The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 13, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    T hursday .
study of club work In thè *••«! and
'iMilhweal. deelded thaï ihls rallies
e x te n s lv . bit of prom otion
would be thè b e ri tlltng thè companv
could do to hooat III. club work
¡" ta k e the guess out ot farm ing' an,I
¡help make farm life In O rg o ti pro«
iPerous and a ttra c tiv e wa’ the atm of
■ th « d irecto r, and «he college club
¡m en «ay the ««I doe« that very thing
¡to a n'cety.
j "O regon Ju n io r goes Io college" Is
! th e m ajn tlt'e
T his young chop
¡m e e t, with an accident on a Iwdlv
1( Elltalw’ih will »«'tul h e r add re»
I «UI by very glad to an«w «r ih
qu> (¡1011 *hy has a»k«d.
A Call to Dutv Gives SallieNew Insights
general ami to prom ote club work In E H
I'* ” »'• ,vur
It K. Kelly, m anager of Hi ilevel C arlton of Ihe s l a t e d e p a i im e n i e t
opinent work of Ilio company, a fter a mt uca Itoli was also present.
By talking It ov«-r w ith (iltu por-
hait* you «un p«>r»u«(le h lin to try
it, votrevl hl* fault tin Un* habit
’ i&Kî'
Many Years Spent at Roseburg as
A fter Ellie hatl ru n a to bed, I sat
Law yer and F arm e r
for a long tim e tu in in g things over
In my mind. T h ere w ere more re*»-'
John Hamlin. SS. one of the best-
ona why 1 about«! go with her th an
U. a it m em bers In Oregon,
stay a t home, 1 m ight In1 able to
died at the Qood S am aritan hospital
keep h er front th e h r* !» >tw g at'
July 31. F u n eral strv icea w ere h.-lj
h a v e tin y P ll ll lt lu g o r » l.'c o r u lIllg
sh e had planned, besides, fath er was
Ju ly 33. with Interm ent In
m ost anxious for me to h a re a
(O lit». ('OHIO III UUll g ''t
D ear Miss Flo:
My hushand 1» S cott cem etery.
W hen I returned, the hard bvvom n|{
vrabv lb a, u(e w tlh him
! Ion see» his Ideal farm achieved by
uu |t*l||lM ittlil (ills W’O
Mr. llaiulln has been a residen! f
e st I me would have rassed . for b y ! (> #lm oa, unbt.a !a b ] ,
f n t l l a year
ilo painting by day or contract.
th e n , th irties would h a re m arrie d
and collsld,,rate O regon fo r many years, living in o ri
to «tart bv Inform ing I
,nnd ihow n h»
work guaranteed
Anne I winced at the thought. Tea. x ow h (g croa# a n J trlrla b ,a aU lbv,
h'ni>elf of rtpjrov«“! tn«*thot|a
b o ra in T u scaraw as county. Ohio.
soon flnda hlm aelf on the cam pus wl»!t|
I d go. It was certainly th e easl»» lim t> ({a | a Invariably disagreeable
Ju n e IS. 1S40. He rem oved with hl.«
MX) o th er youngsters from all pari»
way out.
in , bp m orning, nagging and coin-
p aren ts to Madison county,
lo » ^
Re«. »¡G o . F St.
of the state
The phone rang.
plaining about everything In general when 1» years of ags and en listed in
Stock, seed, poultry and
"And be It you. Miss S alile? It's , sav Qo,hlng. hop ng th at by « ven
the 33rd Iowa volunte, rs when the
Judging, m anaging anim al» and bird«, j
Clancy at the plant. Mis' C lancey’s (n)t hi, w(,| bt, (n a b e tte r mood, but
civil w ar broke out
He served In
planting potatoes and
D arning of
a w antl' yer ma am The doctor say» wb,.n be com es h me In the evening,
many engagem ents du rin g the war.
Ihelr d iseases, a re seme of Ihe boys'
h er baby m o lg h tn t last through der be
worse th an h » w as In the morn-
am ong them being the » of V • ks
a rllv ltle s T he girl» learn sewing an I ,
ro ig h t. Could yer come M a'am ? I mg
My friends advise me to be burg. M illiken's bend. G rand gulf and
cooking, and laundering and home-
know Ifs ask in ' a lot------ .”» . and say nothing, but I'm gel
Brack riv er bridge .
making. All play and drill, «at and
"Of course. I l l come. Clancy, and (jng |(red of „
j, (sn-t fair th at I
At the clos • of the w ar Mr. H am llc
laugh, and have good lim es as wel.
Spccbil I’rlceu on
thank you for calling. Tell
Mrs. fb o u u have all ih e work to do in entered law, practicing In Osw< go.
as prolliahle work
Clancy to be pucky and th a t r i I s m.;klr.g our hom e a happy and con K ansas, an I San t.uls Obispo. Call-
Pianos and Phonograph*
T he p'eturna fill bn ahown In nil
rig h t o u t"
genial one. P h a se tell me what to f rnia. In 1SS9 he rem oved to Rose­
Not stopping to change my clothe*, do. Ann.
bu rg w here he w
asso ciated with
It Is the expectation and hop of Ihe
I threw a few things In mv bag and
• • •
the late A. M C raw ford. Wh« n Mr
M A R S H A L L 'S
railw ay men ih ai the num ber of club
w as off. Speeding in answ er to th e
W e ll Ann. you certainty have my C raw frd becam e a tto rn ey general of
m em bers will 'ouble n.‘X' year John
call of d istress. I realised th a t It erm pr.thy. If th at will help any. and O regon Mr. Hamlin retire d to b
Stanley Hldg. f><i, Ave W.
M S e n t. C M Andrew«. II M M. f
would be im possible for me to go th e sym pathy of a million o th er farm n ear Roseburg, w h ere he r - -
Right now these peopl » v |e e s, who w ant to know the sam e sided until a few weeks previous to
American swimming champion,
needed m e and my place was hero, th in g I can tb.'nk of nothing w cr.'- his death.
photographed a« she viewed the
No. I'd have to let Ellie go alone.
,b an a nagging husband They sim p
Mr. H am lin was a c t’ve In p atrio '!" English channel—ready for her
Things w e r e most chaotic when ’ , v c;in't be pless d.
H we» ri-mm an 'e r of Reno greatest
arrived. T he youngest m em ber of the
, d „ think the advice given you by port No. 3* O A. It !• r m ore than treacherous tides in an attem pt to
swim from Franco to England.
fam 'lv w as Indeed quite ill and Mr*. we’lm eaiv n g fr • n s Is wrong
T '.e 20 y ears
His h ealth h ern n failing
Clancy m om entarily expected th e m ore yon hum or s n ag x irg hushand t vo y ears ago and July 1 of this y- ir
Tito regular fall term at lit«’ Engen«' hualno*- College
stork. Someone had to tak e charge tbe w orse he gets. T his ' 1 for he m o v e ' to Milwaukie, rtreg o n .’to n CLUB WORK W IL L BE
on th«- ub«iv«> dnte.
Though I worked unceasingly dur- peace" d octrine doesn't
ap p -jf
> n ear his d ru g h te r and sin in-law. Mr
O ther enrollinet i date* are Septem ber 8. 11. 21.
ing rbe next few davs. It was mo-’i c,e
Peace a t any price would be m l Mrs Em m ett E R ichard»
« a r'sfy 'rg to see th e resu lt of my w rtb aehiev'ng if It were a human
WiX'n fhv tw<»
of boy»’ at;J
A ll iiiquirti-H fo r In fo rm a tio n p rom ptly answered.
He Is s r e i v e d by h 's widow and
effort tn th e
' ittle home. W hen I ro M |bility. but apparen tly . It Is not four children. F ran k 14. Hamlin girla* club work al Ihe county fairs
w as ao t nursing my p atien ts. I was p eace can never be a c q u irtd at th S n rln rfald . O regon: Emm a II. R lc ' of Ltinr. Tillam ook and Cbickatna».
A K. Robert*. President
busy keeping
house and th is was a pric«, of justice. P e rh a -s th ere r« ” l a . d '' Milwaukie O regon- K d«cnd
T and a t the s ta te fair, a re filmed
new pleasure
I had never known, he a tem porary happ'ness. but n ev erj Ma[n, in ' n „ , w Oregon, and Jam es I. added to the four air« »«ly finished
992 W illamette St.
Eugene, Ore.
P hone GGG
W ith a little care th e flower boxes a perm anent one. P erm an en t peace Hamlin of The D n tes. T hirteen an I turned o v .r to the agricultural
th at I had All«' w i'h g-ranium s. he-
justice and u n d erstan d in g — '.r “„ ,, ,)|( , /
in .
. <r „
, | |«ga.
- .t will he th a
at « ■"
gan to bloom. In my sp are m om en's. n ct g eif^cn tro l on th e p art of on** eb11(, rpn aa wen a i tw o b ro th e rs and I dele ever taken ot club work any*
I sewed cn w hite c u rta in s
w i'h a n i Mcena and liberty on the r « : , h rea , t«ters residing In ihe es-r. wher . T his en terp rise Is .rr.ed on
d a m n ruffles so 'h a t th e house would of tb e o th er.
