T in UHI>AY, HK!»T, 3, 1926 Wultervllle waa In town Friday. TOWN AND VICINITY T« Triangle Lake— Mr and Mr». (I Twin Boya Born— Twin boya, weigh II Turicr apant Munday nt Triangto Ing 7 and H pound» were born to Mr Ittkw. and Mr», Earl Tbolne^ of Leaburg Tuesday morning. Qote Up Fall Creek«—(Ivor*«« Per- kin« w Ih til« alalir, Ml«* Tlu-da Her R e tu rn » fro m W e n d lln g — »1. L. fa r kin«, drove up Full Creek Munday. lar returned to Wendllng Saturday after Hag Paralysis Stroke—It W Mark field. ■pending two day« In Spring tinni »utfcivil a »llalii »trukc of paru ly«l« Monday morning R«turn to Riddle— Mr. and Mr». Janie» Elder «ml family returned to Working at Cafe— Ml«« Lila 7.ai h their home |„ Hlddl» Munday after ary ha« taken a poaltioa In Hall'« •pending three day» with Mr« Elder's cafe, formerly known a« the lion Ton parent», Mr. and Mr«. S, C. Wright. Ha» Tonell» Removed—The «mall Klamath Man Hera—tl>r llarr of dauehter of J M Malh'H ha» her ton Klamath Fall» w ai a gueat at the ■ 11« removed Mon lay morning John Wlnzenreld home Munday. Ha H e re fro m B e lk n a p — II . V. lim n drove on to Portland for a bualne»» mitt fo Itrlktiap Hiring" was In town • rip. a M o nd ay. Vlalt Wlnzenreld'»— Mr and Mr» Goshen-— Ml»» Ik-art Nel M. I). Khbert of McMinnville visit«-! »on visited her aunt, Mr« l-awrenve at the John Wlnzenreld the first part Of the w e e k Mr Khbert la a brother E iluiu tieon at Goshen Mends) of Mr». Wlnzenreld Goes to Nebraska— Mr« John Ket Go to M a rs h fie ld — M r. and Mr» el« left Sunday for Hebron, Nebraska John Wlnzenreld are going to M a ra h to visit h■■ their ., ad M practic Treatmenti. 'ip, e return trip. V la ltln g H e re — M rs J u lie E bb le o f I M i l « a n k le . W ls c o n .'n , w ith h e r! fa >>®rt»®nts In Idaaghtar. Cora Ebbto. «pent tha weertt •M at tha John Wlnaenreld boat Realty office. Maturday. They form­ They went to Seattle from hire. Mr erly llvod at the Elite. i Wlnzenreld and Mr». Ebbi» are con­ nine. d em isted from Hospital— Mrs. Al Larson was dismissed from tho Paid- , tie Christian hospital Monday She 1« now at the home of Mrs. Arhln Nel- eon. 1 hey are sate, sane and sure. Dr A *** Corns Adam never had a corn. Nei­ ther did Eve. Neither wore shoes. There WERE no drug stores. Times have canged, but WE have kept step! We have 11 kinds of corn cures, only 6 of which are worth a dern. Ask Picnic on Fall Creek— Mi and M's Jim Davl«, Mr. and Mrs Harry Whit- ■ ney, their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, I nu I n ic e . Mis« Edith Norton, and Mr ' mid Me« Car| Olson picnicked'up Full Creek Munday. They drove a» far nal tl,e reserve. Baseball Game Off—After trying uimiicu' «fully to book a game with Cotinge Grove, Calai'iaiyn Springs, the Southern Pacific or Pioneer lumber lomian.v teams, the local hua, ball player« took a vacation Sunday. They will play Wendllng next Monday nt the Labor Day <•< lebratlon. -with SAFETY ,aiyoui\ PHONE 355 J (OVER PENNEY STORE) Real Value in Boys Suits Each With Two Pair» Knickers e T w o pairs knickers o f course. T h a t mean« double the w ear. Splen­ did fabrics in lively m ixtu res and color* fo r ra il? I MEN WHO KNOW no longer throw away their worn shoes. They bring them here to be made ser­ viceable again; as good as new in fact. Our machines will make a pair of shoes give double service. Why waste money on new shoes unnecessarily? Save the difference and use it for olher m o r e immediate needs. Other Suits $9 00 to $13.75 ------—1 LABOR DAY All first glars use Reason is ble, handy class New York bur­ the Yale flashlight. that they’re dependa­ size and economical. KETELS DRUG STORE “Corner 5th & Main” ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Main St. Between 3rd & 4th EVERYONE longs for a comfort­ ably and beautifully furnished home, but many feel that they can­ not afford fine furniture or good floor coverings. Once upon a time this was true. But. nowadays, with credit as their ally they can have a finely furnished home and pay for It out-of-income without feeling it. Pay us a call, roam around the store and see the new things that have arrived. Let us show you how easy it will be to obtain fine furni­ ture without waiting—and waiting —and waiting. These Convenient Terms Make Reduced Roundtrip Fares Home Furnishing Easy $ 50 WORTH $ 75 WORTH $100 WORTH $125 WORTH $150 WORTH OF OF OF OF OF FURNITURE—$ 5.00 CASH—$1.00 FURNITURE—$ 7.’50 CASH—$1.50 FURNITURE—$10.00 CASH—$2.00 FURNITURE—$12.50 CASH—$2.25 FURNITURE—$15.00 CASH—$2.50 WE CHARGE NO INTEREST Have a box at hand. 50c ^/ETHERBEE FLANERY’S ^ t o x e t ^ Drag M an S pringfield Oregon For $1 we will sob out a farewell to a beautiful Rubber Apron and allow YOU to use It yourself from now on! Go somewhere. Take the whole family for a joyous holiday outing. For fares and train service, ask agent Southern Pacifié Lines CARL OLSON, Agent Phone 65 address of a day and, after fountain, made quite a toppy we have found Just T h in k of T H IS ! Flash Lights— One Buck 2-DAY HOLIDAY lets. Drug Store D rin k ! We found the lemon the other luring it Into our of it what was drink. Since then MORE lemons. A Beautiful Home Buying fabrics for hundred» of stores is the reason for this remarkable value. Lower costs to us mean real, definite sav­ ings to you. Dyspepsia Tablets Perhaps you ate a little too nint h or you were hurried while eating. If you have a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets handy you will soon be relieved of that unpleasant feeling. Indigestion, nausea, dypepsla, sour stomach und other disturb­ ances of the digestive organs promptly corrected by the use of Rexall Dyspepsia Tab­ All you kid» can w histle! Il you can whistle you can play a mouth organ; only with an organ you get full, rich reson­ ant chord» that make your eye» roll and the thrill» play tag on your backbone. Mention this to your dad! us. Here’s value with an old- fashioned “kick.” They in­ vite ACTION, b e c a u s e they’re well-made of good quality fabrics. $7.90 DRUGSTORE Face Music ^¡m nn Dinner Gueat»— Mr. and Mrs. I). C Trotter and daughter, Mary, of Wal tervllle. and Mrs. May Craft and her ami. Hartley, »>«■» Munday dinner gU' la at the J E Trotler home. SAVE E lectric Lights A tree and a coal mine sure feel outa luck when they see a skinny wire supplying the heat that light» the filament in an Edison Mazda lamp. We bave them at prices ranging from 27c up—and they are dingers for service. M c K e n z ie — WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK