T HURSDAY. JULY H . l a- r>. I'd know th at th e C urtiss whom I and oratory. Coffee, etc.. wl«l tw ob V isit In S p rin g fie ld M rs Wllllaau ( Kat moi. 1 " J " 11 lorw j was alrig h t and th at ha *a> taln ab l« 'o n the grounds. All Nvbraak Morrla and two aoha, llinm ond and !»’»«•* mo* *" #1 ** Jl 93. fie eternally miue. 1 might be uuhappy an« who eee this notice are requested K enneth, of Spokane, a re visiting at made and I might suffer but 1 would sufft'r J o not only attend the reunion, but to ,t h e |jome of Mrs. “M orris' parents. Mr 8.1, Preservation with him. not a p a ij I c a u 't conceive drop ¡ to ta l y a rd s to th Ir N ebraska and Mrs John l«*nhnrt, In Springfield W o're coming to « tunnel Aro lie of any body ¡ Utting the one person j frltn d a an ! tell them about It t o il KAl.K -C arbon ¡« p e r In large you affal i ' I th ey love out of th eir lives for ANY-. ■ sheets, 19x39 Inches, suitable for » he "Not If you t»»k th at » Igar our I THING." Not So Dad m aking tracings, The News Office. < f )"Ut mouth ’ "God y< w i y s grow u " Bob ex j She inn hour late for appointm ent j icln 'm ed , "already you talk like a j with fluiieel—"t)h. you don't mind. I woman Instead of a girl." ¡di you?** I eufferod a m ental crucifixion ( d o n 't know how Io do anything. "No, It’s Just th a t you're helping lie "I *u)po,<- I ah. ul $'t com through th e n ag , few w eeks: Life haven t been tr a 'n e d " me see mentally. IJrushlug aw ay th e ,p la in ; ao far. you've alw ays got the ahead m eant nothing but a series of "Never Wind, we ll find som ething f|oUt| s .. lay and m onth right." d a rk and heav)-leaden days, a tim e ¡i'« necessary. S allis. d>ar. for only, g „ eC(.t, B m to b« gotten through somehow, so by doing som ething for o th er people ((p f (.1 that a r e a p art of your Inner ________________ ch aritab le No girl will ever have to * I f M arriage to th e right man woul.l R eunions of N e b ra s k a n « endure the m isery and h earU eh e th at have done it.“ h e continued, "and | T he reunion of N ebraska folk* In i b'V anT ‘ ' >SSlP,n* WWd‘ ° f X d vour s p i? h u 7 l7 a c m * r7 * .X n « h , " i t ’r’ «'’»