T hursday . iptations^ study of club work In thè *••«! and 'iMilhweal. deelded thaï ihls rallies e x te n s lv . bit of prom otion wolk would be thè b e ri tlltng thè companv could do to hooat III. club work I'o ¡" ta k e the guess out ot farm ing' an,I ¡help make farm life In O rg o ti pro« iPerous and a ttra c tiv e wa’ the atm of ■ th « d irecto r, and «he college club ¡m en «ay the ««I doe« that very thing ¡to a n'cety. j "O regon Ju n io r goes Io college" Is ! th e m ajn tlt'e T his young chop ¡m e e t, with an accident on a Iwdlv 1( Elltalw’ih will »«'tul h e r add re» I «UI by very glad to an«w «r ih qu> (¡1011 *hy has a»k«d. A Call to Dutv Gives SallieNew Insights JOHN H A M LIN . 85. ta. iw» general ami to prom ote club work In E H tuirilcular I'* ” »'• ,vur . It K. Kelly, m anager of Hi ilevel C arlton of Ihe s l a t e d e p a i im e n i e t opinent work of Ilio company, a fter a mt uca Itoli was also present. By talking It ov«-r w ith (iltu por- hait* you «un p«>r»u«(le h lin to try it, votrevl hl* fault tin Un* habit ’ i&Kî' avgvht DIES HOP l’H'KKltM HOOKS PRIN TED AND IN s T o t K E o li IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT T H E HPRINGFIKI.I» NEWS OFFICE Many Years Spent at Roseburg as A fter Ellie hatl ru n a to bed, I sat I Law yer and F arm e r I for a long tim e tu in in g things over | In my mind. T h ere w ere more re*»-' John Hamlin. SS. one of the best- ona why 1 about«! go with her th an known U. a it m em bers In Oregon, stay a t home, 1 m ight In1 able to died at the Qood S am aritan hospital keep h er front th e h r* !» >tw g at' | July 31. F u n eral strv icea w ere h.-lj h a v e tin y P ll ll lt lu g o r » l.'c o r u lIllg sh e had planned, besides, fath er was Ju ly 33. with Interm ent In Mount m ost anxious for me to h a re a rundow n farm and In Ihe nw iilng v • (O lit». ('OHIO III UUll g ''t our D ear Miss Flo: My hushand 1» S cott cem etery. change W hen I returned, the hard bvvom n|{ vrabv lb a, u(e w tlh him ! Ion see» his Ideal farm achieved by uu |t*l||lM ittlil (ills W’O Mr. llaiulln has been a residen! f e st I me would have rassed . for b y ! (> #lm oa, unbt.a !a b ] , f n t l l a year ilo painting by day or contract. th e n , th irties would h a re m arrie d and collsld,,rate O regon fo r many years, living in o ri to «tart bv Inform ing I , , ,nnd ihow n h» n ear R oseburg »Ince SSS. He was ani|AII work guaranteed Anne I winced at the thought. Tea. x ow h (g croa# a n J trlrla b ,a aU lbv, h'ni>elf of rtpjrov«“! tn«*thot|a b o ra in T u scaraw as county. Ohio. soon flnda hlm aelf on the cam pus wl»!t| I d go. It was certainly th e easl»» lim t> ({a | a Invariably disagreeable Ju n e IS. 1S40. He rem oved with hl.« VASBY BROS. MX) o th er youngsters from all pari» way out. in , bp m orning, nagging and coin- p aren ts to Madison county, lo » ^ Main 321 Re«. »¡G o . F St. of the state The phone rang. plaining about everything In general when 1» years of ags and en listed in Stock, seed, poultry and breed "And be It you. Miss S alile? It's , sav Qo,hlng. hop ng th at by « ven the 33rd Iowa volunte, rs when the Judging, m anaging anim al» and bird«, j Clancy at the plant. Mis' C lancey’s (n)t hi, w(,| bt, (n a b e tte r mood, but civil w ar broke out He served In planting potatoes and D arning of a w antl' yer ma am The doctor say» wb,.n be com es h me In the evening, many engagem ents du rin g the war. Ihelr d iseases, a re seme of Ihe boys' h er baby m o lg h tn t last through der be worse th an h » w as In the morn- am ong them being the » l.ge of V • ks a rllv ltle s T he girl» learn sewing an I , ro ig h t. Could yer come M a'am ? I mg My friends advise me to be burg. M illiken's bend. G rand gulf and cooking, and laundering and home- know Ifs ask in ' a lot------ .” tac.fi» . and say nothing, but I'm gel Brack riv er bridge . making. All play and drill, «at and "Of course. I l l come. Clancy, and (jng |(red of „ j, (sn-t fair th at I At the clos • of the w ar Mr. H am llc laugh, and have good lim es as wel. Spccbil I’rlceu on thank you for