Community News COBURG NEWS By Special Corr*>pond«nt« What 1 Know About "F ea r Ibroal n ttd i atUn- lion. “yon d r l o o many “(old“ beveragtl. "you tai loo much, you do not- guard blood tirtulaltoii—ttfteiall]i in I In told monllu." Ida. Jo tin J o u r it G aj » m . UPPER W ILLA M E TTE Cuburg aitwniUI I« null running Floytl and Hoyd Walker returned turning nut lumber uml wood. from a«h»rt trip to Reedsport Hatur Mr. Fessi«« hua lately moved In day. hla new huuae near t'olmrg on 111« 'Un, you is folks of the Christian highway. nie' -uvrr mw | ty accom panist by U«v. The Mouthnru Pacific haa «hlppnl end Mr«. W. A. Elkina of Kug nt look lu two ear loada of pole« tor the their d'nneri end pirn. He I «ft.-r electric Halit company. church i bins the bunk« of ih» WH Mr. Weaaley, the ahoe maker of Co­ « m u te Ieri Kiimlay. burg, la reahlncllns bla botine. Mr« Fonai and aim, «lenii, Hv«. Profeaaer Mountain'« tinuae |s be­ returned to 1‘leuaant II'II n iter bavins ing plastered hv Wlllhnrn of Kuselle. plck«| bean« for the pant few w i-k s. «u n ien of f'nburx fell off hla barn The U nion nnd llrown faniltlia arc 12 feet neif broke hla arm. ¡having tbe whooping cough Mary Ca- A. F Flower. of Mprlnsfleld, Ihe iherlue Kahler 1« alao suffering with reallv man. bea built a au miner cot I the dlaeaae. lo se at the Coburg bridge I Mrs. T F Knbler of Pleasant Hill i n a ir c t a o LONE STAR STATERS H O L D A N N U A L M E E T IN G iter '' " , l ' 1 ^ h" h M issis M , Mildred w * R nam aw rn. horsepower, or 75 per cent of tbe total for tbe state. Tbe use of the power Is as follows: No. of Capacity Uss plants h. p. Cubile U t il it y _______ 60 188.388 Í Pulp and paper mills 5 44,160 ¡Sawmills ___ 6 3.899 ¡Irrigation pumping _ B 3,436 ‘ Miscellaneous _..... 19 4,699 Total Thia new.paper 1« this week of­ fering its readers a new am| valu­ able feStUrft Or. John Joseph Gaines, 4 physician of 35 years ex­ perience and still in practice, will every week tell you of simple rul­ es for health. He will save you many suffering hours if you will read ami heed his suggestions. He believes in prevention of disease. He tells you how in the freedom and carelessness of full health you throw yourself open to dan- I Read Dr. Gained’ article / To h n J o c c p H G a i n s • * * ■ ] week— E V E I burial Mr. Johnson, who was 68 years old, is survived by bis wife, one son, Char­ les W. Johnson of Eugene; threw daughters; Mrs. Dona Moore of Jas­ per, Mrs. 8. E. Alkman of Clarinda. Iowa, and Mrs. Roy Barkis of Kearney Nebraska; and three brothers, C. E. Johnson of Portland, and F. L. and F. G. Johnson of Iowa. 244,442 Tne deceased was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America a t 84 JOHNSON FUNERAL TO Clarinda, Iowa. BE FRIDAY AFTERNOON See our line of visiting cards, Funeral services for William John­ paneled, or plain, at the News offlea. son, who was found dead early Mon- iday morning at his home near Jasper, will be held from the Walker chapel SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr. N W. Emery, dentist. Satton Bldg. Friday afternoon at 2:00. Rev. T. M. this LABOR DAY RY W E E K . Plorenr* pnrry and Mr*. Gladya Ho« SUNDAY IN AUTO PARK « t * of Alurn«- Roberta, ('. D Farmer. "Tex" ¡«11 Sunday vey Hag Compiled Complete Parker, F J Orgy urn and U K. Hod­ Report of the Usable Water Mrs. P. N Laird and dnnghfer s ' a. Power of the State. l.ori«, who have been vls'llng at the Mr. Robert« au-t Mr. Farmer gave home of Mrs fotlrd’s daughter. Mrs Under the direction of Fred F. Hen- tho association a very vivid descrip­ «allnghnn In W ashington, a re expecl ihhaw, District Engineer, the Portland tion o f old Texas history which wus cd home this week Miss Irm a Isiin' ¡office of the United M ates Geological g o ally enjoyed. Mr. tlruyum In his h a t retu rn ed lo Redro Wool«; " ""h-1 survey hus prepared a tabulation of talk said he had lived In Texas 58 Inglon, where she teaches In high the developed wuter power In the years and had m Ihe vast barren ' school. i »lute of Oregon plains changed Ilo Ihe waving wheal I I The board of directors of Union This shows a total of 244,442 horse- fl'ld s uml that our famous U>n« Star high school No. I m«t In the high slate has n«l the greatest number of i school building Monday night and i power for 84 plants. A previous tabu­ exports of nny «lute In Ihe union. ! prepared the budget for Ihe coming lation In January, 1922, showed 178,- T h e assm-l.tlon waa g iv e , ,he v e r y , v„nr R(,hoo| „„„„„ fl..p(enihHr ,« ,062 horsepower for 74 plants. Only appropriate name of the laine County Th(. prlnr|pn, M E H|ivg 1 plunls of 100 horsepower or over are Lone Star Stale association. Tho same Ml„ 1 making tracings. The News Office , I'ortl«ne Pacific Power nnd Light company has F. J Urayunt, L. E. Hodges, ull of ¡r,‘"