The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 03, 1925, Page 9, Image 9

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    Community News
By Special
What 1 Know About
"F ea r Ibroal n ttd i atUn-
“yon d r l o o many “(old“
"you tai loo much,
you do not- guard blood
tirtulaltoii—ttfteiall]i in I In
told monllu."
Ida. Jo tin J o u r it G aj » m .
Cuburg aitwniUI I« null running
Floytl and Hoyd Walker returned
turning nut lumber uml wood.
from a«h»rt trip to Reedsport Hatur
Mr. Fessi«« hua lately moved In day.
hla new huuae near t'olmrg on 111«
'Un, you is folks of the Christian
nie' -uvrr mw | ty accom panist by U«v.
The Mouthnru Pacific haa «hlppnl end Mr«. W. A. Elkina of Kug nt look
lu two ear loada of pole« tor the their d'nneri end pirn. He I «ft.-r
electric Halit company.
church i bins the bunk« of ih» WH
Mr. Weaaley, the ahoe maker of Co­ « m u te Ieri Kiimlay.
burg, la reahlncllns bla botine.
Mr« Fonai and aim, «lenii, Hv«.
Profeaaer Mountain'« tinuae |s be­ returned to 1‘leuaant II'II n iter bavins
ing plastered hv Wlllhnrn of Kuselle. plck«| bean« for the pant few w i-k s.
«u n ien of f'nburx fell off hla barn
The U nion nnd llrown faniltlia arc
12 feet neif broke hla arm.
¡having tbe whooping cough Mary Ca-
A. F Flower. of Mprlnsfleld, Ihe iherlue Kahler 1« alao suffering with
reallv man. bea built a au miner cot I the dlaeaae.
lo se at the Coburg bridge
I Mrs. T F Knbler of Pleasant Hill
i n a ir c t a o
'' " , l '
1 ^ h"
M issis
w *
R nam aw rn.
horsepower, or 75 per cent of tbe total
for tbe state.
Tbe use of the power Is as follows:
No. of Capacity
h. p.
Cubile U t il it y _______ 60
Í Pulp and paper mills
¡Sawmills ___
¡Irrigation pumping _
‘ Miscellaneous _.....
Thia new.paper 1« this week of­
fering its readers a new am| valu­
able feStUrft
Or. John Joseph
Gaines, 4 physician of 35 years ex­
perience and still in practice, will
every week tell you of simple rul­
es for health. He will save you
many suffering hours if you will
read ami heed his suggestions. He
believes in prevention of disease.
He tells you how in the freedom
and carelessness of full health
you throw yourself open to dan-
Read Dr. Gained’ article
/ To h n J o c c p H G a i n s • * * ■ ] week— E V E I
Mr. Johnson, who was 68 years old,
is survived by bis wife, one son, Char­
les W. Johnson of Eugene; threw
daughters; Mrs. Dona Moore of Jas­
per, Mrs. 8. E. Alkman of Clarinda.
Iowa, and Mrs. Roy Barkis of Kearney
Nebraska; and three brothers, C. E.
Johnson of Portland, and F. L. and
F. G. Johnson of Iowa.
Tne deceased was a member of the
Modern Woodmen of America a t
Clarinda, Iowa.
See our line of
Funeral services for William John­ paneled, or plain, at the News offlea.
son, who was found dead early Mon-
iday morning at his home near Jasper,
will be held from the Walker chapel SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr.
N W. Emery, dentist. Satton Bldg.
Friday afternoon at 2:00. Rev. T. M.
RY W E E K .
Plorenr* pnrry and Mr*. Gladya Ho«
SUNDAY IN AUTO PARK « t * of Alurn«-<la, ('it 11 torn hi, utoppod
The nnnunl T ex«. picnic w .a h,
h«.me of Mr and Mr.
Hunday In tin- Eugene auto camp, " J h n s ll h op ih»lr wav horn» fr»m
¡Victoria. It. C. Mrs Rogers Is a nie
about 125 l'i xuiis being present. A
.o f Mr. English
bounteous lai-k-t dinner was had at
Mrs. II J English an.I daughter
noon a fter which speeches and remlti-
Margaret, have relumed to Hop Is-
InCeii.cca were Indulged In. Thu««
¡bind ranch to pick the late hops They
who talked were IteV E. V, Silvers.
