springfield People Springfield’s birth rate was below
95 ,0 0 0 MEN AT W ORK
Gladys Irene SqulrtM, both of H orn-1
average In August, statistics com­
"I had stomach trouble ao bad ev-1 piled by Dr. W. H. Pollard, city phyii-
brook, California; Kay biberty Tay­
lor and Pearl Humphries, both of Eu erythlng I ate soured and formed gas.1
M ILLS OF N O R T H W E S T gene; Fr*d Sheeby and Helen Feist, Waa m'aerable until 1 tried Adlerlka.j clae, show Nine births and a l l deaths
were recorded for the month. The
both of Eugene; Ralph H. McCornlck This helped tbo first day.*’ Adlerlka death rate la normal.
PORTLAND, H,pt 17.— (Special.)
and Oleta May Palmateer, both of h« lp» any case gas on the stomach un­
— A total of 96.000 men are at present
Morgan; W'laon b. Bailor, Noll, and less due to deep-seated causes. The
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, Dentist, Vitus
employed In the logging camp« and
Eugene; QUICK action will surprise you. Be- building, 8prlngfi«ld, Oregon.
aawmllls of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, aa compared with 91.700 men
on May 1 of th.'a yar. and 97.000 men
one y*-ar ago. according to a survey I
Just completed by headquarters of the I
4b organisation here. The number of'
m*-n at present eiu:toyed In this work ,
will undoubledly be lncr>used some '
wbut during the next month when
more logging »Idea are started-, the
report stated, although this condition
wiu prevail only until the first heavy
fall of anow doses high alt tudn '
Artlat'cally and »enalbly uai-d the camps 0^<tn- coast, and cold weather
modern make up 1» u direct aid to prevents lumber cutting at aa w trilla1
beauty and youth.
east of the Cascade«.
I bel'eve every woman 1» Justified
Current employment condition« In
In maintaining . her youthful appear- all purls of the Pacific Northwest are
an<i! a» long aa possible, and that very good, f ie 4b labor report says.
»he la Justified In using whol<*eome Skilled sawmill help Is well employed
art flee» of biauly. The danger lies the demand for I-ygwra Is h,«vy, hop
In overdoing It.
picking la at peak activity, and the
Aa for the u»e of make up, I can
d'dly thick your Idea« are a bit old
fa,thinned. Not your Idea» of proprie­
ty, but your conception of the nature
of modern make-up. Since your fiance
«poke of the girl» »o obvlou»ly ma t *
up, alx year» have paaaed And in
lh< »e year» much haa been done to­
ward perfecting tiufke pp, event In­
cluding tint» for brtghb-nlng up dull,
faded and «trrakod hair.
If men were dlffrent If they were
able to »ee cburai-ter apart fres* b»-au
ty, these subterfuge» of women would
be unneceaaary. The finest men. those
who admire character more than
beauty, like the woman of their choice
to care enough about her own per­
sonal appearance to keep fresh and
wholesome looking
Then-fore, my advice to you. Kdlth,
la lo go to the very beat, moat re­
liable beauty »hop In town and aak
the aid only of experts Don't go In
for draat'c measure«— they arc dan-
geroua. Aak advice a» to the kind of
powder, rouge, etc., you xhould zuae
A Genuine
6 Volt Storage Battery
Standard Size Full Capacity
Fully Guaranteed
early upple harvest haa started. Out­
door building and construction work
Is still active but there has been a
lessening damand for laborers from
thia source.
School Conaoldlated.
School d latrd t 183 and 121 were
Consolidated at a meeting of tbe d la­
trici boundary board at thè court
house Tuesday.
These are thè
Beautiful Urove and E Ini Ira school».
Ilolh are locateti t>n thè road tn
A petltton (rum dlstrlcta
Springfield Garage, Springfield, Oregon
W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.
STAR T ac Popularity Champion
September 13-19
. Leader Among Lowcost Cars
I f your birthday la thia week, one of your strongest charaeter-
l»tlca 1» your demand for personal freedom. It la difficult for you
to submit to Die rule of other». While ruthrr «hy ami timid, you
are quick to express your own views, often thinking your ideas better
than any one’s else. However, you are tolerant of other people's views,
providing jou are permitted to enjoy your own peace and opinions.
You are u keen observer; small details never escape your notice. You
are critical, but your criticisms are usually of a corrective kind, made
without any Ill-feeling. You have a fine sense of honor, and never
betray a trust repose,I in you.
The women are the greatest match-makers in the world, fond of
arranging matrimonial alliancea among people they know, and equally
as fond of breaking off such matches as seem to them inharmonious
and unsuitable.
When Intellectually developed, persons bom under tliaae dates are
capable of great accomplishment». However, when undeveloped they
nre egotistical, verbose severe and unkind.
The woman make fine
authors, musician», artist», deMsmers. nnd milliners. The men make
fine e ,tl» o -
MORE, more Star owners—new hundreds of Star owners
each new month! “Tomorrow’s Car Today” has become
the real popularity champion on its merits! Big, exclusive
value features are winning for Star the tremendous follow­
ing of wise, careful buyers—all over the Coast
You, too, must be a careful
buyer. You must make full,
exhausting comparisons
of all low-cost cars w ith
Star. Point for point com­
parisons give you the an­
swer to Star’s sensational,
substantial new popularity.
Only The Best Meat
Is served over the block nt our m arket. Careful buying
and a first class refrigeration plant keeps our custom ers
satisfied with the Bleaks, roasts and other m eats purchased
You will find no motor to
equal the M illion Dollar
Motor! Real power for the
first time in a low-cost car!
Phone 80
605 Main Street
Page Three
C an B e Y o u rs
by a n e w p l a n !
Star offers a revolutionary sales
plan to enable you to own a Star
with practically no expense to
you. Thia big, generous, bonahde
offer is an immediate, whirlwind
success wherever announced. It
ia, attracting thousands of par­
ticipants— earning whole-hearted
response from 100% ambitious
people. Investigate the detail, o f
the new
Right down the line—com­
fort features, beauty fea­
tures, economy features—
Star presents big, strong
“reasons” for its new, wild­
fire popularity!
■Star Gold Certificate
Save and Earn Plan-
- T
I ■
fou owe it to yourself to
find out — so come, come
and make your tests! The
Star Car proves itself. Come
, 5 i
?** T
At the New Star Prices
Springfield Garage
W e are especially careful that
your rugs, after cleaning, lie well on
the floor—They are sized.
* **
Between 8th and 8th on Olive
< <
Gen’l. Camp. No. 3-A—P. 0 . 100