The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 13, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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    . . amiesiriwl
Lane County Farmers Union News
V n it e d
S ta te s
tk tn a d a
C O U N T Y U N IT n O .
$100.000 IN PREM IUM S AT
Local Reporters
J. U N ortbup •
LIVESTO C K EXPOSITION • C anary ........ ......
• C entral
T he prem ium list of the fifteenth
C loverdale
annu al Pacific In tern atio n al Livestock • C oast Fork
exposition. which * 11 be held a t Fort ( • C rc-w ell .
land, Oremin. O ctober 31 to Nov,- t * D o rc n a
h e r 7. Inclusive, has Just been tv- * lle c c ta
ceive,! a t th is cilice and c arries a • Hadleyvillel
to ta l prem ium from all soueces cl • Ja sp e r ........
• L orane .......
n early tlùd.OOt),
T his g reat livestock class'c of W est­ • M cKena!.
e rn A m erica prom ises to be still N o ­ • Mt. Vernon
te r th an any year before a ■<! already • Silk Creek
e n trie s of various so rts of livesto- k " T rent
a re proni'sed from every p art of the * ' '-a -
• •
Hay Bower •
Mrs, L. J G etchell •
B rothers Lea A ustin a n d F E Put­
Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck •
.... Mrs. M. A. H orn • te r sold some of th e ir surplus slock
.. Mrs. Ada J linings * lo Mr M cC orm ick on th e N orth Fork
_____ Mrs. B. B aker •
Morrison Speaks
__Mrs. M G illespie •
T here will he a sim iue. ling of
„ „ Mrs, Grace Jones • ihe Farm er» Union A ugust in nt 11
Mrs. C. M Foster • a. in. followed by a basket dinner
H arry C. Jackson * and an open m. tin g In th e a fie r n o n
Mrs. V. A Reynolds • K E. Morrison, man. ser of tho i n n
______ B ulah-S m ith •
w arehouse in E ugene
will speak
_____. E. B T in k er •
at the open m eeting
Everybody it
___ Mrs. W. E. P ost •
cordially Invited lo attend. The Sat­
urday night m eeting f r th is m onth
has be, n postponed.
D O R tN A LOCAL NO. 190 •
• O F F IC E R S (jF L A N l C O U N T Y •
' •
- - - -
Mrs Miles W icks was up from I'u ’ R a lp h L a ir d , C r r n w . i l . P re s id e n t,
W i ll W h e e le r, T re n t, V ic e B re s t
gene S aturday and visit.,I with h r
par nts. Mr and Mrs f . II J . t i n in ps. i • d e n t.
j* B etty h appeal. Cottage Qreve,
and rt Intivea.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jeiinigs left i* eec.-Treas.
• N. A. H ern
Suiulay m orning fo- K n.,iti sprlu - i • Keeper
mi an out ng to he gone for a m onth
Cottage Grove. Ooor •
'* H C. Jack.,on, W alterville, Con- •
Mrs Emm et K irk and children ' • ductor.
m ade a bus m en trip to Eugene Wed • O. L. Clem ent, Chaplain.
T h resh in g In s he, n com pleted
(hi;, vicinity tor Ill's season.
There w.-'e almut do nut to our
social inerting T hursday II (h l. At
the ti. •• Ic< trcu in anil cake wore
s c r y , wb h v e n j o y d by ta ll.
Mr» F rank Hayes I» vlsttlng her
fath er. Il C. H"»s.
Mis t>l.i i' of t'o ttn g » O rovs
visited her sister, ÀI,
W. I Reals,
last week
G randin, lone returned home Rat.
urd..y n 'te r vlidRt.g ho, son and I.un
M r and M rs W I H «Is and fani ly
went lo Ihe ball game Huiidav.
Mrs Iversen and Hillo son of Fn
g--ii i a r ^ visiting
Arwln and
Simm i s c i i s ,
O o Powell retu rn ed boni"
Bunday n fter spending seyeral days
taking c a re of M r P ow -ll's m other.
The farm ers of this seetlon a re
busy geli ug th eir threshing done
liiic i, ter) nr f
w alnut,■ it ,
Oregon Hi (a now looking over Yum
hill county w 'ih a view lo lu calin t
F A llam sty of Maricopa. Cullform
who is v ls'ttn g his cousin, Frank
Rri’iiscy at Fort st Gruvo, Is favor
ably im press,si with what he has a>,*a
of Oregon, mid I- Ihlnk'ug of
Ing her.- M. 15, C ulbertson. Yakltna.