, urv r a l The oi-tgonlan
by th - S outhern Ihn he as Its co n tri­
be a ttra c tiv e wben th e little s t Clancy
We should not deceive ourselves [
__________________ _
bution to the w elfare of the sta le In
looked out Into the world.
when we are faced with dom estic
M-. Clancy was one of the forem en problems. If a nisn Is cro ss In t h .
c i i p p i v COOWING nFM AND
- olant sod his duties kept him
w. . holI, cause he
s h o u l d , S U P P L Y G R O W H N L. U tM A IN t
In Confidence
•• If you
By Flo
♦ »
Monday, August 31
aw av from early m orning until dark.
He was devoted to his wife—a p retty
bright eyed girl whom he had brought
back from th e E m erald Isle.
It WS« sw e ri to see th e gentle
ten d ern ess and kin ly consideration
c f this big. rough am’ n n p rtlsh ed man
W h •die first lengthening shadow.
M rs Clancy would beg n to an ticip ate
h l. hom e-com 'ng sri,h a shining
VfSd H
eag ern ess 'ri
In bpr
h er eves.
er m an!
M " th ”” eve- d«d I realize how
Impossible it Is to escape fundam en
tals. no m at-er h -w hard we try. In
th e h e a rt o’ everv r lrt. w hether It
l'e s u~der "he gingham or chiffon.
th ere m ust be a prim tlve y arn in g
7 - n e s t, a h u s b a n d w h is t.
ling hom e a t tw ilight and children
th a t arc her very own.
St-~--»s feetlB’ « stirred within me
and I longed for C urtis3 W right.
I I r r r ed a Io’ about fam ily rria-
tion«h " during those d ys In the
Clancy abede. I co m p ar’d the home
life of these s mple f k with the
ir-T -'ed ot r f my own crowd. Tit«
C lan— ; ere • ed an atm osphere of
p uce and happiness th at contplrtely
e n - loped th eir home, while with my
frl'-nds th ere was a continual striv-
ir g 'o o - t l o 'h e o th er fellow in elab-
c -a t p art es and clethes. A tired
lot o. - - o r le with a com m rn Inter« st
to keen from being bored.
On« ’h a’ the C laaevs would be
sw ee'h earts forever and would al­
w ays be beautiful In each o th er eyes.
( s -nt word to fath er and Ft 'e
that I would rem ain a« lo o t us I
cculd I e of any use. Ellie had re-
turned to I'ensaeola to get th 'n g s in
readfnei-s for h r trip abroad.
would stay w l'b the C lancy- until
the new baby arrived, a t least, until
th e yount ?zt Clancy was com pletely
My course
In dom estic science
though It had taught me nothing more
practical than a n g , fo o l rak e and
fudge, made it poss ble for me. with
th e help cf th e cook book, to pre­
pare the food. As I went about the
e ie n iu n g m«al, | fell into th e habit
of playing th a t It was C urtiss who
would soon be coming home
C ne nf'err-ro n when I had finished
th e last cu rtain s, I decided to hang
t ' em before derk. I stood on the too
«,«• •! ¡a id e r and nut up the first pair.
T he crisp, perk'c rufflle« f1u:t°r“d out
o«er the red geranium s In the soft
»• «timer's breeze. They w ere prec-
1« •«. *-omey cu rtain s m a le of sh eer
d o 'tc d vo le.
1 v a s stan d in g w ith ham m er In
h e rd , a few tacks In my mouth and
on» ’ of po'sed In mid e lr when ’
had the feeling th at someone wa«
w atching my every move.
OTercoBle m , f, 0u . Some men have
M J > a lb a , - a wcman
, buffer ,0
afciorb aU th „ unpieasantne»s In his
nature. She certainly Is not. and if
ypur busband th in k s so. you had bet
t w ,.hanRP b ia opinion rig h t «:>«.
M arrlt.d Ufe la an equal p artnership.
A w);e as F a rtn ur | n this business
Q, m arrla<e ghou| d dem and co-opera-
{ on
-S S also give /.O
But she should
tin *
Have you given your husband anv
reason for ch arg in g from a k in !, con­
sid erate man. Into a nagging, over
b earing h u sh an d ?
P erh at» In th»
rP3d jn«tiaent th at ccm«
with mar
r ja2f, yf)|1 b8V dem anded too m ath
PeTj,apa you eaTe trie ! to m ake him
over as you would like him to b**.
E very wcm.’ n dream « of a husband
who Is h e ’d ps ‘rou to the world, hn?
Is as ru'.ty In h er hands.