. United States Geological Sur­
were heme from Monday of Inst w
W i> Roberta, ('. D Farmer. "Tex" ¡«11 Sunday
vey Hag Compiled Complete
Parker, F J Orgy urn and U K. Hod­
Report of the Usable Water
Mrs. P. N Laird and dnnghfer
s ' a.
Power of the State.
l.ori«, who have been vls'llng at the
Mr. Robert« au-t Mr. Farmer gave
home of Mrs fotlrd’s daughter. Mrs
Under the direction of Fred F. Hen-
tho association a very vivid descrip­
«allnghnn In W ashington, a re expecl ihhaw, District Engineer, the Portland
tion o f old Texas history which wus
cd home this week Miss Irm a Isiin'
¡office of the United M ates Geological
g o ally enjoyed. Mr. tlruyum In his
h a t retu rn ed lo Redro Wool«; " ""h-1 survey hus prepared a tabulation of
talk said he had lived In Texas 58
Inglon, where she teaches In high the developed wuter power In the
years and had
m Ihe vast barren ' school.
i »lute of Oregon
plains changed Ilo Ihe waving wheal I
I The board of directors of Union
This shows a total of 244,442 horse-
fl'ld s uml that our famous U>n« Star
high school No. I m«t In the high
slate has n«l the greatest number of i school building Monday night and i power for 84 plants. A previous tabu­
exports of nny «lute In Ihe union.
! prepared the budget for Ihe coming lation In January, 1922, showed 178,-
T h e assm-l.tlon waa g iv e , ,he v e r y , v„nr
R(,hoo| „„„„„ fl..p(enihHr ,« ,062 horsepower for 74 plants. Only
appropriate name of the laine County Th(.
prlnr|pn, M E H|ivg 1 plunls of 100 horsepower or over are
Lone Star Stale association. Tho same Ml„ 1<o|h, „ er,(1. h(,(„ , p
Mr(, i Included. It la not possible to make
o ffic e r, w ere ro le, led for the cwnln« |
, #Ikw, oW(. a close estim ate of developed power
on a comparable basis for earlier
year: E W. Walker, president; Mrs plans for the coming year.
yeurs, but from the best Information
U lhih Rhode«, vice president; Mrs.
Only a few turned out to the meet at hand the rale of growth Is Indlcat-
Ivan Cowart, secretary treasurer, all
Ing of Farmers' Union held Wednes­ i <-d by the following table:
of Springfield, and Mrs. Eugene d o w ­
day night In Ihe high schno! build 11908— 70.000 h. p.
er. correspondent.
Ing Now that threshing Is over the 1916— 176.000 h. p. Increase 105,000 h.
The old register of the association
funders are busy plowt.ig.
has 86 names In II and Ihe new one
Mrs. Jesse A. Phelps hai been on 1922— 178,052 h. p Increase 3,000 h. p.
about 60 which makes 136 members
Ihe sick list the past week
1925—244,422 h. p. Increase 66,370 h. p.
There will be another picnic next sum
Thompson Mors« has been harvest­
In 1908 Ihe only large hydro-efectrlc
tner In the auto park which will be
an old fashioned Texan barbecue. Also ing some splendid sweet corn from his plant In Oregon was that at Caxadero
on the Clackadlas river. About half
a gathering In the winter Is planned. garden on the Roblnett ranch.
the total was made up of the power
The name« In the new register are
Move M illin e ry .
al the paper mills at Oregon City. In
as follows: Janies M Green. Miss Isa
The stock of tbe Mode Millinery, the next seven years power develop-
belle Green, Mrs. Elmer A. Grelger.
Mr ami Mrs ••Tsx” Parker and fam operated by Mrs. Vina «need has been j m, nt • ■•‘tie "lore than k,T | pace
lly, W. I. Hargis, and little daughter, 1 moved to the A. R Sneed department | t h e
growth of the state
Mr. and Mrs. P, Herrington. Mr. and ¡»tore, where It will be on sale In th sjh h rer N lll a,,<' ®tth ®nB plants of the
Mrs D It Whistler, and Mr. and Mrs. future.
¡Portland Electric Power company
were constructed, nnd a number of
<’. M Love, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
--------------------------•— ■
Daughtry. J (' Neeley, 1). H. I'arner, FOR RALE—Carbon paper In lurge »mailer plants. The growth from 1916
waa slight. Since 1922 tbe
W H McDonald, nnd family, Mr. and ■ sheet«, 26x39 Inches suitable tor j t(>
making tracings. The News Office , I'ortl«n<l Electric Power company has
Mrs. W J. Clarke, A. J. Davis, Mr. and
added Ils Oak Grove development
Mrs. James L. Wall. C. D. Farmer, L.
