The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 16, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    T HURSDAY. JULY H . l a- r>.
I'd know th at th e C urtiss
whom I and oratory. Coffee, etc.. wl«l tw ob
V isit In
S p rin g fie ld M rs Wllllaau ( Kat moi.
1 " J " 11
lorw j was alrig h t and th at
ha *a> taln ab l« 'o n the grounds. All Nvbraak Morrla and two aoha, llinm ond and !»’»«•* mo*
#1 **
Jl 93.
eternally miue. 1 might be uuhappy an« who eee this notice are requested K enneth, of Spokane, a re visiting at made
and I might suffer but 1 would sufft'r J o not only attend the reunion, but to ,t h e |jome of Mrs. “M orris' parents. Mr
8.1, Preservation
with him. not a p a ij I c a u 't conceive drop ¡ to ta l y a rd s to th Ir N ebraska and Mrs John l«*nhnrt, In Springfield
W o're coming to « tunnel Aro
of any body ¡ Utting the one person j frltn d a an ! tell them about It
t o il KAl.K -C arbon ¡« p e r In large you affal i '
I th ey love out of th eir lives for ANY-.
sheets, 19x39 Inches, suitable for
» he "Not If you t»»k th at » Igar our
Not So Dad
m aking tracings, The News Office. < f )"Ut mouth
’ "God
y< w i y s grow u " Bob ex j She inn hour late for appointm ent j
icln 'm ed , "already you talk like a j with fluiieel—"t)h. you don't mind.
I woman Instead of a girl."
¡di you?**
I eufferod a m ental crucifixion ( d o n 't know how Io do anything.
"No, It’s Just th a t you're helping
lie "I *u)po,<- I ah. ul $'t com
through th e n ag , few w eeks: Life haven t been tr a 'n e d "
me see mentally. IJrushlug aw ay th e ,p la in ; ao far. you've alw ays got the
ahead m eant nothing but a series of
"Never Wind, we ll find som ething f|oUt| s ..
lay and m onth right."
d a rk and heav)-leaden days, a tim e ¡i'« necessary. S allis. d>ar. for only, g „ eC(.t,
B m
to b« gotten through somehow, so by doing som ething for o th er people
((p f
(.1<Mre(, pierced
Hr. 8. Ralph Dippel, I'e n list, Vitus
th a t at night. I would f.e l th a t an- ch arity th at a re a p art of your Inner
building. S p rin g t.' Id. Oregon.
o th e r fesssaty-fbnr hours had gone The will you ¿hlsel out th e sw eetness and j
co n tin u ed )
experience cured me of being un- char t> that a r e a p art of your Inner
ch aritab le No girl will ever have to * I f M arriage to th e right man woul.l
R eunions of N e b ra s k a n «
endure the m isery and h earU eh e th at have done it.“ h e continued, "and |
T he reunion of N ebraska folk* In i
b'V anT ‘ ' >SSlP,n* WWd‘ ° f X d vour s p i? h u 7 l7 a c m * r7 * .X n « h , " i t ’r’ «'’»
v*’a r *» Cole
give your sp iritu al f a c ilitie s ---------
1 w ept copiously. Bob let me alone, i™*’» l*«k* obo“ ‘
ni‘'*» «*«« *’f
1 seem ed to grope on and on
here It was
through terrifying woods. Each way / » « » 'n g * * « s » n «*Oe‘ for m
held last year, on Sunday. August
1 tried to turn Wack b a rriers barred burdened nun .
1925. an all day gathering. All a te
my re ,re n t 1 had lost the keen Joy j
C ur" ” **» NEVER
expected to h r ng baskets. T h ere will
o f living and as far as any en- “ n erstan
be a program In the forenoon of music
th n siasm or am bition w ent. 1 w as
"Y es h e will. Sallie. In time. W ith and short talks, furnished by some
w ithout emotion of any s o r t
Cwrtton. It's Just a question of youth o f the m usicians and o rato rs from the
T he onlv th ree friends who stood " nd phychology. As I told you o nce old hom e state, fam ous for Its m usic
by iw m ? E lbe, M arjorie and Bob. before.-every man feels the sam e way
F a th e r thought 1 w as Ul and suggested about th e woman h a loves and the
re s t but It w as im possible for tee to more sincere he Is, th e m ore intensly
Why W a:t Until
that nine people out ol fen wear
h e's going to fee* th a t way. He can't
rem ain in bed.
ilowji their heels on one sltleT
accep t th e equal stan d ard tuts!», no
One day when things w ere too pui-
Announces that a number of changes have taken place In
September? *
We don’t know ourselves but
m a tte r how hard he tries. In his o v er­
xling and I could find no solution for
we do know how to straight«*!!
w helm ing love for you. C urtiss has
the way of preparili)* and serving meals. The restaurant
Enroll TODAY In Steno­
th e problem s th a t crowded my brain.
those worn down heels so that
fo rg o tten th a t you a re Just dne of
1 w en, to have d inner w ith M arjorie
will remain open evenings.
