. . amiesiriwl J THURSDAY. AUGI ST I a. 1 MB THE SPRIN GFIEI.n NFWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L V n it e d S ta te s and tk tn a d a LANE C O U N T Y U N IT n O . 14 • $100.000 IN PREM IUM S AT Local Reporters J. U N ortbup • LIVESTO C K EXPOSITION • C anary ........ ...... • C entral T he prem ium list of the fifteenth C loverdale annu al Pacific In tern atio n al Livestock • C oast Fork exposition. which * 11 be held a t Fort ( • C rc-w ell . land, Oremin. O ctober 31 to Nov,- t * D o rc n a h e r 7. Inclusive, has Just been tv- * lle c c ta ceive,! a t th is cilice and c arries a • Hadleyvillel to ta l prem ium from all soueces cl • Ja sp e r ........ • L orane ....... n early tlùd.OOt), T his g reat livestock class'c of W est­ • M cKena!. e rn A m erica prom ises to be still N o ­ • Mt. Vernon te r th an any year before a ■l.i i'ay.ls of t'o ttn g » O rovs visited her sister, ÀI, W. I Reals, last week G randin, lone returned home Rat. urd..y n 'te r vlidRt.g ho, son and I.un lly. M r and M rs W I H «Is and fani ly went lo Ihe ball game Huiidav. Mrs Iversen and Hillo son of Fn g--ii i a r ^ visiting the Arwln and Simm i s c i i s , Mr O o Powell retu rn ed boni" Bunday n fter spending seyeral days taking c a re of M r P ow -ll's m other. The farm ers of this seetlon a re busy geli ug th eir threshing done liiic i, ter) nr f w alnut lii.lt,■ it , Oregon Hi (a now looking over Yum hill county w 'ih a view lo lu calin t F A llam sty of Maricopa. Cullform who is v ls'ttn g his cousin, Frank Rri’iiscy at Fort st Gruvo, Is favor ably im press,si with what he has a>,*a of Oregon, mid I- Ihlnk'ug of Ing her.- M. 15, C ulbertson. Yakltna. Wa li gtoii. Is h< re lo king for a Hid, an I Philip Mosby vis ted at cheap ranch th e h om e of P h ilip s purenls. M n n j Everything in Its Pises Mr J it M o s b y , o f t i l l - p la c e , T in - , day evening Signo on toad near a bathing Then Me Shot Him M s. F rank B airs and d au g h ter Sul. - A pprentice I sugg. t you heaih "W arning Dangerous tu r v e s Elisa Ita rw o 'd from C alifornia a re send m ti, E urope to sell cur textile Ahead " visiting at ihe home of Mr Bales* rnolV g I ve been reading C.e papers hr,' her-ln law. L eary Eoglat d, and , very carefully and I've discovered Most ot Them Are family. ' that thy iAof en every royal palace li e - A h . h er gown, It was wonfer- The farm ers meet eg was held I leaks ’»arfully. ful - a woiAlerful. w onderful or or— T uesday evening, bill only a efw mem Sal. i M anager- Hid It say so? o th e r Ho W onderful or silo n ? hers w ere present an I not much Balas Appr. m ice Well, not earn l H e--N o, revelation buatni’ss was tran sacted ly. but It iLd state that all crown Rev P Icher expects lo sta rt a se r­ Jewels are frequently soaked Cd Purdy's Phils» ies of m eeting- August 17 at S ta r saw a real 'tlo-Getier* out on E verybody Is Invited io come. Stands Bess Opine« S m ith's turnpike this afternoon. Ilo « as loting gnaulino th ree m iles to his | • Ferd e W alters thinks he Is an 15 HO M ESEEKER S FIR ST stalled a u to " early bird, the poor w orm " \ h.g tire at Wildwood was ills- , overe * Monduv an I the w arden- haven't got it under control yet hut th e fin- at Culp cre. k Is alm ost t o r The road from C erro Gorgo to lb- rena is very had now but the roll, i will be h re ahout T hursday so w a re oxi • cling b e tte r roads soon T his splendid price list is divided am ong the various d ep artm en ts about N eighbor T u rn er shipped two < rates MT. VERNON LOCAL a s fo llo w s/ D»Jry breeds $13.500, of straw b erries last week. b eef breeds »15,000. sheep and goats M iss G race F arnham of the Eugene » > W , hogs 1T7M, poultry »Î600. The Mt. Vernon local met for th e ir Bible school has been visiting fraui 's heavy d raft horses and night horse regular business m eeting W ednesday. in the Maple creek valley for Ihe show $15.000. by th e exposition prop- August 5. T h ere was a very good week euding August IL Sh- x e r and »15.000 by sponsors of stak es a|(ell(| anct, considering the but}- tim e pects to s ta rt for Jap an th e third of and from entry fees in th ese stak e of year. Septem ber. She w 11 do m issionary classes, a to tal of »30,000. m aking ot The next m eeting will be August work there. th is show th e larg est horse show in whjch , he S(X. ft, n ||rh , Rev. Neff of Gli n a ',i will | -, ach' America, which distnetion It held also T h im b le C lu b M e e ts August 10 at th e B errydale n hoot in 1934. Fat stock classes »3000, boy The Mt. V err.'n Thim ble club met and girl club work »5000. manulac- ThKrsd>v. August «. w ith Mrs. Grlf house. Everybody invited. The Sunday school picnic at Her tu re rs and land products and grain fln >t hon|f> on th e MeK,.i u ;„ show $3500. dairy products $. '0, Judg- ncc