TIIVHHDAY, JUNK 26, 1925 THE TOWN AND VICINITY Oo Io R ssdaport II. Tumor/at>«ni Munday ni R eedsport. I Mrs. H. L. d ra f t ware In town from ,. . _ . . I<»»burg Monday. H ere From Q oahatv-H . IJndley of Goshen wus In town Hutiiluy Ooee to D alla» --W. (' MeLugun Doss lo W endling Jim M cPherson made a business trip to Dullaa Hutur- day relu rn ln g to Mprlnglleld Munday. went to W endling Monday morning. A ttend Ball C am e- Mr. and Mrs In From Vida H enry Päiden was M T. Pyr and fam ily with Mr. and In from Vida Munday. ! Mra W. J l.loyd and family uttended B a b y O lr l B o r n A nine pound baby , h, Hllnit||y girl waa born to Mr. and Mra. If. I_ I Mooney Friday afternoon. Hava Baby Boy Mr n n l Mrs. Na than C h u ff'« of W andllng arc h ’ ........... ....................... ___ ___ In From Natron- Mr. and Mra. W alter W allace of N atron were In b° y b<>r" *b* ’’“ tlflc ( h r ls tla n hospital Haturday. town Friday. * H IK i *1 ) N rJWS r a u i i t live** V isiting Mra. Taylor— Evllo H a r a t the Haptlat church Friday cran in g rlngton, niece of Mra. W. A. T aylor a I The money from th e social will be Call fo r School W arran to Oregon, school warrants front nuns- hers 631 to *14 Inclusive. Interest Hoy School d istric t No. I t , Lifne County, ceases alter June 36th, lt26. Oregon, will pay upon presen tatio n a t R. W. S M IT H , District Clerk my office in th e clty hall, Springfield. J-1MS. vleltlng h er.' from Portland for se v e r -1 aent* to the Burm a mlaaion. a | weeks Mra. T aylor retu rn ed Hslur- C arlton la the class b a t her. day from the Itoae Festival In Port- —----------------— land. Flo ware to Conduct Oancs | A. F. Flow ers has purchased the Plan V acstlon T rip Mr and M r. bridge dance psvlll.on from J«, h I a n d .re r a re planning a v ses-I ,,bu(hl.r. t, M f| Ion rip h, I ra te r l^ h e . ,o leave J u ly . M|(,n |m n). )llMl„|y Mr i when Mr. H e n d e r.r g e t. his N,„(1, , (j b,r# # ,„>* able. He also Intends to h ire the ball Visit a t H untlay Homa— Mr and to a rtlo s for special occasions. Mrs. Fred J. Luetrou of Mt. H elens and Hava Diplomas Ready Mr. and Mrs. V incent Monace of Deer E leven eighth grade diplom as, for Island visited a t the M. It. Huntly B oth Mra. Luehou *•»•»*• who took the exam inations the homo th is w«elt |sn d Mrs Monace a re dau g h ters of »«<’»nd tim e and passed, have arrived Mr H untly. Mr and Mra. Luehou re-1 , l •*“ ' 1,1 11 w »< hool | tu rn ed to th eir home Monday evening, !rt|.«nd Monday lie rn- M i' r i ik of | !, ■ Limlutll o f i ” ~ ------ ■ Ing returning the sam e evening. l lieiilnc ip fialem preaches th > morn- T elephones: Office «I3 Bea. 2075 I ing v r r 'l t n ut th e Method!*-, church Attend Picnic D in es M r. and Mra. Sunday. W ayne P lover attended th e dunce at the Brownville Pioneer picnic T h u rs­ W i l l A p p e.tr at C hu rc h Thu lirf. The Ebbert Memorial Methodist Church of Springfield will present the Immanuel Quartet and Saxaphone Club of Los Angeles tonight at 8 o’clock. This is a rare treat for the sake of the ti at. The Quartet is nationally well known. Everybody is welcome. A silver offering will be taken to compensate the musicians. The Stomach is m anuel q u a rte tte o f Los A ngeles will D es’vr V is it MA s . prevent u free progrum a t the Metho- Jan ie Cruaun n turned S aturday from ,llM ,'*’urch th is evening B o"t vocal DeXtsr w here »he visited h«r nephew , and saxuphom- num bers will be given Will P rutuii. several days. C orrection it M ade T h e boys ex- ' uuilncd at the free clinic la st week j O perated on a t Pacific C hristian— M n tlordnn Kelso of Ju n ctio n Pity were taken ra r e nf by Dr liu r h y und i wus operated on by a local physician Dr MorteU-en at Dr, Eugene K ie le r's ' j at the Pacific C hristian hospital S atu r­ "ffh e, instead i f nt Dr M ortensen's j office, us reported In the p aper last { Z day. week. Dance at New Hall A dune w u, H as Ankle B roken—P . I, (lorrle J r , held ni the n< w F arm ers’ I'nlon hall had his left ankle hrok’. R e tu rn a Source of Or. John Simons day «veiling w ith m e n to la y the h e a v y rail» be- Davidson'» Have Fire— F ire probab ........... Springfield and N atron arrived |>- froln „ burning flue, burned a hole her« Monday Tin y will begin re- in ,h« roof of the It E Davidson home I la. Ing Hl« light ration m a r N atron. | n w . st Springfield. W ith the aid of Working this wuy. ^neighbors, the fire waa put out wlth- B reaks Leg T h e two y ear old son aut much dam age. The Springfield fir» d ep artm en t mad. broke Ills leg Sunday The little hoy hut was too late to be of nny assist w as playing about th e house, and 1 ’ ' ft || over a dog, brcukl.ig th e bone In C onducts C hurch Service«—O scar ' Vie upper leg , E. (lladlsh, w ho recently moved here , V isit at Emerv Home Mr. o . l hl» wtfe from Me.Mlnvlll», w here Mrs (l.ottge Em ery and tw o d au g h ters he w"" “ ’' ,u,1'‘n, •« Linfield college, arc visiting Dr N W Em. ry ut h is : J*®««'’»*’» '<>•« w ornlug service at the home from C alifornia. T hey plan to church Sunday. M tnbers ot drive lo Nor-'t D: ' i , non. M r , " " ' " '''H s t Young People« I'n lo n . Emery Is n nephew of I . doctor. 'h e direction of the president. ! H arvey Pa’.kln. conducted the even- Visit Tom seth Home Mr. anti Mr*, lin g service. i ftW-lgr miles S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y (Calif arai a> ® 19s)