Wa li gtoii. Is h< re lo king for a
Hid, an I Philip Mosby vis ted at
cheap ranch
th e h om e of P h ilip s purenls. M n n j
Everything in Its Pises
Mr J it M o s b y , o f t i l l - p la c e , T in - ,
day evening
on toad
near a bathing
Then Me Shot Him
M s. F rank B airs and
d au g h ter
Sul. - A pprentice
I sugg. t you heaih "W arning Dangerous tu r v e s
Elisa Ita rw o 'd from C alifornia a re send m ti, E urope to sell cur textile Ahead "
visiting at ihe home of Mr Bales* rnolV g I ve been reading C.e papers
hr,' her-ln law. L eary Eoglat d, and , very carefully and I've discovered
Most ot Them Are
' that thy iAof en every royal palace
li e - A h . h er gown, It was wonfer-
The farm ers meet eg
was held I leaks ’»arfully.
ful - a woiAlerful. w onderful or or—
T uesday evening, bill only a efw mem
Sal. i M anager- Hid It say so?
o th e r Ho W onderful or silo n ?
hers w ere present an I not much
Balas Appr. m ice Well, not earn l
H e--N o, revelation
buatni’ss was tran sacted
ly. but It iLd state that all crown
Rev P Icher expects lo sta rt a se r­
Jewels are frequently soaked
Cd Purdy's Phils»
ies of m eeting- August 17 at S ta r
saw a real 'tlo-Getier* out on
E verybody Is Invited io come.
Stands Bess Opine«
S m ith's turnpike this afternoon. Ilo
« as loting gnaulino th ree m iles to his
stalled a u to "
early bird, the poor w orm "
\ h.g tire at Wildwood was ills-
, overe * Monduv an I the
w arden-
haven't got it under control yet hut
th e fin- at Culp cre. k Is alm ost t o r
The road from C erro Gorgo to lb-
rena is very had now but the roll, i
will be h re ahout T hursday so w
a re oxi • cling b e tte r roads soon
T his splendid price list is divided
am ong the various d ep artm en ts about
N eighbor T u rn er shipped two < rates
a s fo llo w s/ D»Jry breeds $13.500,
of straw b erries last week.
b eef breeds »15,000. sheep and goats
M iss G race F arnham of the Eugene
» > W , hogs 1T7M, poultry
The Mt. Vernon local met for th e ir Bible school has been visiting fraui 's
heavy d raft horses and night horse regular business m eeting W ednesday.
in the Maple creek valley for Ihe
show $15.000. by th e exposition prop- August 5. T h ere was a very good
week euding August IL
e r and »15.000 by sponsors of stak es a|(ell(| anct, considering the but}- tim e
pects to s ta rt for Jap an th e third of
and from entry fees in th ese stak e of year.
Septem ber. She w 11 do m issionary
classes, a to tal of »30,000. m aking ot
The next m eeting will be August work there.
th is show th e larg est horse show in
, he S(X. ft, n ||rh ,
Rev. Neff of Gli n a ',i will | -, ach'
America, which distnetion It held also
T h im b le C lu b M e e ts
August 10 at th e B errydale n hoot
in 1934. Fat stock classes »3000, boy
The Mt. V err.'n Thim ble club met
and girl club work »5000. manulac- ThKrsd>v. August «. w ith Mrs. Grlf house. Everybody invited.
The Sunday school picnic at Her
tu re rs and land products and grain fln >t
hon|f> on th e MeK,.i u ;„
show $3500. dairy products $. '0, Judg-
ncc y(r< Griffin has moved from rington P atterso n 's grove was well
ing team s »»3500. to g e 'h e r wi h group-
y ^ rn o n com m • .ntty she withdrew atten d ed an,I a good tim e was enjoy 0
by all.
M s s F arnham spoke verv
Ing team s »3500. to g eth er with group- fn ,m ;h(J c,ub
bring th e am ount up to approxim ately
We ar(, gorTy Indeed, to lose her interestin g ly on su b jects p< rtalning
from o ur club and wish for h er happi- to h er m issionary work in Japan
T h ere will be tw o special featu res aegJ gnd progpt,rlty | n h er new horn-
th is y ear in connection w th
T bere wag # , arg e atten d an ce at
sto w :
One the cam paign to show (blf Auxi„ ary dar.ce r
a t T burs
-T ru th in M eat- and the o th er one , on h a „ ,ag, g a , u rd ay nighL
• dairy exhibition w hich shall featu re
Crop Grain
cow testin g work. The -T ru th of! T be m h | yietd on th ,. Q„acken-
»•i some ro tatio n ex p erltn en ls a*
M eat" cam paign will bring before the bush farm tbls year wa8 p| r h t hunJ- th e c o ieg e . ro tatio n has resulted In
peopie of th e country very clearly
tw en ty sacks. Two hundred 50 per cent higher yield than w a- ob-
Indeed the im portance of know ing geTeBt). fl»e sacks w ere oats, th e rest ta 'a e d by continuous crops, and tbe
The first ten days of Augu-t have
m eat, both the prim e. mesTum and barley , t | S considered a good crop difference Is grow ing la rg e r cm h registered fifteen hom eseekers. who
com m on, the idea being th a t the farm- f()r (big
i year.
