The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 03, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    T in UHI>AY, HK!»T, 3, 1926
Wultervllle waa In town Friday.
T« Triangle Lake— Mr and Mr». (I
Twin Boya Born— Twin boya, weigh
II Turicr apant Munday nt Triangto Ing 7 and H pound» were born to Mr
and Mr», Earl Tbolne^ of Leaburg
Tuesday morning.
Qote Up Fall Creek«—(Ivor*«« Per-
kin« w Ih til« alalir, Ml«* Tlu-da Her
R e tu rn » fro m W e n d lln g — »1. L. fa r
kin«, drove up Full Creek Munday.
lar returned to Wendllng Saturday
Hag Paralysis Stroke—It W Mark field. ■pending two day« In Spring
tinni »utfcivil a »llalii »trukc of paru
ly«l« Monday morning
R«turn to Riddle— Mr. and Mr».
Janie» Elder «ml family returned to
Working at Cafe— Ml«« Lila h
their home |„ Hlddl» Munday after
ary ha« taken a poaltioa In Hall'«
•pending three day» with Mr« Elder's
cafe, formerly known a« the lion Ton
parent», Mr. and Mr«. S, C. Wright.
Ha» Tonell» Removed—The «mall
Klamath Man Hera—tl>r llarr of
dauehter of J M Malh'H ha» her ton
Klamath Fall» w ai a gueat at the
■ 11« removed Mon lay morning
John Wlnzenreld home Munday. Ha
H e re fro m B e lk n a p — II . V. lim n drove on to Portland for a bualne»»
mitt fo Itrlktiap Hiring" was In town • rip.
M o nd ay.
Vlalt Wlnzenreld'»— Mr and Mr»
Goshen-— Ml»» Ik-art Nel M. I). Khbert of McMinnville visit«-!
»on visited her aunt, Mr« l-awrenve at the John Wlnzenreld the first part
Of the w e e k Mr Khbert la a brother
E iluiu tieon at Goshen Mends)
of Mr». Wlnzenreld
Goes to Nebraska— Mr« John Ket
Go to M a rs h fie ld — M r.
el« left Sunday for Hebron, Nebraska
John Wlnzenreld are going to M a ra h
to visit h<r parent».
field for the week to vlalt their (laugh
Phyelelan Vlalt« Here— l)r. and ter. Mr«. Joe Lemon.
Mr» Earl Schuster of t'lilon visited
Will Move Here— Mr and Mr».
Hprlngfleld Saturday.
Clayton Barber will move to a bouse
Here from Waltervllle- -M r» . George ai »Hi and II the last of Ihe week
Il Quinn of Wultervllle was In tow n, from Eugene Mr Barber 1« employed
at the Booth Kelly office.
V le lte
♦n by elaaaea and Individual« of the
Methodist Munday school featured the
picnic at the church recreation
of Goshen waa In town Maturday.
grounds Friday evening
A picnic
Go to Salon*—Mr. and Mr«. I). II |*nper
»erved and tame» were en-
Murphy »pent Munday and Monday In h’l^'d by those present.
i Go to California— Mr. and Mr». F
Go«» to Portland— Mize Eunice Park
llarnard left here Monday for Man­
or »pent the wek«nd In 1 Portland
park, California, where they will
make their future home. They were
vlKltlng with frlenda.
accompanied by their daughter-in-law,
Ha» Operation— Mrs. M. E. lu tti« Mr«. Fred Barnard, whose home 1« at
underwent a major operation Friday Menelo, and who arrived here Maiur-
mornlng at tho Pacific Christian ho»- day from a motor trip to Idaho,
Minister Vlelte— Rev and Mre. 8. J.
H e re
fro m
Waltervllle— Mr. and Chaney, with their family, visited
Mr». T W. Carney, Mr. and Mr». 1». Rev. F. L. Moore Friday and Malur
C. Trotter and daughter, Mary, and day. Rev. Chaney 1« pastor of the Me
Mr«. Ktta Polley and daughter, M ina,.thodlat church at Aahland.
wi re visiter» In MpringCeld Maturday I
from Waltervllle.
