The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 21, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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raoiT w o
Sues fa r Damages
how wall street domit
T H E O rK lNUrItXX> NLW O Were u not serious. there would be something charB<ng
Every Thursday at
amusing In the latest reports publ shed In h*
lnlMrh, wh<.B g gUn
SortagflaM. L m , Coaaty. Oregon, by
conservative press of New York relative to the
# w by R Q Su„ ()n ,,rMvh h.r.
T H 1 willammtt « rrkss
prospects for the cotton crop. We are told that (l|ml
|hrott<h h. r Bttarj „ n
r c . westerfibld Manager the" ‘8 » P « * 1«»« conviction that the new crop
for |5()00
|L B MAXIT. Editor
— ha8 m>de a
8t»rt and that with an Increase
Metered aa second class matter February »4. IMS at tbe in atreoge. a plentiful use of fertiliser, and a
The plaintiff declares that the sign
— . .
—- ________
a _ S .______a
— _
ta t*th
t s v s la b .
on the |>art of the f farmer»
to se- struck her on the shoulder, Inflicting
B jston tca SprngfleM . Oregon
cure a liberal yield there Is proapect for »«other
^ rm. n„n, tnJurl, . wu
M A IL a u a a C R IF T IO N R A T I
crop. ’ All of which is handed out to tm-
.„ orMyr
large crop
Oaa T ear tn Advance----- *1.1*
Three Months
pess the cave dwellers of the East the idea that
• l x M o n th s ___________ Tie
8tngle Copy _
the farmer has prosperity in sight. As a fact of
the farmer does produce a bumper crop, he will Campfire Permits Required June t
get little or nothing for It. He wilt work twice as
hard, produce twice as much and get much less On and after June 1, campfire per­
mits will b«> required In the Caacade,
Editorial Program
Then In order to straddle the Issue, after the Deschutes and Samian. National
M ake Springfield the Ind ustrial Center of W es­
manner of all well-ordered Wall Street news- F omm . Permits may be obtained at
tern Oregon.
papers we leant that "In the western half of the the office of SupervHor Macduff in
belt as a result of the protracted drought, the the I’ostofftce m«tg. Kugenn at blue
IL Develop a Strong Tradin g Po int; Build a C ity
ef Contented Homoo.
crop Is not SO well advanced.” This lays the River. McKenate Bridge, Reserve and
I l k Im prove Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro­
groundwork for higher prices of cotton products OakrMgw Oregon Permits wtu sot be
mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock end
for the people. The farmer will be paid a low issued by mall.
the Growing of F ru it; W o rk fo r Bettor M a rk e t. •
quality of Cotton, because the
wh|chever way (he cat
IV . T e oil
ll ths W o rld About Oregon’, Scenic W onder- •
> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • jumps. and the impotent anil apathetic public will
____________ '________________ ________________ , pay the rest of the bill.
These financial Jugglers, these speculating
The Mayor’s idea for a cleanup and paint up harpies who live on the sweat of men who work,
campaign in the city is a good one. Now we have passing out their propaganda without govern-
had a cleanup and gotten rid of the top layer of mental or private protest, are sowing the seed
dirt at least some painting would greatly Improve of discontent that unless there be some change lie-
the looks of the town. There are many buildings, fore long will produce a bumper crop that ntav
especially In the business district, and some resi­ shake the teeth of the nation. The farmer Is
dences as well which need paint badly. A little tired of continuous exploitation.
No one should hesitate to
could be used on nearly every building with good
povlde perfect protection
If It hurts you to spend money you can’t get
results. The saying that paint doesn’t cost anj^
from fire and theft for his
thing is literally true. It will prevent depreciation very far in business,
valuable jtaper» when Its
of a buildingg ¡ / an amount more than equal to |
s e e
cost li even less than a
Its cost. Besides we have the improved appear-, ug«. people, when money isn’t working It gets
ance of the structure for nothing. A little civic shiftless and acquires bad habits,
cent a day.
pride on one end of a paint brush and paint on
s e e
the other is what we need.
Even a cemetery has been known to prosper by
That is the small amount
• • •
It will cost you to keep
We’ve always heard that the Chinese were ai
• • •
valuable« In a Safety
backward nation but supposed they could wash
Spring Is the time of year when one even gets
box here at the
their own hair. But such is not the case as the tired of resting.
Portland Shipping news says:
------------------ .
First National.