Rlandurd form hop picker« book« , with a 35.000 horsepower turbine; the
II Hudson, J L. Rutt. Mr. and Mrs.
hop yart* owner ttl l*>e Pacific Power nnd Light company has
F. J Urayunt, L. E. Hodges, ull of ¡r,‘"<l5' for
replaced its small and obsolete Pow-
Eugene; nnd Mrs. John Smith, Mr. Springfield News.
Landberg will officiate, and
will tie at Mt, Vernon.
Oregon Streams Have Developed
Capacity of 244,422 Horeepower
erdale plant with Its new 8,700 horse-
p o ser development; the Enterprise
Electric company has completed Its
1.500 horsepower plant on East Fork
of Wallowa river.’and the Californa-
Oregon Power company lta 4,250
horsepower plant on the east side of
Link river at Klamath Fulls.
remainder of the Increase has been
made up of enlargements of existing
plants, notably the Bull Run plant on
Randy and Littlp Sandy rivers, which
has b“en Increased from 19.200 to
32,800 horsepower, and the Cove plant
of the De» Chutes Power company by
1.000 horsepower. Parctlcally all the
increase In the last 15 year« has been
In hydro-electric power, except about
3,000 horsepower used for Irrigation
”"The total of mechanical power is j
about 50,100 horsepower, of which 42.- '
480 Is located at thé falls of the Wll- ;
lam ette river at Oregon City. The '
balance is made up of small paper i
mills at other localities, flour mills,
saw mills, and direct-connected irrl-.
tion pumping units. Of the 84 plants
there are nine, each having a capacity
of 7,000 horsepower or over, which
can develop an aggregate of 182.000 ,
Clvlllza'ion was not built by the Indolent or
shiftless—it took hard work----- consistent effort.
Nature intended that all of us should work and
arranged that all the great rewards of life should
come through labor.
The price of life, health, happiness and suacess
—is work.
Most men work—they earn the rewards of life—
but many do not get to enjoy them. The finest of
rewards are won through THRIFT.
Add Thrift to your work and enjoy the fruits
of your labor.
Next Monday we pay tribute to the men who
work. But every day we pay tribute to the men
who have also saved.—
First National Bank
Springfield, Oregon
nnd Mr« |rn 8. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. W,
A. Taylor, J. W Bertsch, Jacob Kuimn,
John Ku in in nnd Mrs. L. R. Garvin,
all of Springfield'.
T h rte
F ire d ,
T hree fines were co lled ill by City
R ecorder H. W. Smith Monday for vlo
Intlons of traffic rule». Clinton Ens­
ley wns fined 32 for culling corners
and M. H. Cornelius nnd John Rhet-
terly each puhl a similar sum for park-
Ing without llghta.
There Must Be A Reason.
k ?,iWjaas a,.:
nnd his
For Star’s Sensational Sales!
IttlllllF II
Colonial Ranges Made in
Oregon for Oregon Homes
8 Musical Misses
Come in any time and look over our stock of these
Priced from $58.50 to $114.00
Can Be Yours
by a new plan!
S u r offer» a revolutionary «ale«
plan to enable you to ow n a Scar
w ith practically no expense to
you. T h ia b»<, generous, bona-
fide offer » an immediate, w h irl­
w ind aucceM wherever announ­
ced. It ia attracting thouaanda of
participants — e a r n i n g w h o l e
hearted response from 1 00 % am­
bitious people. Investigate the
details of the new
Star Gold Certificate
Save and Earn Plan
V u rrirn ir-rr-----------
BIG, exclusive values—values not to be ob­
tained in any other low-cost car! There is the
one simple reason for amazing, sensational Star
sales! Greatest value ever offered.
More, more Stars are going to new hundreds of
experienced buyers. Like wildfire, Star popu­
larity sweeps upward to new high levels.
All over the Pacific Coast careful purchasers are recogniz­
ing the unqualified superiority of Star among low-cost cars.
N o low-cost motor can duplicate the Million Dollar Motor’s
record-smashing power achievements. In the field of power
and safety Star is unmatched with ^revolutionary power
plant and its Four-Wheel Brakes, for safety.
You will come to Star—you are next, as a careful, investi­
gating buyer! Make your tests—full tests and comparisons—
Com e in today!
Springfield Garage
Aug. Geni. Camp. No. iB—P. 0 . 100
T O D A Y ’ *