The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 25, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIVHHDAY, JUNK 26, 1925
Oo Io R ssdaport
II. Tumor/at>«ni Munday ni R eedsport. I Mrs. H. L. d ra f t ware In town from
_ .
. I<»»burg Monday.
H ere From Q oahatv-H . IJndley of
Goshen wus In town Hutiiluy
Ooee to D alla» --W. ('
Doss lo W endling Jim M cPherson made a business trip to Dullaa Hutur-
day relu rn ln g to Mprlnglleld Munday.
went to W endling Monday morning.
A ttend Ball C am e- Mr. and Mrs
In From Vida H enry Päiden was
M T. Pyr and fam ily with Mr. and
In from Vida Munday.
! Mra W. J l.loyd and family uttended
B a b y O lr l B o r n
A nine pound baby , h,
girl waa born to Mr. and Mra. If. I_ I
Mooney Friday afternoon.
Hava Baby Boy Mr n n l Mrs. Na
than C h u ff'« of W andllng arc h ’
In From Natron- Mr. and Mra.
W alter W allace of N atron were In
b° y b<>r"
*b* ’’“
tlflc ( h r ls tla n hospital Haturday.
town Friday.
* H IK i *1 ) N rJWS
r a u i i t live**
V isiting Mra. Taylor— Evllo H a r a t the Haptlat church Friday cran in g
rlngton, niece of Mra. W. A. T aylor a I The money from th e social will be
Call fo r School W arran to
Oregon, school warrants front nuns-
hers 631 to *14 Inclusive. Interest
School d istric t No. I t , Lifne County, ceases alter June 36th, lt26.
Oregon, will pay upon presen tatio n a t
R. W. S M IT H , District Clerk
my office in th e clty hall, Springfield.
vleltlng h er.' from Portland for se v e r -1 aent* to the Burm a mlaaion.
a | weeks Mra. T aylor retu rn ed Hslur- C arlton la the class b a t her.
day from the Itoae Festival In Port-
Flo ware to Conduct Oancs
| A. F. Flow ers has purchased the
Plan V acstlon T rip Mr and M r.
bridge dance psvlll.on from
J«, h I a n d .re r a re planning a v ses-I
t, M f|
Ion rip h, I ra te r l^ h e . ,o leave J u ly . M|(,n |m n). )llMl„|y
i when Mr. H e n d e r.r g e t. his
N,„(1, , (j b,r# # ,„<na(t(.I. (<j ,
Hon from the Mountain Mlat.s Power j , h(. h. „
k r ip , be
rl ^ . et
1 u>>*
able. He also Intends to h ire the ball
Visit a t H untlay Homa— Mr and to a rtlo s for special occasions.
Mrs. Fred J. Luetrou of Mt. H elens and
Hava Diplomas Ready
Mr. and Mrs. V incent Monace of Deer
E leven eighth grade diplom as, for
Island visited a t the M. It. Huntly
B oth Mra. Luehou *•»•»*• who took the exam inations the
homo th is w«elt
|sn d Mrs Monace a re dau g h ters of »«<’»nd tim e and passed, have arrived
Mr H untly. Mr and Mra. Luehou re-1 , l •*“ '
1,1 11 w
»< hool
| tu rn ed to th eir home Monday evening, !<!,®rk
S tudents may call for them
¡w hile Mr and Mra. Monaca w ent to ,«bere. T hose who w ere aw arded these
T ire and Rim Stolen- A tire und
In From T hurston Mra. Phurlva
N ew port th e la tte r phrt of thia week. diplom as • « Kuke Woods, Coy l-eater,
rim were id o l'n from the rear of Mrs. i
H astings and son were In town Friday
, Ethel S p ro ie r, Ju an ita Flow ers. Zel-
Marthn Luk it's car Sunday evenlSg ,
from T hurston,
P aln t Shop In New Location
I m“ IdtherhUld, Elm er Lawson, Elnlo
while It was parked on 2nd street.
i V B rothers, paint and wall pa- lx,n< i o y ’-“ ""» « '"y . Roy S te a m e r
Visit at C orvallis Mr and Mrs. F
Will Attend Convention- II. 0 Han- P -r d e a le r., opened th e ir shop In th eir
S,,<xl*ra "" “ »<» « » '« m Dice,
F laiu ry and daughter Dorothy
visititi) ut C orvallis Sunday.