Included in the cargo of the West Jessup w h l-h ,
E d ito r ia l
C om m ent
— a miscellaneous
nontta cargo
oaron from
*-• * •« •* * •
41 Years
______ VfflV 4 with
China and Phllliplne Islands were 17,025 lbs. of I
of Helpful Service
human hair contained in 50 bales which two days
later were placed aboard the steamer Katrina
* plan
«>'•“ to
<° abolish
•«««« the F poorhonse
oor»„,.~ anil aubslttcte for It
Luokenbach for delivery in Galveston where the the pension foe the h l p i e « i. under c e n .id .~ tlo « in In
hair will be split and cleansed and sent back to <"»<» Give the itooelera credit tor t h i e - t h e , are not
China for further maufaenture.
afr*ld *° e*t*viment
C D D iw r n r in
Full Measure of Value
In Theao Gay Silk Dreaaea
It's alm oit like Andlng
money to discover one of
theae charming d rc u e i at
thia intriguing p r i c e !
They are effectively and
modithly made, and con­
form to the prevalent
style dictates
Bright H u m !
In the merry colors of
S p r in g l
value, aa you will remark,
when you eee t h e a e
It Costs Too
Little to
» m I o a a i I o
That may be worth tbe consideration of Ltpna.
Belgium is boasting because of her record of Hooehtee look» at It from thi» angle. Many of the in-
going for more than thirty-five days without a m ate, of .h e poorhnu.e are w erthr men and
cabinet. Its ten to one we could go for th lrtr »««♦» who ’ wk*d ,hro“«h * ,OM ",e- ,nrf r°"nd
five vears without a Congress and not worry very »elves hetptese in old . r - They deserve som ething b« ter
o (,jj
than the poortouse. A stigma attaches to the poorhouse
»o that many a man and many a woman chooses death
Here s a man in Illinois who on the advice of
his dootor had his teeth pulled to cure rheuma-
tlsm Now he sues the doctor because he has
developed Indigestion.
rather than go there
Instead, the state proto«-« to grant small pvnstan« to
the poor and helpless, making It possible for them to lire |
with friends or relative» In the knowledge that they are
not a burden.
Considering the lillies Of the field which toll not
The expense need be no heavier
The money now
neither do they spin is now regarded as red propa- spent *in boilding and maintaining poorhouse». employing
Labor unrest must be checked at all attendant», furnishing supplies and the tike, would pay ’he
h n . rds
proposed pension». And It would remove foreever the
• • •
specter of disgrace and humiliation which now hovers over
You can see how carefully the party platforms the declining years of many an hone»« cltlsen hoping and
are being carried out by out faithful lawmakers, pravinr that death come before the poorhouse
You remember what the platforms contained o f’ Of course there is room for fraud and favorlsm, but
co u rse
«with care thia may be avoided, or at least kept at a
’minimum. H onest poverty la not a disgrace, and it may
Now they have found a mirror, a vanity case, be well that Indiana la pioneering a better road than we
and a lip Stiff? used by some flapper 3000 years have hitherto traveled.—Lions (Tub Magazine.
B. C. This kind of frivolty has gone on long
s e e
enough. Let’s amend the constitution.
many inquiries
s e e
Names of 2(70 settlers Interested in Oregon's agrlcul-
PatriotS who are willing to die for their country t"™1 opportunities wvre received by the Land Settlement
are being urged to buy moonshine instead of Department of the Portlann Chamber of Commerce from
bootleg liquor.
H w Byerley. general Immigration agent of the North-
• • •
ern Pacific Railway Company, as a result of the Joint ad-
Motorcycles have been barred from the Yale vertising campaign conducted by the three tranacootlM st
s i lines cogjperallng In developing the Northwest.
campus. Higher education pays we think.
This new list Is In addition to 255( Inqulrha received
The average person ftte 2.5 gallons of ice by the department In March from the co-operating tinea,
and an additional 1000 received earlier In the ymr. A
cream last year and no doubt wished for more.
• • •
total of more than 10000 Inquiries have been rceleved
•Ince the first of the year, according to the Manager.
A hundred to one shot is not an opportunity.
MAY W , 1825
T h e First
National Bank
5 9 .9 0
5 1 6 .5 0
Moves to New Location
I have lensed part of the old Eugene Hospital over the J. C.
Penny store and am In a better position to serve yon than
ever before.
CHIROPRACTIC Is the science that Is restoring health to
thousands who suffer from stomach trouble, tonsllitls. ner­
vousness. sleeplessness, headaches, enlarged prostrate
glanda, high blood pressure etc., by scientifically co-ordi­
nating the principles of Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy.
The results are Safe. Sane and Sure.
Dr. Geo. A. Simon
D r e iie i at
the Opening o f the
Treatment given for Rheumatism, Neuritis and other conditions.
Fully equipped with electric cabinets and in every possible way prepared
to serve our patrons with the best of service.
Dr. Richmond Burge
491 West 8th
Formerly In New Laraway Bldg.
« V »