The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 04, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
T h ree fam ilies in Oregon co ntribute ;
approxim ately 60 per cent of the In- ’
m ates of th e sta te home for th e
feeblem inded and to per cent of th e
w ards of th e «tate train in g school, ac­
c o rd ic i to a statem en t m ade by I'r.
J. N Sm ith sup erin ten d en t of th g -
feeblem inded home. In an address he-
fore th e aiu d en ts ef W iUiunette u >
versity at Salem.
T ie Oregon sia te school for th e
deaf at Salem ran k s am ong the beM
of such InalittMtoas in th e s o u t h e r n
and w estern states, according to H er­
bert E Day, rep resen tin g th e n ational
research council, with h ead q u arters a t
W ashington
Mr. Hay is m aking a
survey of all deaf schools in th e w est­
ern and southern s ta te s with relation
to th e ad v actag o s extended to ih s
This Week’s Crossword Puzzle
T he general sta ff uf the O regon na­
tional guard presented to G overnor
Pierce, on bchnlf of th e state of O re­
gon. th e official sta te flag au thorised
by an act of tlx Inst 1< tis’atu re. The
flag consists of a blue luickgrvund. on
its face the sta te seal, w ith words
“ S tate of Oregon” In gold letters above
and a cluster of S3 gold stars. On the imua es.
reverse side Is a beaver, also done In
gold, the beaver being credited as the
Springfield M ethodist Church
distinctive emblem of the state.
t Ebbert M m iorlalyl
T he public service com m ission h a s
The B accalw aureate serm on for the
petitioned th e in te rsta te com m erce ¡high school will be given a t 8 P. M. 1. A dditional w ritings tubbr.)
comm ission to reopen th e Southern
by th e pastor. F L. Moore, them e. 3. A town in Texas.
Pacific-Central Pacific railro ad case.
"T he Highway W hence-W hither?” The 10. A g irl’s nam e
The action was taken, it w as said, so
m usic for the occasion will be fu rn ish ­ 12. A cavity in th e ground
th a t If the application of th e G reat
ed by th e Glee Club of th e high school. 13. H ighland language
N orthern and N orthern Pacific for a
. The public are cordially invited to th is *&• T o rush out
perm it to extend th eir roads to Klam ­
! 16 A tree of 2v’orth America
ath Falls Is g ranted th e in te rsta te
T he m orning w orship will be held **• T ow nship tab b r.)
com m erce com m ission may o rd er a
joint and common user or Joint con­ at th e 11 o'clock hour with a scrip- IS. To behold
stru ctio n and common use of th e pres­ tu re exposition. The church school 2d. To close
m eets at 9:45 wit Mrs. Ida G antx as . 21. A pet nam e ta b b r )
ent uncom pleted lines.
su p erintendent. C lasses and leader-- 22. Oaring
Shipm ent of ch erries into C alifornia
from all but six Oregon counties was for ail ages. Epw orth League at 7 25. Also
barred indefinitely under th e term s of P. M. Midweek service T hursday even- 26. A town In Nevada
an em bargo declared by George H. ings at 7:30. All a t The C hurch of th e 2» indicative as to be
31. A volatile liquid compound
H ecke. d irector of the California sta te C ordial W elcom e.”
32. By th e way tab b r »
d epartm en t of agriculture. The em ­
33. Two or more horses
bargo was declared following the dis­
35. A beverage
covery of th e so-called ch erry fruit
36. To fill crevices and m ake tight
fly on a shipm ent recently received
37. P art of the head
at Sacram ento The Oregon counties
38. A fosttfled place ta b b r )
exem pt from the q uarantine ruling are
40. A car track siding (abbr )
Hood River. W asco. U m atilla, Curry,
Josephine and Jackson.
41. A w riting tab b r.)
T he board of reg en ts of th e S tate
43. A ridicule under cover of praise
N ormal school h a re selected a site for
o r com plim ent
the new institu tio n to be erected in
45. To cal! upon
Ashland this year. The new norm al
17. Passable
school will cost approxim ately ,175.-
48. A kind of fish
000. The site for th e school contains
50. A river in Egypt
approxim ately 18 acres and is on th e
51. N oted ball player
Pacific highway w ithin a few blocks
52. A m arriage cerem ony
of the business district. T be land is
53. K nights of th e T histle (abbr.)
valued at ,30.000. T he site will be
donated to the sta te by th e city of
Ashland iu com pliance with an agree­
1. A vexatious person
m ent reached when th e leg islatu re
2. To strik e
authorized th e appropriation for the
3. H ebrew Lawbook
4 Mounted officers (abbr.)
V ital changes in th e autom obile law s
5. Timid
of th e state are operative as th e
6. S tre e t (abbr.)
sta tu te s enacted by the last session
7. A gray headed p arrot
of th e legislature become effective.
8. At sea
Twenty-five laws, bearing on practical­
9. A forty day fa s t—before E aster
ly every phase of m otor c ar operation,
a re now incorporated in th e code.