Beans grown continuously have called at the lend settlem ent de­
e r shall receive a b e tte r price for
Ingersoll's fam ily moved lo yielded 9 85 bushels an acre, while partment of the P ortland cham ber of
h is h ig h er grade m eat h ereas the Eupene and th e A rth u r P eterson fam- beans ro tated a fte r grain and clover com m erce for Inform ation t n Oregon
eh eap er types will sell for less money. (ly m o red int0 the Culver house last yielded 15.74 bushels an acra-
Nine new s e ttle rs have been re-
T he consum er will receive th e bene­ week.
pried so far for August. Five were
• • s
fit of th is prpoosition. In th e dairy
'■Liming" th e soil was a well es­ reported by the Oregon City chain
cow testin g work, a strin g of av erag e Tbe x o v elty S tore Is much lm-
tablished p ractice in early
Rontsti ber of com m erce as having located
fa rm e r cows will be seen giTing about
wtth tines of note and novel
husbandry. Evidence h as been found In C lackam as county. They nre W
4000 pounds of m ilk a y ear: an o th er (leg
th a t even the an cien ts knew the falue T McDonald from Stafford, Katisn«;
s trin g of purebreds will probably give ------ ------------------ ------------- -------------- ---
of lim estone soli for producing satis- I) Hauff. LodL C alifornia; J . J
• a av erage of say. 8000 to 12.000 •
W alsh. W innem ucca. N evada; J. B
pounds, a very sm all average for a •
• factory crops.
T rail, O akland. C alifornia, and Carl
. . .
good s trin g of well bred cattle. The •
R esults secured a t th e Union ex- F laky recently from N ashua. Mon
c a ttle will all be picked from the var- * C anary—F irst Sunday and T hird •
ont statio n o n th e In cp 'as. d tana.
lous five breeds so th at people can • S aturday. F arm ers Union Hall,
It was also reported th at Geo. W
of steam ed alf» fa hay ■/•• not
have a good opportunity to see resu lts * Cloverdale— 8econd and F ourth
H ines of I x m Angeles had bought 38
from good average herd of p u re b rtd s * Fridays. C loverdale School House.
stons A slig h t advantage fov A ia m e d acres In Jackson county, and E M
T his wonderful building covers over * C resw ell—F irst and T hird Tuea- •
alfalfa was found, but not enough to Carl. O naga. K ansas, had bought 17
ten acres of ground and ap p aren tly * da3“ . Cresw ell. M. W. of A. Hall,
Justify th e expense for
g te« n ln g acre« In Josephine county.
will be filled to overflowing this year * Coa8t ^ k - S e c o n d and Fourth
Among those who are interested In
S team ing alfalfa or clover fo r hogs
w ith breeding anim als from all p arts ’ T hursdays. H ebron C hurch House,
has not proved satisfacto ry a l Cor­ loratlng In Oregon and who a re at
of the country and those who expect * r* n,’b^ - F ' " t T u « d .y , D anebe •
Ihe p resen t lim e looking over the
to come should send In th eir e n tries ’ 8ch001 H 00”*-
country. Is G. K Josephson of New
Docena—Second and Fouth T a w
Light and land p laster applications W indsor, llllnola. Mr. Josephson Is
Boyv and girls club work Is co n -’’
D° ? , nA Ch^ '
helped vetch yields sl'g h tly In an experience,! h o rticu ltu rist and Is
H adleyville — F irst and T hird •
sldered one of th e leading activ ities
th e experim ents and paid for a 's h o r t
of our exposition and will be m ore • T hursdays.
