THURSDAY. JUNE I. 1V;G OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. T h ree fam ilies in Oregon co ntribute ; approxim ately 60 per cent of the In- ’ m ates of th e sta te home for th e feeblem inded and to per cent of th e w ards of th e «tate train in g school, ac­ c o rd ic i to a statem en t m ade by I'r. J. N Sm ith sup erin ten d en t of th g - feeblem inded home. In an address he- fore th e aiu d en ts ef W iUiunette u > versity at Salem. T ie Oregon sia te school for th e deaf at Salem ran k s am ong the beM of such InalittMtoas in th e s o u t h e r n and w estern states, according to H er­ bert E Day, rep resen tin g th e n ational research council, with h ead q u arters a t W ashington Mr. Hay is m aking a survey of all deaf schools in th e w est­ ern and southern s ta te s with relation to th e ad v actag o s extended to ih s This Week’s Crossword Puzzle T he general sta ff uf the O regon na­ tional guard presented to G overnor Pierce, on bchnlf of th e state of O re­ gon. th e official sta te flag au thorised by an act of tlx Inst 1< tis’atu re. The flag consists of a blue luickgrvund. on its face the sta te seal, w ith words “ S tate of Oregon” In gold letters above and a cluster of S3 gold stars. On the imua es. reverse side Is a beaver, also done In gold, the beaver being credited as the Springfield M ethodist Church distinctive emblem of the state. t Ebbert M m iorlalyl HORIZONTAL T he public service com m ission h a s The B accalw aureate serm on for the petitioned th e in te rsta te com m erce ¡high school will be given a t 8 P. M. 1. A dditional w ritings tubbr.) comm ission to reopen th e Southern by th e pastor. F L. Moore, them e. 3. A town in Texas. Pacific-Central Pacific railro ad case. "T he Highway W hence-W hither?” The 10. A g irl’s nam e The action was taken, it w as said, so m usic for the occasion will be fu rn ish ­ 12. A cavity in th e ground th a t If the application of th e G reat ed by th e Glee Club of th e high school. 13. H ighland language N orthern and N orthern Pacific for a . The public are cordially invited to th is *&• T o rush out perm it to extend th eir roads to Klam ­ occasion. ! 16 A tree of 2v’orth America ath Falls Is g ranted th e in te rsta te T he m orning w orship will be held **• T ow nship tab b r.) com m erce com m ission may o rd er a joint and common user or Joint con­ at th e 11 o'clock hour with a scrip- IS. To behold stru ctio n and common use of th e pres­ tu re exposition. The church school 2d. To close m eets at 9:45 wit Mrs. Ida G antx as . 21. A pet nam e ta b b r ) ent uncom pleted lines. su p erintendent. C lasses and leader-- 22. Oaring Shipm ent of ch erries into C alifornia from all but six Oregon counties was for ail ages. Epw orth League at 7 25. Also barred indefinitely under th e term s of P. M. Midweek service T hursday even- 26. A town In Nevada an em bargo declared by George H. ings at 7:30. All a t The C hurch of th e 2» indicative as to be 31. A volatile liquid compound H ecke. d irector of the California sta te C ordial W elcom e.” 32. By th e way tab b r » d epartm en t of agriculture. The em ­ 33. Two or more horses bargo was declared following the dis­ 35. A beverage covery of th e so-called ch erry fruit 36. To fill crevices and m ake tight fly on a shipm ent recently received 37. P art of the head at Sacram ento The Oregon counties 38. A fosttfled place ta b b r ) exem pt from the q uarantine ruling are 40. A car track siding (abbr ) Hood River. W asco. U m atilla, Curry, Josephine and Jackson. 41. A w riting tab b r.) T he board of reg en ts of th e S tate 43. A ridicule under cover of praise N ormal school h a re selected a site for o r com plim ent the new institu tio n to be erected in 45. To cal! upon Ashland this year. The new norm al 17. Passable school will cost approxim ately ,175.- 48. A kind of fish 000. The site for th e school contains 50. A river in Egypt approxim ately 18 acres and is on th e 51. N oted ball player Pacific highway w ithin a few blocks 52. A m arriage cerem ony of the business district. T be land is 53. K nights of th e T histle (abbr.) valued at ,30.000. T he site will be donated to the sta te by th e city of VERTICAL Ashland iu com pliance with an agree­ 1. A vexatious person m ent reached when th e leg islatu re 2. To strik e authorized th e appropriation for the 3. H ebrew Lawbook school. 4 Mounted officers (abbr.) V ital changes in th e autom obile law s 5. Timid of th e state are operative as th e 6. S tre e t (abbr.) sta tu te s enacted by the last session 7. A gray headed p arrot of th e legislature become effective. 8. At sea Twenty-five laws, bearing on practical­ 9. A forty day fa s t—before E aster ly every phase of m otor c ar operation, a re now incorporated in th e code. A lterations in rules of th e road are of Judge M. C. Ashley of Wood- m ajor Im portance. T hese change the bridge, N. J: says the automobile is requirem ents of actual driving. One a cure for the divorce evil. He of th e m ost im portant In th is regard is has sent hundreds of husbands and TODAY the prim ary highw ay law which pre­ wives away from his court recon­ FRIDAY scribes a speed of fire miles per hour ciled— and resolved to go buy a car. for all vehicles approaching t s e n ter and or cross a prim ary highway. T hese highw ays are designated as th e Co­ Dr. 8. Ralph Dippel, D entist. V itus SATURDAY lum bia highway and Old Oregon T rail, building. Springfield, Oregon. Pacific highway and W est Side Pa? cific highway. _ _ P erfection br ad should be the basis CALL AND Dr N. W. Emery of every good meal. Is it yours? on pri- « on • 'i« v and o th e r work »f J 11 1!. Lord I leutam iut tubbr.) J; Keto! ti n t I’l 1-sb.v .-r an tubbr I 18, To br«ak at once |n many piece» 119. To make m ote beloved ! 22. A flying mutumui 23. A m etal y > 24 A tuiailow 27. A g irl’s nam e 28. N othing 20. A tre e 34. A sm all fish She will to tu in Im uor „6. .snetiding tears 38. A closed band A system of w ight mensuro n>od by Jsw elirs G« on Kutsndsd T rip Mrs. Lilly aiiahtvr Mary, and Mrs. 4L W hit. Huld . K t y and f , L« t it »tatui ; k , > J m other, M l« Ruth U W alter 44 A bom) . n UI I a r a bet unlay t r UW.i nuii. ina A liv er iti Win h em ■ will viali l o r a b “ U t six A n u s Q«IUe An «i l I I I mi, in ti n i' t.iblir L ow es on M otor T r i p - J ft V inn* ii, i , i>r ii ‘ hk by iio t»i l"l lo tic ll Usava , - r Southern -Trip A. II. lit t e ( x - u t H ie l t '. Ii* P la n s i o ttu le S i i .-. J utld »luuli »on All, orih and »owe honte thiough t ’ana s, ui for a tili» io Martine». Calfnruk» II - Intel ie Sequel to W alk I ¿ t i Uso your Phone (Riders oP (he ¿Purple Sage »