Mr- Markham Paralyzed—J. W.
I Markham 1» paralyzed on his left side
R e tu rn »
fro m
V a c a tio n — Mr. and ■
“ result of two paralytic stroke»'
Mr». W. C. Me Lagan a n il children.. wh,, b h* auffi red Monday. The first
and Mr and Mra. R. L. Burnett and ' «trok®. ln 'he morning was «light,
H e r«
fro m
Goshen— John
am i M rs. la 1»
R e tu rn s
S e a ttle
M l»»
NATIONAL hat renovating week
September 14 to 19
Master Cleaners, Dyers, Pressere and Pleatere
Phones: 75 and 122
•on returned Monday evening from j *,tJ' was followed by another In the
a vacation trip to Crater lake. In aftnrnoon.
eastern Oregon, and finally, down the
Injures Leg—Ray Never» bruised
Columbia highway.
hl« left leg Tuesday when he fell
Why Be A Druggist?
’through a dock at the WUIen's mill. |
Ha» Tonell» Out— The two children
, of J B Cowden hud their tonsils re-
! moved Tuesday,
Is the Science of Minor Operation— Ml«» Gertudr
Boring of Cnary bad her tonsil« ra-
Health i moved
Mr. and Mrs
1« W, Austin of Eugene motor route Perkin» and her brother. George Per­
are the parent« of u baby girl born kin« drov to Salem Munday where If you feel all down O. H. Turner »pent Sunday at Trian­
gle lake.
Maturday morning.
Mlaa Perklna will vlalt several days
before returning to Seattle. She has .md out, can’t eat,
sleep or do your
Mr and Mrs liny Emigh and family
of Monroe spent the w eekend visiting
work, e take
l a n d e., n p ln ir at M cK e n zie b rld g ,
F. E Fieri-» toft Munday for their I
Baby G irl B o rn — M r
“Send your
hat when
you send
your suit”
To be one It takes long years of study, the passing of
hard examinations under state supervision, a big invest­
ment in stock, long hours of tedious work, a willingness
to be a bureau of information for an entire community and
a tender, sweet disposition that can't be ruffled by any­
thing less than boys throwing bricks at the front window!
YET! ALSO BUT! I wouldn’t want to be in any other
work, for I love this business with all its ALLEGED hard­
ships and I wouldn’t swap jobs with anyone in the county.
That's the sort of druggist I am!
T u v la
V is it T r ia n g le
M unroe
P eop le Go U p
R e tu rn to W le c o n tln — M r, mid
Visit» from Selo— Vlolla Philippi of
Melo visited Munday with Mr. and Mre.
Mam Richmond and with Mrs. Mary
to N e w H o m e— M r
1 " HBlbartmotn
h«me in wi»<..n»in after vi-ning i..r,
at the N. A. Rowe home. They w ill
visit several of their children <>■■ their
., ad M
practic Treatmenti.
return trip.
V la ltln g H e re — M rs J u lie E bb le o f I
M i l « a n k le .
W ls c o n .'n ,
w ith
h e r!
fa >>®rt»®nts In Idaaghtar. Cora Ebbto. «pent tha weertt
•M at tha John Wlnaenreld boat
Realty office. Maturday. They form­ They went to Seattle from hire. Mr
erly llvod at the Elite.
i Wlnzenreld and Mr». Ebbi» are con­
d em isted from Hospital— Mrs. Al
Larson was dismissed from tho Paid- ,
tie Christian hospital Monday She 1«
now at the home of Mrs. Arhln Nel-
1 hey are sate, sane
and sure.
Adam never had a corn. Nei­
ther did Eve. Neither wore
shoes. There WERE no drug
stores. Times have canged, but
WE have kept step! We have
11 kinds of corn cures, only 6
of which are worth a dern. Ask
Picnic on Fall Creek— Mi and M's
Jim Davl«, Mr. and Mrs Harry Whit- ■
ney, their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, I
nu I n ic e . Mis« Edith Norton, and Mr '
mid Me« Car| Olson picnicked'up Full
Creek Munday. They drove a» far nal
tl,e reserve.