_ H adleyville
time. On som** soils large Increases
highly em phasized than ever this y ear ' • Hec‘>t*_ F ' r ’ t Sunday ° f e* C
are secured. Lime applies,Ions did not
Prem ium Hat may be obtained by * m o n lh ' H eceU 9,11001
pay on thia t r i g . although on some
ad d ressin g O. i t Plum m er, general * Jasp et— Second and F ourth Wed-
very a rid soils good resu lts a re ob-
m anag er. 211 N orthw estern
bank ’ nf'*d a Y«- w O. W. Hall. J* s P« t
L orane—Second
F ourth
B • •
building. Portland, Oregon. E n tries
m ust be in before O ctober 10 on the • W ednesdays. 1. O. O. F. Hall.
Very little pruning la o rd 'n arlly
breeding stock and before O ctober 20 • McKenzie local, second and
n.-cessary In th e ra s e of the logon
• fourth W ednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O.
on th e fat stock.
berry. If th e canes are healthy
• F. hall. W alterville.
vigorous, they may be trained a t full
• Mt. V ernon—F irst and T hird i length. O ccasionally, when th e rope
HAS A C H IE V E M E N T DAY * " j * lnM 'la y ' . ? ria,lol<1 8 t® 7 ;
system Is u s 'd , the canes are so loi g
Silk C reek M eets F irst and T hird •
The D eerhom Sew ing 4 ub on the
they In terfere w ith the next plant.
M cKenzie riv er held achievem ent d sv ' T hursday at C edar School H ouse • ,n which case the ends should be
S pencer C reek—T hird F riday, •
M onday w 'th a display of work an l
'sh o rten ed som ew hat. F n q u n tly canes
a dem onstration in Judging a t th ° • Pine Grove School House.
are produced which a re not
school house. Some very fine work • T re n t—Second and F ourth Wed- • enough to be attach ed to the trrills.
P leasan t H ill
High •
w as on display by th e club whose • nesdays.
T hese b -a r but 11,te fruit and may
le a d e r Is Fannie Goddard, according * 8 ct,ool Bldg.
Interfere with th e new shoots. S ivh
to Arnold Collier, county club leader.
cam s shoil | he rem oved. Did r a t i o
n i e display w as Judged by Mrs. C. *
a t M nn- y Hall.
■should be tak en aw sy as soon «■ ’ he
S ecretaries will please send In •
W . Allen and Mrs. R. H. Paine. M em ­
crop has been h arvested. T his prac-
tim e and place of m eeting and •
bers of th e club a re Veva R uiter.
t'c e gives th e new shoot- m ore air
changes of d ate as they may oc- * and sunlight. It also aids m aterially
G ladys Godard, C lara R uiter, Mildred
Odell. W4 ma Putm an. Emma Godard, * car.
In keeping down Ins c t pests and dis­
V esta M orris and Nellie Parks.
W anted
Eggs and Poultry
Sher Khan
C62 Oak Street
Eugene, Oregon
Four Big Stores
Subscribe For the
Farmers Union News
New members and other Farmers Union Members who
are not subscribers to the Farm Union News ar<* requested
to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News,
Springfield, Oregon.
(Farmers Union Subscription)
...........—............. 192.... to ................................ 192 —
If you feel tired a fte r ating. It 1»
often a sign ot gas and undigeated
m att, r In your stom ach or bow el’,
j Situ le buckthorn bark, m arnenii'in-
I ’ tilph c. p . glycerine, etc., a« mixed
tin Adleklk". tie! .r. any case gas on
th«- '-'otnac'i, u n le ri dU" to d 'o p aeated
causes. T he QUICK action will sue
prltte you. Adler ka is won lerfttl for
co nstlpati, n it often works In onn
hour and never gripes. F ianery Drug
Name ...................................................................................
P. O. A ddress.......................-...................................................
Union Local ........................................................................... -
On August 1st we bought the Feed
and Grocery business of Morrison and
W e now own and operate a store
in Eugene, Cottage Grove, Springfield
and Creswell. This gives us a great
buying power which assures our patrons
that our quality and prices are right.
P y ro to l
O rd e ru
We solicit a share o f your patronage
to Clcrae
countv ag< n, ani. iu n c - le wlll
cinti», the orile ’ l< vyro ol ni, Augurt
20. p.s il I h i
••-fiiry In o r!,ir t liu t
th e explotilve wlll )-■ hen- liy thu
ili- t of Oct'o< r.
On» carload la all
th a t ha» Munì d tic so ir.
T ^ '-
Farmers Union
Member F. E. C. U. of A.
For services rendered by the Farmers Union and » .................... this
receipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield News
S tandard f >im hon pick, r» Itooks
ready for tli bop yard owu r a t the
Springfield News.
-M C I