TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, HEI*?. 17. 1926 Confidence By Flo ■ tear Ml»» Flo:— Probably I'll »arm olil faahlunril to you whan you know what 1« on my uiliiil. but I »houbl ||r»atly apprrelats your ailvlvt In I he mattwr. I bavn barn rngiigul to n man -fur »lx yaar»- Mint I hav« not aaa* hUn for four year» out of th<* alx, lie la coming bark to my botnc town to marry mr, anil I am afra’il that whin ba anra ma attain looking older he will not lovo m a. I halo tha thought of u«ln< any artificial tncara Io docalva him My hair ha» |iri*maturely atartril to turn - and It 1» a little gray In plara«. I hav Beer t i n t powdura or rouge», anti ten years a tin I ahvul I have «aid that any woman who ''modo up” waa far beyond the pale of propriety. Hut now, faced with Qin conaoqornut a of looking too old, I foci altnout that I am Juatiflod In do'ng ao. I I know he uae lo detent m akeup, lie u»ed to comment u lv iv «*ly uh'11' the look» of glrta who were made up Ho you ate. Ml»» Flo, 1 am be­ tween tha devil and the deep blue aaa. If I don't do wimused some ' wbut during the next month when more logging »Idea are started-, the report stated, although this condition wiu prevail only until the first heavy fall of anow doses high alt tudn ' Artlat'cally and »enalbly uai-d the camps 0^n thè road tn Franklin. A petltton (rum dlstrlcta Springfield Garage, Springfield, Oregon W. H. ADRIAN, Prop. AUTHORIZED PREST-O-LITE DISTRIBUTORS STAR T ac Popularity Champion September 13-19 . Leader Among Lowcost Cars I f your birthday la thia week, one of your strongest charaeter- l»tlca 1» your demand for personal freedom. It la difficult for you to submit to Die rule of other». While ruthrr «hy ami timid, you are quick to express your own views, often thinking your ideas better than any one’s else. However, you are tolerant of other people's views, providing jou are permitted to enjoy your own peace and opinions. You are u keen observer; small details never escape your notice. You are critical, but your criticisms are usually of a corrective kind, made without any Ill-feeling. You have a fine sense of honor, and never betray a trust repose,I in you. The women are the greatest match-makers in the world, fond of arranging matrimonial alliancea among people they know, and equally as fond of breaking off such matches as seem to them inharmonious and unsuitable. When Intellectually developed, persons bom under tliaae dates are capable of great accomplishment». However, when undeveloped they nre egotistical, verbose severe and unkind. The woman make fine authors, musician», artist», deMsmers. nnd milliners. The men make fine e ,tl» o - MORE, more Star owners—new hundreds of Star owners each new month! “Tomorrow’s Car Today” has become the real popularity champion on its merits! Big, exclusive value features are winning for Star the tremendous follow­ ing of wise, careful buyers—all over the Coast You, too, must be a careful buyer. You must make full, exhausting comparisons of all low-cost cars w ith Star. Point for point com­ parisons give you the an­ swer to Star’s sensational, substantial new popularity. Only The Best Meat Is served over the block nt our m arket. Careful buying and a first class refrigeration plant keeps our custom ers satisfied with the Bleaks, roasts and other m eats purchased here. You will find no motor to equal the M illion Dollar Motor! Real power for the first time in a low-cost car! SANITARY MARKET HOLVERSON BROS. Phone 80 605 Main Street Page Three T H IS ST A R C an B e Y o u rs by a n e w p l a n ! Star offers a revolutionary sales plan to enable you to own a Star with practically no expense to you. Thia big, generous, bonahde offer is an immediate, whirlwind success wherever announced. It ia, attracting thousands of par­ ticipants— earning whole-hearted response from 100% ambitious people. Investigate the detail, o f the new Right down the line—com­ fort features, beauty fea­ tures, economy features— Star presents big, strong “reasons” for its new, wild­ fire popularity! , ■Star Gold Certificate Save and Earn Plan- - T -?C> I ■ fou owe it to yourself to find out — so come, come and make your tests! The Star Car proves itself. Come , 5 i ?** T H J* today—Sure! At the New Star Prices Springfield Garage RUG CLEANING W e are especially careful that your rugs, after cleaning, lie well on the floor—They are sized. *■ .3«!- PHONE 300 * ** Between 8th and 8th on Olive RAYMOND TORREY, Proprietor t < < TO M O RRO W S CAR TO DAY" Gen’l. Camp. No. 3-A—P. 0 . 100 off 1 erne*