Brotherhood Has Picnic
-b u d a convention of the W oodman of 3rd and 4th stre e ts Tuesday. A sm all
Visit Miss O orrle Mra. It ( Shu th e World In Salem over th e w eek-, co rn er of th e building la to be used as
F am ilies and friends of member*
m at» of llandon spent Friday and Sat- «ml.
a sales room, and the rest will h e 'o f th e M ethodist B rotherhood w ere
urday vlslllng with Miss Anne U orrls.
.used for c ar painting. Work on th e 'e n te rta in e d at a picnic at Meyers*
S eranadara Will P ity H ere—Th
R e tu rn F ro m
V is it
„ . .
' . ' ,7 ’
’ " n u ,’,,d ” " f "** building Is not yet „ark up th e M< K nxlc Monday - yen-
la w n llu n tvuranuders, im itating four .com pleted, hut will he tlnlshed th is png. T his w as the last m eeting of the
with his sou Allen retu rn ed Huturduy
players, will ap p ear ut Iho C hristian ' week.
B rotherhood u Hl a fte r the sum m er
evening from « v s l.t to San Francisco. , b u n .h toB(gb, <t „ . 00
m onths.
In From W endling— Mr» Dewey 1 ",;“ l p resen tatio n s, they will presi n ;
B aptist Class to Have S otisi
Court w rlght spent Friday In town »o , »l num bers. Im personations anil
Ice creum social, with a m usical
from W endling.
¡In stru m en tal novelties.
program will he sponsored by the
Go to P ortland Mr and Mr* Purl b reach es Serm on Here -Prof« or B ethany class of young m arried peopli
OlaOB » 'i l l I" l*i>rt|.«nd Monday lie rn- M i' r i ik of | !, ■ Limlutll
o f i ” ~ ------
Ing returning the sam e evening.
l lieiilnc ip fialem preaches th > morn-
T elephones: Office «I3 Bea. 2075
I ing v r r 'l t n ut th e Method!*-, church
Attend Picnic D in es M r. and Mra.
W ayne P lover attended th e dunce at
the Brownville Pioneer picnic T h u rs­
W i l l A p p at C hu rc h
Thu lirf.
The Ebbert Memorial Methodist Church of
Springfield will present the Immanuel Quartet
and Saxaphone Club of Los Angeles tonight at
8 o’clock. This is a rare treat for the sake of the
ti at. The Quartet is nationally well known.
Everybody is welcome. A silver offering will be
taken to compensate the musicians.
The Stomach is
m anuel q u a rte tte o f Los A ngeles will
D es’vr V is it MA s . prevent u free progrum a t the Metho-
Jan ie Cruaun n turned S aturday from ,llM ,'*’urch th is evening B o"t vocal
DeXtsr w here »he visited h«r nephew , and saxuphom- num bers will be given
Will P rutuii. several days.
C orrection it M ade T h e boys ex- '
uuilncd at the free clinic la st week j
O perated on a t Pacific C hristian—
M n tlordnn Kelso of Ju n ctio n Pity were taken ra r e nf by Dr liu r h y und i
wus operated on by a local physician Dr MorteU-en at Dr, Eugene K ie le r's ' j
at the Pacific C hristian hospital S atu r­ "ffh e, instead i f nt Dr M ortensen's
j office, us reported In the p aper last { Z
Dance at New Hall A dune w u,
H as Ankle B roken—P . I, (lorrle J r ,
held ni the n< w F arm ers’ I'nlon hall
his left ankle hrok<n laat T h u rs­
cast of town Haturday n ig h t. T his Is
the first dunce at the new building, day ufternoon a t bis form n ear town
when th e team he was driving ran
which IS not alto g eth er completed.
away. Mr. O orrle was riding a rake
Co on Picnic Mr. and Mrs. John when lire horses began to run. throw
N eher and family. .Mr. and Mra. El- ing him off. Ills left arm was also
rlno N eher und Mr. and Mra. N. A. dlghtly bru ited .