y(r< Griffin has moved from rington P atterso n 's grove was well ing team s »»3500. to g e 'h e r wi h group- y ^ rn o n com m • .ntty she withdrew atten d ed an,I a good tim e was enjoy 0 by all. M s s F arnham spoke verv Ing team s »3500. to g eth er with group- fn ,m ;h(J c,ub bring th e am ount up to approxim ately We ar(, gorTy Indeed, to lose her interestin g ly on su b jects p< rtalning »100.000. from o ur club and wish for h er happi- to h er m issionary work in Japan T h ere will be tw o special featu res aegJ gnd progpt,rlty | n h er new horn- th is y ear in connection w th the T bere wag # , arg e atten d an ce at sto w : One the cam paign to show (blf Auxi„ ary dar.ce r a t T burs -T ru th in M eat- and the o th er one , on h a „ ,ag, g a , u rd ay nighL • dairy exhibition w hich shall featu re Crop Grain cow testin g work. The -T ru th of! T be m h | yietd on th ,. Q„acken- »•i some ro tatio n ex p erltn en ls a* M eat" cam paign will bring before the bush farm tbls year wa8 p| r h t hunJ- th e c o ieg e . ro tatio n has resulted In TEN DAYS IN AUGUST peopie of th e country very clearly tw en ty sacks. Two hundred 50 per cent higher yield than w a- ob- Indeed the im portance of know ing geTeBt). fl»e sacks w ere oats, th e rest ta 'a e d by continuous crops, and tbe The first ten days of Augu-t have m eat, both the prim e. mesTum and barley , t | S considered a good crop difference Is grow ing la rg e r cm h registered fifteen hom eseekers. who com m on, the idea being th a t the farm- f()r (big #r i year. Beans grown continuously have called at the lend settlem ent de­ e r shall receive a b e tte r price for Ingersoll's fam ily moved lo yielded 9 85 bushels an acre, while partment of the P ortland cham ber of h is h ig h er grade m eat h ereas the Eupene and th e A rth u r P eterson fam- beans ro tated a fte r grain and clover com m erce for Inform ation t n Oregon eh eap er types will sell for less money. (ly m o red int0 the Culver house last yielded 15.74 bushels an acra- Nine new s e ttle rs have been re- T he consum er will receive th e bene­ week. pried so far for August. Five were • • s fit of th is prpoosition. In th e dairy '■Liming" th e soil was a well es­ reported by the Oregon City chain cow testin g work, a strin g of av erag e Tbe x o v elty S tore Is much lm- tablished p ractice in early Rontsti ber of com m erce as having located fa rm e r cows will be seen giTing about wtth tines of note and novel husbandry. Evidence h as been found In C lackam as county. They nre W 4000 pounds of m ilk a y ear: an o th er (leg th a t even the an cien ts knew the falue T McDonald from Stafford, Katisn«; s trin g of purebreds will probably give ------ ------------------ ------------- -------------- --- of lim estone soli for producing satis- I) Hauff. LodL C alifornia; J . J • a av erage of say. 8000 to 12.000 • • • • • ’ • • • W alsh. W innem ucca. N evada; J. B pounds, a very sm all average for a • T IM E AND PLACE OF • factory crops. T rail, O akland. C alifornia, and Carl . . . good s trin g of well bred cattle. The • LOCAL M EETIN G S R esults secured a t th e Union ex- F laky recently from N ashua. Mon c a ttle will all be picked from the var- * C anary—F irst Sunday and T hird • perim ont statio n o n th e In cp 'as. d tana. lous five breeds so th at people can • S aturday. F arm ers Union Hall, It was also reported th at Geo. W value of steam ed alf» fa hay ■/•• not have a good opportunity to see resu lts * Cloverdale— 8econd and F ourth H ines of I x m Angeles had bought 38 extensive enough to w arran t Amolu from good average herd of p u re b rtd s * Fridays. C loverdale School House. stons A slig h t advantage fov A ia m e d acres In Jackson county, and E M T his wonderful building covers over * C resw ell—F irst and T hird Tuea- • alfalfa was found, but not enough to Carl. O naga. K ansas, had bought 17 ten acres of ground and ap p aren tly * da3“ . Cresw ell. M. W. of A. Hall, Justify th e expense for g te« n ln g acre« In Josephine county. will be filled to overflowing this year * Coa8t ^ k - S e c o n d and Fourth Among those who are interested In S team ing alfalfa or clover fo r hogs w ith breeding anim als from all p arts ’ T hursdays. H ebron C hurch House, has not proved satisfacto ry a l Cor­ loratlng In Oregon and who a re at of the country and those who expect * r* n,’b^ - F ' " t T u « d .y , D anebe • Ihe p resen t lim e looking over the vallis. to come should send In th eir e n tries ’ 8ch001 H 00”*- country. Is G. K Josephson of New Docena—Second and Fouth T a w early. Light and land p laster applications W indsor, llllnola. Mr. Josephson Is Boyv and girls club work Is co n -’’ D° ? , nA Ch^ ' have helped vetch yields sl'g h tly In an experience,! h o rticu ltu rist and Is H adleyville — F irst and T hird • sldered one of th e leading activ ities th e experim ents and paid for a 's h o r t School, of our exposition and will be m ore • T hursdays. _ H adleyville „ , „ time. On som** soils large Increases highly em phasized than ever this y ear ' • Hec‘>t*_ F ' r ’ t Sunday ° f e* C are secured. Lime applies,Ions did not Prem ium Hat may be obtained by * m o n lh ' H eceU 9,11001 , pay on thia t r i g . although on some ad d ressin g O. i t Plum m er, general * Jasp et— Second and F ourth Wed- very a rid soils good resu lts a re ob- m anag er. 211 N orthw estern bank ’ nf'*d a Y«- w O. W. Hall. J* s P« t 1tained. L orane—Second and F ourth B • • building. Portland, Oregon. E n tries m ust be in before O ctober 10 on the • W ednesdays. 1. O. O. F. Hall. Very little pruning la o rd 'n arlly breeding stock and before O ctober 20 • McKenzie local, second and n.-cessary In th e ra s e of the logon • fourth W ednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. on th e fat stock. berry. If th e canes are healthy • F. hall. W alterville. vigorous, they may be trained a t full • Mt. V ernon—F irst and T hird i length. O ccasionally, when th e rope DEERHORN SEW ING CLUB HAS A C H IE V E M E N T DAY * " j * lnM 'la y ' . ? ria,lol<1 8 t® 7 ; system Is u s 'd , the canes are so loi g Silk C reek M eets F irst and T hird • The D eerhom Sew ing 4 ub on the they In terfere w ith the next plant. M cKenzie riv er held achievem ent d sv ' T hursday at C edar School H ouse • ,n which case the ends should be S pencer C reek—T hird F riday, • M onday w 'th a display of work an l 'sh o rten ed som ew hat. F n q u n tly canes • a dem onstration in Judging a t th ° • Pine Grove School House. are produced which a re not long school house. Some very fine work • T re n t—Second and F ourth Wed- • enough to be attach ed to the trrills. P leasan t H ill High • w as on display by th e club whose • nesdays. T hese b -a r but 11,te fruit and may le a d e r Is Fannie Goddard, according * 8 ct,ool Bldg. Interfere with th e new shoots. S ivh • Vida— Second and F ourth S a tu r­ to Arnold Collier, county club leader. cam s shoil | he rem oved. Did r a t i o n i e display w as Judged by Mrs. C. * a t M nn- y Hall. ■should be tak en aw sy as soon «■ ’ he S ecretaries will please send In • W . Allen and Mrs. R. H. Paine. M em ­ crop has been h arvested. T his prac- tim e and place of m eeting and • bers of th e club a re Veva R uiter. t'c e gives th e new shoot- m ore air changes of d ate as they may oc- * and sunlight. It also aids m aterially G ladys Godard, C lara R uiter, Mildred Odell. W4 ma Putm an. Emma Godard, * car. In keeping down Ins c t pests and dis­ V esta M orris and Nellie Parks. I eases. W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan C62 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon Four Big Stores T IR E D Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New members and other Farmers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News ar<* requested to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS (Farmers Union Subscription) • From ...........—............. 192.... to ................................ 192 — E ATIN G ? TR Y T H IS SIM PE M IX T U R E If you feel tired a fte r ating. It 1» often a sign ot gas and undigeated m att, r In your stom ach or bow el’, j Situ le buckthorn bark, m arnenii'in- I ’ tilph c. p . glycerine, etc., a« mixed tin Adleklk". tie! .r. any case gas on th«- '-'otnac'i, u n le ri dU" to d 'o p aeated causes. T he QUICK action will sue prltte you. Adler ka is won lerfttl for co nstlpati, n it often works In onn hour and never gripes. F ianery Drug store. Date..................................... Name ................................................................................... P. O. A ddress.......................-................................................... Union Local ........................................................................... - AFTER On August 1st we bought the Feed and Grocery business of Morrison and Ciingan. W e now own and operate a store in Eugene, Cottage Grove, Springfield and Creswell. This gives us a great buying power which assures our patrons that our quality and prices are right. P y ro to l O rd e ru We solicit a share o f your patronage to Clcrae countv ag< n, ani. iu n c - le wlll cinti», the orile ’ l< vyro ol ni, Augurt 20. p.s il I h i ••-fiiry In o r!,ir t liu t th e explotilve wlll )-■ hen- liy thu ili- t of Oct'o< r. On» carload la all th a t ha» Munì d tic so ir. T ^ '- Farmers Union Member F. E. C. U. of A. For services rendered by the Farmers Union and » .................... this receipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield News S tandard f >im hon pick, r» Itooks ready for tli bop yard owu r a t the Springfield News. a>i , -M C I t