calling. Tell Mrs. fb o u u have all ih e work to do in entered law, practicing In Osw< go. as prolliahle work Clancy to be pucky and th a t r i I s m.;klr.g our hom e a happy and con K ansas, an I San t.uls Obispo. Call- Pianos and Phonograph* T he p'eturna fill bn ahown In nil rig h t o u t" genial one. P h a se tell me what to f rnia. In 1SS9 he rem oved to Rose­ p a r'a of O regon during ihe year, and at Not stopping to change my clothe*, do. Ann. bu rg w here he w asso ciated with It Is the expectation and hop of Ihe I threw a few things In mv bag and • • • the late A. M C raw ford. Wh« n Mr M A R S H A L L 'S railw ay men ih ai the num ber of club w as off. Speeding in answ er to th e W e ll Ann. you certainty have my C raw frd becam e a tto rn ey general of m em bers will 'ouble n.‘X' year John call of d istress. I realised th a t It erm pr.thy. If th at will help any. and O regon Mr. Hamlin retire d to b Stanley Hldg. f> dnte. Though I worked unceasingly dur- peace" d octrine doesn't ap p -jf > n ear his d ru g h te r and sin in-law. Mr SHOW N IN MORE FILM S O ther enrollinet i date* are Septem ber 8. 11. 21. ing rbe next few davs. It was mo-’i c,e Peace a t any price would be m l Mrs Em m ett E R ichard» « a r'sfy 'rg to see th e resu lt of my w rtb aehiev'ng if It were a human WiX'n fhv tw<» of boy»’ at;J A ll iiiquirti-H fo r In fo rm a tio n p rom ptly answered. He Is s r e i v e d by h 's widow and effort tn th e ' ittle home. W hen I ro M |bility. but apparen tly . It Is not four children. F ran k 14. Hamlin girla* club work al Ihe county fairs EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE w as ao t nursing my p atien ts. I was p eace can never be a c q u irtd at th S n rln rfald . O regon: Emm a II. R lc ' of Ltinr. Tillam ook and Cbickatna». A K. Robert*. President busy keeping house and th is was a pric«, of justice. P e rh a -s th ere r« ” l a . d '' Milwaukie O regon- K d«cnd T and a t the s ta te fair, a re filmed and new pleasure I had never known, he a tem porary happ'ness. but n ev erj Ma[n, in ' n „ , w Oregon, and Jam es I. added to the four air« »«ly finished 992 W illamette St. Eugene, Ore. P hone GGG W ith a little care th e flower boxes a perm anent one. P erm an en t peace Hamlin of The D n tes. T hirteen an I turned o v .r to the agricultural th at I had All«' w i'h g-ranium s. he- justice and u n d erstan d in g — '.r “„ ,, ,)|( , / in . . a lb a , - a wcman , buffer ,0 afciorb aU th „ unpieasantne»s In his nature. She certainly Is not. and if ----- ypur busband th in k s so. you had bet t w ,.hanRP b ia opinion rig h t «:>«. M arrlt.d Ufe la an equal p artnership. A w);e as F a rtn ur | n this business Q, m arrla nilmher of p . Oole. but not at the SK[ne raU. s [n as *z««s^ oniy tw o y ears out of ev g u itlC i t » « » » — w. f ~ , h(. U it hag d a,ry c >w ARE NOW ON M otor Com pany DISPLAY We arc showing now th«* m ost exclusiv«- iwiierits and designs In a great variety. Place our order now for Septem ber or (). tober delivery. Gas Oil Acessories AND GVARANTKEI) REPAIRING BRING L S YOVR AUTOMOBILE TROUBLES. We would nnpre Irtte having your order now so th at v e m ay keep our tailors busy. ' WVA'a.r.TS.-’W ’ gk N ’ t ' - i J# Phone 250 3G Wets» 8th SA V THE KLENZO TREATMENT “ A t the Rainbow's End" TIo]te* pay few dlvldontl* -unlRM generated today by an active and practical plan of action Standing by nr almleasly sear hing for the rain­ bow ’s end and a pot of gold Is a fruitless task. The use of Klento Denial Creme with a Klenzo Tooth Brush Insures White teeth. Healthy gums and a clean mouth Dental Creme 2 5 c Klenzo Tooth Brushes 3 5 c and 5 0 c The pol of gold Is not there except when by your own effort you put it .there. Start by spending a little less than you make. Follow that simple plan- and bank the difference. Bunk It with us. It w oiks for you here, at the rate of 3 per cent interest annually. Many w ay* w ill then be open to FLANERY’S you to m ake it grow faster Drug Store / m S pringfield C om m ercial S ta te Bank D™* Jfan Oregor (To be continued) I I 4 )