God's hum an beings created as he.
they will give better satisfaction
and Bob.
for a longer Mine than when
himself, whose Im pulses and emotion*
Meals as usual
Short orders nt al times.
"I'm going up to bed a fte r dinner." a re fundam entally th e sam e."
you first bought the shoes. Give
M arjorie anonucced, “Bob w ants to
"If he knew you as we do, he
us a trial. O ur charges uje
talk to you Sallie Do w h atev er he would realise th at any m istakes th at
suggests because he alw ays peps me you could have m ade would not nece»
Phone 666
u p when I am o u t of sorts. I tel, you arily mean th at your soul was stain-
Main St. Between 3rd & 4th
I'v e liy e d on his optimism ro th ese f ^ -.
m any years."
"Yes. I see what you m ean. Boh.
Bob w as Jus, th e p erson I needed hut I feel so d ifferen t about him th at
in all the world. We sat in the dim ip's h ard to un d erstan d If he were
stilln ess of th e o p tn porch, th e re fol­ in prison w ith bpsl on his hands or C h arter No. 8941
Reserve O .strict No. 1£
lowed a half hour th at gave me a if he had taken some woman into his
new viewpoint.
life for a week o r even a m onth, tha?
“Go to work. SaU 'e." he spid. “I, would m ake no difference in my be­
will give you back, first, your courage, lief in him .
At Springfield. In the S tate of Oregon, a t the close of business on
I'd s t r i KNOW he was
Ju n e 30. 1925
th en enthusiasm and a new faith in Tine. I'd consider his m istakes were
your fellow m en."
only pitfalls in the read over which Loan* and discount«. Including rediscount.-. acceptances of o th er
»•Oh, Bob!" 1 sobbed.
he had been led and h hind it all ,
hanka, and forelgh bills of exchangi
“ I know it sounds d .t.’o a n ! u n in ter­
dor* em en, of thl* bank
$95,688 7? 1
O verdrafts, secured none, unsecured $60.53 _ .
estin g but its exactly w hat you need."
U. S. G o v e rn m e n t s e c u ritie s o w n ed :
“ But - If It h ad n n 't been fo r th at
t Deposited to secure circulation (V. 8 bond* par value! $6.250 00
Wc deliver Monday, W ednesday tinti Friday.
aw ful m istake. I could have gone on
¡A ll o th e r I 'n lt/d S ta te s G ovirnm nt securities I Including
Keep Cool— Phone 80
and on being light-hearted and happy
prem ium s, |f any»
, ...
$16.176 09
22 426 0!»
and I wouM h av e had th e love of
70.614 91 I
¡o th e r bonds, stocks, securities. et«y:
Curt ss W right."
.B an k in g house $8.000; F u rn itu re and fixtures $3.080 5,
I t . ORO 51
“ N ever m ind. K iddle, h e'll learn
Ileal esta te owned o th er than banking house
24 19 -
I Lawful reserv e w ith Federal R eserve Bank
th a t m istakes a re ju st a line o r tw o in
18.605 31
’■ C ash In vanlt and am ount due from N ational banks
47.245 61
th e book of Ute* Y ours had to come
I'lmt.e 80
Amount due from S tate banks, hankers, and tru s t com panies In
505 Main Street
to you. Sallic sooner e r later, but
th e I'n ited S tates
6.634 <9
rem em ber th a t F ate doesn't work with
122.93 I
C hecks on o th er bank* in the name city or town as reportIg bank
T C I butt th ree Item s
$54 002 93
poor m a te r’."». You’re o at c f th e
The facilities here at the
312 50
Redem ption fund with V. S T reasu re and due from I'. 8 T reasu rer_________
o rdinary and you've been singled out.
First National afford every
T h ere a re lets o f girls who h ay« done
Bob Advises Sallie to Go to V. ork
n« The art* WU*r««f n«Ase Isaed
The place
io Buy them.
Springfield Garage
The New Owner
Of Coles Restaurant
B. M. Joslin, Prop.
First National Bank
W hat Service
Do You Need?
m uch w orse and have escaped. But
It's because you have big soul pos­
sibilities th a t th ese hard experiences
have fallen to your lot. T he m istakes
y o u 'v e made a re th e things th a t go
into the m elting pot in ah lch the
d ro ss is seared aw ay an d th e real
qu p ities that a re substantia! pnd un­
b reakable are c ry s ta l! » /, :r.|o th e
th in g we call ch a ra c te r or soul."
“ Bob, why should I go to work? I
Simple buckthorn bark, m a g -'
nesium sulph, c. p., glycerine,
etc., hs mixed in Adlerika. helps
any case gas on the stom ach,
due to
The pleasant and;
QUICK action wifi surprise y o u .!
Because Adlerika is such an ex­
cellent itestinal exacuant it is
wonderful 'o r cc$ist»patKn—it
often works in one hour and
never gripes.
Fianery's Drug Store
plus our personal interest
seeing th a t they
properly applied. Which of
the following departm ents
could you advantageously
Savings Department
Commercial Department
Trust Department
Safety Deposit Vaults
$ 26.000 00
6 000 00
$4.83» 28
6.250 00
3.058 56
Capital stock paid In
S urplu s
fin. I
I'm In i I • <t ;»■, f j
C irculating notes o u tstanding
C ashier's check* o u tstanding
T otal of above item
$3.068 56
O tfnand daposita <other than bank deposits) subject
to R eserve (deposit* ra y a b l- w ithin 20 d ay s):
148.326 60
Individual deposits subject to check
| ( e rtlflcates of deposit due in le«s than 30 day* t th er than for
money borrowed
S tate, county, or o th er municipal d ” oal»a secured bv ¡ledge of
35,54» 82
asse ts of th is bank or surety bond
T o ta l of dem and deposits (o th er than bank deposits) snider)
to NMTV*
Tim e deposits s u b je c t to R ese rv e I Payable a fte r 30
days, o r sut Ject to SO days or m ore notice, and
postal sav in g s):
C ertificates of deoosft (o th er th an for money borrow ed)
32.088 63
¡O ther tim e dppoplta
T otal of lim e deposits su bject to re se rv e ............. .$45,138.00
National Bank
I. Lloyd C. M artin, cashb r of the above nam ed bank do solem nly sw ear
th a t the above statem en t Is tru e to th e b rst of my know ledge and bell1 f.
LLOYD c MARTIN. C ashier
C orrect—A ttest: L. K Page. W.n O. Hughes. E. E. McBee. Dire» tors.
Subscribed and sw orn to b< fore me this 9th day of July, 1925.
F ran k A . D ePue. N otary Public for Oregon
M y com m ission expires Jan u a ry 8. 1928. |
and retu rn
Saft, dependable
a t c<fT\venient
C o m fo rta b le , ec ono m ical service d a lly .
$ 5.30
rou n d trip week-end
tlc k e t;*ia rtF rU S « t.
o r Sun. Return lim it
Tuesday fo llow ing.
r o u n d t r ip season
ticket; on sale every
d a y. R e tu r n li m i t
15 days.
P ru p e fd O O .t« lT I o * ( . r r s to o th e r p e in ts .
A tk agent
Come in and get our prices
on Paints and Oils
We do Painting and Kalso-
mining on contract or by
the day
321 Main Street
suburban home, Investigate "TH E PAUL" before making
your purchase. Made in small and large sizes, for shallow
and deep wells, yiotor or engine driven.
Mack Electric and Specialty Co.
Eugene, Oregon
80 West Se vestii Street
State of Oregon. C ounty of Lane, s* :
Vasby Bros.
arc thinking of installing a pressure w ater system In your
_____ $294,685 45 .
T o ta l
The First
If You
W 'hcrcvcr You Live—
)il Cookstoves Are “City Easy”
< T -/y o u wan, a cool kitchen
I f in summer, an all-’ rntind,
year-’ round cooks,ove with no
tire* to tend— use a gooJ oii-
cookatove. It w ill help solve
^ o u r cooking problem by n u k in g
your cooking “ city easy"! N o mussy
fires to tend—no fuel or ashes to lug—
Bu, be lure to use Pearl O il— for
Pearl O il it mere than ‘ 'ju t kermtut".
I, is refined and re-refined by our
special protess so it uo.r’r corrode
cookstoves or heaters, it w i'l give you
nothing but absolutely odorless, in­
tense ll imc that’s al! heat! Insist on
clcan-burnirig Pear, O .i— ask for it
by name!— " P E A R L O I L ” .