Itown plcnlced on the river »near!
Ik.ugln« (la rd m * Sunday.
I * * '» From ,o * * Mr. nnrt Mrs. E.
'K . Bruce, form er friends of Mrs. Lida
Visit at G lendale - Dr and Mrs It McUowan In Iowa stopped at h er
P M ortensen Visited with Mr and home last T hursday afternoon on
Mrs It L. tm n le s s at (llendule Run- th r lr way homo from Los Angeles
Miss M argaret M ortensen, who Mr and Mrs Bruce. Mrs. McGowan
has been vlslllng there this week re- and h er d au g h ter Mrs! It A. K.irf
e turned with her parents.
spent the afternoon picnicking at I'-.
W o r k T r a i n A r r i v e » —-A work train f,’‘h h“ , ' ' her>’.
R e tu rn
a Source of
Or. John Simons
day «veiling
w ith m e n to la y the h e a v y rail» be-
Davidson'» Have Fire— F ire probab
........... Springfield and N atron arrived |>- froln „ burning flue, burned a hole
her« Monday
Tin y will begin re- in ,h« roof of the It E Davidson home
I la. Ing Hl« light ration m a r N atron. | n w . st Springfield. W ith the aid of
Working this wuy.
^neighbors, the fire waa put out wlth-
B reaks Leg T h e two y ear old son aut much dam age. The Springfield
fir» d ep artm en t mad.
broke Ills leg Sunday The little hoy hut was too late to be of nny assist
w as playing about th e house, and 1 ’ '
ft || over a dog, brcukl.ig th e bone In
C onducts C hurch Service«—O scar '
Vie upper leg
, E. (lladlsh, w ho recently moved here ,
V isit at Emerv Home Mr. o . l
hl» wtfe from Me.Mlnvlll», w here
Mrs (l.ottge Em ery and tw o d au g h ters he w"" “ ’' ,u,1'‘n, •« Linfield college,
arc visiting Dr N W Em. ry ut h is : J*®««'’»*’» '<>•« w ornlug service at the
home from C alifornia. T hey plan to
church Sunday. M tnbers ot
drive lo Nor-'t D: '
i , non.
M r , " " ' " '''H s t Young People« I'n lo n .
Emery Is n nephew of I . doctor.
'h e direction of the president.
! H arvey Pa’.kln. conducted the even-
Visit Tom seth Home Mr. anti Mr*, lin g service.
<! org'- BJoraat and baby sp eri S atu r
day - v n ine at th e Jo h n Tom solh
home. t. turning lo th eir hom e in Cot­
tage Grove Kunduy n o ro d n f
Has F inger Sm ashed —E. W. O o n -
h r had the end of Ihe first finger or
his b i t h a u l cm sbgd Inst T hursday
nflernoon w hen he ,-might It In a cot a
p la n t'r. A K u l t hvslc'an m i| utnled
t 11 finì » a l th " fiisl Joint.
Has Foot Qrunhed— W. P. P n rk "r
had his rig'll fool crushed T hursday
sltcrm sin ut Mio, S taffo rd m ill n t
Donna when a log rolled on him. He
came to Springfield Friday for tr e a t­
m ent.
W atch the poultry litte r nt this
tim e of the year and change It ns often
a* It becom es dam p und heavy, ad- I
vises Ihe experim ent station. Ih som e ]
localities It I* b est to <-hnnge It every
10 days. Damp litte r causes the houho
to he damp, and la the source of much
di sense.