A lterations in rules of th e road are of
Judge M. C. Ashley of Wood-
m ajor Im portance. T hese change the
bridge, N. J: says the automobile is
requirem ents of actual driving. One
a cure for the divorce evil. He
of th e m ost im portant In th is regard is has sent hundreds of husbands and
the prim ary highw ay law which pre­ wives away from his court recon­
scribes a speed of fire miles per hour ciled— and resolved to go buy a
for all vehicles approaching t s e n ter
or cross a prim ary highway. T hese
highw ays are designated as th e Co­
Dr. 8. Ralph Dippel, D entist. V itus
lum bia highway and Old Oregon T rail, building. Springfield, Oregon.
Pacific highway and W est Side Pa?
cific highway.
_ _
P erfection br ad should be the basis
Dr N. W. Emery of every good meal. Is it yours?
on pri- « on • 'i« v and o th e r work »f
J 11
1!. Lord I leutam iut tubbr.)
J; Keto! ti n t I’l 1-sb.v .-r an tubbr I
18, To br«ak at once |n many piece»
119. To make m ote beloved
! 22. A flying mutumui
23. A m etal
24 A tuiailow
27. A g irl’s nam e
28. N othing
20. A tre e
34. A sm all fish
She will to tu in Im uor
„6. .snetiding tears
38. A closed band
A system of w ight mensuro n>od
by Jsw elirs
G« on Kutsndsd T rip Mrs. Lilly
aiiahtvr Mary, and Mrs.
4L W hit. Huld
. K t y and
f , L« t it »tatui
; k , > J m other, M l« Ruth U W alter
44 A bom)
. n UI I a r a bet unlay t r UW.i nuii.
A liv er iti Win h em
■ will viali l o r a b “ U t six
A n u s Q«IUe
«i l I I I mi,
in ti n i' t.iblir
L ow es on M otor T r i p - J ft V inn*
ii, i , i>r ii ‘ hk by iio t»i l"l lo tic ll
Usava , - r Southern -Trip A. II.
lit t e
( x - u t H ie l t '. Ii*
P la n s i o ttu
S i i .-. J utld »luuli »on All,
orih and »owe honte thiough t ’ana
s, ui for a tili» io Martine». Calfnruk»
II - Intel <l» to laki ulmut ihren
to vl»lt Dir. Bitein a b ro taer S aiga
intiihs for tb e trip.
Sneed. ’I foy tne.i pian to t ur through
M .xlio. i turtilug Ionie in ab ut «
Fined lor T raffic V iolations H a r­
moni h.
old I a i paid »2 al the elty hall lilla
Ce to Lost Lake Mr u n i Mr- w k for park in g his e ar w ithout
F iank L en liait spent the w eekend light*, Virgil W agner paid a sliultlar
• uni for cutting corner».
at Lost leike
Vi» t From P ortland Mr and Mr
llnsll Signor of P ortland returned to
til, Ir home Monday a fter visiting
'"lend» and re la tlv ia here since F ri­
Cosa to Convention Mr*l I’au Hint WANTED Girl for housew ork
tain left Monday m orning for Marsh
Jum na Harpoin. It. F I* No I,
f eld to atten d the sta te convention | Springfield, Oregon
J 4-
, f the A m erican Fed, cation of Wo-
Poor Advertiser
Roofing Time
If you’re going to put a new
roof on this summer, see us
Í Hock S u ria .ftl Shingles. per t»q.
$ 6 .5 0
52.8 5
Mineral Surface Hoofing, per roll
-s c a u l
M erchants with goo,Is to »ell
m ight profit by studying this fea­
ture. This fellow is in position to
be nationally known if he would
take advantage of his opportuni­
ties. He is "Rob Roy” the White
House collie—who "crashed" into
a picture with Pres. Coolidge the
other day — the first tim e In
months. Compare this with "L ad ­
die Boy," Pres. H arding’s "p u rp .”
Ah. there was an advertiser.— th at
"L addie Boy."
Prepared Roofing*, n II
5»1.75 $2.1 0
W right & Son
Evenings .................. 30c
........... 20c
Children .................. 10c
7ane Greys
We are here to serve the people of this city and the sur­
rounding country.
Q>ie Sequel to
W alk
¿ t i
Uso your Phone
(Riders oP (he
¿Purple Sage
<Wi TON Y ihetyonderWorse
is our number
You will not only get the best of Foods at lowest prices,
but you save a lot of worry and trouble in lugging the
groceries back home. We do all that for you.
Home grown turnips, beets, cabbage, carrots, green onions,
peas, new potatoes for that Sunday dinner.
Yes, Strawberries too.
See us first, we can save you money.
Comedy Roar
Always Fresh
$ 2 .7 5
$ 3 .2 0
Faculty has Picnic Faculty m em ­
bers of Ute Hprlngfli Id school plrgleod
nt t ’obnrg bridge W ednendgy a fte r­
noon They left about S 30 In egra,
ri turning late In the evening
W e Just Couldn’t Keep You W aiting
We were so interested in “ The Riders of the Purple Sage," that we just had to see what
happened in “ The Rainbow Trail," so we brought it down for a spec al review just for
our own benefit, and it was so good and we knew how anxious everybody was to seo it,
that we cancelled another picture and book it for this weok even tho it is a month
ahead of our regular playing date!