Exnerlence seen tench«.« h - r th«t
■ he can no me«» nit r h<-r husband s
h a b it’ and prejudices th en she an
He bus
a lte r t*-«- n a’ure of th e wo:l
h 's wavs. Irritatin g or net and she
can eith er u«e tact a 'd d ip lo tra c t In
handling h'm . or he In a rern e to a l
nuarrel with h ’m—and »he la fte r
m r C o d would tnak«- a nagger out o f
an ” husband.
It Is Just as much the h u s b « i'" s
«»lace to r°?d 'h e new est fashion
g eu t'v w 'tb h er 'h e In 'e ri stv 'es. a-,
I’ Is h e r place to read no on the sale
Ject« he flnds mo«», in te r-« " n g
It Is lust ss much hi« business io
dea uh» v with h er as it I" h er bus'-
ne«« to doal oubttv «rttb h'm .
As yef, no one has been able to
w ork out a plan for dealing with a
nilglring hu!,b an d. H o w < e r. as yot-r
h as
n a « f'r ' ,h e re
him . P erhaps
he is m aking
tlon Increased In proportion to th
in( reaM.
hum4n popl,„U o n .
The U nited S lates d ep artm ent of
r,, u„ ur(, h„
,„ tt
com p,e t»d a
uhleh 't Is shewn th a ’ s'tg h t'y m or-
than 1000 ro u n d s of milk p -r rao lta
Is u«el annually
In ope form nr
In o th er w ords, a grand
frits! of 111 OCfl 201.000 ro u n d s
whole milk I» trtlllzed In this c u rt-'-
by m a c f o 'u r »g t Into v e r i t . s pro
ducts, h ■ f u ding it to calves, or for
he is-diuld purposes. T his am ount
was produced by 20.2*2 ooo tow s, an
av erage product on of 4'u'- pounds cf
milk per tow .
Ib-.-Ing ti c last few y ars :b<* In
r r « a ’o In ro n u la t'o n has he«-n a r und
one a n i a half million people anni.-'
ally. T his would mean
th at with
cows no h et’e r than those we have!
at present th e milk cow population;
should In crease at the ta te of iTS.-j
000 a y ear to supply th e ne< sssrv
1000 pounds for each person—o r ooej
cow for every (our eople. It ts also
in terestin g to pete th at th-- r e r cardt t
cotisum ; lion of milk 'n 1924 was 1!
poun .s more than In th e p r’cedlng
Stnce o u r average |prodgotlon Is
much tco low. It ts not wise tn i on-
stder m eeting the dem and for In­
ert a te d supply by having more cows
of th e kind we now have, but It
vould be much b » tter to in»'-t the
situation by h re-d ng b e lte r cows
Not m ore cows but h lg h e rn ro d u d n g
cows are what ts n«-eded to keep pac-
Just developed into a with th e in crease in population
majr be 8OTne hop,i for
See our line of v isit rg cards,
he doesn 't realize th a t
panefed. or plain, a t the News office.
you very unhappy,
is seasonable always. It
inay be Easter, August or
January, but a dish of oar
ice cream tastes just as
good at one time as an o th ­
er. One of the reasons for
this is the purity and flavor
of our ingredients.
n u x b p r o{ dalry cowa
, he
( a , (n< „ wp„ a .
, h(> nilmher of p . Oole. but not at the
SK[ne raU. s [n as *z««s^
oniy tw
o y ears out of
ev g u itlC i t » « »
» — w. f ~
, h(. U it
d a,ry c >w
M otor Com pany
We arc showing now th«*
m ost exclusiv«- iwiierits
and designs In a great
variety. Place our order
now for Septem ber or
(). tober delivery.
We would nnpre Irtte
having your order now so
th at v e m ay keep our
tailors busy.
' WVA'a.r.TS.-’W ’ gk
N ’ t ' - i J#
Phone 250
3G Wets» 8th
“ A t the Rainbow's End"
TIo]te* pay few dlvldontl* -unlRM generated
today by an active and practical plan of action
Standing by nr almleasly sear hing for the rain­
bow ’s end and a pot of gold Is a fruitless task.
The use of
Klento Denial Creme with a
Klenzo Tooth Brush Insures
White teeth. Healthy gums
and a clean mouth
Dental Creme 2 5 c
Klenzo Tooth Brushes
3 5 c and 5 0 c
The pol of gold Is not there except when
by your own effort you put it .there. Start by
spending a little less than you make. Follow that
simple plan- and bank the difference. Bunk It
with us. It w oiks for you here, at the rate of
3 per cent interest annually.
Many w ay* w ill then be open to
you to m ake it grow faster
Drug Store
/ m
S pringfield
C om m ercial S ta te Bank
D™* Jfan
(To be continued)
4 )