Baseball Game Off—After trying
uimiicu' «fully to book a game with
Cotinge Grove, Calai'iaiyn Springs, the
Southern Pacific or Pioneer lumber
lomian.v teams, the local hua, ball
player« took a vacation Sunday. They
will play Wendllng next Monday nt
the Labor Day <•< lebratlon.
Real Value in Boys Suits
Each With Two Pair» Knickers
T w o pairs knickers
o f course. T h a t mean«
double the w ear. Splen­
did fabrics in lively
m ixtu res and color* fo r
ra il?
no longer throw away their
worn shoes. They bring
them here to be made ser­
viceable again; as good as
new in fact. Our machines
will make a pair of shoes
give double service. Why
waste money on new shoes
unnecessarily? Save the
difference and use it for
olher m o r e immediate
Other Suits $9 00 to $13.75
All first
glars use
Reason is
ble, handy
class New York bur­
the Yale flashlight.
that they’re dependa­
size and economical.
“Corner 5th & Main”
Main St. Between 3rd & 4th
EVERYONE longs for a comfort­
ably and beautifully furnished
home, but many feel that they can­
not afford fine furniture or good
floor coverings. Once upon a time
this was true. But. nowadays, with
credit as their ally they can have a
finely furnished home and pay for
It out-of-income without feeling it.
Pay us a call, roam around the
store and see the new things that
have arrived. Let us show you how
easy it will be to obtain fine furni­
ture without waiting—and waiting
—and waiting.
These Convenient Terms Make
Reduced Roundtrip Fares
Home Furnishing Easy
$ 50 WORTH
$ 75 WORTH
$100 WORTH
$125 WORTH
$150 WORTH
FURNITURE—$ 5.00 CASH—$1.00
FURNITURE—$ 7.’50 CASH—$1.50
FURNITURE—$10.00 CASH—$2.00
FURNITURE—$12.50 CASH—$2.25
FURNITURE—$15.00 CASH—$2.50
Have a box at hand. 50c
^ t o x e t ^ Drag M an
S pringfield
For $1 we will sob out a
farewell to a beautiful Rubber
Apron and allow YOU to use
It yourself from now on!
Go somewhere. Take the whole family
for a joyous holiday outing.
For fares and train service, ask agent
Pacifié Lines
Phone 65
address of a
day and, after
fountain, made
quite a toppy
we have found
Just T h in k of
T H IS !
One Buck
Drug Store
D rin k !
We found the
lemon the other
luring it Into our
of it what was
drink. Since then
MORE lemons.
A Beautiful Home
Buying fabrics for hundred»
of stores is the reason for this
remarkable value. Lower costs
to us mean real, definite sav­
ings to you.
Dyspepsia Tablets
Perhaps you ate a little too
nint h or you were hurried while
eating. If you have a box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets handy
you will soon be relieved of that
unpleasant feeling.
Indigestion, nausea, dypepsla,
sour stomach und other disturb­
ances of the digestive organs
promptly corrected by the
use of Rexall Dyspepsia Tab­
All you kid» can w histle! Il
you can whistle you can play
a mouth organ; only with an
organ you get full, rich reson­
ant chord» that make your eye»
roll and the thrill» play tag on
your backbone. Mention this to
your dad!
Here’s value with an old-
fashioned “kick.” They in­
vite ACTION, b e c a u s e
they’re well-made of good
quality fabrics.
Face Music
^¡m nn
Dinner Gueat»— Mr. and Mrs. I). C
Trotter and daughter, Mary, of Wal
tervllle. and Mrs. May Craft and her
ami. Hartley, »>«■» Munday dinner
gU' la at the J E Trotler home.
E lectric Lights
A tree and a coal mine sure
feel outa luck when they see
a skinny wire supplying the
heat that light» the filament in
an Edison Mazda lamp. We
bave them at prices ranging
from 27c up—and they are
dingers for service.
M c K e n z ie —