Answer to last w eek's porzle.
Catch those
Nickles and
One of those llt^i • book
bankH is waiting tor you.
Step in anti get yours today
Take IF home and drop In
loose change occasionally
-•those stray nickles. dimes
and quarters that slip
through your fingers. You'll
ho surprlsod at the way
thpy'll grow into dollars In
that little bank.
We make no charge for the
hnnk. All you have to do
1« to open n savings ac­
count by depositing one
dollar, or more.
41 Years
of Helpful Service
T he First
National Bank
. Your Building.
„Office 404 M & W. Bldg.,
Eugene, Oregon
Our source of energy is in
tiie food we eat. If we eat
less than the body requires
to maintain itself we are
starving, and we’ll soon
grow weak and emanclated
Don’t try the starvation
method of curing stomach
troubles. You must eat to
keep up the fires of life.
Rut if food lies in your
stomach without being
properly digested it will
soijr, ¡ferment and cause
distress. If your stomach
is out of gear—take
O steopathy stan d s for the tru th
where v et It is scientifically
Men and
who appreciate the niceties
of being well dressed are
coming here for their tail­
oring. Only the very best
of famous materials are
used In our work, only
skilled tailors are em­
Dr. Thacher s Liver and
Blood Syrup
You will find relief from
the first few doses and its
iontiuued use for a time
will effect a permanent
cure. It will restore all of
the organs of digestion to
normal action.
PRICE $ 1 .0 0
Yea, we re-new garments
in a wuy that makes them
up-to-the-minute in every
respet t.
Our ice cream is the kind th at
th e kiddies cry for. More, m ore
more, they cry a fte r ta stin g our
delicious ice cream . AU flavors
and all good and wholesome, too
Made th e real old fashioned way.
w ith lots of real cream and the
best of m aterials like m other
O ste o p a th ic P h y s ic ia n and S u r­
F ro m
A Balloon F ree!
Kodak Shop
With Every Film Purchased this Week
7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon
36 West 8th
without Commission or
Brokerage Charges
1 ulimited funds to loan on good city property on mouthly
payments of $14.66 per $1,000.
Old or run down buildings not considered.
Phone 66“
lo r the motorists who want mileage
37-Oth Ave. W.
, news
Eugene, Ore.
— we’ll do that!
Otfl? of the many things that we are doing to relieve the
housewife of hard work on hot days is to sujtply all her
table needs. Roast meats to order, cold meats ready any
time, salads, pies, cakes, relishes and many other good
foods all the time.
Your picnic lunch will not he complete Without a pot of our
specially prepared baked beans. Two styles, either one a
T here is an advantage to the motorist in the Standard Oil
Company’s long experience in making gasoline—not only
in "R ed Crown’s” quicker starting, speed and power—
but above a'! in its M IL E A G E lor summer driving.
The Red Crown Mileage Card—just out—tells you just
what to do for your car and how to drive to increase your
mileage—to get l ; to 30 miles more per tankful from
Red Crown Gasoline! •
First— buy miles— "R e d Crow n” has the extra mileage m
it for you to get tu t. Second—get a Red Crown Mileage
Card the next time your tank is filled. Follow its easy, prac­
tical advice, and teatth ytu r improvrntert.
Ask for the Red Crown M ile r;; Card at the first Red
Crown Pump— at Standard Oil Service S’atlons and dealers
anywhere. Use '"R ed C ro w .” and l.^tn ¿etting jeur
F U L L tunmer mileage today!
Is gaining in popular flavor. Our kitchen is fast becoming
the community kitchen. Our bread is rich and nutritious
and you will like Its home flavor.
Main Street Between 4th and 5th
Open Sundays
j in
m . ju .
cyfe fast fyÿ i>i ftW-lgr miles
(Calif arai a>
® 19s)